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Support letters, numbers and underscores, must start with an letter.": "Randomly generated and can be modified. Support letters, numbers and underscores, must start with an letter.", "Storage type": "Storage type", "Edit": "Edit", "Edit collection": "Edit collection", "Configure fields": "Configure fields", "Edit field": "Edit field", "Configure fields of {{title}}": "Configure fields of {{title}}", "Basic": "Basic", "Single line text": "Single line text", "Long text": "Long text", "Phone": "Phone", "Email": "Email", "Number": "Number", "Percent": "Percent", "Password": "Password", "Choices": "Choices", "Checkbox": "Checkbox", "Single select": "Single select", "Multiple select": "Multiple select", "Radio group": "Radio group", "Checkbox group": "Checkbox group", "China region": "China region", "Attachment": "Attachment", "Date & Time": "Date & Time", "Datetime": "Datetime", "Relation": "Relation", "Link to": "Link to", "Sub-table": "Sub-table", "System info": "System info", "Created at": "Created at", "Last updated at": "Last updated at", "Created by": "Created by", "Last updated by": "Last updated by", "Add field": "Add field", "Field display name": "Field display name", "Field type": "Field type", "Date format": "Date format", "Year/Month/Day": "Year/Month/Day", "Year-Month-Day": "Year-Month-Day", "Day/Month/Year": "Day/Month/Year", "Show time": "Show time", "Time format": "Time format", "12 hour": "12 hour", "24 hour": "24 hour", "Meet <1><0>All<1>Any conditions in the group": "Meet <1><0>All<1>Any conditions in the group", "Add filter": "Add filter", "Add filter group": "Add filter group", "is": "is", "is not": "is not", "contains": "contains", "does not contain": "does not contain", "is empty": "is empty", "is not empty": "is not empty", "Display <1><0>10<1>20<2>50<3>100 items per page": "Display <1><0>10<1>20<2>50<3>100 items per page", "Edit chart": "Edit chart", "Add text": "Add text", "Filterable fields": "Filterable fields", "Edit button": "Edit button", "Hide": "Hide", "Enable actions": "Enable actions", "Export": "Export", "Customize": "Customize", "Function": "Function", "Popup form": "Popup form", "Flexible popup": "Flexible popup", "Configure actions": "Configure actions", "Display order number": "Display order number", "Enable drag and drop sorting": "Enable drag and drop sorting", "Triggered when the row is clicked": "Triggered when the row is clicked", "Add tab": "Add tab", "Disable tabs": "Disable tabs", "Details": "Details", "Edit tab": "Edit tab", "Relationship blocks": "Relationship blocks", "Select record": "Select record", "Display name": "Display name", "Select icon": "Select icon", "Custom column name": "Custom column name", "Edit description": "Edit description", "Required": "Required", "Label field": "Label field", "Default is the ID field": "Default is the ID field", "Set default sorting rules": "Set default sorting rules", "is before": "is before", "is after": "is after", "is on or after": "is on or after", "is on or before": "is on or before", "Upload": "Upload", "Select level": "Select level", "Province": "Province", "City": "City", "Area": "Area", "Street": "Street", "Village": "Village", "Must select to the last level": "Must select to the last level", "Move {{title}} to": "Move {{title}} to", "Target position": "Target position", "After": "After", "Before": "Before", "Add {{type}} before \"{{title}}\"": "Add {{type}} before \"{{title}}\"", "Add {{type}} after \"{{title}}\"": "Add {{type}} after \"{{title}}\"", "Add {{type}} in \"{{title}}\"": "Add {{type}} in \"{{title}}\"", "Original name": "Original name", "Custom name": "Custom name", "Custom Title": "Custom Title", "Options": "Options", "Option value": "Option value", "Option label": "Option label", "Color": "Color", "Add option": "Add option", "Related collection": "Related collection", "Allow linking to multiple records": "Allow linking to multiple records", "Allow uploading multiple files": "Allow uploading multiple files", "Configure calendar": "Configure calendar", "Title field": "Title field", "Start date field": "Start date field", "End date field": "End date field", "Navigate": "Navigate", "Title": "Title", "Select view": "View", "Reset": "Reset", "Export fields": "Export fields", "Saved successfully": "Saved successfully", "Templates": "Templates", "Nickname": "Nickname", "Sign in": "Sign in", "Create an account": "Create an account", "Sign up": "Sign up", "Confirm password": "Confirm password", "Log in with an existing account": "Log in with an existing account", "Password mismatch": "Password mismatch", "Signed up successfully. It will jump to the login page.": "Signed up successfully. It will jump to the login page.", "Users": "Users", "Roles": "Roles", "Add role": "Add role", "Role name": "Role name", "Configure": "Configure", "Configure permissions": "Configure permissions", "Edit role": "Edit role", "Action permissions": "Action permissions", "Menu permissions": "Menu permissions", "Menu item name": "Menu item name", "Allow access": "Allow access", "Action name": "Action name", "Allow action": "Allow action", "Action scope": "Action scope", "Operate on new data": "Operate on new data", "Operate on existing data": "Operate on existing data", "Yes": "Yes", "No": "No", "Red": "Red", "Magenta": "Magenta", "Volcano": "Volcano", "Orange": "Orange", "Gold": "Gold", "Lime": "Lime", "Green": "Green", "Cyan": "Cyan", "Blue": "Blue", "Geek Blue": "Geek Blue", "Purple": "Purple", "Default": "Default", "Add card": "Add card", "edit title": "Edit Title" }