# What is UI Schema? A protocol for describing front-end components, based on Formily Schema 2.0, JSON Schema-like style. ```ts interface ISchema { type: 'void' | 'string' | 'number' | 'object' | 'array'; name?: string; title?: any; // wrapper component ['x-decorator']? : string; // Wrapper component properties ['x-decorator-props']? : any; // component ['x-component']? : string; // Component properties ['x-component-props']? : any; // display state, default is 'visible' ['x-display']? : 'none' | 'hidden' | 'visible'; // child node of the component, simply use ['x-content']? : any; // children node schema properties?: Record<string, ISchema>; // The following is used only for field components // field linkage ['x-reactions']? : SchemaReactions; // Field UI interaction mode, default is 'editable' ['x-pattern']? : 'editable' | 'disabled' | 'readPretty'; // Field validation ['x-validator']? : Validator; // default data default: ? :any; // Designer related // Designer component (toolbar), including: drag and drop to move, insert new nodes, modify parameters, remove, etc. ['x-designer']? : any; // Initializer component (toolbar), determines what can be inserted inside the current schema ['x-initializer']? : any; } ``` ## The simplest component All native html tags can be converted to schema writing. For example ```ts { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'h1', 'x-content': 'Hello, world! } ``` JSX examples ```tsx | pure <h1>Hello, world!</h1> ``` ## children components can be written in properties ```ts { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'div', 'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' }, properties: { title: { type: 'string', 'x-component': 'input', }, }, } ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div className={'form-item'}> <input name={'title'} /> </div> ``` ## The clever use of Decorator The combination of decorator + component allows you to put two components in a single schema node, reducing the complexity of the schema structure and increasing the reusability of the components. For example, in a form scenario, you can combine a FormItem component with any field component, where the FormItem is the Decorator. ```ts { type: 'void', ['x-component']: 'div', properties: { title: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Input', }, content: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'FormItem', 'x-component': 'Input.TextArea', }, }, } ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div> <FormItem> <Input name={'title'} /> </FormItem> <FormItem> <Input.TextArea name={'content'} /> </FormItem> </div> ``` It is also possible to provide a CardItem component that wraps all blocks, so that all blocks are Card wrapped. ```ts { type: 'void', ['x-component']: 'div', properties: { title: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'CardItem', 'x-component': 'Table', }, content: { type: 'string', 'x-decorator': 'CardItem', 'x-component': 'Kanban', }, }, } ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div> <CardItem> <Table /> </CardItem> <CardItem> <Kanban /> </CardItem> </div> ``` ## Display state of the component - `'x-display': 'visible'`: the component is displayed - `'x-display': 'hidden'`: component is hidden, data is not hidden - `'x-display': 'none'`: component is hidden, data is also hidden ### `'x-display': 'visible'` ```ts { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'div', 'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' }, properties: { title: { type: 'string', 'x-component': 'input', 'x-display': 'visible' }, }, } ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div className={'form-item'}> <input name={'title'} /> </div> ``` ### `'x-display': 'hidden'` ```ts { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'div', 'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' }, properties: { title: { type: 'string', 'x-component': 'input', 'x-display': 'hidden' }, }, } ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div className={'form-item'}> {/* The input component is not output here, the corresponding field model with name=title still exists */} </div> ``` ### `'x-display': 'none'` ```ts { type: 'void', 'x-component': 'div', 'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' }, properties: { title: { type: 'string', 'x-component': 'input', 'x-display': 'none' }, }, } ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div className={'form-item'}> {/* The input component is not output here, and the corresponding field model with name=title does not exist anymore */} </div> ``` ## Display modes for components For field components, there are three display modes: - `'x-pattern': 'editable'` Editable - `'x-pattern': 'disabled'` Non-editable - `'x-pattern': 'readPretty'` Friendly reading As in the case of the `<SingleText />` component, the editable and disabled modes are `<input />` and the readPretty mode is `<div />`. ### `'x-pattern': 'editable'` ```ts const schema = { name: 'test', type: 'void', 'x-component': 'div', 'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' }, properties: { title: { type: 'string', default: 'Hello', 'x-component': 'SingleText', 'x-pattern': 'editable' }, }, }; ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div className={'form-item'}> <input name={'title'} value={'Hello'} /> </div> ``` ### `'x-pattern': 'disabled'` ```ts const schema = { name: 'test', type: 'void', 'x-component': 'div', 'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' }, properties: { title: { type: 'string', default: 'Hello', 'x-component': 'SingleText', 'x-pattern': 'disabled' }, }, }; ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div className={'form-item'}> <input name={'title'} value={'Hello'} disabled /> </div> ``` ### `'x-pattern': 'readPretty'` ```ts const schema = { name: 'test', type: 'void', 'x-component': 'div', 'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' }, properties: { title: { type: 'string', default: 'Hello', 'x-component': 'SingleText', 'x-pattern': 'readPretty', }, }, }; ``` JSX is equivalent to ```tsx | pure <div className={'form-item'}> <div>Hello</div> </div> ```