import { ArrayItems } from '@formily/antd-v5'; import { Instruction, WorkflowVariableInput, WorkflowVariableJSON, WorkflowVariableTextArea, defaultFieldNames, } from '@nocobase/plugin-workflow/client'; import { NAMESPACE } from '../locale'; export default class extends Instruction { title = `{{t("HTTP request", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`; type = 'request'; group = 'extended'; description = `{{t("Send HTTP request to a URL. You can use the variables in the upstream nodes as request headers, parameters and request body.", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`; fieldset = { method: { type: 'string', required: true, title: `{{t("HTTP method", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Select', 'x-component-props': { showSearch: false, allowClear: false, className: 'auto-width', }, enum: [ { label: 'GET', value: 'GET' }, { label: 'POST', value: 'POST' }, { label: 'PUT', value: 'PUT' }, { label: 'PATCH', value: 'PATCH' }, { label: 'DELETE', value: 'DELETE' }, ], default: 'POST', }, url: { type: 'string', required: true, title: `{{t("URL", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-decorator-props': {}, 'x-component': 'WorkflowVariableTextArea', 'x-component-props': { placeholder: '', }, }, headers: { type: 'array', 'x-component': 'ArrayItems', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', title: `{{t("Headers", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, description: `{{t('"Content-Type" only support "application/json", and no need to specify', { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, items: { type: 'object', properties: { space: { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'Space', properties: { name: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Input', 'x-component-props': { placeholder: `{{t("Name")}}`, }, }, value: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'WorkflowVariableInput', 'x-component-props': { useTypedConstant: true, }, }, remove: { type: 'void', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'ArrayItems.Remove', }, }, }, }, }, properties: { add: { type: 'void', title: `{{t("Add request header", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-component': 'ArrayItems.Addition', }, }, }, params: { type: 'array', 'x-component': 'ArrayItems', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', title: `{{t("Parameters", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, items: { type: 'object', properties: { space: { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'Space', properties: { name: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Input', 'x-component-props': { placeholder: `{{t("Name")}}`, }, }, value: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'WorkflowVariableInput', 'x-component-props': { useTypedConstant: true, }, }, remove: { type: 'void', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'ArrayItems.Remove', }, }, }, }, }, properties: { add: { type: 'void', title: `{{t("Add parameter", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-component': 'ArrayItems.Addition', }, }, }, data: { type: 'string', title: `{{t("Body", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-decorator-props': {}, 'x-component': 'WorkflowVariableJSON', 'x-component-props': { changeOnSelect: true, autoSize: { minRows: 10, }, placeholder: `{{t("Input request data", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, }, description: `{{t("Only support standard JSON data", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, }, timeout: { type: 'number', title: `{{t("Timeout config", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-decorator-props': {}, 'x-component': 'InputNumber', 'x-component-props': { addonAfter: `{{t("ms", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, min: 1, step: 1000, defaultValue: 5000, }, }, ignoreFail: { type: 'boolean', title: `{{t("Ignore failed request and continue workflow", { ns: "${NAMESPACE}" })}}`, 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Checkbox', }, }; components = { ArrayItems, WorkflowVariableInput, WorkflowVariableTextArea, WorkflowVariableJSON, }; useVariables({ key, title }, { types, fieldNames = defaultFieldNames }) { return { [fieldNames.value]: key, [fieldNames.label]: title, }; } }