<!-- Note --> <!-- This is a template for submitting a new feature. Use the bug fix template if you're submitting a bug fix pull request by adding `template=bug_fix.md` to your pull request URL. --> <!-- Describe the new feature or modification to an existing feature clearly and consciously. --> <!-- Explain the reason for adding or modifying this feature. --> <!-- Provide a technically detailed description of the key changes made. --> - Frontend - Backend <!-- Provide any suggestions or recommendations for improvements in the testing plan. --> <!-- Identify any potential risks or issues that may arise from the new feature or modification. --> <!-- Including any screenshots of the new feature or modification. --> Co-authored-by: sealday <sealday@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: wjh <wwwjh0710@163.com> Co-authored-by: 吕延祥 <2256334253@qq.com> Reviewed-on: daoyoucloud/nocobase#317
97 lines
2.5 KiB
97 lines
2.5 KiB
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