{ "Enable": "Activer", "Issuer": "Issuer", "OIDC manager": "OIDC manager", "OIDC Providers": "OIDC Providers", "Provider name": "Nom", "Client id": "Client id", "Client secret": "Client secret", "Openid configuration": "Openid configuration", "Authorization endpoint": "Authorization endpoint", "Access token endpoint": "Access token endpoint", "JWKS endpoint": "JWKS endpoint", "Userinfo endpoint": "Userinfo endpoint", "Redirect url": "Redirect url", "Logout endpoint": "Logout endpoint", "Id token sign alg": "Id token sign alg", "Add provider": "Ajouter", "Edit provider": "Modifier", "Delete provider": "Supprimer", "Sign in button name, which will be displayed on the sign in page": "Nom du bouton de connexion, qui sera affiché sur la page de connexion" }