#!/bin/sh set -eu # Set up .netrc file with GitHub credentials git_setup ( ) { cat <<- EOF > $HOME/.netrc machine github.com login $GITHUB_ACTOR password $GITHUB_TOKEN machine api.github.com login $GITHUB_ACTOR password $GITHUB_TOKEN EOF chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc git config --global user.email "actions@github.com" git config --global user.name "GitHub Actions" } # This section only runs if there have been file changes echo "Checking for uncommitted changes in the git working tree." if ! git diff --quiet then git_setup : ${PUSH_BRANCH:=`echo "$GITHUB_HEAD_REF" | awk -F / '{ print $3 }' `} # Switch to branch from current Workflow run git checkout $PUSH_BRANCH git add . git commit -m "$INPUT_COMMIT_MESSAGE" --author="$INPUT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME <$INPUT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" git push --set-upstream origin HEAD:"$PUSH_BRANCH" else echo "Working tree clean. Nothing to commit." fi