* test: with collection_manager_schema env * fix: remove collection * fix: collection test * fix: collection exist in db with custom schema * fix: inherited with custom collection schema * fix: build error * fix: sync unique index & database logger
171 lines
5.5 KiB
171 lines
5.5 KiB
import crypto from 'crypto';
import Database from './database';
import { IdentifierError } from './errors/identifier-error';
import { Model } from './model';
import lodash from 'lodash';
type HandleAppendsQueryOptions = {
templateModel: any;
queryPromises: Array<any>;
export async function handleAppendsQuery(options: HandleAppendsQueryOptions) {
const { templateModel, queryPromises } = options;
if (!templateModel) {
return [];
const primaryKey = templateModel.constructor.primaryKeyAttribute;
const results = await Promise.all(queryPromises);
let rows: Array<Model>;
for (const appendedResult of results) {
if (!rows) {
rows = appendedResult.rows;
if (rows.length == 0) {
return [];
const modelOptions = templateModel['_options'];
for (const row of rows) {
row['_options'] = {
include: modelOptions['include'],
includeNames: modelOptions['includeNames'],
includeMap: modelOptions['includeMap'],
for (let i = 0; i < appendedResult.rows.length; i++) {
const appendingRow = appendedResult.rows[i];
const key = appendedResult.include.association;
const val = appendingRow.get(key);
const rowKey = appendingRow.get(primaryKey);
const targetIndex = rows.findIndex((row) => row.get(primaryKey) === rowKey);
if (targetIndex === -1) {
throw new Error('target row not found');
rows[targetIndex].set(key, val, {
raw: true,
return rows;
export function md5(value: string) {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(value).digest('hex');
export function checkIdentifier(value: string) {
if (value.length > MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
throw new IdentifierError(`Identifier ${value} is too long`);
export function getTableName(collectionName: string, options) {
return options.underscored ? snakeCase(collectionName) : collectionName;
export function snakeCase(name: string) {
return require('sequelize').Utils.underscore(name);
function patchShowConstraintsQuery(queryGenerator, db) {
queryGenerator.showConstraintsQuery = (tableName, constraintName) => {
const lines = [
'SELECT constraint_catalog AS "constraintCatalog",',
'constraint_schema AS "constraintSchema",',
'constraint_name AS "constraintName",',
'table_catalog AS "tableCatalog",',
'table_schema AS "tableSchema",',
'table_name AS "tableName",',
'constraint_type AS "constraintType",',
'is_deferrable AS "isDeferrable",',
'initially_deferred AS "initiallyDeferred"',
'from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints',
`WHERE table_name='${lodash.isPlainObject(tableName) ? tableName.tableName : tableName}'`,
if (!constraintName) {
lines.push(`AND constraint_name='${constraintName}'`);
if (lodash.isPlainObject(tableName) && tableName.schema) {
lines.push(`AND table_schema='${tableName.schema}'`);
return lines.join(' ');
function patchDescribeTableQuery(queryGenerator) {
const describeTableQuery = function (tableName, schema) {
schema = schema || this.options.schema || 'public';
return (
'pk.constraint_type as "Constraint",' +
'c.column_name as "Field", ' +
'c.column_default as "Default",' +
'c.is_nullable as "Null", ' +
"(CASE WHEN c.udt_name = 'hstore' THEN c.udt_name ELSE c.data_type END) || (CASE WHEN c.character_maximum_length IS NOT NULL THEN '(' || c.character_maximum_length || ')' ELSE '' END) as \"Type\", " +
'(SELECT array_agg(e.enumlabel) FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t JOIN pg_catalog.pg_enum e ON t.oid=e.enumtypid WHERE t.typname=c.udt_name) AS "special", ' +
'(SELECT pgd.description FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables AS st INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd on (pgd.objoid=st.relid) WHERE c.ordinal_position=pgd.objsubid AND c.table_name=st.relname AND st.schemaname = c.table_schema) AS "Comment" ' +
'FROM information_schema.columns c ' +
'LEFT JOIN (SELECT tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, ' +
'cu.column_name, tc.constraint_type ' +
'FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS tc ' +
'JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE cu ' +
'ON tc.table_schema=cu.table_schema and tc.table_name=cu.table_name ' +
'and tc.constraint_name=cu.constraint_name ' +
"and tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY') pk " +
'ON pk.table_schema=c.table_schema ' +
'AND pk.table_name=c.table_name ' +
'AND pk.column_name=c.column_name ' +
`WHERE c.table_name = ${this.escape(tableName)} AND c.table_schema = ${this.escape(schema)}`
queryGenerator.describeTableQuery = describeTableQuery.bind(queryGenerator);
export function patchSequelizeQueryInterface(db: Database) {
if (db.inDialect('postgres')) {
const queryGenerator = db.sequelize.dialect.queryGenerator;
patchShowConstraintsQuery(queryGenerator, db);
export function percent2float(value: string) {
if (!value.endsWith('%')) {
return NaN;
let val = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
if (isNaN(+val)) {
return NaN;
const index = value.indexOf('.');
if (index === -1) {
return parseFloat(value) / 100;
const repeat = value.length - index - 2;
const v = parseInt('1' + '0'.repeat(repeat));
return (parseFloat(value) * v) / (100 * v);