import { existsSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, statSync } from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; import rimraf from 'rimraf'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { merge } from 'lodash'; import signale from 'signale'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { IOpts, IBundleOptions, IBundleTypeOutput, ICjs, IEsm } from './types'; import babel from './babel'; import rollup from './rollup'; import registerBabel from './registerBabel'; import { getExistFile } from './utils'; import getUserConfig, { CONFIG_FILES } from './getUserConfig'; import randomColor from "./randomColor"; export function getBundleOpts(opts: IOpts): IBundleOptions[] { const { cwd, buildArgs = {}, rootConfig = {} } = opts; const entry = getExistFile({ cwd, files: ['src/index.tsx', 'src/index.ts', 'src/index.jsx', 'src/index.js'], returnRelative: true, }); const userConfig = getUserConfig({ cwd }); const userConfigs = Array.isArray(userConfig) ? userConfig : [userConfig]; return (userConfigs as any).map(userConfig => { const bundleOpts = merge( { entry, }, rootConfig, userConfig, buildArgs, ); // Support config esm: 'rollup' and cjs: 'rollup' if (typeof bundleOpts.esm === 'string') { bundleOpts.esm = { type: bundleOpts.esm }; } if (typeof bundleOpts.cjs === 'string') { bundleOpts.cjs = { type: bundleOpts.cjs }; } return bundleOpts; }); } function validateBundleOpts(bundleOpts: IBundleOptions, { cwd, rootPath }) { if (bundleOpts.runtimeHelpers) { const pkgPath = join(cwd, 'package.json'); assert.ok(existsSync(pkgPath), `@babel/runtime dependency is required to use runtimeHelpers`); const pkg = JSON.parse(readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf-8')); assert.ok( (pkg.dependencies || {})['@babel/runtime'], `@babel/runtime dependency is required to use runtimeHelpers`, ); } if (bundleOpts.cjs && (bundleOpts.cjs as ICjs).lazy && (bundleOpts.cjs as ICjs).type === 'rollup') { throw new Error(` cjs.lazy don't support rollup. `.trim()); } if (!bundleOpts.esm && !bundleOpts.cjs && !bundleOpts.umd) { throw new Error( ` None format of ${chalk.cyan( 'cjs | esm | umd', )} is configured, checkout for usage details. `.trim(), ); } if (bundleOpts.entry) { const tsConfigPath = join(cwd, 'tsconfig.json'); const tsConfig = existsSync(tsConfigPath) || (rootPath && existsSync(join(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json'))); if ( !tsConfig && ( (Array.isArray(bundleOpts.entry) && bundleOpts.entry.some(isTypescriptFile)) || (!Array.isArray(bundleOpts.entry) && isTypescriptFile(bundleOpts.entry)) ) ) { `Project using ${chalk.cyan('typescript')} but tsconfig.json not exists. Use default config.` ); } } } function isTypescriptFile(filePath) { return filePath.endsWith('.ts') || filePath.endsWith('.tsx') } interface IExtraBuildOpts { pkg?: string; } export async function build(opts: IOpts, extraOpts: IExtraBuildOpts = {}) { const { cwd, rootPath, watch } = opts; const { pkg } = extraOpts; // register babel for config files registerBabel({ cwd, only: CONFIG_FILES, }); function log(msg) { console.log(`${pkg ? `${randomColor(`${pkg}`)}: ` : ''}${msg}`); } // Get user config const bundleOptsArray = getBundleOpts(opts); for (const bundleOpts of bundleOptsArray) { validateBundleOpts(bundleOpts, { cwd, rootPath }); // Clean dist log(chalk.gray(`Clean dist directory`)); rimraf.sync(join(cwd, 'dist')); // Build umd if (bundleOpts.umd) { log(`Build umd`); await rollup({ cwd, log, type: 'umd', entry: bundleOpts.entry, watch, bundleOpts, }); } // Build cjs if (bundleOpts.cjs) { const cjs = bundleOpts.cjs as IBundleTypeOutput; log(`Build cjs with ${cjs.type}`); if (cjs.type === 'babel') { await babel({ cwd, rootPath, watch, type: 'cjs', log, bundleOpts }); } else { await rollup({ cwd, log, type: 'cjs', entry: bundleOpts.entry, watch, bundleOpts, }); } } // Build esm if (bundleOpts.esm) { const esm = bundleOpts.esm as IEsm; log(`Build esm with ${esm.type}`); const importLibToEs = esm && esm.importLibToEs; if (esm && esm.type === 'babel') { await babel({ cwd, rootPath, watch, type: 'esm', importLibToEs, log, bundleOpts }); } else { await rollup({ cwd, log, type: 'esm', entry: bundleOpts.entry, importLibToEs, watch, bundleOpts, }); } } } } export async function buildForLerna(opts: IOpts) { const { cwd } = opts; // register babel for config files registerBabel({ cwd, only: CONFIG_FILES, }); const userConfig = merge(getUserConfig({ cwd }), opts.rootConfig || {}); let pkgs = readdirSync(join(cwd, 'packages')); // support define pkgs in lerna if (userConfig.pkgs) { pkgs = userConfig.pkgs; } // 支持 scope pkgs = pkgs.reduce((memo, pkg) => { const pkgPath = join(cwd, 'packages', pkg); if (statSync(pkgPath).isDirectory()) { if (pkg.startsWith('@')) { readdirSync(join(cwd, 'packages', pkg)).filter(subPkg => { if (statSync(join(cwd, 'packages', pkg, subPkg)).isDirectory()) { memo = memo.concat(`${pkg}/${subPkg}`); } }); } else { memo = memo.concat(pkg); } } return memo; }, []); for (const pkg of pkgs) { if (process.env.PACKAGE && pkg !== process.env.PACKAGE) continue; // build error when .DS_Store includes in packages root const pkgPath = join(cwd, 'packages', pkg); assert.ok( existsSync(join(pkgPath, 'package.json')), `package.json not found in packages/${pkg}`, ); process.chdir(pkgPath); await build( { // eslint-disable-line ...opts, buildArgs: opts.buildArgs, rootConfig: userConfig, cwd: pkgPath, rootPath: cwd, }, { pkg, }, ); } } export default async function(opts: IOpts) { const useLerna = existsSync(join(opts.cwd, 'lerna.json')); if (useLerna && process.env.LERNA !== 'none') { await buildForLerna(opts); } else { await build(opts); } }