# Duplicator [English](./README.md) | 中文 TachyBase 应用的备份与还原插件,可用于应用的复制、迁移、升级等场景。 ## 安装激活 内置插件无需手动安装激活。 ## 使用方法 Duplicator 插件提供了 `dump` 和 `restore` 命令,分别用于备份和还原应用数据,可用于单应用的备份和还原,也可以跨应用。如果跨应用还原数据,请保证目标应用 TachyBase 版本与源应用一致,相对应插件也已下载本地。 **⚠️ 如果使用了继承(PostgreSQL)、视图、触发器等不兼容的特性,跨数据库还原备份数据可能失败。** ### 备份数据 ```bash yarn tachybase dump ``` 选择需要备份的插件表结构及其数据 ```bash ? Select the plugin collections to be dumped (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed) == Required == - migration (core) (Disabled) - collections (collection-manager) (Disabled) - uiSchemas (ui-schema-storage) (Disabled) - uiRoutes (ui-routes-storage) (Disabled) - acl (acl) (Disabled) - workflowConfig (workflow) (Disabled) - snapshot-field (snapshot-field) (Disabled) - sequences (sequence-field) (Disabled) == Optional == ❯◉ executionLogs (workflow) ◉ users (users) ◉ storageSetting (file-manager) ◉ attachmentRecords (file-manager) ◉ systemSettings (system-settings) ◉ verificationProviders (verification) ◉ verificationData (verification) ◉ oidcProviders (oidc) ◉ samlProviders (saml) ◉ mapConfiguration (map) (Move up and down to reveal more choices) ``` 选择需要备份的其他数据表的记录 ```bash ? Select the collection records to be dumped (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed) ❯◉ Test1 ❯◉ Test2 ❯◉ Test3 ``` 数据备份成功之后,备份文件位于 `storage/duplicator` 目录下: ```bash dumped to /your/apps/a/storage/duplicator/dump-20230210T223910.nbdump dumped file size: 20.8 kB ``` ### 还原数据 ```bash yarn tachybase restore /your/apps/a/storage/duplicator/dump-20230210T223910.nbdump ``` 导入前请先备份数据 ```bash ? Danger !!! This action will overwrite your current data, please make sure you have a backup❗️❗️ (y/N) ``` 选择需要还原的插件表结构及其数据 ```bash ? Select the plugin collections to be restored (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed) == Required == - migration (core) (Disabled) - collections (collection-manager) (Disabled) - uiSchemas (ui-schema-storage) (Disabled) - uiRoutes (ui-routes-storage) (Disabled) - acl (acl) (Disabled) - workflowConfig (workflow) (Disabled) - sequences (sequence-field) (Disabled) == Optional == ❯◯ executionLogs (workflow) ◯ users (users) ◯ storageSetting (file-manager) ◯ attachmentRecords (file-manager) ◯ systemSettings (system-settings) ◯ verificationProviders (verification) ◯ verificationData (verification) ◯ auditLogs (audit-logs) ◯ iframe html storage (iframe-block) ``` 选择需要还原的其他数据表的记录 ```bash ? Select the collection records to be restored (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed) ❯◉ Test1 ❯◉ Test2 ❯◉ Test3 ``` 成功之后,重启应用 ```bash # for development yarn dev # for production yarn start ```