* chore: use vitest to replace jest * chore: support vitest * feat: vitest 1.0 * fix: test * chore: yarn.lock * chore: github actions * fix: test * fix: test * fix: test * fix: test * fix: jest.fn * fix: require * fix: test * fix: build * fix: test * fix: test * fix: test * fix: test * fix: test * fix: test * fix: test * fix: dynamic import * fix: bug * chore: yarn run test command * chore: package.json * chore: package.json * chore: vite 5 * fix: fix variable test * fix: import json * feat: initEnv * fix: env.APP_ENV_PATH * chore: get package json * fix: remove GlobalThmeProvider * chore: update snap * chore: test env * chore: test env * chore: import module * chore: jest * fix: load package json * chore: test * fix: bug * chore: test * chore: test * chore: test * chore: test * chore: test * fix: import file in windows * chore: import module with absolute file path * fix: test error * test: update snapshot * chore: update yarn.lock * fix: front-end tests do not include utils folder * refactor: use vitest-dom * fix: fix build * fix: test error * fix: change to vitest.config.mts * fix: types error * fix: types error * fix: types error * fix: error * fix: test * chore: test * fix: test package * feat: update dependencies * refactor: test * fix: error * fix: error * fix: __dirname is not defined in ES module scope * fix: allow only * fix: error * fix: error * fix: error * fix: create-app * fix: install-deps * feat: update docs --------- Co-authored-by: chenos <chenlinxh@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: dream2023 <1098626505@qq.com> Co-authored-by: Zeke Zhang <958414905@qq.com>
777 lines
19 KiB
777 lines
19 KiB
import { ACL } from '@nocobase/acl';
import { registerActions } from '@nocobase/actions';
import { actions as authActions, AuthManager, AuthManagerOptions } from '@nocobase/auth';
import { Cache, CacheManager, CacheManagerOptions } from '@nocobase/cache';
import Database, { CollectionOptions, IDatabaseOptions } from '@nocobase/database';
import { AppLoggerOptions, createAppLogger, Logger } from '@nocobase/logger';
import { ResourceOptions, Resourcer } from '@nocobase/resourcer';
import { applyMixins, AsyncEmitter, measureExecutionTime, Toposort, ToposortOptions } from '@nocobase/utils';
import { Command, CommandOptions, ParseOptions } from 'commander';
import { IncomingMessage, Server, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import { i18n, InitOptions } from 'i18next';
import Koa, { DefaultContext as KoaDefaultContext, DefaultState as KoaDefaultState } from 'koa';
import compose from 'koa-compose';
import lodash from 'lodash';
import { createACL } from './acl';
import { AppCommand } from './app-command';
import { AppSupervisor } from './app-supervisor';
import { createCacheManager } from './cache';
import { registerCli } from './commands';
import { CronJobManager } from './cron/cron-job-manager';
import { ApplicationNotInstall } from './errors/application-not-install';
import {
} from './helper';
import { ApplicationVersion } from './helpers/application-version';
import { Locale } from './locale';
import { Plugin } from './plugin';
import { InstallOptions, PluginManager } from './plugin-manager';
import packageJson from '../package.json';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import { RecordableHistogram, performance } from 'node:perf_hooks';
export type PluginType = string | typeof Plugin;
export type PluginConfiguration = PluginType | [PluginType, any];
export interface ResourcerOptions {
prefix?: string;
export interface ApplicationOptions {
database?: IDatabaseOptions | Database;
cacheManager?: CacheManagerOptions;
resourcer?: ResourcerOptions;
bodyParser?: any;
cors?: any;
dataWrapping?: boolean;
registerActions?: boolean;
i18n?: i18n | InitOptions;
plugins?: PluginConfiguration[];
acl?: boolean;
logger?: AppLoggerOptions;
pmSock?: string;
name?: string;
authManager?: AuthManagerOptions;
perfHooks?: boolean;
export interface DefaultState extends KoaDefaultState {
currentUser?: any;
[key: string]: any;
export interface DefaultContext extends KoaDefaultContext {
db: Database;
cache: Cache;
resourcer: Resourcer;
i18n: any;
[key: string]: any;
interface ActionsOptions {
resourceName?: string;
resourceNames?: string[];
interface ListenOptions {
port?: number | undefined;
host?: string | undefined;
backlog?: number | undefined;
path?: string | undefined;
exclusive?: boolean | undefined;
readableAll?: boolean | undefined;
writableAll?: boolean | undefined;
* @default false
ipv6Only?: boolean | undefined;
signal?: AbortSignal | undefined;
interface StartOptions {
cliArgs?: any[];
dbSync?: boolean;
checkInstall?: boolean;
recover?: boolean;
type MaintainingStatus = 'command_begin' | 'command_end' | 'command_running' | 'command_error';
export type MaintainingCommandStatus = {
command: {
name: string;
status: MaintainingStatus;
error?: Error;
export class Application<StateT = DefaultState, ContextT = DefaultContext> extends Koa implements AsyncEmitter {
public listenServer: Server;
declare middleware: any;
stopped = false;
ready = false;
declare emitAsync: (event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => Promise<boolean>;
public rawOptions: ApplicationOptions;
public activatedCommand: {
name: string;
} = null;
public running = false;
public perfHistograms = new Map<string, RecordableHistogram>();
protected plugins = new Map<string, Plugin>();
protected _appSupervisor: AppSupervisor = AppSupervisor.getInstance();
protected _started: boolean;
private _authenticated = false;
private _maintaining = false;
private _maintainingCommandStatus: MaintainingCommandStatus;
private _maintainingStatusBeforeCommand: MaintainingCommandStatus | null;
private _actionCommand: Command;
constructor(public options: ApplicationOptions) {
this.rawOptions = this.name == 'main' ? lodash.cloneDeep(options) : {};
protected _loaded: boolean;
get loaded() {
return this._loaded;
private _maintainingMessage: string;
get maintainingMessage() {
return this._maintainingMessage;
protected _cronJobManager: CronJobManager;
get cronJobManager() {
return this._cronJobManager;
protected _db: Database;
get db() {
return this._db;
protected _logger: Logger;
get logger() {
return this._logger;
protected _resourcer: Resourcer;
get resourcer() {
return this._resourcer;
protected _cacheManager: CacheManager;
get cacheManager() {
return this._cacheManager;
protected _cache: Cache;
get cache() {
return this._cache;
set cache(cache: Cache) {
this._cache = cache;
protected _cli: AppCommand;
get cli() {
return this._cli;
protected _i18n: i18n;
get i18n() {
return this._i18n;
protected _pm: PluginManager;
get pm() {
return this._pm;
protected _acl: ACL;
get acl() {
return this._acl;
protected _authManager: AuthManager;
get authManager() {
return this._authManager;
protected _locales: Locale;
get locales() {
return this._locales;
get localeManager() {
return this._locales;
protected _version: ApplicationVersion;
get version() {
return this._version;
get log() {
return this._logger;
get name() {
return this.options.name || 'main';
isMaintaining() {
return this._maintaining;
getMaintaining() {
return this._maintainingCommandStatus;
setMaintaining(_maintainingCommandStatus: MaintainingCommandStatus) {
this._maintainingCommandStatus = _maintainingCommandStatus;
this.emit('maintaining', _maintainingCommandStatus);
if (_maintainingCommandStatus.status == 'command_end') {
this._maintaining = false;
this._maintaining = true;
setMaintainingMessage(message: string) {
this._maintainingMessage = message;
this.emit('maintainingMessageChanged', {
message: this._maintainingMessage,
maintainingStatus: this._maintainingCommandStatus,
getVersion() {
return packageJson.version;
plugin<O = any>(pluginClass: any, options?: O) {
this.log.debug(`add plugin ${pluginClass.name}`);
this.pm.addPreset(pluginClass, options);
// @ts-ignore
use<NewStateT = {}, NewContextT = {}>(
middleware: Koa.Middleware<StateT & NewStateT, ContextT & NewContextT>,
options?: ToposortOptions,
) {
this.middleware.add(middleware, options);
return this;
callback() {
const fn = compose(this.middleware.nodes);
if (!this.listenerCount('error')) this.on('error', this.onerror);
return (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
const ctx = this.createContext(req, res);
// @ts-ignore
return this.handleRequest(ctx, fn);
collection(options: CollectionOptions) {
return this.db.collection(options);
resource(options: ResourceOptions) {
return this.resourcer.define(options);
actions(handlers: any, options?: ActionsOptions) {
return this.resourcer.registerActions(handlers);
command(name: string, desc?: string, opts?: CommandOptions): AppCommand {
return this.cli.command(name, desc, opts).allowUnknownOption();
findCommand(name: string): Command {
return (this.cli as any)._findCommand(name);
async load(options?: any) {
if (this._loaded) {
if (options?.reload) {
this.setMaintainingMessage('app reload');
const oldDb = this._db;
if (!oldDb.closed()) {
await oldDb.close();
if (this._cacheManager) {
await this._cacheManager.close();
this._cacheManager = await createCacheManager(this, this.options.cacheManager);
this.setMaintainingMessage('init plugins');
await this.pm.initPlugins();
this.setMaintainingMessage('start load');
this.setMaintainingMessage('emit beforeLoad');
await this.emitAsync('beforeLoad', this, options);
await this.pm.load(options);
this.setMaintainingMessage('emit afterLoad');
await this.emitAsync('afterLoad', this, options);
this._loaded = true;
async reload(options?: any) {
this.log.debug(`start reload`);
this._loaded = false;
await this.emitAsync('beforeReload', this, options);
await this.load({
reload: true,
this.log.debug('emit afterReload');
this.setMaintainingMessage('emit afterReload');
await this.emitAsync('afterReload', this, options);
this.log.debug(`finish reload`);
getPlugin<P extends Plugin>(name: string | typeof Plugin) {
return this.pm.get(name) as P;
async parse(argv = process.argv) {
return this.runAsCLI(argv);
async authenticate() {
if (this._authenticated) {
this._authenticated = true;
await this.db.auth();
await this.db.checkVersion();
await this.db.prepare();
async runCommand(command: string, ...args: any[]) {
return await this.runAsCLI([command, ...args], { from: 'user' });
createCli() {
const command = new AppCommand('nocobase')
.usage('[command] [options]')
.hook('preAction', async (_, actionCommand) => {
this._actionCommand = actionCommand;
this.activatedCommand = {
name: getCommandFullName(actionCommand),
status: 'command_begin',
command: this.activatedCommand,
status: 'command_running',
command: this.activatedCommand,
await this.authenticate();
await this.load();
.hook('postAction', async (_, actionCommand) => {
if (this._maintainingStatusBeforeCommand?.error && this._started) {
await this.restart();
command.exitOverride((err) => {
throw err;
return command;
async runAsCLI(argv = process.argv, options?: ParseOptions & { throwError?: boolean }) {
if (this.activatedCommand) {
this._maintainingStatusBeforeCommand = this._maintainingCommandStatus;
try {
const command = await this.cli.parseAsync(argv, options);
status: 'command_end',
command: this.activatedCommand,
return command;
} catch (error) {
console.log({ error });
if (!this.activatedCommand) {
this.activatedCommand = {
name: 'unknown',
status: 'command_error',
command: this.activatedCommand,
if (options?.throwError) {
throw error;
} finally {
const _actionCommand = this._actionCommand;
if (_actionCommand) {
const options = _actionCommand['options'];
_actionCommand['_optionValues'] = {};
_actionCommand['_optionValueSources'] = {};
_actionCommand['options'] = [];
for (const option of options) {
this._actionCommand = null;
this.activatedCommand = null;
async start(options: StartOptions = {}) {
if (this._started) {
this._started = true;
if (options.checkInstall && !(await this.isInstalled())) {
throw new ApplicationNotInstall(
`Application ${this.name} is not installed, Please run 'yarn nocobase install' command first`,
this.setMaintainingMessage('starting app...');
if (this.db.closed()) {
await this.db.reconnect();
this.setMaintainingMessage('emit beforeStart');
await this.emitAsync('beforeStart', this, options);
this.setMaintainingMessage('emit afterStart');
await this.emitAsync('afterStart', this, options);
await this.emitStartedEvent(options);
this.stopped = false;
async emitStartedEvent(options: StartOptions = {}) {
await this.emitAsync('__started', this, {
maintainingStatus: lodash.cloneDeep(this._maintainingCommandStatus),
async isStarted() {
return this._started;
async tryReloadOrRestart(options: StartOptions = {}) {
if (this._started) {
await this.restart(options);
} else {
await this.reload(options);
async restart(options: StartOptions = {}) {
if (!this._started) {
this._started = false;
await this.emitAsync('beforeStop');
await this.reload(options);
await this.start(options);
this.emit('__restarted', this, options);
async stop(options: any = {}) {
this.log.debug('stop app...');
this.setMaintainingMessage('stopping app...');
if (this.stopped) {
this.log.warn(`Application ${this.name} already stopped`);
await this.emitAsync('beforeStop', this, options);
try {
// close database connection
// silent if database already closed
if (!this.db.closed()) {
this.logger.info(`close db`);
await this.db.close();
} catch (e) {
if (this._cacheManager) {
await this._cacheManager.close();
await this.emitAsync('afterStop', this, options);
this.stopped = true;
this.log.info(`${this.name} is stopped`);
this._started = false;
async destroy(options: any = {}) {
this.logger.debug('start destroy app');
this.setMaintainingMessage('destroying app...');
await this.emitAsync('beforeDestroy', this, options);
await this.stop(options);
this.logger.debug('emit afterDestroy');
await this.emitAsync('afterDestroy', this, options);
this.logger.debug('finish destroy app');
async isInstalled() {
return (
(await this.db.collectionExistsInDb('applicationVersion')) || (await this.db.collectionExistsInDb('collections'))
async install(options: InstallOptions = {}) {
this.setMaintainingMessage('installing app...');
this.log.debug('Database dialect: ' + this.db.sequelize.getDialect());
if (options?.clean || options?.sync?.force) {
this.log.debug('truncate database');
await this.db.clean({ drop: true });
this.log.debug('app reloading');
await this.reload();
} else if (await this.isInstalled()) {
this.log.warn('app is installed');
this.log.debug('emit beforeInstall');
this.setMaintainingMessage('call beforeInstall hook...');
await this.emitAsync('beforeInstall', this, options);
this.log.debug('start install plugins');
await this.pm.install(options);
this.log.debug('update version');
await this.version.update();
this.log.debug('emit afterInstall');
this.setMaintainingMessage('call afterInstall hook...');
await this.emitAsync('afterInstall', this, options);
if (this._maintainingStatusBeforeCommand?.error) {
if (this._started) {
await this.restart();
async upgrade(options: any = {}) {
await this.emitAsync('beforeUpgrade', this, options);
const force = false;
await measureExecutionTime(async () => {
await this.db.migrator.up();
}, 'Migrator');
await measureExecutionTime(async () => {
await this.db.sync({
alter: {
drop: force,
}, 'Sync');
await this.version.update();
await this.emitAsync('afterUpgrade', this, options);
this.log.debug(chalk.green(`✨ NocoBase has been upgraded to v${this.getVersion()}`));
if (this._started) {
await measureExecutionTime(async () => {
await this.restart();
}, 'Restart');
toJSON() {
return {
appName: this.name,
name: this.name,
reInitEvents() {
for (const eventName of this.eventNames()) {
for (const listener of this.listeners(eventName)) {
if (listener['_reinitializable']) {
this.removeListener(eventName, listener as any);
protected init() {
const options = this.options;
const logger = createAppLogger({
defaultMeta: {
app: this.name,
this._logger = logger.instance;
this.middleware = new Toposort<any>();
this.plugins = new Map<string, Plugin>();
this._acl = createACL();
this._cronJobManager = new CronJobManager(this);
this.use(logger.middleware, { tag: 'logger' });
if (this._db) {
// MaxListenersExceededWarning
this._db = this.createDatabase(options);
this._resourcer = createResourcer(options);
this._cli = this.createCli();
this._i18n = createI18n(options);
this.context.db = this._db;
this.context.logger = this._logger;
this.context.resourcer = this._resourcer;
this.context.cacheManager = this._cacheManager;
this.context.cache = this._cache;
const plugins = this._pm ? this._pm.options.plugins : options.plugins;
this._pm = new PluginManager({
app: this,
plugins: plugins || [],
this._authManager = new AuthManager({
authKey: 'X-Authenticator',
default: 'basic',
...(this.options.authManager || {}),
name: 'auth',
actions: authActions,
this._resourcer.use(this._authManager.middleware(), { tag: 'auth' });
if (this.options.acl !== false) {
this._resourcer.use(this._acl.middleware(), { tag: 'acl', after: ['auth'] });
this._locales = new Locale(createAppProxy(this));
if (options.perfHooks) {
registerMiddlewares(this, options);
if (options.registerActions !== false) {
this._version = new ApplicationVersion(this);
protected createDatabase(options: ApplicationOptions) {
const db = new Database({
...(options.database instanceof Database ? options.database.options : options.database),
migrator: {
context: { app: this },
return db;
applyMixins(Application, [AsyncEmitter]);
export default Application;