import { build } from 'tsup'; import fg from 'fast-glob'; import path from 'path'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { globExcludeFiles, EsbuildSupportExts } from './constant'; import { PkgLog, UserConfig } from './utils'; export function buildCjs(cwd: string, userConfig: UserConfig, sourcemap: boolean = false, log: PkgLog) { log('build cjs'); const entry = fg.globSync(['src/**', ...globExcludeFiles], { cwd, absolute: true }); const outDir = path.join(cwd, 'lib'); const otherExts = Array.from(new Set( => path.extname(item)).filter((item) => !EsbuildSupportExts.includes(item)))); if (otherExts.length) { log('%s will not be processed, only be copied to the lib directory.', chalk.yellow(otherExts.join(','))); } return build(userConfig.modifyTsupConfig({ entry, splitting: false, clean: true, bundle: false, silent: true, sourcemap, treeshake: false, target: 'node16', keepNames: true, outDir, loader: { ...otherExts.reduce((prev, cur) => ({ ...prev, [cur]: 'copy' }), {}), '.json': 'copy', }, format: 'cjs', skipNodeModulesBundle: true, })); }