2024-03-12 22:30:13 +08:00

361 lines
10 KiB

import ncc from '@vercel/ncc';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import fg from 'fast-glob';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import path from 'path';
import { build as tsupBuild } from 'tsup';
import { build as viteBuild } from 'vite';
import cssInjectedByJsPlugin from 'vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js';
import { EsbuildSupportExts, globExcludeFiles } from './constant';
import { PkgLog, UserConfig, getPackageJson } from './utils';
import {
} from './utils/buildPluginUtils';
import { getDepPkgPath, getDepsConfig } from './utils/getDepsConfig';
const validExts = ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx', '.mjs'];
const serverGlobalFiles: string[] = ['src/**', '!src/client/**', ...globExcludeFiles];
const clientGlobalFiles: string[] = ['src/**', '!src/server/**', ...globExcludeFiles];
const sourceGlobalFiles: string[] = ['src/**/*.{ts,js,tsx,jsx,mjs}', '!src/**/__tests__'];
const external = [
// nocobase
// @nocobase/auth
// @nocobase/cache
// @nocobase/database
// @nocobase/evaluators
// @nocobase/logger
// koa
// react
// react-router
// antd
// i18next
// dnd-kit 相关
// formily 相关
// utils
const pluginPrefix = (
process.env.PLUGIN_PACKAGE_PREFIX || '@nocobase/plugin-,@nocobase/preset-,@nocobase/plugin-pro-'
const target_dir = 'dist';
export function deleteServerFiles(cwd: string, log: PkgLog) {
log('delete server files');
const files = fg.globSync(['*'], {
cwd: path.join(cwd, target_dir),
absolute: true,
deep: 1,
onlyFiles: true,
const dirs = fg.globSync(['*', '!client', '!node_modules'], {
cwd: path.join(cwd, target_dir),
absolute: true,
deep: 1,
onlyDirectories: true,
[...files, ...dirs].forEach((item) => {
export function writeExternalPackageVersion(cwd: string, log: PkgLog) {
log('write external version');
const sourceFiles = fg.globSync(sourceGlobalFiles, { cwd, absolute: true }).map((item) => fs.readFileSync(item, 'utf-8'));
const sourcePackages = getSourcePackages(sourceFiles);
const excludePackages = getExcludePackages(sourcePackages, external, pluginPrefix);
const data = excludePackages.reduce<Record<string, string>>((prev, packageName) => {
const depPkgPath = getDepPkgPath(packageName, cwd);
const depPkg = require(depPkgPath);
prev[packageName] = depPkg.version;
return prev;
}, {});
const externalVersionPath = path.join(cwd, target_dir, 'externalVersion.js');
fs.writeFileSync(externalVersionPath, `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)};`);
export async function buildServerDeps(cwd: string, serverFiles: string[], log: PkgLog) {
log('build plugin server dependencies');
const outDir = path.join(cwd, target_dir, 'node_modules');
const serverFileSource = serverFiles.filter(item => validExts.includes(path.extname(item))).map((item) => fs.readFileSync(item, 'utf-8'));
const sourcePackages = getSourcePackages(serverFileSource);
const includePackages = getIncludePackages(sourcePackages, external, pluginPrefix);
const excludePackages = getExcludePackages(sourcePackages, external, pluginPrefix);
let tips = [];
if (includePackages.length) {
`These packages ${chalk.yellow(includePackages.join(', '))} will be ${chalk.italic(
)} to dist/node_modules.`,
if (excludePackages.length) {
tips.push(`These packages ${chalk.yellow(excludePackages.join(', '))} will be ${chalk.italic('exclude')}.`);
tips.push(`For more information, please refer to: ${chalk.blue('https://docs.nocobase.com/development/deps')}.`);
log(tips.join(' '));
if (!includePackages.length) return;
const deps = getDepsConfig(cwd, outDir, includePackages, external);
// bundle deps
for (const dep of Object.keys(deps)) {
const { outputDir, mainFile, pkg, nccConfig, depDir } = deps[dep];
const outputPackageJson = path.join(outputDir, 'package.json');
// cache check
if (fs.existsSync(outputPackageJson)) {
const outputPackage = require(outputPackageJson);
if (outputPackage.version === pkg.version) {
// copy package
await fs.copy(depDir, outputDir, { errorOnExist: false });
// delete files
const deleteFiles = fg.sync(
{ cwd: outputDir, absolute: true },
deleteFiles.forEach((file) => {
await ncc(dep, nccConfig).then(
({ code, assets }: { code: string; assets: Record<string, { source: string; permissions: number }> }) => {
// emit dist file
fs.writeFileSync(mainFile, code, 'utf-8');
// emit assets
Object.entries(assets).forEach(([name, item]) => {
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(outputDir, name), item.source, {
encoding: 'utf-8',
mode: item.permissions,
// emit package.json
_lastModified: new Date().toISOString(),
export async function buildPluginServer(cwd: string, userConfig: UserConfig, sourcemap: boolean, log: PkgLog) {
log('build plugin server source');
const packageJson = getPackageJson(cwd);
const serverFiles = fg.globSync(serverGlobalFiles, { cwd, absolute: true });
buildCheck({ cwd, packageJson, entry: 'server', files: serverFiles, log });
const otherExts = Array.from(new Set(serverFiles.map((item) => path.extname(item)).filter((item) => !EsbuildSupportExts.includes(item))));
if (otherExts.length) {
log('%s will not be processed, only be copied to the dist directory.', chalk.yellow(otherExts.join(',')));
deleteServerFiles(cwd, log);
await tsupBuild(userConfig.modifyTsupConfig({
entry: serverFiles,
splitting: false,
clean: false,
bundle: false,
silent: true,
treeshake: false,
target: 'node16',
outDir: path.join(cwd, target_dir),
format: 'cjs',
skipNodeModulesBundle: true,
loader: {
...otherExts.reduce((prev, cur) => ({ ...prev, [cur]: 'copy' }), {}),
'.json': 'copy',
await buildServerDeps(cwd, serverFiles, log);
export async function buildPluginClient(cwd: string, userConfig: UserConfig, sourcemap: boolean, log: PkgLog) {
log('build plugin client');
const packageJson = getPackageJson(cwd);
const clientFiles = fg.globSync(clientGlobalFiles, { cwd, absolute: true });
const clientFileSource = clientFiles.map((item) => fs.readFileSync(item, 'utf-8'));
const sourcePackages = getPackagesFromFiles(clientFileSource);
const excludePackages = getExcludePackages(sourcePackages, external, pluginPrefix);
checkRequire(clientFiles, log);
buildCheck({ cwd, packageJson, entry: 'client', files: clientFiles, log });
const outDir = path.join(cwd, target_dir, 'client');
const globals = excludePackages.reduce<Record<string, string>>((prev, curr) => {
if (curr.startsWith('@nocobase')) {
prev[`${curr}/client`] = curr;
prev[curr] = curr;
return prev;
}, {});
const entry = fg.globSync('src/client/index.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}', { absolute: true, cwd });
const outputFileName = 'index.js';
await viteBuild(userConfig.modifyViteConfig({
mode: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production',
define: {
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'),
'process.env.__TEST__': false,
'process.env.__E2E__': process.env.__E2E__ ? true : false,
logLevel: 'warn',
build: {
minify: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
cssCodeSplit: false,
emptyOutDir: true,
lib: {
formats: ['umd'],
name: packageJson.name,
fileName: () => outputFileName,
target: ['es2015', 'edge88', 'firefox78', 'chrome87', 'safari14'],
rollupOptions: {
cache: true,
external: [...Object.keys(globals), 'react', 'react/jsx-runtime'],
output: {
exports: 'named',
globals: {
react: 'React',
'react/jsx-runtime': 'jsxRuntime',
plugins: [
cssInjectedByJsPlugin({ styleId: packageJson.name }),
checkFileSize(outDir, log);
export async function buildPlugin(cwd: string, userConfig: UserConfig, sourcemap: boolean, log: PkgLog) {
await buildPluginClient(cwd, userConfig, sourcemap, log);
await buildPluginServer(cwd, userConfig, sourcemap, log);
writeExternalPackageVersion(cwd, log);