YANG QIA 45bc0b83ba
feat(locale): allows to manage locale resources in core package (#2293)
* feat(locale): add app.locales

* chore: change directory

* chore: change locale directories

* fix: test

* fix: cached resources changed after sync

* chore: change fr-FR locale directory
2023-07-25 17:09:34 +08:00

249 lines
14 KiB

export default {
Workflow: '工作流',
'Execution history': '执行历史',
Executed: '已执行',
'Trigger type': '触发方式',
Status: '状态',
On: '启用',
Off: '停用',
Version: '版本',
'Copy to new version': '复制到新版本',
Duplicate: '复制',
'Delete a main version will cause all other revisions to be deleted too.': '删除主版本将导致其他版本一并被删除。',
Loading: '加载中',
'Load failed': '加载失败',
Trigger: '触发器',
'Trigger variables': '触发器变量',
'Trigger data': '触发数据',
'Trigger time': '触发时间',
'Triggered at': '触发时间',
'Collection event': '数据表事件',
'Trigger on': '触发时机',
'After record added': '新增数据后',
'After record updated': '更新数据后',
'After record added or updated': '新增或更新数据后',
'After record deleted': '删除数据后',
'Changed fields': '发生变动的字段',
'Triggered only if one of the selected fields changes. If unselected, it means that it will be triggered when any field changes. When record is added or deleted, any field is considered to have been changed.':
'Only triggers when match conditions': '满足以下条件才触发',
'Preload associations': '预加载关联数据',
'Please select the associated fields that need to be accessed in subsequent nodes. With more than two levels of to-many associations may cause performance issue, please use with caution.':
'Schedule event': '定时任务',
'Trigger mode': '触发模式',
'Based on certain date': '自定义时间',
'Based on date field of collection': '根据数据表时间字段',
'Starts on': '开始于',
'Ends on': '结束于',
'No end': '不结束',
'Exactly at': '当时',
'Repeat mode': '重复模式',
'Repeat limit': '重复次数',
'No limit': '不限',
Seconds: '秒',
Minutes: '分钟',
Hours: '小时',
Days: '天',
Weeks: '周',
Months: '月',
'No repeat': '不重复',
Every: '每',
'By minute': '按分钟',
'By hour': '按小时',
'By day': '按天',
'By week': '按周',
'By month': '按月',
'By field': '数据表字段',
'By custom date': '自定义时间',
Advanced: '高级模式',
End: '结束',
'Node result': '节点数据',
Calculator: '运算',
'Calculate an expression based on a calculation engine and obtain a value as the result. Variables in the upstream nodes can be used in the expression. The expression can be static or dynamic one from an expression collections.':
'String operation': '字符串',
'System variables': '系统变量',
'System time': '系统时间',
'Date variables': '日期变量',
'Executed at': '执行于',
Queueing: '队列中',
'On going': '进行中',
Resolved: '完成',
Pending: '待处理',
Failed: '失败',
Error: '出错',
Aborted: '已终止',
Canceled: '已取消',
Rejected: '已拒绝',
'Continue the process': '继续流程',
'Terminate the process': '终止流程',
'Save temporarily': '暂存',
Operations: '操作',
'This node contains branches, deleting will also be preformed to them, are you sure?':
Control: '流程控制',
'Collection operations': '数据表操作',
Manual: '人工处理',
'Could be used for manually submitting data, and determine whether to continue or exit. Workflow will generate a todo item for assigned user when it reaches a manual node, and continue processing after user submits the form.':
'Values preset in this form will override user submitted ones when continue or reject.':
'Extended types': '扩展类型',
'Node type': '节点类型',
Calculation: '运算',
'Expression type': '表达式类型',
Static: '静态',
Dynamic: '动态',
'Select dynamic expression': '选择动态表达式',
'Select the dynamic expression queried from the upstream node. You need to query it from an expression collection.':
'Variable datasource': '变量数据源',
'Calculation engine': '运算引擎',
Basic: '基础',
'Calculation expression': '运算表达式',
'Expression syntax error': '表达式语法错误',
'Syntax references: ': '语法参考:',
'Calculation result': '运算结果',
True: '真',
False: '假',
concat: '连接',
Condition: '条件判断',
'Based on boolean result of the calculation to determine whether to "continue" or "exit" the process, or continue on different branches of "yes" and "no".':
Mode: '模式',
'Continue when "Yes"': '“是”则继续',
'Branch into "Yes" and "No"': '“是”和“否”分别继续',
'Condition expression': '条件表达式',
'Parallel branch': '分支',
'Run multiple branch processes in parallel.': '并行运行多个分支流程。',
'Add branch': '增加分支',
'All succeeded': '全部成功',
'Any succeeded': '任意成功',
'Any succeeded or failed': '任意成功或失败',
'Continue after all branches succeeded': '全部分支都成功后才能继续',
'Continue after any branch succeeded': '任意分支成功后就继续',
'Continue after any branch succeeded, or exit after any branch failed.':
Loop: '循环',
'Loop target': '循环对象',
'Loop index': '当前索引',
'Loop length': '循环长度',
'By using a loop node, you can perform the same operation on multiple sets of data. The source of these sets can be either multiple records from a query node or multiple associated records of a single record. Loop node can also be used for iterating a certain number of times or for looping through each character in a string. However, excessive looping may cause performance issues, so use with caution.':
'Scope variables': '局域变量',
'A single number will be treated as a loop count, a single string will be treated as an array of characters, and other non-array values will be converted to arrays. The loop node ends when the loop count is reached, or when the array loop is completed. You can also add condition nodes to the loop to terminate it.':
Delay: '延时',
'Delay a period of time and then continue or exit the process. Can be used to set wait or timeout times in parallel branches.':
Duration: '时长',
'End Status': '到时状态',
'Select status': '选择状态',
'Succeed and continue': '通过并继续',
'Fail and exit': '失败并退出',
Assignee: '负责人',
Assignees: '负责人',
'User interface': '操作界面',
'Configure user interface': '配置界面',
'View user interface': '查看界面',
Separately: '分别处理',
'Each user has own task': '每个人处理各自的任务',
Collaboratively: '协作处理',
'Everyone shares one task': '所有人共享同一个任务',
Negotiation: '协商机制',
'All pass': '全部通过',
'Everyone should pass': '每个人通过才通过',
'Any pass': '任意通过',
'Anyone pass': '任何一人通过即通过',
'Field name existed in form': '表单中已有对应标识的字段',
'Custom form': '自定义表单',
'Data record': '数据记录',
'Create record form': '新增数据表单',
'Update record form': '更新数据表单',
'Filter settings': '筛选设置',
'Create record': '新增数据',
'Add new record to a collection. You can use variables from upstream nodes to assign values to fields.':
'Update record': '更新数据',
'Update records of a collection. You can use variables from upstream nodes as query conditions and field values.':
'Update mode': '更新模式',
'Update in a batch': '批量更新',
'Update one by one': '逐条更新',
'Update all eligible data at one time, which has better performance when the amount of data is large. But the updated data will not trigger other workflows, and will not record audit logs.':
'The updated data can trigger other workflows, and the audit log will also be recorded. But it is usually only applicable to several or dozens of pieces of data, otherwise there will be performance problems.':
'Query record': '查询数据',
'Query records from a collection. You can use variables from upstream nodes as query conditions.':
'Allow multiple records as result': '允许结果是多条数据',
'If checked, when there are multiple records in the query result, an array will be returned as the result, which can be operated on one by one using a loop node. Otherwise, only one record will be returned.':
'Exit when query result is null': '查询结果为空时,退出流程',
'Please select collection first': '请先选择数据表',
'Only update records matching conditions': '只更新满足条件的数据',
'Please add at least one condition': '请添加至少一个条件',
'Unassigned fields will be set to default values, and those without default values will be set to null.':
'Delete record': '删除数据',
'Delete records of a collection. Could use variables in workflow context as filter. All records match the filter will be deleted.':
Aggregate: '聚合查询',
'Counting, summing, finding maximum, minimum, and average values for multiple records of a collection or associated data of a record.':
'Aggregator function': '聚合函数',
'Target type': '目标类型',
'Data of collection': '数据表数据',
'Data of associated collection': '关联数据表数据',
'Field to aggregate': '聚合字段',
Distinct: '去重',
'Query result': '查询结果',
'Trigger in executed workflow cannot be modified': '已经执行过工作流的触发器不能被修改',
'Node in executed workflow cannot be modified': '已经执行过工作流中的节点不能被修改',
'Can not delete': '无法删除',
'The result of this node has been referenced by other nodes ({{nodes}}), please remove the usage before deleting.':
'HTTP request': 'HTTP 请求',
'Send HTTP request to a URL. You can use the variables in the upstream nodes as request headers, parameters and request body.':
'向指定 URL 发送 HTTP 请求。可以使用上游节点里的变量作为请求头、参数和请求体。',
'HTTP method': 'HTTP 方法',
URL: '地址',
Headers: '请求头',
'Add request header': '添加请求头',
Parameters: '参数',
'Add parameter': '添加参数',
Body: '请求体',
'Use variable': '使用变量',
Format: '格式化',
Insert: '插入',
'Timeout config': '超时设置',
ms: '毫秒',
'Input request data': '输入请求数据',
'Only support standard JSON data': '仅支持标准 JSON 数据',
'"Content-Type" only support "application/json", and no need to specify':
'"Content-Type" 请求头仅支持 "application/json",无需填写',
'Ignore fail request and continue workflow': '忽略失败的请求并继续工作流',
'Workflow todos': '工作流待办',
Task: '任务',
'Dynamic expression': '动态表达式',
'An expression for calculation in each rows': '每行数据计算规则不同时使用',
Unconfigured: '未配置',
'SQL action': 'SQL 操作',
'Execute a SQL statement in database': '在数据库中执行一个 SQL 语句',
'Usage of SQL query result is not supported yet.': 'SQL 执行的结果暂不支持使用。'