import { Migration } from '@nocobase/server'; function addQuote(v) { if (typeof v !== 'string') { return v; } if (v.match(/^{{\s*([^{}]+)\s*}}$/)) { return v; } return `'${v}'`; } const calculatorsMap = { equal: '==', '===': '==', notEqual: '!=', '!==': '!=', gt: '>', gte: '>=', lt: '<', lte: '<=', add: '+', minus: '-', multiple: '*', divide: '/', mod: '%', includes(a, b) { return `SEARCH(${b}, ${a}) >= 0`; }, notIncludes(a, b) { return `SEARCH(${b}, ${a}) < 0`; }, startsWith(a, b) { return `SEARCH(${b}, ${a}) == 0`; }, endsWith(a, b) { return `RIGHT(${a}, LEN(${b})) == ${b}`; }, notStartsWith(a, b) { return `SEARCH(${b}, ${a}) != 0`; }, notEndsWith(a, b) { return `RIGHT(${a}, LEN(${b})) != ${b}`; }, concat(a, b) { return `CONCATENATE(${a}, ${b})`; }, }; function migrateConfig({ calculation, ...config }: any = {}) { if (!calculation?.calculator || !calculation?.operands?.length) { return config; } const calculator = calculatorsMap[calculation.calculator]; const operands = (calculator.operands ?? []).map((operand) => addQuote(operand)); return { engine: 'formula.js', expression: typeof calculator === 'function' ? calculator(...operands) : operands.join(` ${calculator ?? calculation.calculator} `), }; } export default class extends Migration { async up() { const match = await'<0.9.0-alpha.3'); if (!match) { return; } const NodeRepo = this.context.db.getRepository('flow_nodes'); await this.context.db.sequelize.transaction(async (transaction) => { const nodes = await NodeRepo.find({ filter: { type: 'calculation', }, transaction, }); console.log('%d nodes need to be migrated.', nodes.length); await nodes.reduce( (promise, node) => promise.then(() => { return node.update( { config: migrateConfig(node.config), }, { transaction, }, ); }), Promise.resolve(), ); }); } }