import { cpSync as _cpSync, existsSync as _existsSync, writeFileSync as _writeFileSync, copyFileSync, cpSync, existsSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync, rmSync, symlinkSync, unlinkSync, writeFileSync, } from 'fs'; import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; import { createRequire } from 'module'; import { Socket } from 'net'; import { dirname, join, resolve, sep } from 'path'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { config } from 'dotenv'; import { execa, Options } from 'execa'; import fastGlob from 'fast-glob'; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); export function isPackageValid(pkg: string) { try { require(pkg); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } export function hasCorePackages() { const coreDir = resolve(process.cwd(), 'packages/core/build'); return existsSync(coreDir); } export function hasTsNode() { return isPackageValid('ts-node/dist/bin'); } export function isDev() { if (process.env.APP_ENV === 'production') { return false; } return hasTsNode(); } export const isProd = () => { const { APP_PACKAGE_ROOT } = process.env; const file = `${APP_PACKAGE_ROOT}/lib/index.js`; if (!existsSync(resolve(process.cwd(), file))) { console.log('For production environment, please build the code first.'); console.log(); console.log(chalk.yellow('$ pnpm build')); console.log(); process.exit(1); } return true; }; export function nodeCheck() { if (!hasTsNode()) { console.log('Please install all dependencies'); console.log(chalk.yellow('$ pnpm install')); process.exit(1); } } export function run(command: string, args?: string[], options?: Options) { if (command === 'tsx') { command = 'node'; args = ['./node_modules/tsx/dist/cli.mjs'].concat(args || []); } return execa(command, args, { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit', ...options, env: { ...process.env, ...(options?.env ?? {}), }, }); } interface IPortReachableOptions { timeout: number; host: string; } export async function isPortReachable(port: string, options: Partial = {}) { const timeout = options.timeout ?? 1000; const host = ?? ''; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const socket = new Socket(); const onError = () => { socket.destroy(); reject(); }; socket.setTimeout(timeout); socket.once('error', onError); socket.once('timeout', onError); socket.connect(Number(port), host, () => { socket.end(); resolve(); }); }); try { await promise; return true; } catch (_) { return false; } } export async function postCheck(opts: { port?: string }) { const port = opts.port || process.env.APP_PORT || ''; const result = await isPortReachable(port); if (result) { console.error(`post already in use ${port}`)); process.exit(1); } } export async function runInstall() { const { APP_PACKAGE_ROOT, SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH } = process.env; if (!SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH) { throw new Error('SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH is empty.'); } if (isDev()) { const argv = [ '--tsconfig', SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH, '-r', 'tsconfig-paths/register', `${APP_PACKAGE_ROOT}/src/index.ts`, 'install', '-s', ]; await run('tsx', argv); } else if (isProd()) { const file = `${APP_PACKAGE_ROOT}/lib/index.js`; const argv = [file, 'install', '-s']; await run('node', argv); } } export async function runAppCommand(command: string, args = []) { const { APP_PACKAGE_ROOT, SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH } = process.env; if (!SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH) { throw new Error('SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH is not set'); } if (isDev()) { const argv = [ '--tsconfig', SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH, '-r', 'tsconfig-paths/register', `${APP_PACKAGE_ROOT}/src/index.ts`, command, ...args, ]; await run('tsx', argv); } else if (isProd()) { const argv = [`${APP_PACKAGE_ROOT}/lib/index.js`, command, ...args]; await run('node', argv); } } export function promptForTs() { console.log('WAIT: ') + 'TypeScript compiling...'); } export async function updateJsonFile(target: string, fn: any) { const content = await readFile(target, 'utf-8'); const json = JSON.parse(content); await writeFile(target, JSON.stringify(fn(json), null, 2), 'utf-8'); } export async function getVersion() { const { stdout } = await execa('npm', ['v', '@tachybase/app-server', 'versions']); const versions = new Function(`return (${stdout})`)(); return versions[versions.length - 1]; } export function generateAppDir() { const appPkgPath = dirname(dirname(new URL(import.meta.resolve('@tachybase/app/src/index.ts')).pathname)); const appDevDir = resolve(process.cwd(), './storage/.app-dev'); if (isDev() && !hasCorePackages() && appPkgPath.includes('node_modules')) { if (!existsSync(appDevDir)) { // @ts-ignore mkdirSync(appDevDir, { force: true, recursive: true }); cpSync(appPkgPath, appDevDir, { recursive: true, force: true, }); } process.env.APP_PACKAGE_ROOT = appDevDir; } else { process.env.APP_PACKAGE_ROOT = appPkgPath; const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; if (isWindows) { // windows /c:/xxx process.env.APP_PACKAGE_ROOT = appPkgPath.substring(1); } else { process.env.APP_PACKAGE_ROOT = appPkgPath; } } buildIndexHtml(); } export async function genTsConfigPaths() { try { unlinkSync(resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/.bin/tsx')); symlinkSync( resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/tsx/dist/cli.mjs'), resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules/.bin/tsx'), 'file', ); } catch (error) { // } const cwd = process.cwd(); const cwdLength = cwd.length; const paths: Record = {}; const packages = fastGlob.sync(['packages/*/*/package.json', 'packages/*/*/*/package.json'], { absolute: true, onlyFiles: true, }); await Promise.all( (packageFile) => { const packageJsonName = JSON.parse(await readFile(packageFile, 'utf-8')).name; const packageDir = dirname(packageFile); const relativePath = packageDir .slice(cwdLength + 1) .split(sep) .join('/'); paths[`${packageJsonName}/client`] = [`${relativePath}/src/client`]; paths[`${packageJsonName}/package.json`] = [`${relativePath}/package.json`]; paths[packageJsonName] = [`${relativePath}/src`]; if (packageJsonName === '@tachybase/test') { paths[`${packageJsonName}/server`] = [`${relativePath}/src/server`]; paths[`${packageJsonName}/e2e`] = [`${relativePath}/src/e2e`]; } if (packageJsonName === '@tachybase/plugin-workflow-test') { paths[`${packageJsonName}/e2e`] = [`${relativePath}/src/e2e`]; } }), ); const tsConfigJsonPath = join(cwd, './tsconfig.paths.json'); const content = { compilerOptions: { paths } }; writeFileSync(tsConfigJsonPath, JSON.stringify(content, null, 2), 'utf-8'); return content; } export function generatePlaywrightPath(clean = false) { try { const playwright = resolve(process.cwd(), 'storage/playwright/tests'); if (clean && _existsSync(playwright)) { rmSync(dirname(playwright), { force: true, recursive: true }); } if (!_existsSync(playwright)) { const testPkg = require.resolve('@tachybase/test/package.json'); _cpSync(resolve(dirname(testPkg), 'playwright/tests'), playwright, { recursive: true }); } } catch (error) { // empty } } function parseEnv(name: string) { if (name === 'DB_UNDERSCORED') { if (process.env.DB_UNDERSCORED === 'true') { return 'true'; } if (process.env.DB_UNDERSCORED) { return 'true'; } return 'false'; } } export function buildIndexHtml(force = false) { const file = `${process.env.APP_PACKAGE_ROOT}/dist/client/index.html`; if (!_existsSync(file)) { return; } const tpl = `${process.env.APP_PACKAGE_ROOT}/dist/client/index.html.tpl`; if (force && _existsSync(tpl)) { rmSync(tpl); } if (!_existsSync(tpl)) { copyFileSync(file, tpl); } const data = readFileSync(tpl, 'utf-8'); const replacedData = data .replace(/\{\{env.APP_PUBLIC_PATH\}\}/g, process.env.APP_PUBLIC_PATH ?? '') .replace(/\{\{env.API_BASE_URL\}\}/g, process.env.API_BASE_URL ?? process.env.API_BASE_PATH ?? '') .replace(/\{\{env.WS_URL\}\}/g, process.env.WEBSOCKET_URL ?? '') .replace(/\{\{env.WS_PATH\}\}/g, process.env.WS_PATH ?? '') .replace('src="/umi.', `src="${process.env.APP_PUBLIC_PATH}umi.`); _writeFileSync(file, replacedData, 'utf-8'); } export function initEnv() { const env = { APP_ENV: 'development', APP_KEY: 'test-jwt-secret', APP_PORT: 3000, API_BASE_PATH: '/api/', DB_DIALECT: 'sqlite', DB_STORAGE: 'storage/db/tachybase.sqlite', DB_TIMEZONE: '+00:00', DB_UNDERSCORED: parseEnv('DB_UNDERSCORED'), DEFAULT_STORAGE_TYPE: 'local', LOCAL_STORAGE_DEST: 'storage/uploads', PLUGIN_STORAGE_PATH: resolve(process.cwd(), 'storage/plugins'), MFSU_AD: 'none', WS_PATH: '/ws', SOCKET_PATH: 'storage/gateway.sock', NODE_MODULES_PATH: resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules'), PM2_HOME: resolve(process.cwd(), './storage/.pm2'), PLUGIN_PACKAGE_PREFIX: '@tachybase/plugin-,@tachybase/preset-,@hera/plugin-', SERVER_TSCONFIG_PATH: './tsconfig.server.json', PLAYWRIGHT_AUTH_FILE: resolve(process.cwd(), 'storage/playwright/.auth/admin.json'), CACHE_DEFAULT_STORE: 'memory', CACHE_MEMORY_MAX: 2000, PLUGIN_STATICS_PATH: '/static/plugins/', LOGGER_BASE_PATH: 'storage/logs', APP_SERVER_BASE_URL: '', APP_PUBLIC_PATH: '/', }; if ( !process.env.APP_ENV_PATH && process.argv[2] && ['test', 'test:client', 'test:server'].includes(process.argv[2]) ) { if (_existsSync(resolve(process.cwd(), '.env.test'))) { process.env.APP_ENV_PATH = '.env.test'; } } if (!process.env.APP_ENV_PATH && process.argv[2] === 'e2e') { // 用于存放 playwright 自动生成的相关的文件 generatePlaywrightPath(); if (!_existsSync('.env.e2e') && _existsSync('.env.e2e.example')) { const env = readFileSync('.env.e2e.example'); _writeFileSync('.env.e2e', env); } if (!_existsSync('.env.e2e')) { throw new Error('Please create .env.e2e file first!'); } process.env.APP_ENV_PATH = '.env.e2e'; } config({ path: resolve(process.cwd(), process.env.APP_ENV_PATH || '.env'), }); if (process.argv[2] === 'e2e' && !process.env.APP_BASE_URL) { process.env.APP_BASE_URL = `${process.env.APP_PORT}`; } for (const key in env) { if (!process.env[key]) { // @ts-ignore process.env[key] = env[key]; } } if (!process.env.__env_modified__ && process.env.APP_PUBLIC_PATH) { const publicPath = process.env.APP_PUBLIC_PATH.replace(/\/$/g, ''); const keys = ['API_BASE_PATH', 'WS_PATH', 'PLUGIN_STATICS_PATH']; for (const key of keys) { process.env[key] = publicPath + process.env[key]; } // @ts-ignore process.env.__env_modified__ = true; } if (!process.env.__env_modified__ && process.env.APP_SERVER_BASE_URL && !process.env.API_BASE_URL) { process.env.API_BASE_URL = process.env.APP_SERVER_BASE_URL + process.env.API_BASE_PATH; // @ts-ignore process.env.__env_modified__ = true; } }