import { ModuleFormat, rollup, watch } from 'rollup'; import signale from 'signale'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import getRollupConfig from './getRollupConfig'; import { Dispose, IBundleOptions } from './types'; import normalizeBundleOpts from './normalizeBundleOpts'; interface IRollupOpts { cwd: string; rootPath?: string; entry: string | string[]; type: ModuleFormat; log: (string) => void; bundleOpts: IBundleOptions; watch?: boolean; dispose?: Dispose[]; importLibToEs?: boolean; } async function build(entry: string, opts: IRollupOpts) { const { cwd, rootPath, type, log, bundleOpts, importLibToEs, dispose } = opts; const rollupConfigs = getRollupConfig({ cwd, rootPath:rootPath || cwd, type, entry, importLibToEs, bundleOpts: normalizeBundleOpts(entry, bundleOpts), }); for (const rollupConfig of rollupConfigs) { if ( { const watcher = watch([ { ...rollupConfig, watch: {}, }, ]); await (new Promise((resolve) => { watcher.on('event', (event) => { // 每次构建完成都会触发 BUNDLE_END 事件 // 当第一次构建完成或出错就 resolve if (event.code === 'ERROR') { signale.error(event.error); resolve(); } else if (event.code === 'BUNDLE_END') { log(`${`Build ${type} success`)} ${chalk.gray(`entry: ${entry}`)}`); resolve(); } }); })); process.once('SIGINT', () => { watcher.close(); }); dispose?.push(() => watcher.close()); } else { const { output, ...input } = rollupConfig; const bundle = await rollup(input); // eslint-disable-line await bundle.write(output); // eslint-disable-line log(`${`Build ${type} success`)} ${chalk.gray(`entry: ${entry}`)}`); } } } export default async function(opts: IRollupOpts) { if (Array.isArray(opts.entry)) { const { entry: entries } = opts; for (const entry of entries) { await build(entry, opts); } } else { await build(opts.entry, opts); } if ( { opts.log(chalk.magentaBright(`Rebuild ${opts.type} since file changed 👀`)); } }