* feat: add test utils * test: fix compatibility problem * refactor: use esm * refactor: change require to import * test: add a test * chore: optimize launch.json * chore(jest): optimize config * test: fix failed * test(Action): fix failed * test: migration test from nocobase-next * test: fix failed * chore: set css to false * fix: fix errors * test(Filter): add test * test(BlockItem): add test * test(Calendar): add test * refactor: migrate testUtils to client * fix: avoid error * refactor: fix lint error * Revert "refactor: migrate testUtils to client" This reverts commit ae569e2021a5c720111518cf3f2236e761a7186d. * test: fix test failed * refactor: migrate tesetUtils to @nocobase/test/client * fix(Select): fix BUG * refactor: remove useless code * Revert "refactor: migrate tesetUtils to @nocobase/test/client" This reverts commit 70d2211d5af546ae3fffaf5b53a326be8e194b34. * test(AssociationSelect): add test * test(CardItem): add test * test(CollectionSelect): add test * test(Cron): add test * test(Details): add test * test(ErrorFallback): add test * test(Form): add test * fix: fix CI * test(FormItem): add test * test(FormV2): add test * test(G2Plot): add test * test(Gantt): add test * test(Grid): add test * test(GridCard): add test * test(Kanban): add test * test(List): add test * test(Menu): add test * test(Page): add test * test(Pagination): add test * test(Preview): add test * test(RemoteSelect): add test * test: fix: failed * refactor: remove useless code * test(Table): add test * test(TableV2): add test * test(Tabs): add test * test(Variable): add test * test(Upload): add test * chore: comment * Revert "refactor: change require to import" This reverts commit 3a23607e6faeda6f8b5bee02b9d8fa33bf9d2684. * refactor: remove useless code * fix: fix translation bug * fix: fix export position * test: update snap
64 lines
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64 lines
1.7 KiB
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