import path from 'path'; import send from 'koa-send'; import serve from 'koa-static'; import { PluginOptions } from '@nocobase/server'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import glob from 'glob'; function getInitSqls() { const part1 = []; const part2 = []; const files1 = glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, './db/part1/*.sql')); for (const file of files1) { const sql = readFileSync(file).toString(); part1.push(sql); } const files2 = glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, './db/part2/*.sql')); for (const file of files2) { const sql = readFileSync(file).toString(); part2.push(sql); } return { part1, part2 }; } export default { name: 'client', async load() { let root = this.options.dist; if (root && !root.startsWith('/')) { root = path.resolve(process.cwd(), root); } (ctx, next) => { if (!root) { return next(); } await serve(root)(ctx, next); // console.log('koa-send', root, ctx.status); if (ctx.status == 404) { return send(ctx, 'index.html', { root }); } }); const app =;'db.init', async () => { if (this.options.importDemo !== true) { return; } const transaction = await app.db.sequelize.transaction(); const sqls = getInitSqls(); try { for (const sql of sqls.part1) { await app.db.sequelize.query(sql, { transaction }); } await transaction.commit(); } catch (error) { await transaction.rollback(); } await app.db.getModel('collections').load({ skipExisting: true, }); await app.db.sync(); const transaction2 = await app.db.sequelize.transaction(); try { for (const sql of sqls.part2) { await app.db.sequelize.query(sql, { transaction: transaction2 }); } await transaction2.commit(); } catch (error) { await transaction2.rollback(); } }); } } as PluginOptions;