import { ACL } from '@nocobase/acl'; import { registerActions } from '@nocobase/actions'; import { actions as authActions, AuthManager } from '@nocobase/auth'; import { Cache, createCache, ICacheConfig } from '@nocobase/cache'; import Database, { Collection, CollectionOptions, IDatabaseOptions } from '@nocobase/database'; import { AppLoggerOptions, createAppLogger, Logger } from '@nocobase/logger'; import Resourcer, { ResourceOptions } from '@nocobase/resourcer'; import { applyMixins, AsyncEmitter, Toposort, ToposortOptions } from '@nocobase/utils'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { Command, CommandOptions, ParseOptions } from 'commander'; import { Server } from 'http'; import { i18n, InitOptions } from 'i18next'; import Koa, { DefaultContext as KoaDefaultContext, DefaultState as KoaDefaultState } from 'koa'; import compose from 'koa-compose'; import semver from 'semver'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { createACL } from './acl'; import { AppManager } from './app-manager'; import { registerCli } from './commands'; import { createI18n, createResourcer, registerMiddlewares } from './helper'; import { Locale } from './locale'; import { Plugin } from './plugin'; import { InstallOptions, PluginManager } from './plugin-manager'; const packageJson = require('../package.json'); export type PluginConfiguration = string | [string, any]; export interface ResourcerOptions { prefix?: string; } export interface ApplicationOptions { database?: IDatabaseOptions | Database; cache?: ICacheConfig | ICacheConfig[]; resourcer?: ResourcerOptions; bodyParser?: any; cors?: any; dataWrapping?: boolean; registerActions?: boolean; i18n?: i18n | InitOptions; plugins?: PluginConfiguration[]; acl?: boolean; logger?: AppLoggerOptions; pmSock?: string; name?: string; } export interface DefaultState extends KoaDefaultState { currentUser?: any; [key: string]: any; } export interface DefaultContext extends KoaDefaultContext { db: Database; cache: Cache; resourcer: Resourcer; i18n: any; [key: string]: any; } interface MiddlewareOptions { name?: string; resourceName?: string; resourceNames?: string[]; insertBefore?: string; insertAfter?: string; } interface ActionsOptions { resourceName?: string; resourceNames?: string[]; } interface ListenOptions { port?: number | undefined; host?: string | undefined; backlog?: number | undefined; path?: string | undefined; exclusive?: boolean | undefined; readableAll?: boolean | undefined; writableAll?: boolean | undefined; /** * @default false */ ipv6Only?: boolean | undefined; signal?: AbortSignal | undefined; } interface StartOptions { cliArgs?: any[]; dbSync?: boolean; listen?: ListenOptions; } export class ApplicationVersion { protected app: Application; protected collection: Collection; constructor(app: Application) { = app; if (!app.db.hasCollection('applicationVersion')) { app.db.collection({ name: 'applicationVersion', namespace: 'core.applicationVersion', duplicator: 'required', timestamps: false, fields: [{ name: 'value', type: 'string' }], }); } this.collection ='applicationVersion'); } async get() { if (await'applicationVersion')) { const model = await this.collection.model.findOne(); if (!model) { return null; } return model.get('value') as any; } return null; } async update() { await this.collection.sync(); await this.collection.model.destroy({ truncate: true, }); await this.collection.model.create({ value:, }); } async satisfies(range: string) { if (await'applicationVersion')) { const model: any = await this.collection.model.findOne(); const version = model?.value as any; if (!version) { return true; } return semver.satisfies(version, range, { includePrerelease: true }); } return true; } } export class Application extends Koa implements AsyncEmitter { protected _db: Database; protected _logger: Logger; protected _resourcer: Resourcer; protected _cache: Cache; protected _cli: Command; protected _i18n: i18n; protected _pm: PluginManager; protected _acl: ACL; protected _appManager: AppManager; protected _authManager: AuthManager; protected _locales: Locale; protected _version: ApplicationVersion; protected plugins = new Map(); public listenServer: Server; declare middleware: any; stopped = false; constructor(public options: ApplicationOptions) { super(); this.init(); } get db() { return this._db; } get cache() { return this._cache; } get resourcer() { return this._resourcer; } get cli() { return this._cli; } get acl() { return this._acl; } get i18n() { return this._i18n; } get pm() { return this._pm; } get version() { return this._version; } get appManager() { return this._appManager; } get authManager() { return this._authManager; } get logger() { return this._logger; } get log() { return this._logger; } get locales() { return this._locales; } get name() { return || 'main'; } protected init() { const options = this.options; const logger = createAppLogger(options.logger); this._logger = logger.instance; // @ts-ignore this._events = []; // @ts-ignore this._eventsCount = []; this.removeAllListeners(); this.middleware = new Toposort(); this.plugins = new Map(); this._acl = createACL(); this.use(logger.middleware, { tag: 'logger' }); if (this._db) { // MaxListenersExceededWarning this._db.removeAllListeners(); } this._db = this.createDatabase(options); this._resourcer = createResourcer(options); this._cli = new Command('nocobase').usage('[command] [options]'); this._i18n = createI18n(options); this._cache = createCache(options.cache); this.context.db = this._db; this.context.logger = this._logger; this.context.resourcer = this._resourcer; this.context.cache = this._cache; if (this._pm) { this._pm = this._pm.clone(); } else { this._pm = new PluginManager({ app: this, plugins: options.plugins, }); } if (this._appManager) { this._appManager.bindMainApplication(this); } else { this._appManager = new AppManager(this); } this._authManager = new AuthManager({ authKey: 'X-Authenticator', default: 'basic', }); this.resource({ name: 'auth', actions: authActions, }); this._resourcer.use(this._authManager.middleware(), { tag: 'auth' }); if (this.options.acl !== false) { this._resourcer.use(this._acl.middleware(), { tag: 'acl', after: ['auth'] }); } this._locales = new Locale(this); registerMiddlewares(this, options); if (options.registerActions !== false) { registerActions(this); } registerCli(this); this._version = new ApplicationVersion(this); } private createDatabase(options: ApplicationOptions) { const db = new Database({ ...(options.database instanceof Database ? options.database.options : options.database), migrator: { context: { app: this }, }, }); db.setLogger(this._logger); return db; } getVersion() { return packageJson.version; } plugin(pluginClass: any, options?: O): Plugin { return, options); } // @ts-ignore use( middleware: Koa.Middleware, options?: ToposortOptions, ) { this.middleware.add(middleware, options); return this; } callback() { const fn = compose(this.middleware.nodes); if (!this.listenerCount('error')) this.on('error', this.onerror); const handleRequest = (req, res) => { const ctx = this.createContext(req, res); // @ts-ignore return this.handleRequest(ctx, fn); }; return handleRequest; } collection(options: CollectionOptions) { return this.db.collection(options); } resource(options: ResourceOptions) { return this.resourcer.define(options); } actions(handlers: any, options?: ActionsOptions) { return this.resourcer.registerActions(handlers); } command(name: string, desc?: string, opts?: CommandOptions): Command { return this.cli.command(name, desc, opts).allowUnknownOption(); } findCommand(name: string): Command { return (this.cli)._findCommand(name); } async load(options?: any) { if (options?.reload) { console.log(`Reload the ${} application configuration`); const oldDb = this._db; this.init(); await oldDb.close(); } await this.emitAsync('beforeLoad', this, options); await; await this.emitAsync('afterLoad', this, options); } async reload(options?: any) { await this.load({ ...options, reload: true, }); await this.emitAsync('afterReload', this, options); } getPlugin

(name: string) { return as P; } async parse(argv = process.argv) { return this.runAsCLI(argv); } async runAsCLI(argv = process.argv, options?: ParseOptions) { try { await this.db.auth({ retry: 30 }); } catch (error) { console.log(; process.exit(1); } await this.dbVersionCheck({ exit: true }); await this.db.prepare(); if (argv?.[2] !== 'upgrade') { await this.load({ method: argv?.[2], }); } return this.cli.parseAsync(argv, options); } async start(options: StartOptions = {}) { if (this.db.closed()) { await this.db.reconnect(); } if (options.dbSync) { console.log('db sync...'); await this.db.sync(); } await this.emitAsync('beforeStart', this, options); if (options?.listen?.port) { const pmServer = await; const listen = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const Server = this.listen(options?.listen, () => { resolve(Server); }); Server.on('error', (err) => { reject(err); }); Server.on('close', () => { pmServer.close(); }); }); try { //@ts-ignore this.listenServer = await listen(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); process.exit(1); } } await this.emitAsync('afterStart', this, options); this.stopped = false; } listen(...args): Server { return this.appManager.listen(...args); } async stop(options: any = {}) { if (this.stopped) { this.log.warn(`Application ${} already stopped`); return; } await this.emitAsync('beforeStop', this, options); // close http server if (this.listenServer) { await promisify(this.listenServer.close).call(this.listenServer); this.listenServer = null; } try { // close database connection // silent if database already closed if (!this.db.closed()) { await this.db.close(); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } await this.emitAsync('afterStop', this, options); this.stopped = true; console.log(`${} is stopped`); } async destroy(options: any = {}) { await this.emitAsync('beforeDestroy', this, options); await this.stop(options); await this.emitAsync('afterDestroy', this, options); } async dbVersionCheck(options?: { exit?: boolean }) { const r = await this.db.version.satisfies({ mysql: '>=8.0.17', sqlite: '3.x', postgres: '>=10', }); if (!r) { console.log('The database only supports MySQL 8.0.17 and above, SQLite 3.x and PostgreSQL 10+')); if (options?.exit) { process.exit(); } return false; } if (this.db.inDialect('mysql')) { const result = await this.db.sequelize.query(`SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'`, { plain: true }); if (result?.Value === '1' && !this.db.options.underscored) { console.log( `Your database lower_case_table_names=1, please add ${chalk.yellow('DB_UNDERSCORED=true')} to the .env file`, ); if (options?.exit) { process.exit(); } return false; } } return true; } async isInstalled() { return ( (await this.db.collectionExistsInDb('applicationVersion')) || (await this.db.collectionExistsInDb('collections')) ); } async install(options: InstallOptions = {}) { console.log('Database dialect: ' + this.db.sequelize.getDialect()); if (options?.clean || options?.sync?.force) { console.log('Truncate database and reload app configuration'); await this.db.clean({ drop: true }); await this.reload({ method: 'install' }); } await this.emitAsync('beforeInstall', this, options); await this.db.sync(); await; await this.version.update(); await this.emitAsync('afterInstall', this, options); } async upgrade(options: any = {}) { await this.emitAsync('beforeUpgrade', this, options); const force = false; await this.db.migrator.up(); await this.db.sync({ force, alter: { drop: force, }, }); await this.version.update(); await this.emitAsync('afterUpgrade', this, options); } declare emitAsync: (event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => Promise; toJSON() { return { appName:, }; } } applyMixins(Application, [AsyncEmitter]); export default Application;