163 lines
4.7 KiB
163 lines
4.7 KiB
import { InheritedCollection } from './inherited-collection';
import lodash from 'lodash';
import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
export class SyncRunner {
static async syncInheritModel(model: any, options: any) {
const { transaction } = options;
const inheritedCollection = model.collection as InheritedCollection;
const db = inheritedCollection.context.database;
const dialect = db.sequelize.getDialect();
const queryInterface = db.sequelize.getQueryInterface();
if (dialect != 'postgres') {
throw new Error('Inherit model is only supported on postgres');
const parents = inheritedCollection.parents;
if (!parents) {
throw new Error(
`Inherit model ${inheritedCollection.name} can't be created without parents, parents option is ${lodash
.join(', ')}`,
const parentTables = parents.map((parent) => parent.model.tableName);
const tableName = model.getTableName();
const attributes = model.tableAttributes;
const childAttributes = lodash.pickBy(attributes, (value) => {
return !value.inherit;
let maxSequenceVal = 0;
let maxSequenceName;
if (childAttributes.id && childAttributes.id.autoIncrement) {
for (const parent of parentTables) {
const sequenceNameResult = await queryInterface.sequelize.query(
`SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE
table_name='${parent}' and "column_name" = 'id';`,
if (!sequenceNameResult[0].length) {
const columnDefault = sequenceNameResult[0][0]['column_default'];
if (!columnDefault) {
throw new Error(`Can't find sequence name of ${parent}`);
const regex = new RegExp(/nextval\('("?\w+"?)\'.*\)/);
const match = regex.exec(columnDefault);
const sequenceName = match[1];
const sequenceCurrentValResult = await queryInterface.sequelize.query(
`select last_value from ${sequenceName}`,
const sequenceCurrentVal = parseInt(sequenceCurrentValResult[0][0]['last_value']);
if (sequenceCurrentVal > maxSequenceVal) {
maxSequenceName = sequenceName;
maxSequenceVal = sequenceCurrentVal;
await this.createTable(tableName, childAttributes, options, model, parentTables);
if (maxSequenceName) {
const parentsDeep = Array.from(db.inheritanceMap.getParents(inheritedCollection.name)).map(
(parent) => db.getCollection(parent).model.tableName,
const sequenceTables = [...parentsDeep, tableName];
for (const sequenceTable of sequenceTables) {
const queryName = Boolean(sequenceTable.match(/[A-Z]/)) ? `"${sequenceTable}"` : sequenceTable;
const idColumnQuery = await queryInterface.sequelize.query(
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = '${queryName}'::regclass -- cast to a registered class (table)
AND attname = 'id'
AND NOT attisdropped
if (idColumnQuery[0].length == 0) {
await queryInterface.sequelize.query(
`alter table "${sequenceTable}" alter column id set default nextval('${maxSequenceName}')`,
if (options.alter) {
const columns = await queryInterface.describeTable(tableName, options);
for (const columnName in childAttributes) {
if (!columns[columnName]) {
await queryInterface.addColumn(tableName, columnName, childAttributes[columnName], options);
static async createTable(tableName, attributes, options, model, parentTables) {
let sql = '';
options = { ...options };
if (options && options.uniqueKeys) {
lodash.forOwn(options.uniqueKeys, (uniqueKey) => {
if (uniqueKey.customIndex === undefined) {
uniqueKey.customIndex = true;
if (model) {
options.uniqueKeys = options.uniqueKeys || model.uniqueKeys;
const queryGenerator = model.queryGenerator;
attributes = lodash.mapValues(attributes, (attribute) => model.sequelize.normalizeAttribute(attribute));
attributes = queryGenerator.attributesToSQL(attributes, { table: tableName, context: 'createTable' });
sql = `${queryGenerator.createTableQuery(tableName, attributes, options)}`.replace(
` INHERITS (${parentTables.map((t) => `"${t}"`).join(', ')});`,
return await model.sequelize.query(sql, options);