English | [简体中文](./README.zh-CN.md) ![](https://nocobase.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/bbcedd403d31cd1ccc4e9709581f5c2f.png) What is NocoBase ---------- NocoBase is a scalability-first, open-source no-code development platform. No programming required, build your own collaboration platform, management system with NocoBase in minutes. Homepage: https://www.nocobase.com/ Online Demo: https://demo.nocobase.com/new Contact Us: hello@nocobase.com Why choose NocoBase ---------- - **Open source and free** - Unrestricted commercial use under the Apache-2.0 license - Full code ownership, private deployment, private and secure data - Free to expand and develop for actual needs - Good ecological support - **Strong no-code capability** - Data Model - Dozens of field types such as text, attachments, etc., as well as many-to-many, one-to-many, one-to-one relationships. - Menu - Groups, pages, links combination into menu, support infinite level submenu - Block - Rich block types such as tables, kanban, calendars, forms, etc. are freely combined within the page to display and manipulate data. - Action - Configure actions such as filtering, exporting, adding, deleting, modifying, and viewing to process data. - ACL - Role-based control of user's system configuration rights, action rights and menu access rights. - Workflow - Repetitive tasks are replaced by automation, reducing manual operations and increasing efficiency. - **Developer-friendly** - Microkernel architecture, flexible and easy to extend, with a robust plug-in system - Node.js-based, with popular frameworks and technologies, including Koa, Sequelize, React, Formily, Ant Design, etc. - Progressive development, easy for getting-started, friendly to newcomers - No binding, no strong dependencies, can be used in any combination or extensions, can be used in existing projects Architecture ---------- ![](https://docs.nocobase.com/static/NocoBase.c9542b1f.png) Requirements ---------- Node: - Node.js 12.20+ Database: - PostgreSQL 10.x+ - MySQL 8.x+ - SQLite 3+ Installation ---------- ## Create a project with `create-nocobase-app` ~~~shell # 1. create project # SQLite yarn create nocobase-app my-nocobase-app -d sqlite # MySQL yarn create nocobase-app my-nocobase-app -d mysql \ -e DB_HOST=mysql \ -e DB_PORT=3356 \ -e DB_DATABASE=nocobase \ -e DB_USER=nocobase \ -e DB_PASSWORD=nocobase # PostgreSQL yarn create nocobase-app my-nocobase-app -d postgres \ -e DB_HOST=postgres \ -e DB_PORT=5432 \ -e DB_DATABASE=postgres \ -e DB_USER=postgres \ -e DB_PASSWORD=postgres # 2. switch to the project directory cd my-nocobase-app # 3. Install dependencies yarn install # 4. Install NocoBase yarn nocobase install --lang=en-US # 5. start project yarn start ~~~ Open [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000) in a web browser. The initial account and password are `admin@nocobase.com` and `admin123`. ## Contributing - Fork the source code to your own repository - Modify source code - Submit pull request ```bash # Replace the following git address with your own repo git clone https://github.com/nocobase/nocobase.git cd nocobase cp .env.example .env yarn install yarn nocobase install yarn start ``` ### Building ```bash # For all packages yarn build # For specific package yarn build --scope @nocobase/database ``` ### Testing ```bash # For all packages yarn test # For specific package yarn test packages/ ```