import { Cache as BasicCache, caching, FactoryStore, Store } from 'cache-manager'; import { RedisStore, redisStore } from 'cache-manager-redis-yet'; import deepmerge from 'deepmerge'; import lodash from 'lodash'; import { BloomFilter } from './bloom-filter'; import { MemoryBloomFilter } from './bloom-filter/memory-bloom-filter'; import { RedisBloomFilter } from './bloom-filter/redis-bloom-filter'; import { Cache } from './cache'; export type { FactoryStore } from 'cache-manager'; export type StoreOptions = { store?: 'memory' | FactoryStore; close?: (store: Store) => Promise; // global config [key: string]: any; }; export type CacheManagerOptions = Partial<{ defaultStore: string; stores: { [storeType: string]: StoreOptions; }; }>; export class CacheManager { defaultStore: string; private stores = new Map< string, { store: BasicCache; close?: (store: Store) => Promise; } >(); storeTypes = new Map(); caches = new Map(); constructor(options?: CacheManagerOptions) { const defaultOptions: CacheManagerOptions = { defaultStore: 'memory', stores: { memory: { store: 'memory', // global config max: 2000, }, redis: { store: redisStore, close: async (redis: RedisStore) => { await redis.client.quit(); }, }, }, }; const cacheOptions = deepmerge(defaultOptions, options || {}); const { defaultStore = 'memory', stores } = cacheOptions; this.defaultStore = defaultStore; for (const [name, store] of Object.entries(stores)) { const { store: s, ...globalConfig } = store; this.registerStore({ name, store: s, ...globalConfig }); } } private async createStore(options: { name: string; storeType: string; [key: string]: any }) { const { name, storeType: type, ...config } = options; const storeType = this.storeTypes.get(type) as any; if (!storeType) { throw new Error(`Create cache failed, store type [${type}] is unavailable or not registered`); } const { store: s, close, ...globalConfig } = storeType; const store = await caching(s, { ...globalConfig, ...config }); this.stores.set(name, { close, store }); return store; } registerStore(options: { name: string } & StoreOptions) { const { name, } = options; this.storeTypes.set(name, rest); } private newCache(options: { name: string; prefix?: string; store: BasicCache }) { const { name, prefix, store } = options; const cache = new Cache({ name, prefix, store }); this.caches.set(name, cache); return cache; } async createCache(options: { name: string; prefix?: string; store?: string; [key: string]: any }) { const { name, prefix, store = this.defaultStore, ...config } = options; if (!lodash.isEmpty(config)) { const newStore = await this.createStore({ name, storeType: store, ...config }); return this.newCache({ name, prefix, store: newStore }); } const s = this.stores.get(store); if (!s) { const defaultStore = await this.createStore({ name: store, storeType: store }); return this.newCache({ name, prefix, store: defaultStore }); } return this.newCache({ name, prefix, store: }); } getCache(name: string): Cache { const cache = this.caches.get(name); if (!cache) { throw new Error(`Get cache failed, ${name} is not found`); } return cache; } async flushAll() { const promises = []; for (const cache of this.caches.values()) { promises.push(cache.reset()); } await Promise.all(promises); } async close() { const promises = []; for (const s of this.stores.values()) { const { close, store } = s; close && promises.push(close(; } await Promise.all(promises); } async createBloomFilter(options?: { store?: string }): Promise { const name = 'bloom-filter'; const { store = this.defaultStore } = options || {}; let cache: Cache; try { cache = this.getCache(name); } catch (error) { cache = await this.createCache({ name, store }); } switch (store) { case 'memory': return new MemoryBloomFilter(cache); case 'redis': return new RedisBloomFilter(cache); default: throw new Error(`BloomFilter store [${store}] is not supported`); } } }