import { useForm } from '@formily/react'; import { Cascader } from 'antd'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { SchemaComponentContext, SchemaInitializerItemType, css, joinCollectionName, parseCollectionName, useCollectionDataSource, useCollectionFilterOptions, useCollectionManager_deprecated, useCompile, } from '@nocobase/client'; import { FieldsSelect, FilterDynamicComponent, ValueBlock, BaseTypeSets, defaultFieldNames, nodesOptions, triggerOptions, Instruction, } from '@nocobase/plugin-workflow/client'; import { NAMESPACE, useLang } from '../locale'; function matchToManyField(field): boolean { // const fieldPrefix = `${}.`; return ['hasMany', 'belongsToMany'].includes(field.type); } function useAssociatedFields() { const compile = useCompile(); return [nodesOptions, triggerOptions].map((item) => { const children = item .useOptions({ types: [matchToManyField], appends: null, depth: 4, }) ?.filter(Boolean); return { label: compile(item.label), value: item.value, key: item.value, children: compile(children), disabled: children && !children.length, }; }); } function AssociatedConfig({ value, onChange, ...props }): JSX.Element { const { setValuesIn } = useForm(); const { getCollection } = useCollectionManager_deprecated(); const baseOptions = useAssociatedFields(); const [options, setOptions] = useState(baseOptions); const { associatedKey = '', name: fieldName } = value ?? {}; let p = []; const matched = associatedKey.match(/^{{(.*)}}$/); if (matched) { p = [...matched[1].trim().split('.').slice(0, -1), fieldName]; } const loadData = async (selectedOptions) => { const option = selectedOptions[selectedOptions.length - 1]; if (!option.children?.length && !option.isLeaf && option.loadChildren) { await option.loadChildren(option); setOptions((prev) => [...prev]); } }; useEffect(() => { const run = async () => { if (!p || options.length <= 1) { return; } let prevOption = null; for (let i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { const key = p[i]; try { if (i === 0) { prevOption = options.find((item) => item.value === key); } else { if (prevOption.loadChildren && !prevOption.children?.length) { await prevOption.loadChildren(prevOption); } prevOption = prevOption.children.find((item) => item.value === key); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } setOptions([...options]); }; run(); // NOTE: watch `options.length` and it only happens once }, [value, options.length]); const onSelectChange = useCallback( (path, option) => { if (!path?.length) { setValuesIn('collection', null); onChange({}); return; } // const associationFieldName = path.pop(); const { field } = option.pop(); if (!field || !['hasMany', 'belongsToMany'].includes(field.type)) { return; } // need to get: // * source collection (from node.config) // * target collection (from field name) const { collectionName, target, name, dataSourceKey } = field; const collection = getCollection(collectionName, dataSourceKey); const primaryKeyField = collection.fields.find((f) => f.primaryKey); setValuesIn('collection', `${dataSourceKey}:${target}`); onChange({ name, // primary key data path associatedKey: `{{${path.slice(0, -1).join('.')}.${}}}`, // data associated collection name associatedCollection: joinCollectionName(dataSourceKey, collectionName), }); }, [onChange], ); return ( ); } // based on collection: // { collection, field } // based on data associated collection // { key: '{{$}}', collection: "collection.association", field } // select data based export default class extends Instruction { title = `{{t("Aggregate", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`; type = 'aggregate'; group = 'collection'; description = `{{t("Counting, summing, finding maximum, minimum, and average values for multiple records of a collection or associated data of a record.", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`; fieldset = { aggregator: { type: 'string', title: `{{t("Aggregator function", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Radio.Group', enum: [ { label: 'COUNT', value: 'count' }, { label: 'SUM', value: 'sum' }, { label: 'AVG', value: 'avg' }, { label: 'MIN', value: 'min' }, { label: 'MAX', value: 'max' }, ], required: true, default: 'count', }, associated: { type: 'boolean', title: `{{t("Target type", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Radio.Group', enum: [ { label: `{{t("Data of collection", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, value: false }, { label: `{{t("Data of associated collection", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, value: true }, ], required: true, default: false, 'x-reactions': [ { target: 'collection', effects: ['onFieldValueChange'], fulfill: { state: { value: null, }, }, }, { target: 'association', effects: ['onFieldValueChange'], fulfill: { state: { value: null, }, }, }, ], }, collectionField: { type: 'void', 'x-decorator': 'SchemaComponentContext.Provider', 'x-decorator-props': { value: { designable: false }, }, 'x-component': 'Grid', properties: { row: { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'Grid.Row', properties: { target: { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'Grid.Col', properties: { collection: { type: 'string', required: true, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'DataSourceCollectionCascader', title: `{{t("Data of collection", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-reactions': [ { dependencies: ['associated'], fulfill: { state: { display: '{{$deps[0] ? "hidden" : "visible"}}', }, }, }, { target: 'params.field', effects: ['onFieldValueChange'], fulfill: { state: { value: null, }, }, }, { target: 'params.filter', effects: ['onFieldValueChange'], fulfill: { state: { value: null, }, }, }, ], }, association: { type: 'object', title: `{{t("Data of associated collection", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'AssociatedConfig', 'x-component-props': { changeOnSelect: true, }, 'x-reactions': [ { dependencies: ['associated'], fulfill: { state: { visible: '{{!!$deps[0]}}', }, }, }, ], required: true, }, }, }, field: { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'Grid.Col', properties: { 'params.field': { type: 'string', title: `{{t("Field to aggregate", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'FieldsSelect', 'x-component-props': { filter(field) { return ( !field.hidden && field.interface && !['belongsTo', 'hasOne', 'hasMany', 'belongsToMany'].includes(field.type) ); }, }, required: true, 'x-reactions': [ { dependencies: ['collection'], fulfill: { state: { visible: '{{!!$deps[0]}}', }, }, }, ], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, params: { type: 'object', properties: { distinct: { type: 'boolean', title: `{{t("Distinct", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Checkbox', 'x-reactions': [ { dependencies: ['collection', 'aggregator'], fulfill: { state: { visible: '{{!!$deps[0] && ["count"].includes($deps[1])}}', }, }, }, ], }, filter: { type: 'object', title: '{{t("Filter")}}', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Filter', 'x-component-props': { useProps() { const { values } = useForm(); const [dataSourceName, collectionName] = parseCollectionName(values?.collection); const options = useCollectionFilterOptions(collectionName, dataSourceName); return { options, className: css` position: relative; width: 100%; `, }; }, dynamicComponent: 'FilterDynamicComponent', }, 'x-reactions': [ { dependencies: ['collection'], fulfill: { state: { visible: '{{!!$deps[0]}}', }, }, }, ], }, }, }, }; scope = { useCollectionDataSource, }; components = { SchemaComponentContext, FilterDynamicComponent, FieldsSelect, ValueBlock, AssociatedConfig, }; useVariables({ key, title }, { types, fieldNames = defaultFieldNames }) { if ( types && !types.some((type) => type in BaseTypeSets || Object.values(BaseTypeSets).some((set) => set.has(type))) ) { return null; } return { [fieldNames.value]: key, [fieldNames.label]: title, }; } useInitializers(node): SchemaInitializerItemType | null { // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const resultTitle = useLang('Query result'); if (!node.config.collection) { return null; } return { name: `#${}`, type: 'item', title: node.title ?? `#${}`, Component: ValueBlock.Initializer, node, resultTitle, }; } }