import { InitOptions, ModelAttributes, ModelOptions, ModelIndexesOptions, Utils, SyncOptions, } from 'sequelize'; import { buildField, FieldOptions, Relation, BELONGSTO, BELONGSTOMANY, SORT } from './fields'; import Database from './database'; import { Model, ModelCtor } from './model'; import _ from 'lodash'; import merge from 'deepmerge'; export interface MergeOptions extends merge.Options { } const registeredModels = new Map(); export function registerModel(key: string, model: any) { registeredModels.set(key, model); } export function registerModels(models) { for (const key in models) { if (models.hasOwnProperty(key)) { registerModel(key, models[key]); } } } // TODO: 判断如果 key 是 model 直接返回 export function getRegisteredModel(key) { if (typeof key === 'string') { return registeredModels.get(key); } return key; } export interface TableOptions extends Omit, 'name' | 'modelName'> { /** * 唯一标识,与 ModelOptions 的 name 有区别 * * 注意:name 可用于初始化 tableName、modelName,但是 tableName 和 modelName 可能有所不同 * name 主要用于获取指定的 tables 和 models * 如果没有特殊指定 tableName 时,name、tableName、modelName 都是一个值 * * TODO: name, tableName, modelName,freezeTableName,underscored,单复数等等情况还比较混乱 */ name: string; /** * 自定义 model */ model?: ModelCtor | string; /** * 字段配置 */ fields?: Array; /** * 其他的一些情况 */ [key: string]: any; } /** * 上下文,Tabel 配置需要的其他变量 */ export interface TabelContext { database: Database; } /** * 是否重新初始化 Model。配置更新时,需要重新初始化 model。 * * - reinitialize = false 只执行 Model.init * - reinitialize = true 重新初始化 Model 并执行 Model.init 和 Model.associate * - reinitialize = modelOnly 只初始化 Model 并执行 Model.init */ export type Reinitialize = boolean | 'modelOnly'; /** * 表配置 * * 用于处理相关 Model 的配置 */ export class Table { protected database: Database; protected options: TableOptions; protected fields = new Map(); protected modelAttributes: ModelAttributes; protected modelOptions: InitOptions; /** * 全部关系字段的配置 */ protected associations = new Map(); /** * 待建立关系的 association */ protected associating = new Map(); /** * 索引 */ protected indexes = new Map(); protected Model: ModelCtor; protected defaultModel: ModelCtor; /** * 是否是中间表 */ public isThroughTable: boolean = false; public relationTables = new Set(); get sortable(): boolean { return Array.from(this.fields.values()).some(field => field instanceof SORT); } constructor(options: TableOptions, context: TabelContext) { const { database } = context; database.runHooks('beforeTableInit', options); const { model, fields = [], indexes = [], } = options; this.options = options; this.database = database; // 初始化的时候获取 this.defaultModel = getRegisteredModel(model); this.modelAttributes = {}; // 在 set fields 之前 model init 的原因是因为关系字段可能需要用到 model 的相关配置 // @ts-ignore this.addIndexes(indexes, 'modelOnly'); // this.modelInit('modelOnly'); this.setFields(fields); database.runHooks('afterTableInit', this); } public modelInit(reinitialize: Reinitialize = false) { if (reinitialize || !this.Model) { this.Model = this.defaultModel || class extends Model { }; this.Model.database = this.database; // 关系的建立是在 model.init 之后,在配置中表字段(Column)和关系(Relation)都在 fields, // 所以需要单独提炼出 associations 字段,并在 Model.init 之后执行 Model.associate // @ts-ignore this.Model.associate = (models: { [key: string]: ModelCtor }) => { for (const [key, association] of this.associating) { const { type, target } = association.getAssociationArguments(); if (this.database.isDefined(target)) { const TargetModel = this.database.getModel(target); // 如果关系表在之后才定义,未设置 targetKey 时,targetKey 默认值需要在 target model 初始化之后才能取到 if (association instanceof BELONGSTO || association instanceof BELONGSTOMANY) { association.updateOptionsAfterTargetModelBeDefined(); } this.Model[type](TargetModel, association.getAssociationOptions()); // 建立关系之后,需要删除待处理的 associating,避免重复和提高效率 this.associating.delete(key); } } } } this.Model.init(this.getModelAttributes(), this.getModelOptions()); if (reinitialize === true) { this.associating = new Map(this.associations); // 需要额外处理 associating 的情况 // 建立表关系需要遍历多个 Model,所以在这里需要标记哪些已定义的 Model 需要建立表关系 if (this.associating.size > 0) { this.database.associating.add(; } else { this.database.associating.delete(; } this.database.associate(); } } public getName(): string { return; } public getTableName(): string { return; } /** * * @param key 获取数据表配置,也可以指定 key */ public getOptions(key?: any): TableOptions { return key ? _.get(this.options, key) : this.options; } public getModel(): ModelCtor { return this.database.getModel(this.getName()); } public getModelAttributes(): ModelAttributes { return this.modelAttributes; } public getModelOptions(): InitOptions { const { name, underscored = true, ...restOptions } = this.options; const hooks = _.get(this.getModel(), 'options.hooks') || this.options.hooks || {}; return { underscored, modelName: name, tableName: name, sequelize: this.database.sequelize, createdAt: Utils.underscoredIf('createdAt', underscored), updatedAt: Utils.underscoredIf('updatedAt', underscored), indexes: Array.from(this.indexes.values()), // freezeTableName: true, ..._.omit(restOptions, ['model', 'fields', 'indexes']), hooks, }; } /** * 获取相关 table names,一般用于 sync */ public getRelatedTableNames(): Set { const names = new Set(); && names.add(; for (const association of this.associations.values()) { const target = association.getTarget(); target && names.add(target); if (association instanceof BELONGSTOMANY) { const throughName = association.getThroughName(); throughName && names.add(throughName); } } return names; } public getAssociations() { return this.associations; } public getFields() { return this.fields; } public setFields(fields: Array) { this.fields.clear(); this.associating.clear(); this.associations.clear(); for (const key in fields) { this.addField(fields[key], false); } this.modelInit(true); } public hasField(name: string) { return this.fields.has(name); } public getField(name: string) { return this.fields.get(name); } /** * 添加字段 * * @param options * @param reinitialize */ public addField(options: FieldOptions, reinitialize: Reinitialize = true) { this.database.runHooks('beforeAddField', options, this); const { name, index } = options; const field = buildField(options, { sourceTable: this, database: this.database, }); // 添加字段后 table.options 中的 fields 并不会更新,这导致 table.getOptions() 拿不到最新的字段配置 // 所以在同时更新 table.options.fields 数组 if (!this.options.fields) { this.options.fields = []; } const existIndex = this.options.fields.findIndex(field => === name); if (existIndex !== -1) { this.options.fields.splice(existIndex, 1, options); } else { this.options.fields.push(options); } this.fields.set(name, field); if (field instanceof Relation) { // 关系字段先放到 associating 里待处理,等相关 target model 初始化之后,再通过 associate 建立关系 this.associating.set(name, field); this.associations.set(name, field); } else { if (index === true) { this.addIndex(name, false); } else if (typeof index === 'object') { this.addIndex({ fields: [name], ...index, }, false); } this.modelAttributes[name] = field.getAttributeOptions(); } this.modelInit(reinitialize); this.database.runHooks('afterAddField', field, this); return field; } /** * 添加索引 * * @param indexOptions * @param reinitialize */ public addIndex(indexOptions: string | ModelIndexesOptions, reinitialize: Reinitialize = true) { const options = typeof indexOptions === 'string' ? { fields: [indexOptions], } : indexOptions; // @ts-ignore const index = Utils.nameIndex(options,; console.log(this.options, { index, options }); this.indexes.set(, { type: '', parser: null, ...index, }); this.modelInit(reinitialize); } /** * 批量添加索引 * * @param indexes * @param reinitialize */ public addIndexes(indexes: Array, reinitialize: Reinitialize = true) { for (const index in indexes) { this.addIndex(indexes[index], false); } this.modelInit(reinitialize); } /** * 扩展(实验性 API) * * @param options */ public extend(options: TableOptions, mergeOptions: MergeOptions = {}) { const { fields = [], indexes = [], model, ...restOptions } = options; if (model) { this.defaultModel = getRegisteredModel(model); } const { arrayMerge = (target: any[], source: any[]) => source } = mergeOptions; this.options = merge(this.options, restOptions, { arrayMerge, ...mergeOptions, }); for (const key in fields) { this.addField(fields[key], false); } // @ts-ignore this.addIndexes(indexes, false); this.modelInit(true); } /** * 相关表字段更新 * * @param options */ public async sync(options: SyncOptions = {}) { const tables = []; for (const name of this.getRelatedTableNames()) { tables.push(name); } return this.database.sync({ ...options, tables, }); } } export default Table;