import { Model as SequelizeModel, Op, Sequelize, ProjectionAlias, Utils, SaveOptions } from 'sequelize'; import Database from './database'; import { getDataTypeKey, HASONE, HASMANY, BELONGSTO, BELONGSTOMANY, } from './fields'; import { toInclude } from './utils'; export interface ApiJsonOptions { /** * 字段 * * 数组式: * ['col', 'association.col1', 'association_count'], * * 白名单: * { * only: ['col1'], * appends: ['association_count'], * } * * 黑名单: * { * except: ['col1'], * appends: ['association_count'], * } */ fields?: string[] | { only?: string[]; appends?: string[]; } | { except?: string[]; appends?: string[]; }; /** * 过滤 * * 常规用法: * { * col1: { * $eq: 'val1' * }, * } * * scope 的用法(如果 scope 与 col 同名,只会执行 scope): * { * scope1: value * } * * json 数据 & 关系数据,可以用点号: * { * 'association.col1': { * $eq: 'val1' * }, * } * * meta 为 json 字段时 * { * 'meta.key': { * $eq: 'val1' * }, * } * * json 数据 & 关系数据的查询也可以不用点号: * { * association: { * col1: { * $eq: 'val1' * }, * }, * } */ filter?: any; /** * 排序 * * TODO * * ['col1', '-col2', 'association.col1', '-association.col2'] */ sort?: any; /** * 页码 */ page?: number; perPage?: number; context?: any; [key: string]: any; } export interface WithCountAttributeOptions { /** * 关系名 */ association: string; /** * SourceModel 别名 * * 在 include 里使用时,需要指定,一般与 include 的 association 同名 * * include: { * association: 'user', // Post.belongsTo(User) * attributes: [ * User.withCountAttribute({ * association: 'posts', * sourceAlias: 'user', // 内嵌时,需要指定 source 别名 * }) * ] * } */ sourceAlias?: string; where?: any; /** * 别名,默认为 association_count */ alias?: string; [key: string]: any; } export const DEFAULT_OFFSET = 0; export const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 100; export const MAX_LIMIT = 500; export interface UpdateAssociationOptions extends SaveOptions { context?: any; } /** * Model 相关 * * TODO: 自定义 model 时的提示问题 */ // @ts-ignore export abstract class Model extends SequelizeModel { /** * 防止 ts 报错提示 */ [key: string]: any; /** * 当前 Model 的 database * * 与 Model.sequelize 对应,database 也用了 public static readonly */ public static database: Database; /** * 供 model 实例访问的 database */ get database(): Database { // @ts-ignore return this.constructor.database; } /** * sub query 关联数据的数量 * * TODO: 关联字段暂不支持主键以外的字段 * * @param options */ static withCountAttribute(options?: string | WithCountAttributeOptions): (string | ProjectionAlias) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { association: options }; } const { sourceAlias, association, where = {}, alias, ...restOptions } = options; const associator = this.associations[association]; const table = this.database.getTable(; const field = table.getField(association); const { targetKey, otherKey, foreignKey, sourceKey } = field.options as any; if (associator.associationType === 'HasMany') { where[foreignKey as string] = { [Op.eq]: Sequelize.col(`${sourceAlias ||}.${sourceKey}`), }; } else if (associator.associationType === 'BelongsToMany') { where[targetKey] = { // @ts-ignore []: Sequelize.literal(`(${associator.through.model.selectQuery({ attributes: [otherKey], where: { [foreignKey]: { [Op.eq]: Sequelize.col(`${sourceAlias ||}.${sourceKey}`), }, // @ts-ignore ...(associator.through.scope || {}), }, })})`), }; } let countLiteral = 'count(*)'; if (this.database.sequelize.getDialect() === 'postgres') { countLiteral = 'cast(count(*) as integer)'; } const attribute = [ Sequelize.literal( // @ts-ignore `(${{ ...restOptions, attributes: [[Sequelize.literal(countLiteral), 'count']], where: { // @ts-ignore ...where, ...(associator.scope || {}), }, })})` ), alias || Utils.underscoredIf(`${association}Count`, this.options.underscored), ].filter(Boolean); return attribute as unknown as ProjectionAlias; } /** * 当前 Model 的 SQL * * @param options */ static selectQuery(options = {}): string { // @ts-ignore return this.queryGenerator.selectQuery( this.getTableName(), options, this, ).replace(/;$/, ''); } static parseApiJson(options: ApiJsonOptions) { const { fields, filter, sort, context, page, perPage } = options; const data = toInclude({ fields, filter, sort }, { model: this, associations: this.associations, dialect: this.sequelize.getDialect(), ctx: context, database: this.database, }); if (page || perPage) { data.limit = perPage === -1 ? MAX_LIMIT : Math.min(perPage || DEFAULT_LIMIT, MAX_LIMIT); data.offset = data.limit * (page > 0 ? page - 1 : DEFAULT_OFFSET); } if (data.attributes && data.attributes.length === 0) { delete data.attributes; } return data; } getValuesByFieldNames(scope = []) { const table = this.database.getTable(; const Model = table.getModel(); const associations = table.getAssociations(); const where = {}; scope.forEach(col => { const association = associations.get(col); const dataKey = association && association instanceof BELONGSTO ? association.options.foreignKey : col; if (!Model.rawAttributes[dataKey]) { return; } const value = this.getDataValue(dataKey); if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { where[dataKey] = value; } }); return where; } async updateSingleAssociation(key: string, data: any, options: UpdateAssociationOptions = {}) { const { fields, transaction = await this.sequelize.transaction(), ...opts } = options; Object.assign(opts, { transaction }); const table = this.database.getTable(; const association = table.getAssociations().get(key); const accessors = association.getAccessors(); if (data == null) { await this[accessors.set](null, opts); return; } if (typeof data === 'number' || typeof data === 'string' || data instanceof SequelizeModel) { await this[accessors.set](data, opts); } else if (typeof data === 'object') { const Target = association.getTargetModel(); const targetAttribute = association instanceof BELONGSTO ? association.options.targetKey : association.options.sourceKey; if (data[targetAttribute]) { if (Object.keys(data).length > 0) { const target = await Target.findOne({ where: { [targetAttribute]: data[targetAttribute], }, transaction }); if (target) { await this[accessors.set](data[targetAttribute], opts); await target.update(data, opts); // @ts-ignore await target.updateAssociations(data, opts); } else { const t = await this[accessors.create](data, opts); await t.updateAssociations(data, opts); } } } else { const t = await this[accessors.create](data, opts); await t.updateAssociations(data, opts); } } if (!options.transaction) { await transaction.commit(); } } async updateMultipleAssociation(associationName: string, data: any, options: UpdateAssociationOptions = {}) { const items = Array.isArray(data) ? data : data == null ? [] : [data]; const { fields, transaction = await this.sequelize.transaction(), ...opts } = options; Object.assign(opts, { transaction }); const table = this.database.getTable(; const association = table.getAssociations().get(associationName); const accessors = association.getAccessors(); if (!items.length) { await this[accessors.set](null, opts); return; } const Target = association.getTargetModel(); // 当前表关联 target 表的外键(大部分情况与 target 表主键相同,但可以设置为不同的,要考虑) const { targetKey = Target.primaryKeyAttribute } = association.options; // target 表的主键 const targetPk = Target.primaryKeyAttribute; const targetKeyIsPk = targetKey === targetPk; // 准备设置的关联主键 const toSetPks = new Set(); const toSetUks = new Set(); // 筛选后准备设置的关联主键 const toSetItems = new Set(); // 准备添加的关联对象 const toUpsertObjects = []; // 遍历所有值成员准备数据 items.forEach(item => { if (item instanceof SequelizeModel) { if (targetKeyIsPk) { toSetPks.add(item.getDataValue(targetPk)); } else { toSetUks.add(item.getDataValue(targetKey)); } return; } if (typeof item === 'number' || typeof item === 'string') { let targetKeyType = getDataTypeKey(Target.rawAttributes[targetKey].type).toLocaleLowerCase(); if (targetKeyType === 'integer') { targetKeyType = 'number'; } // 如果传值类型与之前在 Model 上定义的 targetKey 不同,则报错。 // 不应兼容定义的 targetKey 不是 primaryKey 却传了 primaryKey 的值的情况。 if (typeof item !== targetKeyType) { throw new Error(`target key type [${typeof item}] does not match to [${targetKeyType}]`); } if (targetKeyIsPk) { toSetPks.add(item); } else { toSetUks.add(item); } return; } if (typeof item === 'object') { toUpsertObjects.push(item); } }); /* 仅传关联键处理开始 */ // 查找已存在的数据 const byPkExistItems = toSetPks.size ? await Target.findAll({ ...opts, // @ts-ignore where: { [targetPk]: { []: Array.from(toSetPks) } }, attributes: [targetPk] }) : []; byPkExistItems.forEach(item => { toSetItems.add(item); }); const byUkExistItems = toSetUks.size ? await Target.findAll({ ...opts, // @ts-ignore where: { [targetKey]: { []: Array.from(toSetUks) } }, attributes: [targetPk, targetKey] }) : []; byUkExistItems.forEach(item => { toSetItems.add(item); }); /* 仅传关联键处理结束 */ const belongsToManyList = []; /* 值为对象处理开始 */ for (const item of toUpsertObjects) { let target; if (typeof item[targetKey] === 'undefined') { target = await this[accessors.create](item, opts); } else { target = await Target.findOne({ ...opts, where: { [targetKey]: item[targetKey] }, }); if (!target) { target = await this[accessors.create](item, opts); } else { await target.update(item, opts); } } // TODO(optimize): 此处添加的对象其实已经创建了关联, // 但考虑到单条 create 的 hook 要求带上关联键,且后面的 set, // 所以仍然交给 set 再调用关联一次。 toSetItems.add(target); if (association instanceof BELONGSTOMANY) { belongsToManyList.push({ item, target }); } await target.updateAssociations(item, opts); } /* 值为对象处理结束 */ // 添加所有计算后的关联 await this[accessors.set](Array.from(toSetItems), opts); // 后处理 belongsToMany 的更新内容 if (belongsToManyList.length) { const ThroughModel = (association as BELONGSTOMANY).getThroughModel(); const throughName = (association as BELONGSTOMANY).getThroughName(); for (const { item, target } of belongsToManyList) { const throughValues = item[throughName]; if (throughValues && typeof throughValues === 'object') { const { foreignKey, sourceKey, otherKey } = association.options; const through = await ThroughModel.findOne({ where: { [foreignKey]: this.get(sourceKey), [otherKey]: target.get(targetKey), }, transaction }); await through.update(throughValues, opts); // TODO:有 BUG,未知 // await through.updateAssociations(throughValues, opts); } } } if (!options.transaction) { await transaction.commit(); } } async updateAssociation(key: string, data: any, options: UpdateAssociationOptions = {}) { const table = this.database.getTable(; const association = table.getAssociations().get(key); switch (true) { case association instanceof BELONGSTO: case association instanceof HASONE: return this.updateSingleAssociation(key, data, options); case association instanceof HASMANY: case association instanceof BELONGSTOMANY: return this.updateMultipleAssociation(key, data, options); } } /** * 关联数据的更新 * * @param data */ async updateAssociations(data: any, options: UpdateAssociationOptions = {}) { const { transaction = await this.sequelize.transaction() } = options; // @ts-ignore 判断 Model.associations 更准确 for (const key of Object.keys(this.constructor.associations)) { // 如果 key 不存在才跳过 if (!Object.keys(data).includes(key)) { continue; } await this.updateAssociation(key, data[key], { ...options, transaction }); } await this.database.emitAsync('afterUpdateAssociations', this, { ...options, transaction, }); // @ts-ignore // await this.sequelize.runHooks('afterUpdateAssociations', this, options); if (!options.transaction) { await transaction.commit(); } } } /** * ModelCtor 需要为当前 Model 的 */ export type ModelCtor<M extends Model> = typeof Model & { new(): M } & { [key: string]: any }; export default Model;