import { createConsoleLogger, createLogger, Logger, LoggerOptions } from '@nocobase/logger'; import { applyMixins, AsyncEmitter } from '@nocobase/utils'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import merge from 'deepmerge'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { backOff } from 'exponential-backoff'; import glob from 'glob'; import lodash from 'lodash'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import { basename, isAbsolute, resolve } from 'path'; import semver from 'semver'; import { DataTypes, ModelStatic, Op, Options, QueryInterfaceDropAllTablesOptions, QueryOptions, Sequelize, SyncOptions, Transactionable, Utils, } from 'sequelize'; import { SequelizeStorage, Umzug } from 'umzug'; import { Collection, CollectionOptions, RepositoryType } from './collection'; import { CollectionFactory } from './collection-factory'; import { CollectionGroupManager } from './collection-group-manager'; import { ImporterReader, ImportFileExtension } from './collection-importer'; import DatabaseUtils from './database-utils'; import ReferencesMap from './features/ReferencesMap'; import { referentialIntegrityCheck } from './features/referential-integrity-check'; import { ArrayFieldRepository } from './field-repository/array-field-repository'; import * as FieldTypes from './fields'; import { Field, FieldContext, RelationField } from './fields'; import { checkDatabaseVersion } from './helpers'; import { InheritedCollection } from './inherited-collection'; import InheritanceMap from './inherited-map'; import { registerBuiltInListeners } from './listeners'; import { MigrationItem, Migrations } from './migration'; import { Model } from './model'; import { ModelHook } from './model-hook'; import extendOperators from './operators'; import QueryInterface from './query-interface/query-interface'; import buildQueryInterface from './query-interface/query-interface-builder'; import { RelationRepository } from './relation-repository/relation-repository'; import { Repository } from './repository'; import { SqlCollection } from './sql-collection/sql-collection'; import { AfterDefineCollectionListener, BeforeDefineCollectionListener, CreateListener, CreateWithAssociationsListener, DatabaseAfterDefineCollectionEventType, DatabaseAfterRemoveCollectionEventType, DatabaseBeforeDefineCollectionEventType, DatabaseBeforeRemoveCollectionEventType, DestroyListener, EventType, ModelCreateEventTypes, ModelCreateWithAssociationsEventTypes, ModelDestroyEventTypes, ModelSaveEventTypes, ModelSaveWithAssociationsEventTypes, ModelUpdateEventTypes, ModelUpdateWithAssociationsEventTypes, ModelValidateEventTypes, RemoveCollectionListener, SaveListener, SaveWithAssociationsListener, SyncListener, UpdateListener, UpdateWithAssociationsListener, ValidateListener, } from './types'; import { patchSequelizeQueryInterface, snakeCase } from './utils'; import { BaseValueParser, registerFieldValueParsers } from './value-parsers'; import { ViewCollection } from './view-collection'; export type MergeOptions = merge.Options; export interface PendingOptions { field: RelationField; model: ModelStatic<Model>; } interface MapOf<T> { [key: string]: T; } export interface IDatabaseOptions extends Options { tablePrefix?: string; migrator?: any; usingBigIntForId?: boolean; underscored?: boolean; logger?: LoggerOptions | Logger; customHooks?: any; instanceId?: string; } export type DatabaseOptions = IDatabaseOptions; interface RegisterOperatorsContext { db?: Database; path?: string; field?: Field; app?: any; } export interface CleanOptions extends QueryInterfaceDropAllTablesOptions { drop?: boolean; } export type AddMigrationsOptions = { context?: any; namespace?: string; extensions?: string[]; directory: string; }; type OperatorFunc = (value: any, ctx?: RegisterOperatorsContext) => any; export const DialectVersionAccessors = { sqlite: { sql: 'select sqlite_version() as version', get: (v: string) => v, }, mysql: { sql: 'select version() as version', get: (v: string) => { const m = /([\d+.]+)/.exec(v); return m[0]; }, }, mariadb: { sql: 'select version() as version', get: (v: string) => { const m = /([\d+.]+)/.exec(v); return m[0]; }, }, postgres: { sql: 'select version() as version', get: (v: string) => { const m = /([\d+.]+)/.exec(v); return semver.minVersion(m[0]).version; }, }, }; class DatabaseVersion { db: Database; constructor(db: Database) { this.db = db; } async satisfies(versions) { const accessors = DialectVersionAccessors; for (const dialect of Object.keys(accessors)) { if (this.db.inDialect(dialect)) { if (!versions?.[dialect]) { return false; } const [result] = (await this.db.sequelize.query(accessors[dialect].sql)) as any; const versionResult = accessors[dialect].get(result?.[0]?.version); if (lodash.isPlainObject(versionResult) && versionResult.dialect) { return semver.satisfies(versionResult.version, versions[versionResult.dialect]); } return semver.satisfies(versionResult, versions[dialect]); } } return false; } } export class Database extends EventEmitter implements AsyncEmitter { sequelize: Sequelize; migrator: Umzug; migrations: Migrations; fieldTypes = new Map(); fieldValueParsers = new Map(); options: IDatabaseOptions; models = new Map<string, ModelStatic<Model>>(); repositories = new Map<string, RepositoryType>(); operators = new Map(); collections = new Map<string, Collection>(); pendingFields = new Map<string, RelationField[]>(); modelCollection = new Map<ModelStatic<any>, Collection>(); tableNameCollectionMap = new Map<string, Collection>(); context: any = {}; queryInterface: QueryInterface; utils = new DatabaseUtils(this); referenceMap = new ReferencesMap(); inheritanceMap = new InheritanceMap(); importedFrom = new Map<string, Set<string>>(); modelHook: ModelHook; version: DatabaseVersion; delayCollectionExtend = new Map<string, { collectionOptions: CollectionOptions; mergeOptions?: any }[]>(); logger: Logger; collectionGroupManager = new CollectionGroupManager(this); collectionFactory: CollectionFactory = new CollectionFactory(this); declare emitAsync: (event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => Promise<boolean>; constructor(options: DatabaseOptions) { super(); this.version = new DatabaseVersion(this); const opts = { sync: { alter: { drop: false, }, force: false, }, ...lodash.clone(options), }; if (options.logger) { if (typeof options.logger['log'] === 'function') { this.logger = options.logger as Logger; } else { this.logger = createLogger(options.logger); } } else { this.logger = createConsoleLogger(); } if (!options.instanceId) { this._instanceId = nanoid(); } else { this._instanceId = options.instanceId; } if ( && !== ':memory:') { if (!isAbsolute( { = resolve(process.cwd(),; } } if (options.dialect === 'sqlite') { delete opts.timezone; } else if (!opts.timezone) { opts.timezone = '+00:00'; } if (options.dialect === 'postgres') { // require('pg').defaults.parseInt8 = true; } this.options = opts; const sequelizeOptions = this.sequelizeOptions(this.options); this.sequelize = new Sequelize(sequelizeOptions); this.queryInterface = buildQueryInterface(this); this.collections = new Map(); this.modelHook = new ModelHook(this); this.on('afterDefineCollection', (collection: Collection) => { // after collection defined, call bind method on pending fields this.pendingFields.get( => field.bind()); this.delayCollectionExtend.get( => { collection.updateOptions(collectionExtend.collectionOptions, collectionExtend.mergeOptions); }); }); // register database field types for (const [name, field] of Object.entries<any>(FieldTypes)) { if (['Field', 'RelationField'].includes(name)) { continue; } let key = name.replace(/Field$/g, ''); key = key.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + key.substring(1); this.registerFieldTypes({ [key]: field, }); } registerFieldValueParsers(this); this.initOperators(); const migratorOptions: any = this.options.migrator || {}; const context = { db: this, sequelize: this.sequelize, queryInterface: this.sequelize.getQueryInterface(), ...migratorOptions.context, }; this.migrations = new Migrations(context); this.sequelize.beforeDefine((model, opts) => { if (this.options.tablePrefix) { if (opts.tableName && opts.tableName.startsWith(this.options.tablePrefix)) { return; } opts.tableName = `${this.options.tablePrefix}${opts.tableName || opts.modelName ||}`; } }); this.collection({ name: 'migrations', autoGenId: false, timestamps: false, dumpRules: 'required', origin: '@nocobase/database', fields: [{ type: 'string', name: 'name', primaryKey: true }], }); this.migrator = new Umzug({ logger: migratorOptions.logger || console, migrations: this.migrations.callback(), context, storage: new SequelizeStorage({ tableName: `${this.options.tablePrefix || ''}migrations`, modelName: 'migrations',, sequelize: this.sequelize, }), }); this.initListener(); patchSequelizeQueryInterface(this); this.registerCollectionType(); } _instanceId: string; get instanceId() { return this._instanceId; } createMigrator({ migrations }) { const migratorOptions: any = this.options.migrator || {}; const context = { db: this, sequelize: this.sequelize, queryInterface: this.sequelize.getQueryInterface(), ...migratorOptions.context, }; return new Umzug({ logger: migratorOptions.logger || console, migrations: Array.isArray(migrations) ? lodash.sortBy(migrations, (m) => : migrations, context, storage: new SequelizeStorage({ tableName: `${this.options.tablePrefix || ''}migrations`, modelName: 'migrations',, sequelize: this.sequelize, }), }); } setContext(context: any) { this.context = context; } sequelizeOptions(options) { if (options.dialect === 'postgres') { if (!options.hooks) { options.hooks = {}; } if (!options.hooks['afterConnect']) { options.hooks['afterConnect'] = []; } options.hooks['afterConnect'].push(async (connection) => { await connection.query('SET search_path TO public;'); }); } return options; } initListener() { this.on('afterConnect', async (client) => { if (this.inDialect('postgres')) { await client.query('SET search_path = public'); } }); this.on('beforeDefine', (model, options) => { if (this.options.underscored && options.underscored === undefined) { options.underscored = true; } }); this.on('afterCreate', async (instance) => { instance?.toChangedWithAssociations?.(); }); this.on('afterUpdate', async (instance) => { instance?.toChangedWithAssociations?.(); }); this.on('beforeDestroy', async (instance, options) => { await referentialIntegrityCheck({ db: this, referencedInstance: instance, transaction: options.transaction, }); }); this.on('afterRemoveCollection', (collection) => { this.inheritanceMap.removeNode(; }); this.on('afterDefine', (model) => { if (lodash.get(this.options, 'usingBigIntForId', true)) { const idAttribute = model.rawAttributes['id']; if (idAttribute && idAttribute.primaryKey) { model.rawAttributes['id'].type = DataTypes.BIGINT; model.refreshAttributes(); } } }); this.on('afterUpdateCollection', (collection, options) => { if (collection.options.schema) { collection.model._schema = collection.options.schema; } if (collection.options.sql) { collection.modelInit(); } }); this.on('beforeDefineCollection', (options) => { if (this.options.underscored && options.underscored === undefined) { options.underscored = true; } if (options.underscored) { if (lodash.get(options, 'sortable.scopeKey')) { options.sortable.scopeKey = snakeCase(options.sortable.scopeKey); } if (lodash.get(options, 'indexes')) { // change index fields to snake case options.indexes = => { if (index.fields) { index.fields = => { return snakeCase(field); }); } return index; }); } } if (this.options.schema && !options.schema) { options.schema = this.options.schema; } }); this.on('afterDefineCollection', async (collection: Collection) => { const options = collection.options; if (options.origin) { const existsSet = this.importedFrom.get(options.origin) || new Set(); existsSet.add(; this.importedFrom.set(options.origin, existsSet); } }); registerBuiltInListeners(this); } addMigration(item: MigrationItem) { return this.migrations.add(item); } addMigrations(options: AddMigrationsOptions) { const { namespace, context, extensions = ['js', 'ts'], directory } = options; const patten = `${directory}/*.{${extensions.join(',')}}`; const files = glob.sync(patten, { ignore: ['**/*.d.ts'], }); for (const file of files) { let filename = basename(file); filename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')) || filename; this.migrations.add({ name: namespace ? `${namespace}/${filename}` : filename, migration: file, context, }); } } inDialect(...dialect: string[]) { return dialect.includes(this.sequelize.getDialect()); } isMySQLCompatibleDialect() { return this.inDialect('mysql', 'mariadb'); } /** * Add collection to database * @param options */ collection<Attributes = any, CreateAttributes = Attributes>( options: CollectionOptions, ): Collection<Attributes, CreateAttributes> { options = lodash.cloneDeep(options); if (this.options.underscored) { options.underscored = true; } this.emit('beforeDefineCollection', options); const collection = this.collectionFactory.createCollection(options); this.collections.set(, collection); this.emit('afterDefineCollection', collection); return collection; } getTablePrefix() { return this.options.tablePrefix || ''; } getFieldByPath(path: string) { if (!path) { return; } const [collectionName, associationName, ...args] = path.split('.'); const collection = this.getCollection(collectionName); if (!collection) { return; } const field = collection.getField(associationName); if (!field) { return; } if (args.length > 0) { return this.getFieldByPath(`${field?.target}.${args.join('.')}`); } return field; } /** * get exists collection by its name * @param name */ getCollection(name: string): Collection { if (!name) { return null; } const [collectionName, associationName] = name.split('.'); const collection = this.collections.get(collectionName); if (associationName) { const target = collection.getField(associationName)?.target; return target ? this.collections.get(target) : null; } return collection; } hasCollection(name: string): boolean { return !!this.getCollection(name); } removeCollection(name: string) { const collection = this.collections.get(name); this.emit('beforeRemoveCollection', collection); collection.resetFields(); const result = this.collections.delete(name); this.sequelize.modelManager.removeModel(collection.model); if (result) { this.emit('afterRemoveCollection', collection); } return collection; } getModel<M extends Model>(name: string) { return this.getCollection(name).model as ModelStatic<M>; } getRepository<R extends Repository>(name: string): R; getRepository<R extends RelationRepository>(name: string, relationId: string | number): R; getRepository<R extends ArrayFieldRepository>(name: string, relationId: string | number): R; getRepository<R extends RelationRepository>(name: string, relationId?: string | number): Repository | R { const [collection, relation] = name.split('.'); if (relation) { return this.getRepository(collection)?.relation(relation)?.of(relationId) as R; } return this.getCollection(name)?.repository; } addPendingField(field: RelationField) { const associating = this.pendingFields; const items = this.pendingFields.get( || []; items.push(field); associating.set(, items); } removePendingField(field: RelationField) { const items = this.pendingFields.get( || []; const index = items.indexOf(field); if (index !== -1) { delete items[index]; this.pendingFields.set(, items); } } registerFieldTypes(fieldTypes: MapOf<typeof Field>) { for (const [type, fieldType] of Object.entries(fieldTypes)) { this.fieldTypes.set(type, fieldType); } } registerFieldValueParsers(parsers: MapOf<any>) { for (const [type, parser] of Object.entries(parsers)) { this.fieldValueParsers.set(type, parser); } } buildFieldValueParser<T extends BaseValueParser>(field: Field, ctx: any) { const Parser = field && this.fieldValueParsers.has(field.type) ? this.fieldValueParsers.get(field.type) : this.fieldValueParsers.get('default'); const parser = new Parser(field, ctx); return parser as T; } registerModels(models: MapOf<ModelStatic<any>>) { for (const [type, schemaType] of Object.entries(models)) { this.models.set(type, schemaType); } } registerRepositories(repositories: MapOf<RepositoryType>) { for (const [type, schemaType] of Object.entries(repositories)) { this.repositories.set(type, schemaType); } } initOperators() { const operators = new Map(); // Sequelize 内置 for (const key in Op) { operators.set('$' + key, Op[key]); const val = Utils.underscoredIf(key, true); operators.set('$' + val, Op[key]); operators.set('$' + val.replace(/_/g, ''), Op[key]); } this.operators = operators; this.registerOperators({ ...(extendOperators as unknown as MapOf<OperatorFunc>), }); } registerOperators(operators: MapOf<OperatorFunc>) { for (const [key, operator] of Object.entries(operators)) { this.operators.set(key, operator); } } buildField(options, context: FieldContext) { const { type } = options; const Field = this.fieldTypes.get(type); if (!Field) { throw Error(`unsupported field type ${type}`); } const { collection } = context; if (options.field && collection.options.underscored && !collection.isView()) { options.field = snakeCase(options.field); } if (, 'defaultValue') && options.defaultValue === null) { delete options.defaultValue; } return new Field(options, context); } async sync(options?: SyncOptions) { const isMySQL = this.isMySQLCompatibleDialect(); if (isMySQL) { await this.sequelize.query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0', null); } if (this.options.schema && this.inDialect('postgres')) { await this.sequelize.query(`CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS "${this.options.schema}"`, null); } const result = await this.sequelize.sync(options); if (isMySQL) { await this.sequelize.query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1', null); } return result; } async clean(options: CleanOptions) { const { drop, ...others } = options || {}; if (drop !== true) { return; } if (this.options.schema) { const tableNames = (await this.sequelize.getQueryInterface().showAllTables()).map((table) => { return `"${this.options.schema}"."${table}"`; }); const skip = options.skip || []; // @ts-ignore for (const tableName of tableNames) { if (skip.includes(tableName)) { continue; } await this.sequelize.query(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tableName} CASCADE`); } return; } await this.queryInterface.dropAll(options); } async collectionExistsInDb(name: string, options?: Transactionable) { const collection = this.getCollection(name); if (!collection) { return false; } return await this.queryInterface.collectionTableExists(collection, options); } public isSqliteMemory() { return this.sequelize.getDialect() === 'sqlite' && lodash.get(this.options, 'storage') == ':memory:'; } async auth(options: Omit<QueryOptions, 'retry'> & { retry?: number | Pick<QueryOptions, 'retry'> } = {}) { const { retry = 10, ...others } = options; const startingDelay = 50; const timeMultiple = 2; let attemptNumber = 1; // To track the current attempt number const authenticate = async () => { try { await this.sequelize.authenticate(others);'connection has been established successfully.', { method: 'auth' }); } catch (error) { this.logger.warn(`attempt ${attemptNumber}/${retry}: Unable to connect to the database: ${error.message}`, { method: 'auth', }); const nextDelay = startingDelay * Math.pow(timeMultiple, attemptNumber - 1); attemptNumber++; if (attemptNumber < (retry as number)) { this.logger.warn(`will retry in ${nextDelay}ms...`, { method: 'auth' }); } throw error; // Re-throw the error so that backoff can catch and handle it } }; try { await backOff(authenticate, { numOfAttempts: retry as number, startingDelay: startingDelay, timeMultiple: timeMultiple, }); } catch (error) { throw new Error('Connection failed, please check your database connection credentials and try again.'); } } async checkVersion() { return await checkDatabaseVersion(this); } async prepare() { if (this.isMySQLCompatibleDialect()) { const result = await this.sequelize.query(`SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'`, { plain: true }); if (result?.Value === '1' && !this.options.underscored) { console.log( `Your database lower_case_table_names=1, please add ${chalk.yellow('DB_UNDERSCORED=true')} to the .env file`, ); process.exit(); } } if (this.inDialect('postgres') && this.options.schema && this.options.schema != 'public') { await this.sequelize.query(`CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS "${this.options.schema}"`, null); } } async reconnect() { if (this.isSqliteMemory()) { return; } // @ts-ignore const ConnectionManager = this.sequelize.dialect.connectionManager.constructor; // @ts-ignore const connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(this.sequelize.dialect, this.sequelize); // @ts-ignore this.sequelize.dialect.connectionManager = connectionManager; // @ts-ignore this.sequelize.connectionManager = connectionManager; } closed() { // @ts-ignore return this.sequelize.connectionManager.pool._draining; } async close() { if (this.isSqliteMemory()) { return; } await this.emitAsync('beforeClose', this); const closeResult = this.sequelize.close(); if (this.options?.customHooks?.['afterClose']) { await this.options.customHooks['afterClose'](this); } return closeResult; } on(event: EventType, listener: any): this; on(event: ModelValidateEventTypes, listener: SyncListener): this; on(event: ModelValidateEventTypes, listener: ValidateListener): this; on(event: ModelCreateEventTypes, listener: CreateListener): this; on(event: ModelUpdateEventTypes, listener: UpdateListener): this; on(event: ModelSaveEventTypes, listener: SaveListener): this; on(event: ModelDestroyEventTypes, listener: DestroyListener): this; on(event: ModelCreateWithAssociationsEventTypes, listener: CreateWithAssociationsListener): this; on(event: ModelUpdateWithAssociationsEventTypes, listener: UpdateWithAssociationsListener): this; on(event: ModelSaveWithAssociationsEventTypes, listener: SaveWithAssociationsListener): this; on(event: DatabaseBeforeDefineCollectionEventType, listener: BeforeDefineCollectionListener): this; on(event: DatabaseAfterDefineCollectionEventType, listener: AfterDefineCollectionListener): this; on( event: DatabaseBeforeRemoveCollectionEventType | DatabaseAfterRemoveCollectionEventType, listener: RemoveCollectionListener, ): this; on(event: EventType, listener: any): this { // NOTE: to match if event is a sequelize or model type const type = this.modelHook.match(event); if (type && !this.modelHook.hasBoundEvent(type)) { this.sequelize.addHook(type, this.modelHook.buildSequelizeHook(type)); this.modelHook.bindEvent(type); } return super.on(event, listener); } extendCollection(collectionOptions: CollectionOptions, mergeOptions?: MergeOptions) { collectionOptions = lodash.cloneDeep(collectionOptions); const collectionName =; const existCollection = this.getCollection(collectionName); if (existCollection) { existCollection.updateOptions(collectionOptions, mergeOptions); } else { const existDelayExtends = this.delayCollectionExtend.get(collectionName) || []; this.delayCollectionExtend.set(collectionName, [...existDelayExtends, { collectionOptions, mergeOptions }]); } } async import(options: { directory: string; from?: string; extensions?: ImportFileExtension[]; }): Promise<Map<string, Collection>> { const reader = new ImporterReader(, options.extensions); const modules = await; const result = new Map<string, Collection>(); for (const module of modules) { if (module.extend) { this.extendCollection(module.collectionOptions, module.mergeOptions); } else { const collection = this.collection({ ...module, origin: options.from, }); result.set(, collection); } } return result; } private registerCollectionType() { this.collectionFactory.registerCollectionType(InheritedCollection, { condition: (options) => { return options.inherits && lodash.castArray(options.inherits).length > 0; }, }); this.collectionFactory.registerCollectionType(ViewCollection, { condition: (options) => { return options.viewName || options.view; }, async onSync() { return; }, async onDump(dumper, collection: Collection) { try { const viewDef = await collection.db.queryInterface.viewDef(collection.getTableNameWithSchemaAsString()); dumper.writeSQLContent(`view-${}`, { sql: [ `DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ${collection.getTableNameWithSchemaAsString()}`, `CREATE VIEW ${collection.getTableNameWithSchemaAsString()} AS ${viewDef}`, ], group: 'required', }); } catch (e) { return; } return; }, }); this.collectionFactory.registerCollectionType(SqlCollection, { condition: (options) => { return options.sql; }, async onSync() { return; }, async onDump(dumper, collection: Collection) { return; }, }); } } export function extendCollection(collectionOptions: CollectionOptions, mergeOptions?: MergeOptions) { return { collectionOptions, mergeOptions, extend: true, }; } export const extend = extendCollection; export const defineCollection = (collectionOptions: CollectionOptions) => { return collectionOptions; }; applyMixins(Database, [AsyncEmitter]); export default Database;