import { CollectionOptions } from '@tachybase/client'; import lodash from 'lodash'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; const { groupBy, reduce, uniq, uniqBy } = lodash; const shape = { ER: 'er-rect', EDGE: 'edge', }; export const useGCMTranslation = () => { return useTranslation('graph-collection-manager'); }; export const getInheritCollections = (collections, name) => { const parents = []; const getParents = (name) => { const collection = collections?.find((collection) => === name); if (collection) { const { inherits } = collection; if (inherits) { for (let index = 0; index < inherits.length; index++) { const collectionKey = inherits[index]; parents.push(collectionKey); getParents(collectionKey); } } } return uniq(parents); }; return getParents(name); }; export const getChildrenCollections = (collections, name) => { const childrens = []; const getChildrens = (name) => { const inheritCollections = collections.filter((v) => { return v.inherits?.includes(name); }); inheritCollections.forEach((v) => { const collectionKey =; childrens.push(v); return getChildrens(collectionKey); }); return childrens; }; return getChildrens(name); }; export const formatData = (data) => { const edgeData = []; const targetTablekeys = []; const tableData = => { const ports = []; const totalFields = [...item.fields]; const inheritCollections = getInheritCollections(data,; const inheritedFields = reduce( inheritCollections, (result, value) => { const arr = result; const parentFields = data .find((k) => === value) ? => { return { ...v, sourceCollectionName: }; }); return parentFields ? arr.concat(parentFields) : arr; }, [], ); uniqBy(totalFields.concat(inheritedFields), 'name').forEach((field) => { field.uiSchema && ports.push({ id:, group: 'list', ...field, }); ['obo', 'oho', 'o2o', 'o2m', 'm2o', 'm2m', 'linkTo'].includes(field.interface) && edgeData.push(field); }); targetTablekeys.push(; const portsData = formatPortData(ports); return { id:, shape: shape.ER, name:, title: item.title, width: 250, // height: 40 * portsData.initPorts?.length || 40, ports: [...(portsData.initPorts || []), ...(portsData.morePorts || [])], item: item, }; }); const edges = formatRelationEdgeData(edgeData, targetTablekeys, tableData); const inheritEdges = formatInheritEdgeData(data); return { nodesData: tableData, edgesData: edges, inheritEdges }; }; export const formatPortData = (ports) => { const portsData = groupBy(ports, (v) => { if ( v.isForeignKey || v.primaryKey || ['obo', 'oho', 'o2o', 'o2m', 'm2o', 'm2m', 'linkTo', 'id'].includes(v.interface) ) { return 'initPorts'; } else { return 'morePorts'; } }); return portsData; }; export const formatInheritEdgeData = (collections) => { const commonAttrs = { attrs: { line: { strokeWidth: 1, textAnchor: 'middle', textVerticalAnchor: 'middle', stroke: '#ddd', sourceMarker: null, }, }, router: { name: 'smooth', args: { direction: 'H', }, }, labels: [ { markup: [ { tagName: 'ellipse', selector: 'labelBody', style: { cursor: 'pointer', }, }, { tagName: 'text', selector: 'labelText', style: { cursor: 'pointer', }, }, ], attrs: { labelText: { text: 'inherits', fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)', textAnchor: 'middle', textVerticalAnchor: 'middle', }, labelBody: { ref: 'labelText', refWidth: '100%', refHeight: '100%', fill: 'var(--tb-box-bg)', }, }, position: { distance: 0.5, args: { keepGradient: true, ensureLegibility: true, }, }, }, ], }; const inheritEdges = []; collections.forEach((v) => { const parentCollectonKeys = v.inherits || []; if (parentCollectonKeys.length) { parentCollectonKeys.forEach((k) => { inheritEdges.push({ id: + k, source: { cell:, connectionPoint: 'rect', }, target: { cell: k, connectionPoint: 'rect', }, connector: { name: 'normal', zIndex: 1000, }, connectionType: 'inherited', ...commonAttrs, }); }); } }); return inheritEdges; }; const formatRelationEdgeData = (data, targetTables, tableData) => { const edges = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (targetTables.includes(data[i].target)) { const targetTable = tableData.find((v) => === data[i].target); const sourceTable = tableData.find((v) => === (data[i].sourceCollectionName || data[i].collectionName)); const commonAttrs = { attrs: { line: { strokeWidth: 1, textAnchor: 'middle', textVerticalAnchor: 'middle', stroke: '#ddd', sourceMarker: null, targetMarker: null, }, }, router: === ? { name: 'oneSide', args: { side: 'left', }, } : { name: 'er', args: { direction: 'H', }, }, labels: [ { markup: [ { tagName: 'ellipse', selector: 'labelBody', style: { cursor: 'pointer', }, }, { tagName: 'text', selector: 'labelText', style: { cursor: 'pointer', }, }, ], attrs: { labelText: { text: getRelationship(data[i].interface)[0], fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)', textAnchor: 'middle', textVerticalAnchor: 'middle', }, labelBody: { ref: 'labelText', refWidth: '100%', refHeight: '100%', stroke: '#ddd', fill: 'var(--tb-box-bg)', strokeWidth: 1, rx: 10, ry: 10, }, }, position: { distance: 0.3, args: { keepGradient: true, ensureLegibility: true, }, }, }, { markup: [ { tagName: 'ellipse', selector: 'labelBody', style: { cursor: 'pointer', }, }, { tagName: 'text', selector: 'labelText', style: { cursor: 'pointer', }, }, ], attrs: { labelText: { text: getRelationship(data[i].interface)[1], fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)', textAnchor: 'middle', textVerticalAnchor: 'middle', }, labelBody: { ref: 'labelText', refWidth: '100%', refHeight: '100%', stroke: '#ddd', fill: 'var(--tb-box-bg)', rx: 10, ry: 10, strokeWidth: 1, }, }, position: { distance: 0.7, args: { keepGradient: true, ensureLegibility: true, }, }, }, ], connector: { name: 'normal', zIndex: 1000, }, }; const isuniq = (id) => { const targetEdge = edges.find((v) => === id); if (targetEdge) { targetEdge.associated.push(data[i].name); return false; } return true; }; if (['m2m', 'linkTo'].includes(data[i].interface)) { const throughTable = tableData.find((v) => === data[i].through); if (throughTable) { const sCellId1 =; const tCellId1 =; const sPortId1 = sourceTable.ports.find((v) => === data[i].sourceKey)?.id; const tPortId1 = throughTable.ports.find((v) => === data[i].foreignKey)?.id; const sCellId2 =; const tCellId2 =; const sPortId2 = targetTable.ports.find((v) => === data[i].targetKey)?.id; const tPortId2 = throughTable.ports.find((v) => === data[i].otherKey)?.id; const id1 = sCellId1 + sPortId1 + tCellId1 + tPortId1; const id2 = sCellId2 + sPortId2 + tCellId2 + tPortId2; edges.push({ id: id1, source: { cell: sCellId1, port: sPortId1, anchor: { name: 'right', }, }, target: { cell: tCellId1, port: tPortId1, anchor: { name: 'left', }, }, associated: [data[i].name], m2m: [id1, id2], ...commonAttrs, }); edges.push({ id: id2, source: { cell: sCellId2, port: sPortId2, anchor: { name: 'right', }, }, target: { cell: tCellId2, port: tPortId2, anchor: { name: 'left', }, }, associated: [data[i].name], m2m: [id1, id2], ...commonAttrs, }); } } else { const isLegalEdge = tableData .find((v) => == (data[i].sourceCollectionName || data[i].collectionName)) .ports.find((v) => === data[i].foreignKey); const sCellId1 =; const tCellId1 =; const sPortId1 = isLegalEdge?.id; const tPortId1 = targetTable.ports.find((v) => === data[i].targetKey)?.id; const sCellId2 =; const tCellId2 =; const sPortId2 = sourceTable.ports.find((v) => === data[i].sourceKey)?.id; const tPortId2 = targetTable.ports.find((v) => === data[i].foreignKey)?.id; const id1 = sCellId1 + sPortId1 + tCellId1 + tPortId1; const id2 = sCellId2 + sPortId2 + tCellId2 + tPortId2; isuniq(tCellId1 + tPortId1 + sCellId1 + sPortId1) && isLegalEdge && tPortId1 && edges.push({ id: id1, source: { cell: sCellId1, port: sPortId1, anchor: { name: 'right', }, }, target: { cell: tCellId1, port: tPortId1, anchor: { name: 'left', }, }, associated: [data[i].name], ...commonAttrs, }); isuniq(tCellId2 + tPortId2 + sCellId2 + sPortId2) && sPortId2 && tPortId2 && edges.push({ id: id2, source: { cell: sCellId2, port: sPortId2, anchor: { name: 'right', }, }, target: { cell: tCellId2, port: tPortId2, anchor: { name: 'left', }, }, associated: [data[i].name], ...commonAttrs, }); } } } return uniqBy(edges, 'id'); }; const getRelationship = (relatioship) => { switch (relatioship) { case 'm2m': case 'linkTo': return ['1', 'N']; case 'o2m': return ['1', 'N']; case 'm2o': return ['N', '1']; case 'obo': case 'oho': return ['1', '1']; default: return []; } }; export const getDiffNode = (newNodes, oldNodes) => { const arr = []; const length1 = newNodes.length; const length2 = oldNodes.length; for (let i = 0; i < length1; i++) { if (!oldNodes.find((v) => === newNodes[i].id)) { arr.push({ status: 'add', node: newNodes[i], }); } else { const oldNode = oldNodes.find((v) => === newNodes[i].id); const oldPorts = oldNode?.ports.items; const newPorts = newNodes[i].ports; if (oldNode) { for (let h = 0; h < newPorts.length; h++) { if (!oldPorts.find((v) => === newPorts[h].id)) { arr.push({ status: 'insertPort', node: newNodes[i], port: { index: h, port: newPorts[h] }, }); } } for (let k = 0; k < oldPorts.length; k++) { if (!newPorts.find((v) => === oldPorts[k].id)) { arr.push({ status: 'deletePort', node: newNodes[i], port: oldPorts[k], }); } } if (oldNode.title !== newNodes[i].title) { arr.push({ status: 'updateNode', node: newNodes[i], }); } } } } for (let i = 0; i < length2; i++) { if (!newNodes.find((v) => === oldNodes[i].id)) { arr.push({ status: 'delete', node: oldNodes[i], }); } } return arr; }; export const getDiffEdge = (newEdges, oldEdges) => { const length1 = newEdges.length; const length2 = oldEdges?.length; const edges = []; for (let i = 0; i < length1; i++) { if (!oldEdges.find((v) => === newEdges[i].id)) { edges.push({ status: 'add', edge: newEdges[i], }); } } for (let i = 0; i < length2; i++) { if (!newEdges.find((v) => === oldEdges[i].id)) { edges.push({ status: 'delete', edge: oldEdges[i], }); } } return edges; }; let graphContainer; /** * 所有的 getPopupContainer 都需要保证返回的是唯一的 div。React 18 concurrent 下会反复调用该方法 * 参考: */ export const getPopupContainer = () => { if (graphContainer) { return graphContainer; } return (graphContainer = document.getElementById('graph_container')); }; export const cleanGraphContainer = () => { graphContainer = null; }; export const collection: CollectionOptions = { name: 'collections', filterTargetKey: 'name', targetKey: 'name', sortable: true, fields: [ { type: 'integer', name: 'title', interface: 'input', uiSchema: { title: '{{ t("Collection display name") }}', type: 'number', 'x-component': 'Input', required: true, }, }, { type: 'string', name: 'name', interface: 'input', uiSchema: { title: '{{ t("Collection name") }}', type: 'string', 'x-component': 'Input', description: '{{t("Randomly generated and can be modified. Support letters, numbers and underscores, must start with an letter.")}}', }, }, { type: 'string', name: 'template', interface: 'input', uiSchema: { title: '{{ t("Collection Template") }}', type: 'string', 'x-component': 'Input', }, }, { type: 'hasMany', name: 'fields', target: 'fields', collectionName: 'collections', sourceKey: 'name', targetKey: 'name', uiSchema: {}, }, { type: 'hasMany', name: 'inherits', interface: 'select', uiSchema: { title: '{{ t("Inherits") }}', type: 'string', 'x-component': 'Select', 'x-component-props': { mode: 'multiple', }, }, }, { type: 'string', name: 'description', interface: 'input', uiSchema: { title: '{{ t("Description") }}', type: 'string', 'x-component': 'Input', }, }, ], };