import { Cache } from '@nocobase/cache'; import { Repository, Transactionable } from '@nocobase/database'; import { uid } from '@nocobase/utils'; import lodash from 'lodash'; import { Transaction } from 'sequelize'; import { ChildOptions, SchemaNode, TargetPosition } from './dao/ui_schema_node_dao'; export interface GetJsonSchemaOptions { includeAsyncNode?: boolean; readFromCache?: boolean; transaction?: Transaction; } export interface GetPropertiesOptions { readFromCache?: boolean; transaction?: Transaction; } type BreakRemoveOnType = { [key: string]: any; }; export interface removeParentOptions extends Transactionable { removeParentsIfNoChildren?: boolean; breakRemoveOn?: BreakRemoveOnType; } interface InsertAdjacentOptions extends removeParentOptions { wrap?: any; } const nodeKeys = ['properties', 'definitions', 'patternProperties', 'additionalProperties', 'items']; function transaction(transactionAbleArgPosition?: number) { return (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => { const originalMethod = descriptor.value; descriptor.value = async function (...args) { if (!lodash.isNumber(transactionAbleArgPosition)) { transactionAbleArgPosition = originalMethod.length - 1; } let transaction = lodash.get(args, [transactionAbleArgPosition, 'transaction']); let handleTransaction = false; if (!transaction) { transaction = await this.database.sequelize.transaction(); handleTransaction = true; lodash.set(args, transactionAbleArgPosition, { ...lodash.get(args, transactionAbleArgPosition, {}), transaction, }); } if (handleTransaction) { try { const results = await originalMethod.apply(this, args); await transaction.commit(); return results; } catch (e) { await transaction.rollback(); throw e; } } else { return await originalMethod.apply(this, args); } }; return descriptor; }; } export class UiSchemaRepository extends Repository { cache: Cache; // if you need to handle cache in repo method, so you must set cache first setCache(cache: Cache) { this.cache = cache; } /** * clear cache with xUid which in uiSchemaTreePath's Path * @param {string} xUid * @param {Transaction} transaction * @returns {Promise} */ async clearXUidPathCache(xUid: string, transaction: Transaction) { if (!this.cache || !xUid) { return; } // find all xUid node's parent nodes const uiSchemaNodes = await this.database.getRepository('uiSchemaTreePath').find({ filter: { descendant: xUid, }, transaction: transaction, }); for (const uiSchemaNode of uiSchemaNodes) { await this.cache.del(`p_${uiSchemaNode['ancestor']}`); await this.cache.del(`s_${uiSchemaNode['ancestor']}`); } } tableNameAdapter(tableName) { if (this.database.sequelize.getDialect() === 'postgres') { return `"${this.database.options.schema || 'public'}"."${tableName}"`; } return tableName; } get uiSchemasTableName() { return this.tableNameAdapter(this.model.tableName); } get uiSchemaTreePathTableName() { const model = this.database.getCollection('uiSchemaTreePath').model; return this.tableNameAdapter(model.tableName); } sqlAdapter(sql: string) { if (this.database.sequelize.getDialect() === 'mysql') { return lodash.replace(sql, /"/g, '`'); } return sql; } static schemaToSingleNodes(schema: any, carry: SchemaNode[] = [], childOptions: ChildOptions = null): SchemaNode[] { const node = lodash.cloneDeep( lodash.isString(schema) ? { 'x-uid': schema, } : schema, ); if (!lodash.get(node, 'name')) { = uid(); } if (!lodash.get(node, 'x-uid')) { node['x-uid'] = uid(); } if (childOptions) { node.childOptions = childOptions; } carry.push(node); for (const nodeKey of nodeKeys) { const nodeProperty = lodash.get(node, nodeKey); const childNodeChildOptions = { parentUid: node['x-uid'], parentPath: [node['x-uid'], ...lodash.get(childOptions, 'parentPath', [])], type: nodeKey, }; // array items if (nodeKey === 'items' && nodeProperty) { const handleItems = lodash.isArray(nodeProperty) ? nodeProperty : [nodeProperty]; for (const [i, item] of handleItems.entries()) { carry = this.schemaToSingleNodes(item, carry, { ...childNodeChildOptions, sort: i + 1 }); } } else if (lodash.isPlainObject(nodeProperty)) { const subNodeNames = lodash.keys(lodash.get(node, nodeKey)); delete node[nodeKey]; for (const [i, subNodeName] of subNodeNames.entries()) { const subSchema = { name: subNodeName, ...lodash.get(nodeProperty, subNodeName), }; carry = this.schemaToSingleNodes(subSchema, carry, { ...childNodeChildOptions, sort: i + 1 }); } } } return carry; } async getProperties(uid: string, options: GetPropertiesOptions = {}) { if (options?.readFromCache && this.cache) { return this.cache.wrap(`p_${uid}`, () => { return this.doGetProperties(uid, options); }); } return this.doGetProperties(uid, options); } private async doGetProperties(uid: string, options: GetPropertiesOptions = {}) { const { transaction } = options; const db = this.database; const rawSql = ` SELECT "SchemaTable"."x-uid" as "x-uid", "SchemaTable"."name" as "name", "SchemaTable"."schema" as "schema", TreePath.depth as depth, NodeInfo.type as type, NodeInfo.async as async, ParentPath.ancestor as parent, ParentPath.sort as sort FROM ${this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName} as TreePath LEFT JOIN ${this.uiSchemasTableName} as "SchemaTable" ON "SchemaTable"."x-uid" = TreePath.descendant LEFT JOIN ${this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName} as NodeInfo ON NodeInfo.descendant = "SchemaTable"."x-uid" and NodeInfo.descendant = NodeInfo.ancestor and NodeInfo.depth = 0 LEFT JOIN ${this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName} as ParentPath ON (ParentPath.descendant = "SchemaTable"."x-uid" AND ParentPath.depth = 1) WHERE TreePath.ancestor = :ancestor AND (NodeInfo.async = false or TreePath.depth = 1)`; const nodes = await db.sequelize.query(this.sqlAdapter(rawSql), { replacements: { ancestor: uid, }, transaction, }); if (nodes[0].length == 0) { return {}; } const schema = this.nodesToSchema(nodes[0], uid); return lodash.pick(schema, ['type', 'properties']); } private async doGetJsonSchema(uid: string, options?: GetJsonSchemaOptions) { const db = this.database; const treeTable = this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName; const rawSql = ` SELECT "SchemaTable"."x-uid" as "x-uid", "SchemaTable"."name" as name, "SchemaTable"."schema" as "schema" , TreePath.depth as depth, NodeInfo.type as type, NodeInfo.async as async, ParentPath.ancestor as parent, ParentPath.sort as sort FROM ${treeTable} as TreePath LEFT JOIN ${this.uiSchemasTableName} as "SchemaTable" ON "SchemaTable"."x-uid" = TreePath.descendant LEFT JOIN ${treeTable} as NodeInfo ON NodeInfo.descendant = "SchemaTable"."x-uid" and NodeInfo.descendant = NodeInfo.ancestor and NodeInfo.depth = 0 LEFT JOIN ${treeTable} as ParentPath ON (ParentPath.descendant = "SchemaTable"."x-uid" AND ParentPath.depth = 1) WHERE TreePath.ancestor = :ancestor ${options?.includeAsyncNode ? '' : 'AND (NodeInfo.async != true )'} `; const nodes = await db.sequelize.query(this.sqlAdapter(rawSql), { replacements: { ancestor: uid, }, transaction: options?.transaction, }); if (nodes[0].length == 0) { return {}; } return this.nodesToSchema(nodes[0], uid); } async getJsonSchema(uid: string, options?: GetJsonSchemaOptions): Promise { if (options?.readFromCache && this.cache) { return this.cache.wrap(`s_${uid}`, () => { return this.doGetJsonSchema(uid, options); }); } return this.doGetJsonSchema(uid, options); } private ignoreSchemaProperties(schemaProperties) { return lodash.omit(schemaProperties, nodeKeys); } nodesToSchema(nodes, rootUid) { const nodeAttributeSanitize = (node) => { const schema = { ...this.ignoreSchemaProperties(lodash.isPlainObject(node.schema) ? node.schema : JSON.parse(node.schema)), ...lodash.pick(node, [...nodeKeys, 'name']), ['x-uid']: node['x-uid'], ['x-async']: !!node.async, }; if (lodash.isNumber(node.sort)) { schema['x-index'] = node.sort; } return schema; }; const buildTree = (rootNode) => { const children = nodes.filter((node) => node.parent == rootNode['x-uid']); if (children.length > 0) { const childrenGroupByType = lodash.groupBy(children, 'type'); for (const childType of Object.keys(childrenGroupByType)) { const properties = childrenGroupByType[childType] .map((child) => buildTree(child)) .sort((a, b) => a['x-index'] - b['x-index']) as any; rootNode[childType] = childType == 'items' ? properties.length == 1 ? properties[0] : properties : properties.reduce((carry, item) => { carry[] = item; delete item['name']; return carry; }, {}); } } return nodeAttributeSanitize(rootNode); }; return buildTree(nodes.find((node) => node['x-uid'] == rootUid)); } @transaction() async clearAncestor(uid: string, options?: Transactionable) { await this.clearXUidPathCache(uid, options?.transaction); const db = this.database; const treeTable = this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName; await db.sequelize.query( `DELETE FROM ${treeTable} WHERE descendant IN (SELECT descendant FROM (SELECT descendant FROM ${treeTable} WHERE ancestor = :uid) as descendantTable) AND ancestor IN (SELECT ancestor FROM (SELECT ancestor FROM ${treeTable} WHERE descendant = :uid AND ancestor != descendant) as ancestorTable) `, { type: 'DELETE', replacements: { uid, }, transaction: options.transaction, }, ); } @transaction() async patch(newSchema: any, options?) { const { transaction } = options; const rootUid = newSchema['x-uid']; await this.clearXUidPathCache(rootUid, transaction); if (!newSchema['properties']) { const s = await this.model.findByPk(rootUid, { transaction }); s.set('schema', { ...s.toJSON(), ...newSchema }); // console.log(s.toJSON()); await{ transaction, hooks: false }); return; } const oldTree = await this.getJsonSchema(rootUid, { transaction }); const traverSchemaTree = async (schema, path = []) => { const node = schema; const oldNode = path.length == 0 ? oldTree : lodash.get(oldTree, path); const oldNodeUid = oldNode['x-uid']; await this.updateNode(oldNodeUid, node, transaction); const properties =; if (lodash.isPlainObject(properties)) { for (const name of Object.keys(properties)) { await traverSchemaTree(properties[name], [...path, 'properties', name]); } } }; await traverSchemaTree(newSchema); } @transaction() async batchPatch(schemas: any[], options?) { const { transaction } = options; for (const schema of schemas) { await this.patch(schema, { ...options, transaction }); } } protected async updateNode(uid: string, schema: any, transaction?: Transaction) { const nodeModel = await this.findOne({ filter: { 'x-uid': uid, }, }); await nodeModel.update( { schema: { ...(nodeModel.get('schema') as any), ...lodash.omit(schema, ['x-async', 'name', 'x-uid', 'properties']), }, }, { hooks: false, transaction, }, ); } protected async childrenCount(uid, transaction) { const db = this.database; const countResult = await db.sequelize.query( `SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ${this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName} where ancestor = :ancestor and depth = 1`, { replacements: { ancestor: uid, }, type: 'SELECT', transaction, }, ); return parseInt(countResult[0]['count']); } protected async isLeafNode(uid, transaction) { const childrenCount = await this.childrenCount(uid, transaction); return childrenCount === 0; } protected async findParentUid(uid, transaction?) { const parent = await this.database.getRepository('uiSchemaTreePath').findOne({ filter: { descendant: uid, depth: 1, }, transaction, }); return parent ? (parent.get('ancestor') as string) : null; } protected async findNodeSchemaWithParent(uid, transaction) { const schema = await this.database.getRepository('uiSchemas').findOne({ filter: { 'x-uid': uid, }, transaction, }); return { parentUid: await this.findParentUid(uid, transaction), schema, }; } protected async isSingleChild(uid, transaction) { const db = this.database; const parent = await this.findParentUid(uid, transaction); if (!parent) { return null; } const parentChildrenCount = await this.childrenCount(parent, transaction); if (parentChildrenCount == 1) { const schema = await db.getRepository('uiSchemas').findOne({ filter: { 'x-uid': parent, }, transaction, }); return schema; } return null; } async removeEmptyParents(options: Transactionable & { uid: string; breakRemoveOn?: BreakRemoveOnType }) { const { transaction, uid, breakRemoveOn } = options; await this.clearXUidPathCache(uid, transaction); const removeParent = async (nodeUid: string) => { const parent = await this.isSingleChild(nodeUid, transaction); if (parent && !this.breakOnMatched(parent, breakRemoveOn)) { await removeParent(parent.get('x-uid') as string); } else { await this.remove(nodeUid, { transaction }); } }; await removeParent(uid); } private breakOnMatched(schemaInstance, breakRemoveOn: BreakRemoveOnType): boolean { if (!breakRemoveOn) { return false; } for (const key of Object.keys(breakRemoveOn)) { const instanceValue = schemaInstance.get(key); const breakRemoveOnValue = breakRemoveOn[key]; if (instanceValue !== breakRemoveOnValue) { return false; } } return true; } async recursivelyRemoveIfNoChildren(options: Transactionable & { uid: string; breakRemoveOn?: BreakRemoveOnType }) { const { uid, transaction, breakRemoveOn } = options; await this.clearXUidPathCache(uid, transaction); const removeLeafNode = async (nodeUid: string) => { const isLeafNode = await this.isLeafNode(nodeUid, transaction); if (isLeafNode) { const { parentUid, schema } = await this.findNodeSchemaWithParent(nodeUid, transaction); if (this.breakOnMatched(schema, breakRemoveOn)) { // break at here return; } else { // remove current node await this.remove(nodeUid, { transaction, }); // continue remove await removeLeafNode(parentUid); } } }; await removeLeafNode(uid); } @transaction() async remove(uid: string, options?: Transactionable & removeParentOptions) { const { transaction } = options; await this.clearXUidPathCache(uid, transaction); if (options?.removeParentsIfNoChildren) { await this.removeEmptyParents({ transaction, uid, breakRemoveOn: options.breakRemoveOn }); return; } await this.database.sequelize.query( this.sqlAdapter(`DELETE FROM ${this.uiSchemasTableName} WHERE "x-uid" IN ( SELECT descendant FROM ${this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName} WHERE ancestor = :uid )`), { replacements: { uid, }, transaction, }, ); await this.database.sequelize.query( ` DELETE FROM ${this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName} WHERE descendant IN ( select descendant FROM (SELECT descendant FROM ${this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName} WHERE ancestor = :uid)as descendantTable) `, { replacements: { uid, }, transaction, }, ); } @transaction() protected async insertBeside( targetUid: string, schema: any, side: 'before' | 'after', options?: InsertAdjacentOptions, ) { const { transaction } = options; const targetParent = await this.findParentUid(targetUid, transaction); const db = this.database; const treeTable = this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName; const typeQuery = await db.sequelize.query(`SELECT type from ${treeTable} WHERE ancestor = :uid AND depth = 0;`, { type: 'SELECT', replacements: { uid: targetUid, }, transaction, }); const nodes = UiSchemaRepository.schemaToSingleNodes(schema); const rootNode = nodes[0]; rootNode.childOptions = { parentUid: targetParent, type: typeQuery[0]['type'], position: { type: side, target: targetUid, }, }; const insertedNodes = await this.insertNodes(nodes, options); return await this.getJsonSchema(insertedNodes[0].get('x-uid'), { transaction, }); } @transaction() protected async insertInner( targetUid: string, schema: any, position: 'first' | 'last', options?: InsertAdjacentOptions, ) { const { transaction } = options; const nodes = UiSchemaRepository.schemaToSingleNodes(schema); const rootNode = nodes[0]; rootNode.childOptions = { parentUid: targetUid, type: lodash.get(schema, 'x-node-type', 'properties'), position, }; const insertedNodes = await this.insertNodes(nodes, options); return await this.getJsonSchema(insertedNodes[0].get('x-uid'), { transaction, }); } private async schemaExists(schema: any, options?: Transactionable): Promise { if (lodash.isObject(schema) && !schema['x-uid']) { return false; } const { transaction } = options; const result = await this.database.sequelize.query( this.sqlAdapter(`select "x-uid" from ${this.uiSchemasTableName} where "x-uid" = :uid`), { type: 'SELECT', replacements: { uid: lodash.isString(schema) ? schema : schema['x-uid'], }, transaction, }, ); return result.length > 0; } @transaction() async insertAdjacent( position: 'beforeBegin' | 'afterBegin' | 'beforeEnd' | 'afterEnd', target: string, schema: any, options?: InsertAdjacentOptions, ) { const { transaction } = options; // if schema is existed then clear origin path schema cache await this.clearXUidPathCache(schema['x-uid'], transaction); if (options.wrap) { // insert wrap schema using insertNewSchema const wrapSchemaNodes = await this.insertNewSchema(options.wrap, { transaction, returnNode: true, }); const lastWrapNode = wrapSchemaNodes[wrapSchemaNodes.length - 1]; // insert schema into wrap schema await this.insertAdjacent('afterBegin', lastWrapNode['x-uid'], schema, lodash.omit(options, 'wrap')); schema = wrapSchemaNodes[0]['x-uid']; options.removeParentsIfNoChildren = false; } else { const schemaExists = await this.schemaExists(schema, { transaction }); if (schemaExists) { schema = lodash.isString(schema) ? schema : schema['x-uid']; } else { const insertedSchema = await this.insertNewSchema(schema, { transaction, returnNode: true, }); schema = insertedSchema[0]['x-uid']; } } const result = await this[`insert${lodash.upperFirst(position)}`](target, schema, options); // clear target schema path cache await this.clearXUidPathCache(result['x-uid'], transaction); return result; } @transaction() protected async insertAfterBegin(targetUid: string, schema: any, options?: InsertAdjacentOptions) { return await this.insertInner(targetUid, schema, 'first', options); } @transaction() protected async insertBeforeEnd(targetUid: string, schema: any, options?: InsertAdjacentOptions) { return await this.insertInner(targetUid, schema, 'last', options); } @transaction() protected async insertBeforeBegin(targetUid: string, schema: any, options?: InsertAdjacentOptions) { return await this.insertBeside(targetUid, schema, 'before', options); } @transaction() protected async insertAfterEnd(targetUid: string, schema: any, options?: InsertAdjacentOptions) { return await this.insertBeside(targetUid, schema, 'after', options); } @transaction() protected async insertNodes(nodes: SchemaNode[], options?: Transactionable) { const { transaction } = options; const insertedNodes = []; for (const node of nodes) { insertedNodes.push( await this.insertSingleNode(node, { ...options, transaction, }), ); } return insertedNodes; } @transaction() async insert(schema: any, options?: Transactionable) { const nodes = UiSchemaRepository.schemaToSingleNodes(schema); const insertedNodes = await this.insertNodes(nodes, options); const result = await this.getJsonSchema(insertedNodes[0].get('x-uid'), { transaction: options?.transaction, }); await this.clearXUidPathCache(result['x-uid'], options?.transaction); return result; } @transaction() async insertNewSchema( schema: any, options?: Transactionable & { returnNode?: boolean; }, ) { const { transaction } = options; const nodes = UiSchemaRepository.schemaToSingleNodes(schema); // insert schema fist await this.database.sequelize.query( this.sqlAdapter( `INSERT INTO ${this.uiSchemasTableName} ("x-uid", "name", "schema") VALUES ${nodes .map((n) => '(?)') .join(',')};`, ), { replacements: lodash.cloneDeep(nodes).map((node) => { const { uid, name } = this.prepareSingleNodeForInsert(node); return [uid, name, JSON.stringify(node)]; }), type: 'insert', transaction, }, ); const treePathData: Array = lodash.cloneDeep(nodes).reduce((carry, item) => { const { uid, childOptions, async } = this.prepareSingleNodeForInsert(item); return [ ...carry, // self reference [uid, uid, 0, childOptions?.type || null, async, null], // parent references ...lodash.get(childOptions, 'parentPath', []).map((parentUid, index) => { return [parentUid, uid, index + 1, null, null, childOptions.sort]; }), ]; }, []); // insert tree path await this.database.sequelize.query( this.sqlAdapter( `INSERT INTO ${ this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName } (ancestor, descendant, depth, type, async, sort) VALUES ${ => '(?)').join(',')}`, ), { replacements: treePathData, type: 'insert', transaction, }, ); const rootNode = nodes[0]; if (rootNode['x-server-hooks']) { const rootModel = await this.findOne({ filter: { 'x-uid': rootNode['x-uid'] }, transaction }); await this.database.emitAsync(`${}.afterCreateWithAssociations`, rootModel, options); } if (options?.returnNode) { return nodes; } const result = await this.getJsonSchema(nodes[0]['x-uid'], { transaction, }); await this.clearXUidPathCache(result['x-uid'], transaction); return result; } private async insertSchemaRecord(name, uid, schema, transaction) { const serverHooks = schema['x-server-hooks'] || []; const node = await this.create({ values: { name, ['x-uid']: uid, schema, serverHooks, }, transaction, context: { disableInsertHook: true, }, }); return node; } private prepareSingleNodeForInsert(schema: SchemaNode) { const uid = schema['x-uid']; const name = schema['name']; const async = lodash.get(schema, 'x-async', false); const childOptions = schema['childOptions']; delete schema['x-uid']; delete schema['x-async']; delete schema['name']; delete schema['childOptions']; return { uid, name, async, childOptions }; } async insertSingleNode(schema: SchemaNode, options: Transactionable & removeParentOptions) { const { transaction } = options; const db = this.database; const { uid, name, async, childOptions } = this.prepareSingleNodeForInsert(schema); let savedNode; // check node exists or not const existsNode = await this.findOne({ filter: { 'x-uid': uid, }, transaction, }); const treeTable = this.uiSchemaTreePathTableName; if (existsNode) { savedNode = existsNode; } else { savedNode = await this.insertSchemaRecord(name, uid, schema, transaction); } if (childOptions) { const oldParentUid = await this.findParentUid(uid, transaction); const parentUid = childOptions.parentUid; const childrenCount = await this.childrenCount(uid, transaction); const isTree = childrenCount > 0; // if node is a tree root move tree to new path if (isTree) { await this.clearAncestor(uid, { transaction }); // insert new tree path await db.sequelize.query( `INSERT INTO ${treeTable} (ancestor, descendant, depth) SELECT supertree.ancestor, subtree.descendant, supertree.depth + subtree.depth + 1 FROM ${treeTable} AS supertree CROSS JOIN ${treeTable} AS subtree WHERE supertree.descendant = :parentUid AND subtree.ancestor = :uid;`, { type: 'INSERT', replacements: { uid, parentUid, }, transaction, }, ); } // update type await db.sequelize.query( `UPDATE ${treeTable} SET type = :type WHERE depth = 0 AND ancestor = :uid AND descendant = :uid`, { type: 'update', transaction, replacements: { type: childOptions.type, uid, }, }, ); if (!isTree) { if (existsNode) { // remove old path await db.sequelize.query(`DELETE FROM ${treeTable} WHERE descendant = :uid AND ancestor != descendant`, { type: 'DELETE', replacements: { uid, }, transaction, }); } // insert tree path await db.sequelize.query( `INSERT INTO ${treeTable} (ancestor, descendant, depth) SELECT t.ancestor, :modelKey, depth + 1 FROM ${treeTable} AS t WHERE t.descendant = :modelParentKey `, { type: 'INSERT', transaction, replacements: { modelKey: savedNode.get('x-uid'), modelParentKey: parentUid, }, }, ); } if (!existsNode) { // insert type && async await db.sequelize.query( `INSERT INTO ${treeTable}(ancestor, descendant, depth, type, async) VALUES (:modelKey, :modelKey, 0, :type, :async )`, { type: 'INSERT', replacements: { modelKey: savedNode.get('x-uid'), type: childOptions.type, async, }, transaction, }, ); } const nodePosition = childOptions.position || 'last'; let sort; // insert at first if (nodePosition === 'first') { sort = 1; let updateSql = `UPDATE ${treeTable} as TreeTable SET sort = TreeTable.sort + 1 FROM ${treeTable} as NodeInfo WHERE NodeInfo.descendant = TreeTable.descendant and NodeInfo.depth = 0 AND TreeTable.depth = 1 AND TreeTable.ancestor = :ancestor and NodeInfo.type = :type`; // Compatible with mysql if (this.database.sequelize.getDialect() === 'mysql') { updateSql = `UPDATE ${treeTable} as TreeTable JOIN ${treeTable} as NodeInfo ON (NodeInfo.descendant = TreeTable.descendant and NodeInfo.depth = 0) SET TreeTable.sort = TreeTable.sort + 1 WHERE TreeTable.depth = 1 AND TreeTable.ancestor = :ancestor and NodeInfo.type = :type`; } // move all child last index await db.sequelize.query(updateSql, { replacements: { ancestor: childOptions.parentUid, type: childOptions.type, }, transaction, }); } if (nodePosition === 'last') { const maxSort = await db.sequelize.query( `SELECT ${ this.database.sequelize.getDialect() === 'postgres' ? 'coalesce' : 'ifnull' }(MAX(TreeTable.sort), 0) as maxsort FROM ${treeTable} as TreeTable LEFT JOIN ${treeTable} as NodeInfo ON NodeInfo.descendant = TreeTable.descendant and NodeInfo.depth = 0 WHERE TreeTable.depth = 1 AND TreeTable.ancestor = :ancestor and NodeInfo.type = :type`, { type: 'SELECT', replacements: { ancestor: childOptions.parentUid, type: childOptions.type, }, transaction, }, ); sort = parseInt(maxSort[0]['maxsort']) + 1; } if (lodash.isPlainObject(nodePosition)) { const targetPosition = nodePosition as TargetPosition; const target =; const targetSort = await db.sequelize.query( `SELECT TreeTable.sort as sort FROM ${treeTable} as TreeTable LEFT JOIN ${treeTable} as NodeInfo ON NodeInfo.descendant = TreeTable.descendant and NodeInfo.depth = 0 WHERE TreeTable.depth = 1 AND TreeTable.ancestor = :ancestor AND TreeTable.descendant = :descendant and NodeInfo.type = :type`, { type: 'SELECT', replacements: { ancestor: childOptions.parentUid, descendant: target, type: childOptions.type, }, transaction, }, ); sort = targetSort[0].sort; if (targetPosition.type == 'after') { sort += 1; } let updateSql = `UPDATE ${treeTable} as TreeTable SET sort = TreeTable.sort + 1 FROM ${treeTable} as NodeInfo WHERE NodeInfo.descendant = TreeTable.descendant and NodeInfo.depth = 0 AND TreeTable.depth = 1 AND TreeTable.ancestor = :ancestor and TreeTable.sort >= :sort and NodeInfo.type = :type`; if (this.database.sequelize.getDialect() === 'mysql') { updateSql = `UPDATE ${treeTable} as TreeTable JOIN ${treeTable} as NodeInfo ON (NodeInfo.descendant = TreeTable.descendant and NodeInfo.depth = 0) SET TreeTable.sort = TreeTable.sort + 1 WHERE TreeTable.depth = 1 AND TreeTable.ancestor = :ancestor and TreeTable.sort >= :sort and NodeInfo.type = :type`; } await db.sequelize.query(updateSql, { replacements: { ancestor: childOptions.parentUid, sort, type: childOptions.type, }, transaction, }); } // update order const updateSql = `UPDATE ${treeTable} SET sort = :sort WHERE depth = 1 AND ancestor = :ancestor AND descendant = :descendant`; await db.sequelize.query(updateSql, { type: 'UPDATE', replacements: { ancestor: childOptions.parentUid, sort, descendant: uid, }, transaction, }); // move node to new parent if (oldParentUid !== null && oldParentUid !== parentUid) { await this.database.emitAsync('uiSchemaMove', savedNode, { transaction, oldParentUid, parentUid, }); if (options.removeParentsIfNoChildren) { await this.recursivelyRemoveIfNoChildren({ transaction, uid: oldParentUid, breakRemoveOn: options.breakRemoveOn, }); } } } else { // insert root node path await db.sequelize.query( `INSERT INTO ${treeTable}(ancestor, descendant, depth, async) VALUES (:modelKey, :modelKey, 0, :async )`, { type: 'INSERT', replacements: { modelKey: savedNode.get('x-uid'), async, }, transaction, }, ); } await this.clearXUidPathCache(uid, transaction); return savedNode; } } export default UiSchemaRepository;