import { InstallOptions, Plugin } from '@nocobase/server'; import ratelimit from 'koa-ratelimit'; export class CustomPagePlugin extends Plugin { beforeLoad() { const db = new Map(); ratelimit({ driver: 'memory', db: db, duration: 60000, errorMessage: 'Sometimes You Just Have to Slow Down.', id: (ctx) => ctx.ip, headers: { remaining: 'Rate-Limit-Remaining', reset: 'Rate-Limit-Reset', total: 'Rate-Limit-Total', }, max: 200, disableHeader: false, whitelist: (ctx) => { // some logic that returns a boolean }, blacklist: (ctx) => { // some logic that returns a boolean }, }), ); } async load() {} async install(options: InstallOptions) { // TODO } } export default CustomPagePlugin;