Delete docs/tr-TR directory
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# Erişim Kontrol Listesi Kaynağı(ACL)
Erişim Kontrol Listesi Kaynağı, Erişim Kontrol Listesi sistemindeki kaynak sınıfıdır. Erişim Kontrol Listesi sisteminde, kullanıcılara izinler verildiğinde ilgili kaynaklar otomatik olarak oluşturulur.
## Sınıf yönetimi
### `constructor()`
Yapıcı Metod
* `constructor(options: AclResourceOptions)`
type ResourceActions = { [key: string]: RoleActionParams };
interface AclResourceOptions {
name: string; // Kaynak adı
role: ACLRole; // Kaynağın Rolü
actions?: ResourceActions;
`RoleActionParams` için [`aclRole.grantAction`](./ adresine bakın
### `getActions()`
Kaynağın tüm eylemlerini alın ve sonucu bir `ResourceActions` nesnesi olarak döndürün.
### `getAction()`
Adına göre Action'ın parametre yapılandırmasını döndürür ve döndürülen sonuç bir `RoleActionParams` nesnesidir.
`RoleActionParams` için [`aclRole.grantAction`](./ adresine bakın
### `setAction()`
Kaynağın içinde bir Action parametresi yapılandırması ayarlayın ve sonucu bir `RoleActionParams` nesnesi olarak döndürün.
* `setAction(name: string, params: RoleActionParams)`
* name - ayarlanacak eylem adı
* `RoleActionParams` için [`aclRole.grantAction`](./ adresine bakın
### `setActions()`
* `setActions(actions: ResourceActions)`
"setAction" toplu çağrısı için kolaylık yöntemi
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
# Erişim Kontrol Listesi Rol
Erişim Kontrol Listesi Rolü, Erişim Kontrol Listesi sistemindeki kullanıcı rolü sınıfıdır. Erişim Kontrol Listesi sisteminde roller genellikle 'acl.define' kullanılarak tanımlanır.
## Sınıf yönetimi
### `constructor()`
Yapıcı metod
* `constructor(public acl: ACL, public name: string)`
* acl - ACL Örnek
* name - Rol adı
### `grantAction()`
Role İşlemler izni ver
* `grantAction(path: string, options?: RoleActionParams)`
interface RoleActionParams {
fields?: string[];
filter?: any;
own?: boolean;
whitelist?: string[];
blacklist?: string[];
[key: string]: any;
* yol - kaynak Eylem yolu. Örneğin "gönderiler" kaynağının "düzenle" Eylemini temsil eden, kaynak adı ile Eylem arasında bir ":" iki nokta üst üste işaretiyle ayrılır. "gönderiler:düzenle" gibi.
RoleActionParams yetkilendirme olduğunda daha ayrıntılı izin kontrolü elde etmek için ilgili eylemin yapılandırılabilir parametreleri kullanılır.
* fields - erişilebilir alanlar
role: 'admin',
actions: {
'posts:view': {
// yönetici kullanıcılar gönderiler talep edebilir: işlemi görüntüleme, ancak yalnızca alanlar tarafından yapılandırılmış alan izinlerine sahip olma
fields: ["id", "title", "content"],
* filter - İzin kaynağı filtreleme yapılandırması
role: 'admin',
actions: {
'posts:view': {
// Yönetici kullanıcı posts:view eylemini talep edebilir, ancak listelenen sonuçların filtre tarafından belirlenen koşulları karşılaması gerekir.
filter: {
createdById: '{{ }}', // Şablon sözdizimini destekleyen izin değerlendirildiğinde değiştirilecek olan değeri ctx cinsinden alabilirsiniz.
* Kendi - Yalnızca kendi verilerinize erişip erişemeyeceğinizi
const actionsWithOwn = {
'posts:view': {
"own": true //
// Eşittir
const actionsWithFilter = {
'posts:view': {
"filter": {
"createdById": "{{ }}"
* beyaz liste - beyaz liste, yalnızca beyaz listedeki alanlara erişilebilir
* kara liste - kara liste, kara listedeki alanlara erişilemez
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
# Erişim Kontrol Listesi
Erişim Kontrol Listesi, Nocobase'deki izin kontrol modülüdür. Erişim Kontrol Listesinde rolleri, kaynakları kaydettikten ve karşılık gelen izinleri yapılandırdıktan sonra, rollerin izinlerini değerlendirebilirsiniz.
## Kavram Açıklaması
* rol (`ACLRole`): izin kararının nesnesi
* Kaynak (`ACLResource`): Nocobase Erişim Kontrol Listesinde, kaynak genellikle Restful API'deki Resource'a kavramsal olarak benzer olabilen bir veritabanı tablosuna karşılık gelir.
* İşlem: "Oluştur", "oku", "güncelle", "sil" vb. gibi kaynaklar üzerindeki işlemler.
* Strateji (`ACLAvailableStrategy`): Genellikle her rolün varsayılan kullanıcı izinlerini tanımlayan kendi izin stratejisi vardır.
* Grant: `Action`a rol erişimi vermek için `ACLRole` örneğinde `grantAction` işlevini çağırın.
* Kimlik Doğrulama: `ACL` örneğinde `can` işlevi çağrılır ve işlev tarafından döndürülen sonuç, kullanıcının kimlik doğrulama sonucudur.
## sınıf yöntemi
### `constructor()`
Bir `ACL` örneği oluşturan oluşturucu.
import { ACL } from '@nocobase/database';
const acl = new ACL();
### `define()`
Bir ACL rolü tanımlayın
* `define(options: DefineOptions): ACLRole`
interface DefineOptions {
role: string;
allowConfigure?: boolean;
strategy?: string | AvailableStrategyOptions;
actions?: ResourceActionsOptions;
routes?: any;
* `role` - 角色名称
// Yönetici adında bir rol tanımlayın
role: 'admin',
* `allowConfigure` - Yapılandırma izinlerine izin verilip verilmeyeceği
* `strategy` - Rol İzin Politikası
* Tanımlanan stratejinin kullanılacağını belirten, kullanılacak stratejinin adı olan bir `string` olabilir.
* `AvailableStrategyOptions` için bu rol için yeni bir strateji tanımlanabilir, bkz. [`setAvailableActions()`](#setavailableactions).
* `işlemler` - Bir rol tanımlarken, rol için erişilebilir bir `işlemler` nesnesi iletebilirsiniz.
Bundan sonra, kaynak izinlerini vermek için sırayla `aclRole.grantAction` çağrılır. Bkz. [`aclRole.grantAction`](./
role: 'admin',
actions: {
'posts:edit': {}
// Diğer kullanım şekli
const role = acl.define({
role: 'admin',
role.grantAction('posts:edit', {});
### `getRole()`
Rol adına göre kayıtlı rol nesnesini döndürür
* `getRole(name: string): ACLRole`
### `removeRole()`
Rol adına göre rolleri kaldırın
* `removeRole(name: string)`
### `can()`
Kimlik doğrulama işlevi
* `can(options: CanArgs): CanResult | null`
interface CanArgs {
role: string; // Rol ismi
resource: string; // Kaynak Adı
action: string; // İşlem adı
interface CanResult {
role: string; // Rol ismi
resource: string; // Kaynak Adı
action: string; // İşlem adı
params?: any; // İzinler kaydedilirken gönderilen parametreler
`can` yöntemi öncelikle rolün kayıt için ilgili `Action` iznine sahip olup olmadığını belirleyecek ve değilse, rolün `strategy` eşleşip eşleşmediğini belirleyecektir.
Çağrı `null` döndürdüğünde, rolün izni olmadığını belirtir, aksi takdirde, rolün izne sahip olduğunu belirten bir `CanResult` nesnesi döndürür.
// Rolleri tanımlayın, izinleri kaydedin
role: 'admin',
actions: {
'posts:edit': {
fields: ['title', 'content'],
const canResult = acl.can({
role: 'admin',
resource: 'posts',
action: 'edit',
* canResult = {
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'posts',
* action: 'edit',
* params: {
* fields: ['title', 'content'],
* }
* }
role: 'admin',
resource: 'posts',
action: 'destroy',
}); // null
### `use()`
* `use(fn: any)`
Ara katman yazılımlarına ara katman işlevleri ekleyin.
### `middleware()`
`@nocobase/server` içinde kullanım için bir ara katman işlevi döndürür. Bu `ara yazılımı` kullandıktan sonra, `@nocobase/server`, her istek işlenmeden önce izin kararı verecektir.
### `allow()`
Kaynağı herkese açık hale getirin
* `allow(resourceName: string, actionNames: string[] | string, condition?: string | ConditionFunc)`
type ConditionFunc = (ctx: any) => Promise<boolean> | boolean;
* resourceName - Kaynak Adı
* actionNames - kaynak işlem adı
* condition? - Konfigürasyon Etkili Koşullar
* `string` iletmek, tanımlanan koşulun kullanıldığını ve kayıt koşulunun `acl.allowManager.registerCondition` yöntemini kullandığını gösterir.
acl.allowManager.registerAllowCondition('superUser', async () => {
return ctx.state.user?.id === 1;
// superUser durumu için users:list yetkilerini açar
acl.allow('users', 'list', 'superUser');
* ConditionFunc'u ctx parametresiyle iletir ve sonucunu `boolean` olarak döndürür.
// Kullanıcı kimliği 1 olduğunda, user:list'e erişebilirsiniz.
acl.allow('users', 'list', (ctx) => {
return ctx.state.user?.id === 1;
// users:login erişim yetkisi olanlar erişebilir.
acl.allow('users', 'login');
### `setAvailableActions()`
* `setAvailableStrategy(name: string, options: AvailableStrategyOptions)`
Kullanılabilir bir izin politikası kaydedin
interface AvailableStrategyOptions {
displayName?: string;
actions?: false | string | string[];
allowConfigure?: boolean;
resource?: '*';
* displayName - Politika Adı
* allowConfigure - Bu politikanın **config source** izni olup olmadığına bakılmaksızın, bunu `true` olarak ayarladıktan sonra, `ACL`de bir `configResources` kaynağı olarak kaydolma iznini belirleme isteği bir geçiş döndürür.
* actions - Politika içindeki işlemler listesi joker karakteri `*` destekler
* resource - Politika içindeki kaynak tanımı joker karakteri `*` destekler
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
# Yerleşik ortak kaynak işlemleri
NocoBase, CRUD gibi yaygın olarak kullanılan veri kaynaklarının işlemleri için yerleşik işlem yöntemlerine sahiptir ve ilgili işlemleri veri tablosu kaynakları aracılığıyla otomatik olarak eşler.
Tüm işlem yöntemleri, kaynak sağlayıcı örneğine kaydedilir ve ayrıca standart Koa uyumlu ara yazılım işlevleridir (`(ctx, next) => Promise<void>`). Eylemin parametreleri, rota tarafından ayrıştırılır ve 'ctx.action' nesnesine eklenir ve sonraki parametre açıklamaları bu nesneyi temel alır.
Genellikle, yerleşik eylem yöntemini doğrudan çağırmaya gerek yoktur.Varsayılan eylem davranışını genişletmeniz gerektiğinde, özel eylem yönteminde varsayılan yöntemi çağırabilirsiniz.
## Paket yapısı
İlişkili varlıklar aşağıdaki şekillerde tanıtılabilir:
import actions from '@nocobase/actions';
## Tek Veri Kaynağı İşlemi
### `list()`
Bir veri listesi alınması işlemine karşılık gelen URL `GET /api/<resource>:list` şeklindedir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `filter` | `Filter` | - | filtre parametresi |
| `fields` | `string[]` | - | Çekilecek alanlar |
| `except` | `string[]` | - | Çekilmeyecek alanlar |
| `appends` | `string[]` | - | İlişkisel alanlar |
| `sort` | `string[]` | - | Sıralama |
| `page` | `number` | 1 | Sayfalandırma |
| `pageSize` | `number` | 20 | Sayfa başına veri sayısı |
Bir veri listesini sorgulamak için bir arabirim sağlamanız gerektiğinde fakat varsayılan olarak JSON biçiminde çıktı almadığınızda, onu yerleşik varsayılan yönteme göre genişletebilirsiniz:
import actions from '@nocobase/actions';
async ['books:list'](ctx, next) {
except: ['content']
await actions.list(ctx, async () => {
const { rows } = ctx.body;
// JSON'u CSV çıktısına dönüştürün
ctx.body = => Object.keys(row).map(key => row[key]).join(',')).join('\n');
ctx.type = 'text/csv';
await next();
İstek örneği, CSV biçimindeki dosyanın dönüşünü alacaktır:
curl -X GET http://localhost:13000/api/books:list
### `get()`
Tek bir veri parçası almak için işlem URL'si `GET /api/<resource>:get` şeklindedir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `filterByTk` | `number \| string` | - | birincil anahtarı filtrele |
| `filter` | `Filter` | - | filtre parametresi |
| `fields` | `string[]` | - | Çekilecek alanlar |
| `except` | `string[]` | - | Çekilmeyecek alanlar |
| `appends` | `string[]` | - | İlişkisel alanlar |
| `sort` | `string[]` | - | Sıralama |
| `page` | `number` | 1 | Sayfalandırma |
| `pageSize` | `number` | 20 | Sayfa başı veri sayısı |
NocoBase'in yerleşik dosya yönetimi eklentisine dayanarak, istemci kaynak tanımlayıcılı bir dosya indirmeyi istediğinde dosya akışını döndürecek şekilde genişletilebilir:
import path from 'path';
import actions from '@nocobase/actions';
import { STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL } from '@nocobase/plugin-file-manager';
async ['attachments:get'](ctx, next) {
appends: ['storage'],
await actions.get(ctx, async () => {
if (ctx.accepts('json', 'application/octet-stream') === 'json') {
return next();
const { body: attachment } = ctx;
const { storage } = attachment;
if (storage.type !== STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL) {
return ctx.redirect(attachment.url);
ctx.body = fs.createReadStream(path.resolve(storage.options.documentRoot?, storage.path));
ctx.type = 'application/octet-stream';
await next();
İstek örneği, dosya akışının dönüşünü alacak:
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" http://localhost:13000/api/attachments:get?filterByTk=1
### `create()`
Tek bir veri parçası oluşturma işleminin URL'si "POST /api/<resource>:create" şeklindedir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `values` | `Object` | - | oluşturulacak veriler |
Dosya yönetimi eklentisine benzer şekilde, yüklenen dosyaya ek olarak ikili içerikli veri oluşturma:
import multer from '@koa/multer';
import actions from '@nocobase/actions';
async ['files:create'](ctx, next) {
if (ctx.request.type === 'application/json') {
return actions.create(ctx, next);
if (ctx.request.type !== 'multipart/form-data') {
return ctx.throw(406);
// Dosya kaydetme işlemi yalnızca örnek olarak multer() kullanır ve tam mantığı temsil etmez
multer().single('file')(ctx, async () => {
const { file, body } = ctx.request;
const { filename, mimetype, size, path } = file;
values: {
path: file.path,
meta: typeof body.meta === 'string' ? JSON.parse(body.meta) : {};
await actions.create(ctx, next);
İstek örneği; dosya tablosunda sıradan veriler oluşturabilir veya eklerle birlikte gönderebilirsiniz:
# Yalnızca normal veriler oluşturun
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"filename": "some-file.txt", "mimetype": "text/plain", "size": 5, "url": ""}' "http://localhost:13000/api/files:create"
# Eklerle birlikte gönder
curl -X POST -F "file=@/path/to/some-file.txt" -F 'meta={"length": 100}' "http://localhost:13000/api/files:create"
### `update()`
Bir veya daha fazla veri parçasını güncellemek için kullanılan URL, "PUT /api/<resource>:update" şeklindedir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `filter` | `Filter` | - | filtre parametresi |
| `filterByTk` | `number \| string` | - | birincil anahtarı filtrele |
| `values` | `Object` | - | güncellenecek veri değeri |
Not: parametrelerdeki `filter` ve `filterByTk` en az bir öğe sağlar.
"create()" örneğine benzer şekilde, güncellenmiş dosya olarak ikili içerik verilerini taşımak için de kullanılabilir.
import multer from '@koa/multer';
import actions from '@nocobase/actions';
async ['files:update'](ctx, next) {
if (ctx.request.type === 'application/json') {
return actions.update(ctx, next);
if (ctx.request.type !== 'multipart/form-data') {
return ctx.throw(406);
// Dosya kaydetme işlemi yalnızca örnek olarak multer() kullanır ve tam mantığı temsil etmez
multer().single('file')(ctx, async () => {
const { file, body } = ctx.request;
const { filename, mimetype, size, path } = file;
values: {
path: file.path,
meta: typeof body.meta === 'string' ? JSON.parse(body.meta) : {};
await actions.update(ctx, next);
İstek örneği, dosya tablosunda sıradan veriler oluşturabilir veya eklerle birlikte gönderebilirsiniz:
# Yalnızca normal veriler oluşturun
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"filename": "some-file.txt", "mimetype": "text/plain", "size": 5, "url": ""}' "http://localhost:13000/api/files:update"
# Eklerle birlikte gönderme
curl -X PUT -F "file=@/path/to/some-file.txt" -F 'meta={"length": 100}' "http://localhost:13000/api/files:update"
### `destroy()`
Bir veya daha fazla veri parçasını silin. Karşılık gelen URL "DELETE /api/<resource>:destroy" şeklindedir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `filter` | `Filter` | - | filtre parametresi |
| `filterByTk` | `number \| string` | - | birincil anahtarı filtrele |
Not: parametrelerdeki `filter` ve `filterByTk` en az bir öğe sağlar.
Dosya verilerini silmek için bir dosya yönetimi eklentisinin uzantısına benzer şekilde dosyayı da silmek gerekir:
import actions from '@nocobase/actions';
async ['files:destroy'](ctx, next) {
// const repository = getRepositoryFromParams(ctx);
// const { filterByTk, filter } = ctx.action.params;
// const items = await repository.find({
// fields: [repository.collection.filterTargetKey],
// appends: ['storage'],
// filter,
// filterByTk,
// context: ctx,
// });
// await items.reduce((promise, item) => promise.then(async () => {
// await item.removeFromStorage();
// await item.destroy();
// }), Promise.resolve());
await actions.destroy(ctx, async () => {
// yapılacak işler
await next();
### `move()`
Karşılık gelen URL 'POST /api/<resource>:move' şeklindedir.
Bu yöntem, verileri taşımak ve verilerin sırasını ayarlamak için kullanılır. Örneğin, bir sayfada bir öğeyi başka bir öğenin üstüne veya altına sürükleyip bırakın, sırayı ayarlamak için de bu yöntemi kullanabilirsiniz.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
|----------|-------------| -- |---------------|
| `sourceId` | `targetKey` | - | Kaynak öğe kimliği |
| `targetId` | `targetKey` | - | Hedef öğe kimliği |
| `sortField` | `string` | `sort` | Depolanan alan adını sırala |
| `targetScope` | `string` | - | Sıralanmış kapsam, bir kaynak farklı kapsamlara göre sıralanabilir |
| `sticky` | `boolean` | - | Hareketli elemanın üstte olup olmadığı |
| `method` | `insertAfter` \| `prepend` | - | Ekleme türü, hedef öğenin eklenmesinden önce veya sonra |
## İlişkisel Kaynak Kaynak İşlemleri
### `add()`
Bir nesneyle ilişki eklemek için, karşılık gelen URL `POST /api/<resource.assocition>:add` şeklindedir. "hasMany" ve "belongsToMany" ilişkilendirmeleri için geçerlidir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
|----------|-------------| --- | --- |
| `values` | `TargetKey \| TargetKey[]` | - | Eklenen ilişkili nesne kimliği |
### `remove()`
Bir nesneyle olan ilişkilendirmeyi kaldırmak için karşılık gelen URL 'POST /api/<resource.assocition>:remove' şeklindedir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
|----------|-------------| --- | --- |
| `values` | `TargetKey \| TargetKey[]` | - | Kaldırılan ilişkili nesne kimliği |
### `set()`
İlişkili ilişkilendirme nesnesini ayarlamaya karşılık gelen URL 'POST /api/<resource.assocition>:set' şeklindedir.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
|----------|-------------| --- | --- |
| `values` | `TargetKey \| TargetKey[]` | - | İlişkili nesnenin kimliğini ayarlayın |
### `toggle()`
İlişkili ilişkilendirme nesnesini değiştirmeye karşılık gelen URL 'POST /api/<resource.assocition>:toggle' şeklindedir. "toggle", ilişkili nesnenin zaten var olup olmadığını dahili olarak belirler, varsa onu kaldırır ve yoksa ekler.
| parametre adı | tür | varsayılan değer | açıklama |
|----------|-------------| -- | --- |
| `values` | `TargetKey` | - | Anahtarın ilişkili nesnesinin kimliği |
@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
# NocoBase CLI
NocoBase CLI, NocoBase uygulamalarını geliştirmenize, oluşturmanıza ve dağıtmanıza yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır.
NocoBase CLI, ts-node ve node çalışma modlarını destekler.
- ts-node modu (varsayılan): geliştirme ortamı için gerçek zamanlı derlemeyi destekler, ancak yavaş yanıt verir
- node modu: üretim ortamında kullanılır, yanıt hızlıdır, ancak tüm kaynak kodunu derlemek için "yarn nocobase build"i çalıştırmanız gerekir
## Kullanım talimatları
$ yarn nocobase -h
Kullanım: nocobase [komut] [seçenekler]
-h, --help
db:auth Veritabanı bağlantısının başarılı olduğunu doğrulayın
db:sync Koleksiyon yapılandırması aracılığıyla ilgili veri tabloları ve alanları oluşturun
install Kurulum
start Uygulamayı üretim ortamında başlatır
build Derleme ve paketleme yapar
clean Derlenmiş dosyaları siler
dev Geliştirme ortamı için uygulamayı başlatın ve tam zamanında derlemeyi destekleyin
doc Belge geliştirme
test Test
upgrade Sürüm yükseltme
migrator Veri aktarma
pm Eklenti yöneticisi
## Scaffold Uygulama
Scaffold Uygulama `package.json` \ `scripts` aşağıdaki gibi:
"scripts": {
"dev": "nocobase dev",
"start": "nocobase start",
"clean": "nocobase clean",
"build": "nocobase build",
"test": "nocobase test",
"pm": "nocobase pm",
"postinstall": "nocobase postinstall"
## Komut satırı uzantısı
NocoBase CLI, [Komut Satırı]( üzerine kurulmuştur, komutu özgürce genişletebilirsiniz, genişletilmiş komut 'app/server/index.ts' içinde yazılabilir:
const app = new Application(config);
app.command('hello').action(() => {});
Veya bir eklenti için:
class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
beforeLoad() {
||||||'hello').action(() => {});
Terminal çalışması
$ yarn nocobase hello
## Yerleşik komut satırı
Kullanım sıklığına göre sırala
### `dev`
Geliştirme ortamında uygulamayı başlatın ve kod gerçek zamanlı olarak derlenir.
NocoBase kurulmadığında, otomatik olarak kurulacaktır (kurulum komutuna bakın)
Kullanım: nocobase dev [seçenekler]
-p, --port [port]
-h, --help
# Uygulamayı başlatın, geliştirme ortamı için tam zamanında derleme
yarn nocobase dev
# Sadece sunucuyu başlat
yarn nocobase dev --server
# sadece istemciyi başlat
yarn nocobase dev --client
### `start`
Üretim ortamında, uygulamayı başlatmak için kodun yarn build ile derlenmesi gereklidir.
- NocoBase kurulmadığında, otomatik olarak kurulacaktır (kurulum komutuna bakın)
- Kaynak kodu değiştirildiğinde, yeniden paketlenmesi gerekir (build komutuna bakın)
$ yarn nocobase start -h
Kullanım: nocobase start [seçenekler]
-p, --port
-s, --silent
-h, --help
# derlenen kodun kullanımı için sistemi başlatın,
yarn nocobase start
### `install`
$ yarn nocobase install -h
Kullanım: nocobase install [seçenekler]
-f, --force
-c, --clean
-s, --silent
-l, --lang [lang]
-e, --root-email <rootEmail>
-p, --root-password <rootPassword>
-n, --root-nickname [rootNickname]
-h, --help
# İlk kurulum
yarn nocobase install -l tr-TR -e -p admin123
# NocoBase için tüm veri sayfalarını kaldırın ve yeniden yükleyin
yarn nocobase install -f -l tr-TR -e -p admin123
# Veritabanını boşaltın ve yeniden yükleyin
yarn nocobase install -c -l tr-TR -e -p admin123
`-f/--force` ve `-c/--clean`
- `-f/--force` NocoBase verileri silin
- `-c/--clean` Veritabanını boşaltın, tüm veri tabloları silinecek
### `upgrade`
Sürüm yükseltme
yarn nocobase upgrade
### `test`
jest testi, "-c, --db-clean" desteğini genişletmenin yanı sıra tüm [jest-cli]( seçeneklerini destekler.
$ yarn nocobase test -h
Usage: nocobase test [seçenekler]
-c, --db-clean Tüm testleri çalıştırmadan önce veritabanını temizleyin
-h, --help
# tüm test dosyalarını çalıştır
yarn nocobase test
# Belirtilen klasördeki tüm test dosyalarını çalıştırın
yarn nocobase test packages/core/server
# belirtilen dosyadaki tüm testleri çalıştır
yarn nocobase test packages/core/database/src/__tests__/database.test.ts
# Testi çalıştırmadan önce veritabanını temizleyin
yarn nocobase test -c
yarn nocobase test packages/core/server -c
### `build`
Kod üretim ortamına dağıtılmadan önce kaynak kodun derlenmesi ve paketlenmesi gerekir.Kod değiştirilirse yeniden oluşturulması gerekir.
# Tüm paketler
yarn nocobase build
# Belirtilen paket(ler)
yarn nocobase build app/server app/client
### `clean`
derlenmiş dosyaları sil
yarn clean
# Aynı işi aşağıdaki kod ile de yapabilirsiniz.
yarn rimraf -rf packages/*/*/{lib,esm,es,dist}
### `doc`
Döküman geliştirme
# Belge geliştirmeyi başlar
yarn doc --lang=tr-TR # yarn doc dev ile aynı işi yapar
# Dokümantasyon oluşturun, varsayılan olarak ./docs/dist/ dizinine çıktı alın
yarn doc build
# Dist ile belge çıktısının son etkisini görüntüleyin
yarn doc serve --lang=tr-TR
### `db:auth`
Veritabanı bağlantısının başarılı olduğunu doğrulayın
$ yarn nocobase db:auth -h
Kullanım: nocobase db:auth [seçenekler]
-r, --retry [TekrarSayısı] TekrarSayısı yazan yere bir rakam yazın.
-h, --help
### `db:sync`
Koleksiyon yapılandırması aracılığıyla veri tabloları ve alanlar oluşturun
$ yarn nocobase db:sync -h
Kullanım: nocobase db:sync [seçenek]
-f, --force
-h, --help yardım içeriğini görüntüler
### `migrator`
Veri aktarma
$ yarn nocobase migrator
Konumsal argümanlar:
up Bekleyen taşımaları uygular
down Taşıma işlemlerini geri al
pending Bekleyen taşımaları listeler
executed Yürütülen taşımaları listeler
create Taşıma dosyası oluşturun
### `pm`
Eklenti yöneticisi
# Eklenti oluştur
yarn pm create hello
# Eklentiyi kaydet
yarn pm add hello
# Eklentiyi etkinleştir
yarn pm enable hello
# Eklentiyi devre dışı bırak
yarn pm disable hello
# Eklentiyi kaldır
yarn pm remove hello
# Eklenti sürüm yükseltme
yarn pm upgrade hello
# Eklentiyi yayınla
yarn pm publish hello
### `umi`
"app/client", [umi]( tabanlıdır ve ilgili diğer komutları "nocobase umi" aracılığıyla yürütebilir.
# Geliştirme ortamı için gereken .umi önbelleğini oluşturun
yarn nocobase umi generate tmp
### `help`
Yardım komutu, ayrıca `-h` ve `--help` seçenek parametresiyle de kullanılabilir
# Tüm yardım içeriğini göster
yarn nocobase help
# Aynı içeriğe aşağıdaki komut ile de ulaşabilirsiniz.
yarn nocobase -h
# TAynı içeriğe aşağıdaki komut ile de ulaşabilirsiniz.
yarn nocobase --help
# db:sync komutunun seçeneklerini görüntüleyin
yarn nocobase db:sync -h
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# Application
## 构造函数
### `constructor()`
* `constructor(options: ApplicationOptions)`
const app = new Application({
apiClient: {
baseURL: process.env.API_BASE_URL,
dynamicImport: (name: string) => {
return import(`../plugins/${name}`);
## 方法
### use()
添加 Providers,内置 Providers 有:
- APIClientProvider
- I18nextProvider
- AntdConfigProvider
- SystemSettingsProvider
- PluginManagerProvider
- SchemaComponentProvider
- SchemaInitializerProvider
- BlockSchemaComponentProvider
- AntdSchemaComponentProvider
- ACLProvider
- RemoteDocumentTitleProvider
### render()
渲染 App 组件
import { Application } from '@nocobase/client';
export const app = new Application({
apiClient: {
baseURL: process.env.API_BASE_URL,
dynamicImport: (name: string) => {
return import(`../plugins/${name}`);
export default app.render();
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
## Components
### `<ACLProvider />`
### `<ACLRolesCheckProvider />`
### `<ACLCollectionProvider />`
### `<ACLActionProvider />`
### `<ACLCollectionFieldProvider />`
### `<ACLMenuItemProvider />`
## Hooks
### `useACLContext()`
### `useACLRoleContext()`
### `useRoleRecheck()`
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# BlockProvider
## 内核方法
### `<BlockProvider />`
### `useBlockRequestContext()`
## 内置 BlockProvider 组件
### `<CalendarBlockProvider />`
### `<TableFieldProvider />`
### `<TableBlockProvider />`
### `<TableSelectorProvider />`
### `<FormBlockProvider />`
### `<FormFieldProvider />`
### `<DetailsBlockProvider />`
### `<KanbanBlockProvider />`
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
# CollectionManager
## Components
### CollectionManagerProvider
```jsx | pure
<CollectionManagerProvider interfaces={{}} collections={[]}></CollectionManagerProvider>
### CollectionProvider
```jsx | pure
const collection = {
name: 'tests',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionProvider collection={collection}></CollectionProvider>
如果没有传 collection 参数,从 CollectionManagerProvider 里取对应 name 的 collection。
```jsx | pure
const collections = [
name: 'tests',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionManagerProvider collections={collections}>
<CollectionProvider name={'tests'}></CollectionProvider>
### CollectionFieldProvider
```jsx | pure
const field = {
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionFieldProvider field={field}></CollectionFieldProvider>
如果没有传 field 参数,从 CollectionProvider 里取对应 name 的 field。
```jsx | pure
const collection = {
name: 'tests',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionProvider collection={collection}>
<CollectionFieldProvider name={'title'}></CollectionFieldProvider>
### CollectionField
万能字段组件,需要与 `<CollectionProvider/>` 搭配使用,仅限于在 Schema 场景使用。从 CollectionProvider 里取对应 name 的 field schema。可通过 CollectionField 所在的 schema 扩展配置。
name: 'title',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
'x-decorator-props': {},
'x-component': 'CollectionField',
'x-component-props': {},
properties: {},
## Hooks
### useCollectionManager()
与 `<CollectionManagerProvider/>` 搭配使用
```jsx | pure
const { collections, get } = useCollectionManager();
### useCollection()
与 `<CollectionProvider/>` 搭配使用
```jsx | pure
const { name, fields, getField, findField, resource } = useCollection();
### useCollectionField()
与 `<CollectionFieldProvider/>` 搭配使用
```jsx | pure
const { name, uiSchema, resource } = useCollectionField();
resource 需要与 `<RecordProvider/>` 搭配使用,用于提供当前数据表行记录的上下文。如:
# CollectionManager
## Components
### CollectionManagerProvider
```jsx | pure
<CollectionManagerProvider interfaces={{}} collections={[]}></CollectionManagerProvider>
### CollectionProvider
```jsx | pure
const collection = {
name: 'tests',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionProvider collection={collection}></CollectionProvider>
如果没有传 collection 参数,从 CollectionManagerProvider 里取对应 name 的 collection。
```jsx | pure
const collections = [
name: 'tests',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionManagerProvider collections={collections}>
<CollectionProvider name={'tests'}></CollectionProvider>
### CollectionFieldProvider
```jsx | pure
const field = {
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionFieldProvider field={field}></CollectionFieldProvider>
如果没有传 field 参数,从 CollectionProvider 里取对应 name 的 field。
```jsx | pure
const collection = {
name: 'tests',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input'
<CollectionProvider collection={collection}>
<CollectionFieldProvider name={'title'}></CollectionFieldProvider>
### CollectionField
万能字段组件,需要与 `<CollectionProvider/>` 搭配使用,仅限于在 Schema 场景使用。从 CollectionProvider 里取对应 name 的 field schema。可通过 CollectionField 所在的 schema 扩展配置。
name: 'title',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
'x-decorator-props': {},
'x-component': 'CollectionField',
'x-component-props': {},
properties: {},
## Hooks
### useCollectionManager()
与 `<CollectionManagerProvider/>` 搭配使用
```jsx | pure
const { collections, get } = useCollectionManager();
### useCollection()
与 `<CollectionProvider/>` 搭配使用
```jsx | pure
const { name, fields, getField, findField, resource } = useCollection();
### useCollectionField()
与 `<CollectionFieldProvider/>` 搭配使用
```jsx | pure
const { name, uiSchema, resource } = useCollectionField();
resource 需要与 `<RecordProvider/>` 搭配使用,用于提供当前数据表行记录的上下文。
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# 适配的 Schema 组件
## Common
- DndContext
- SortableItem
## And Design
- Action
- BlockItem
- Calendar
- CardItem
- Cascader
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Overview
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
# Router
## API
### Initial
```tsx | pure
const app = new Application({
router: {
type: 'browser' // type default value is `browser`
// or
const app = new Application({
router: {
type: 'memory',
initialEntries: ['/']
### add Route
#### basic
```tsx | pure
import { RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom'
const app = new Application()
const Hello = () => {
return <div>Hello</div>
// first argument is `name` of route, second argument is `RouteObject`
app.router.add('root', {
path: '/',
element: <Hello />
app.router.add('root', {
path: '/',
Component: Hello
#### Component is String
```tsx | pure
app.router.add('root', {
path: '/',
Component: 'Hello'
#### nested
```tsx | pure
import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom'
const Layout = () => {
return <div>
<Link to='/home'>Home</Link>
<Link to='/about'>about</Link>
<Outlet />
const Home = () => {
return <div>Home</div>
const About = () => {
return <div>About</div>
app.router.add('root', {
element: <Layout />
app.router.add('root.home', {
path: '/home',
element: <Home />
app.router.add('root.about', {
path: '/about',
element: <About />
It will generate the following routes:
```tsx | pure
element: <Layout />,
children: [
path: '/home',
element: <Home />
path: '/about',
element: <About />
### remove Route
```tsx | pure
// remove route by name
#### Router in plugin
```tsx | pure
class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
async load() {
// add route
||||||'hello', {
path: '/hello',
element: <div>hello</div>,
// remove route
## Example
* defaultShowCode: true
import React from 'react';
import { Link, Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Application } from '@nocobase/client';
const Home = () => <h1>Home</h1>;
const About = () => <h1>About</h1>;
const Layout = () => {
return <div>
<div><Link to={'/'}>Home</Link>, <Link to={'/about'}>About</Link></div>
<Outlet />
const app = new Application({
router: {
type: 'memory',
initialEntries: ['/']
app.router.add('root', {
element: <Layout />
app.router.add('root.home', {
path: '/',
element: <Home />
app.router.add('root.about', {
path: '/about',
element: <About />
export default app.getRootComponent();
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# SchemaComponent
## 核心组件
### `<SchemaComponentProvider />`
### `<SchemaComponentOptions>`
### `<SchemaComponent>`
## 核心方法
### `createDesignable()`
### `useDesignable()`
### `useCompile()`
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# SchemaInitializer
用于各种 schema 的初始化。新增的 schema 可以插入到某个已有 schema 节点的任意位置,包括:
properties: {
// beforeBegin 在当前节点的前面插入
node1: {
properties: {
// afterBegin 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
// ...
// beforeEnd 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
// afterEnd 在当前节点的后面
SchemaInitializer 的核心包括 `<SchemaInitializer.Button />` 和 `<SchemaInitializer.Item />` 两个组件。`<SchemaInitializer.Button />` 用于创建 Schema 的下拉菜单按钮,下拉菜单的菜单项为 `<SchemaInitializer.Item/>`。
### `<SchemaInitializerProvider />`
### `<SchemaInitializer.Button />`
### `<SchemaInitializer.Item/>`
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# SchemaSettings
### `<SchemaSettings />`
### `<SchemaSettings.Item />`
### `<SchemaSettings.ItemGroup />`
### `<SchemaSettings.SubMenu />`
### `<SchemaSettings.Divider />`
### `<SchemaSettings.Remove />`
### `<SchemaSettings.SelectItem />`
### `<SchemaSettings.SwitchItem />`
### `<SchemaSettings.ModalItem />`
### `<SchemaSettings.ActionModalItem />`
### `<SchemaSettings.Template />`
### `<SchemaSettings.BlockTitleItem />`
@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
# Collection
## 构造函数
通常不会直接使用,主要通过 `Database` 实例的 `collection` 方法作为代理入口调用。
* `constructor(options: CollectionOptions, context: CollectionContext)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `` | `string` | - | collection 标识 |
| `options.tableName?` | `string` | - | 数据库表名,如不传则使用 `` 的值 |
| `options.fields?` | `FieldOptions[]` | - | 字段定义,详见 [Field](./field) |
| `options.model?` | `string \| ModelCtor<Model>` | - | Sequelize 的 Model 类型,如果使用的是 `string`,则需要调用之前在 db 上注册过该模型名称 |
| `options.repository?` | `string \| RepositoryType` | - | 数据仓库类型,如果使用 `string`,则需要调用之前在 db 上注册过该仓库类型 |
| `options.sortable?` | `string \| boolean \| { name?: string; scopeKey?: string }` | - | 数据可排序字段配置,默认不排序 |
| `options.autoGenId?` | `boolean` | `true` | 是否自动生成唯一主键,默认为 `true` |
| `context.database` | `Database` | - | 所在的上下文环境数据库 |
const posts = new Collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
type: 'double',
name: 'price',
}, {
// 已存在的数据库实例
database: db
## 实例成员
### `options`
数据表配置初始参数。与构造函数的 `options` 参数一致。
### `context`
### `name`
### `db`
### `filterTargetKey`
### `isThrough`
### `model`
匹配 Sequelize 的 Model 类型。
### `repository`
## 字段配置方法
### `getField()`
* `getField(name: string): Field`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 字段名称 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
const field = posts.getField('title');
### `setField()`
* `setField(name: string, options: FieldOptions): Field`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 字段名称 |
| `options` | `FieldOptions` | - | 字段配置,详见 [Field](./field) |
const posts = db.collection({ name: 'posts' });
posts.setField('title', { type: 'string' });
### `setFields()`
* `setFields(fields: FieldOptions[], resetFields = true): Field[]`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `fields` | `FieldOptions[]` | - | 字段配置,详见 [Field](./field) |
| `resetFields` | `boolean` | `true` | 是否重置已存在的字段 |
const posts = db.collection({ name: 'posts' });
{ type: 'string', name: 'title' },
{ type: 'double', name: 'price' }
### `removeField()`
* `removeField(name: string): void | Field`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 字段名称 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
### `resetFields()`
* `resetFields(): void`
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
### `hasField()`
* `hasField(name: string): boolean`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 字段名称 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
posts.hasField('title'); // true
### `findField()`
* `findField(predicate: (field: Field) => boolean): Field | undefined`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `predicate` | `(field: Field) => boolean` | - | 查找条件 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
posts.findField(field => === 'title');
### `forEachField()`
* `forEachField(callback: (field: Field) => void): void`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `callback` | `(field: Field) => void` | - | 回调函数 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
posts.forEachField(field => console.log(;
## 索引配置方法
### `addIndex()`
* `addIndex(index: string | string[] | { fields: string[], unique?: boolean,[key: string]: any })`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `index` | `string \| string[]` | - | 需要配置索引的字段名 |
| `index` | `{ fields: string[], unique?: boolean, [key: string]: any }` | - | 完整配置 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
fields: ['title'],
unique: true
### `removeIndex()`
* `removeIndex(fields: string[])`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `fields` | `string[]` | - | 需要移除索引的字段名组合 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
indexes: [
fields: ['title'],
unique: true
## 表配置方法
### `remove()`
* `remove(): void`
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
## 数据库操作方法
### `sync()`
同步数据表定义到数据库。除了 Sequelize 中默认的 `Model.sync` 的逻辑,还会一并处理关系字段对应的数据表。
* `sync(): Promise<void>`
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
await posts.sync();
### `existsInDb()`
* `existsInDb(options?: Transactionable): Promise<boolean>`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options?.transaction` | `Transaction` | - | 事务实例 |
const posts = db.collection({
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
const existed = await posts.existsInDb();
console.log(existed); // false
### `removeFromDb()`
* `removeFromDb(): Promise<void>`
const books = db.collection({
name: 'books'
// 同步书籍表到数据库
await db.sync();
// 删除数据库中的书籍表
await books.removeFromDb();
@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
# Field
## 构造函数
通常不会直接由开发者调用,主要通过 `db.collection({ fields: [] })` 方法作为代理入口调用。
在扩展字段时主要通过继承 `Field` 抽象类,再注册到 Database 实例中来实现。
* `constructor(options: FieldOptions, context: FieldContext)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options` | `FieldOptions` | - | 字段配置对象 |
| `` | `string` | - | 字段名称 |
| `options.type` | `string` | - | 字段类型,对应在 db 中注册的字段类型名称 |
| `context` | `FieldContext` | - | 字段上下文对象 |
| `context.database` | `Database` | - | 数据库实例 |
| `context.collection` | `Collection` | - | 数据表实例 |
## 实例成员
### `name`
### `type`
### `dataType`
### `options`
### `context`
## 配置方法
### `on()`
基于数据表事件的快捷定义方式。相当于 `db.on( + '.' + eventName, listener)`。
* `on(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `eventName` | `string` | - | 事件名称 |
| `listener` | `(...args: any[]) => void` | - | 事件监听器 |
### `off()`
基于数据表事件的快捷移除方式。相当于 ` + '.' + eventName, listener)`。
* `off(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `eventName` | `string` | - | 事件名称 |
| `listener` | `(...args: any[]) => void` | - | 事件监听器 |
### `bind()`
继承时需要先调用对应的 `super.bind()` 方法。
* `bind()`
### `unbind()`
继承时需要先调用对应的 `super.unbind()` 方法。
* `unbind()`
### `get()`
* `get(key: string): any`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `key` | `string` | - | 配置项名称 |
const field = db.collection('users').getField('name');
// 获取字段名称配置项的值,返回 'name'
### `merge()`
* `merge(options: { [key: string]: any }): void`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options` | `{ [key: string]: any }` | - | 要合并的配置项对象 |
const field = db.collection('users').getField('name');
// 添加一个索引配置
index: true
### `remove()`
const books = db.getCollections('books');
// really remove from db
await books.sync();
## 数据库方法
### `removeFromDb()`
* `removeFromDb(options?: Transactionable): Promise<void>`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options.transaction?` | `Transaction` | - | 事务实例 |
### `existsInDb()`
* `existsInDb(options?: Transactionable): Promise<boolean>`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options.transaction?` | `Transaction` | - | 事务实例 |
## 内置字段类型列表
NocoBase 内置了一些常用的字段类型,可以直接在定义数据表的字段是使用对应的 type 名称来指定类型。不同类型的字段参数配置不同,具体可参考下面的列表。
所有字段类型的配置项除了以下额外介绍的以外,都会透传至 Sequelize,所以所有 Sequelize 支持的字段配置项都可以在这里使用(如 `allowNull`、`defaultValue` 等)。
另外 server 端的字段类型主要解决数据库存储和部分算法的问题,与前端的字段展示类型和使用组件基本无关。前端字段类型可以参考教程对应说明。
### `'boolean'`
name: 'books',
fields: [
type: 'boolean',
name: 'published'
### `'integer'`
整型(32 位)。
name: 'books',
fields: [
type: 'integer',
name: 'pages'
### `'bigInt'`
长整型(64 位)。
name: 'books',
fields: [
type: 'bigInt',
name: 'words'
### `'double'`
双精度浮点型(64 位)。
name: 'books',
fields: [
type: 'double',
name: 'price'
### `'real'`
实数类型(仅 PG 适用)。
### `'decimal'`
### `'string'`
字符串类型。相当于大部分数据库的 `VARCHAR` 类型。
name: 'books',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title'
### `'text'`
文本类型。相当于大部分数据库的 `TEXT` 类型。
name: 'books',
fields: [
type: 'text',
name: 'content'
### `'password'`
密码类型(NocoBase 扩展)。基于 Node.js 原生的 crypto 包的 `scrypt` 方法进行密码加密。
name: 'users',
fields: [
type: 'password',
name: 'password',
length: 64, // 长度,默认 64
randomBytesSize: 8 // 随机字节长度,默认 8
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `length` | `number` | 64 | 字符长度 |
| `randomBytesSize` | `number` | 8 | 随机字节大小 |
### `'date'`
### `'time'`
### `'array'`
数组类型(仅 PG 适用)。
### `'json'`
JSON 类型。
### `'jsonb'`
JSONB 类型(仅 PG 适用,其他会被兼容为 `'json'` 类型)。
### `'uuid'`
UUID 类型。
### `'uid'`
UID 类型(NocoBase 扩展)。短随机字符串标识符类型。
### `'formula'`
公式类型(NocoBase 扩展)。可配置基于 [mathjs]( 的数学公式计算,公式中可以引用同一条记录中其他列的数值参与计算。
name: 'orders',
fields: [
type: 'double',
name: 'price'
type: 'integer',
name: 'quantity'
type: 'formula',
name: 'total',
expression: 'price * quantity'
### `'radio'`
单选类型(NocoBase 扩展)。全表最多有一行数据的该字段值为 `true`,其他都为 `false` 或 `null`。
整个系统只有一个被标记为 root 的用户,任意另一个用户的 root 值被改为 `true` 之后,其他所有 root 为 `true` 的记录均会被修改为 `false`:
name: 'users',
fields: [
type: 'radio',
name: 'root',
### `'sort'`
排序类型(NocoBase 扩展)。基于整型数字进行排序,为新记录自动生成新序号,当移动数据时进行序号重排。
数据表如果定义了 `sortable` 选项,也会自动生成对应字段。
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'user',
type: 'sort',
name: 'priority',
scopeKey: 'userId' // 以 userId 相同值分组的数据进行排序
### `'virtual'`
虚拟类型。不实际储存数据,仅用于特殊 getter/setter 定义时使用。
### `'belongsTo'`
多对一关联类型。外键储存在自身表,与 hasOne/hasMany 相对。
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'author',
target: 'users', // 不配置默认为 name 复数名称的表名
foreignKey: 'authorId', // 不配置默认为 <name> + Id 的格式
sourceKey: 'id' // 不配置默认为 target 表的 id
### `'hasOne'`
一对一关联类型。外键储存在关联表,与 belongsTo 相对。
name: 'users',
fields: [
type: 'hasOne',
name: 'profile',
target: 'profiles', // 可省略
### `'hasMany'`
一对多关联类型。外键储存在关联表,与 belongsTo 相对。
name: 'users',
fields: [
type: 'hasMany',
name: 'posts',
foreignKey: 'authorId',
sourceKey: 'id'
### `'belongsToMany'`
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'belongsToMany',
name: 'tags',
target: 'tags', // 同名可省略
through: 'postsTags', // 中间表不配置将自动生成
foreignKey: 'postId', // 自身表在中间表的外键
sourceKey: 'id', // 自身表的主键
otherKey: 'tagId' // 关联表在中间表的外键
name: 'tags',
fields: [
type: 'belongsToMany',
name: 'posts',
through: 'postsTags', // 同一组关系指向同一张中间表
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,816 +0,0 @@
# Filter Operators
用于 Repository 的 find、findOne、findAndCount、count 等 API 的 filter 参数里。如:
const repository = db.getRepository('books');
filter: {
title: {
$eq: '春秋',
相当于 Sequelize Where 查询的 [Op]( 对象。
为了支持 JSON 化,NocoBase 中将查询运算符转换为以 $ 为前缀的字符串标识。
另外,NocoBase 也提供了扩展运算符的 API,详见 [`db.registerOperators()`](../database#registeroperators)。
## 通用运算符
### `$eq`
判断字段值是否相等于指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `=`。
filter: {
title: {
$eq: '春秋',
等同于 `title: '春秋'`。
### `$ne`
判断字段值是否不等于指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `!=`。
filter: {
title: {
$ne: '春秋',
### `$is`
判断字段值是否为指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `IS`。
filter: {
title: {
$is: null,
### `$not`
判断字段值是否不为指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `IS NOT`。
filter: {
title: {
$not: null,
### `$col`
判断字段值是否等于另一个字段的值。相当于 SQL 的 `=`。
filter: {
title: {
$col: 'name',
### `$in`
判断字段值是否在指定数组中。相当于 SQL 的 `IN`。
filter: {
title: {
$in: ['春秋', '战国'],
### `$notIn`
判断字段值是否不在指定数组中。相当于 SQL 的 `NOT IN`。
filter: {
title: {
$notIn: ['春秋', '战国'],
### `$empty`
filter: {
title: {
$empty: true,
### `$notEmpty`
filter: {
title: {
$notEmpty: true,
## 逻辑运算符
### `$and`
逻辑 AND。相当于 SQL 的 `AND`。
filter: {
$and: [
{ title: '诗经' },
{ isbn: '1234567890' },
### `$or`
逻辑 OR。相当于 SQL 的 `OR`。
filter: {
$or: [
{ title: '诗经' },
{ publishedAt: { $lt: '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z' } },
## 布尔类型字段运算符
用于布尔类型字段 `type: 'boolean'`
### `$isFalsy`
判断布尔类型字段值是否为假。布尔字段值为 `false`、`0` 和 `NULL` 的情况都会被判断为 `$isFalsy: true`。
filter: {
isPublished: {
$isFalsy: true,
### `$isTruly`
判断布尔类型字段值是否为真。布尔字段值为 `true` 和 `1` 的情况都会被判断为 `$isTruly: true`。
filter: {
isPublished: {
$isTruly: true,
## 数字类型字段运算符
- `type: 'integer'`
- `type: 'float'`
- `type: 'double'`
- `type: 'real'`
- `type: 'decimal'`
### `$gt`
判断字段值是否大于指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `>`。
filter: {
price: {
$gt: 100,
### `$gte`
判断字段值是否大于等于指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `>=`。
filter: {
price: {
$gte: 100,
### `$lt`
判断字段值是否小于指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `<`。
filter: {
price: {
$lt: 100,
### `$lte`
判断字段值是否小于等于指定值。相当于 SQL 的 `<=`。
filter: {
price: {
$lte: 100,
### `$between`
判断字段值是否在指定的两个值之间。相当于 SQL 的 `BETWEEN`。
filter: {
price: {
$between: [100, 200],
### `$notBetween`
判断字段值是否不在指定的两个值之间。相当于 SQL 的 `NOT BETWEEN`。
filter: {
price: {
$notBetween: [100, 200],
## 字符串类型字段运算符
用于字符串类型字段,包括 `string`
### `$includes`
filter: {
title: {
$includes: '三字经',
### `$notIncludes`
filter: {
title: {
$notIncludes: '三字经',
### `$startsWith`
filter: {
title: {
$startsWith: '三字经',
### `$notStatsWith`
filter: {
title: {
$notStatsWith: '三字经',
### `$endsWith`
filter: {
title: {
$endsWith: '三字经',
### `$notEndsWith`
filter: {
title: {
$notEndsWith: '三字经',
### `$like`
判断字段值是否包含指定的字符串。相当于 SQL 的 `LIKE`。
filter: {
title: {
$like: '计算机',
### `$notLike`
判断字段值是否不包含指定的字符串。相当于 SQL 的 `NOT LIKE`。
filter: {
title: {
$notLike: '计算机',
### `$iLike`
判断字段值是否包含指定的字符串,忽略大小写。相当于 SQL 的 `ILIKE`(仅 PG 适用)。
filter: {
title: {
$iLike: 'Computer',
### `$notILike`
判断字段值是否不包含指定的字符串,忽略大小写。相当于 SQL 的 `NOT ILIKE`(仅 PG 适用)。
filter: {
title: {
$notILike: 'Computer',
### `$regexp`
判断字段值是否匹配指定的正则表达式。相当于 SQL 的 `REGEXP`(仅 PG 适用)。
filter: {
title: {
$regexp: '^计算机',
### `$notRegexp`
判断字段值是否不匹配指定的正则表达式。相当于 SQL 的 `NOT REGEXP`(仅 PG 适用)。
filter: {
title: {
$notRegexp: '^计算机',
### `$iRegexp`
判断字段值是否匹配指定的正则表达式,忽略大小写。相当于 SQL 的 `~*`(仅 PG 适用)。
filter: {
title: {
$iRegexp: '^COMPUTER',
### `$notIRegexp`
判断字段值是否不匹配指定的正则表达式,忽略大小写。相当于 SQL 的 `!~*`(仅 PG 适用)。
filter: {
title: {
$notIRegexp: '^COMPUTER',
## 日期类型字段运算符
用于日期类型字段 `type: 'date'`
### `$dateOn`
filter: {
createdAt: {
$dateOn: '2021-01-01',
### `$dateNotOn`
filter: {
createdAt: {
$dateNotOn: '2021-01-01',
### `$dateBefore`
filter: {
createdAt: {
$dateBefore: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
### `$dateNotBefore`
filter: {
createdAt: {
$dateNotBefore: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
### `$dateAfter`
filter: {
createdAt: {
$dateAfter: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
### `$dateNotAfter`
filter: {
createdAt: {
$dateNotAfter: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
## 数组类型字段运算符
用于数组类型字段 `type: 'array'`
### `$match`
filter: {
tags: {
$match: ['文学', '历史'],
### `$notMatch`
filter: {
tags: {
$notMatch: ['文学', '历史'],
### `$anyOf`
filter: {
tags: {
$anyOf: ['文学', '历史'],
### `$noneOf`
filter: {
tags: {
$noneOf: ['文学', '历史'],
### `$arrayEmpty`
filter: {
tags: {
$arrayEmpty: true,
### `$arrayNotEmpty`
filter: {
tags: {
$arrayNotEmpty: true,
## 关系字段类型运算符
- `type: 'hasOne'`
- `type: 'hasMany'`
- `type: 'belongsTo'`
- `type: 'belongsToMany'`
### `$exists`
filter: {
author: {
$exists: true,
### `$notExists`
filter: {
author: {
$notExists: true,
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
# BelongsToManyRepository
`BelongsToManyRepository` 是用于处理 `BelongsToMany` 关系的 `Relation Repository`。
不同于其他关系类型,`BelongsToMany` 类型的关系需要通过中间表来记录。
在 `Nocobase` 中定义关联关系,可自动创建中间表,也可以明确指定中间表。
## 类方法
### `find()`
* `async find(options?: FindOptions): Promise<M[]>`
查询参数与 [`Repository.find()`](../ 一致。
### `findOne()`
* `async findOne(options?: FindOneOptions): Promise<M>`
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### `count()`
* `async count(options?: CountOptions)`
interface CountOptions extends Omit<SequelizeCountOptions, 'distinct' | 'where' | 'include'>, Transactionable {
filter?: Filter;
### `findAndCount()`
* `async findAndCount(options?: FindAndCountOptions): Promise<[any[], number]>`
type FindAndCountOptions = CommonFindOptions
### `create()`
* `async create(options?: CreateOptions): Promise<M>`
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### `update()`
* `async update(options?: UpdateOptions): Promise<M>`
<embed src="../shared/"></embed>
### `destroy()`
* `async destroy(options?: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | DestroyOptions): Promise<Boolean>`
<embed src="../shared/"></embed>
### `add()`
* `async add(
options: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | PrimaryKeyWithThroughValues | PrimaryKeyWithThroughValues[] | AssociatedOptions
): Promise<void>`
type PrimaryKeyWithThroughValues = [TargetKey, Values];
interface AssociatedOptions extends Transactionable {
tk?: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | PrimaryKeyWithThroughValues | PrimaryKeyWithThroughValues[];
可以直接传入关联对象的 `targetKey`,也可将 `targetKey` 与中间表的字段值一并传入。
const t1 = await Tag.repository.create({
values: { name: 't1' },
const t2 = await Tag.repository.create({
values: { name: 't2' },
const p1 = await Post.repository.create({
values: { title: 'p1' },
const PostTagRepository = new BelongsToManyRepository(Post, 'tags',;
// 传入 targetKey
// 传入中间表字段
[, { tagged_at: '123' }],
[, { tagged_at: '456' }],
### `set()`
* async set(
options: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | PrimaryKeyWithThroughValues | PrimaryKeyWithThroughValues[] | AssociatedOptions,
): Promise<void>
参数同 [add()](#add)
### `remove()`
* `async remove(options: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | AssociatedOptions)`
interface AssociatedOptions extends Transactionable {
tk?: TargetKey | TargetKey[];
### `toggle()`
在一些业务场景中,经常需要切换关联对象,比如用户收藏商品,用户可以取消收藏,也可以再次收藏。使用 `toggle` 方法可以快速实现类似功能。
* `async toggle(options: TargetKey | { tk?: TargetKey; transaction?: Transaction }): Promise<void>`
`toggle` 方法会自动判断关联对象是否已经存在,如果存在则移除,如果不存在则添加。
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
## BelongsToRepository
`BelongsToRepository` 是用于处理 `BelongsTo` 关系的 `Repository`,它提供了一些便捷的方法来处理 `BelongsTo` 关系。其接口与 [HasOneRepository](./ 一致。
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
# HasManyRepository
`HasManyRepository` 是用于处理 `HasMany` 关系的 `Relation Repository`。
## 类方法
### `find()`
* `async find(options?: FindOptions): Promise<M[]>`
查询参数与 [`Repository.find()`](../ 一致。
### `findOne()`
* `async findOne(options?: FindOneOptions): Promise<M>`
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### `count()`
* `async count(options?: CountOptions)`
interface CountOptions extends Omit<SequelizeCountOptions, 'distinct' | 'where' | 'include'>, Transactionable {
filter?: Filter;
### `findAndCount()`
* `async findAndCount(options?: FindAndCountOptions): Promise<[any[], number]>`
type FindAndCountOptions = CommonFindOptions
### `create()`
* `async create(options?: CreateOptions): Promise<M>`
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### `update()`
* `async update(options?: UpdateOptions): Promise<M>`
<embed src="../shared/"></embed>
### `destroy()`
* `async destroy(options?: TK | DestroyOptions): Promise<M>`
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### `add()`
* `async add(options: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | AssociatedOptions)`
interface AssociatedOptions extends Transactionable {
tk?: TargetKey | TargetKey[];
* `tk` - 关联对象的 targetKey 值,可以是单个值,也可以是数组。
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### `remove()`
* `async remove(options: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | AssociatedOptions)`
参数同 [`add()`](#add) 方法。
### `set()`
* `async set(options: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | AssociatedOptions)`
参数同 [`add()`](#add) 方法。
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
# HasOneRepository
`HasOneRepository` 为 `HasOne` 类型的关联 Repository。
const User = db.collection({
name: 'users',
fields: [
{ type: 'hasOne', name: 'profile' },
{ type: 'string', name: 'name' },
const Profile = db.collection({
name: 'profiles',
fields: [{ type: 'string', name: 'avatar' }],
const user = await User.repository.create({
values: { name: 'u1' },
// 创建 HasOneRepository 实例
const userProfileRepository = new HasOneRepository(User, 'profile', user.get('id'));
## 类方法
### `find()`
* `async find(options?: SingleRelationFindOption): Promise<Model<any> | null>`
interface SingleRelationFindOption extends Transactionable {
fields?: Fields;
except?: Except;
appends?: Appends;
filter?: Filter;
查询参数与 [`Repository.find()`](../ 一致。
const profile = await UserProfileRepository.find();
// 关联对象不存在时,返回 null
### `create()`
* `async create(options?: CreateOptions): Promise<Model>`
<embed src="../shared/"></embed>
const profile = await UserProfileRepository.create({
values: { avatar: 'avatar1' },
id: 1,
avatar: 'avatar1',
userId: 1,
updatedAt: 2022-09-24T13:59:40.025Z,
createdAt: 2022-09-24T13:59:40.025Z
### `update()`
* `async update(options: UpdateOptions): Promise<Model>`
<embed src="../shared/"></embed>
const profile = await UserProfileRepository.update({
values: { avatar: 'avatar2' },
profile.get('avatar'); // 'avatar2'
### `remove()`
* `async remove(options?: Transactionable): Promise<void>`
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
await UserProfileRepository.remove();
await UserProfileRepository.find() == null; // true
await Profile.repository.count() === 1; // true
### `destroy()`
* `async destroy(options?: Transactionable): Promise<Boolean>`
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
await UserProfileRepository.destroy();
await UserProfileRepository.find() == null; // true
await Profile.repository.count() === 0; // true
### `set()`
* `async set(options: TargetKey | SetOption): Promise<void>`
interface SetOption extends Transactionable {
tk?: TargetKey;
* tk: 设置关联对象的 targetKey
* transaction: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
const newProfile = await Profile.repository.create({
values: { avatar: 'avatar2' },
await UserProfileRepository.set(newProfile.get('id'));
(await UserProfileRepository.find()).get('id') === newProfile.get('id'); // true
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# RelationRepository
`RelationRepository` 是关系类型的 `Repository` 对象,`RelationRepository` 可以实现在不加载关联的情况下对关联数据进行操作。基于 `RelationRepository`,每种关联都派生出对应的实现,分别为
* [`HasOneRepository`](#has-one-repository)
* `HasManyRepository`
* `BelongsToRepository`
* `BelongsToManyRepository`
## 构造函数
* `constructor(sourceCollection: Collection, association: string, sourceKeyValue: string | number)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `sourceCollection` | `Collection` | - | 关联中的参照关系(referencing relation)对应的 Collection |
| `association` | `string` | - | 关联名称 |
| `sourceKeyValue` | `string \| number` | - | 参照关系中对应的 key 值 |
## 基类属性
### `db: Database`
### `sourceCollection`
关联中的参照关系(referencing relation)对应的 Collection
### `targetCollection`
关联中被参照关系(referenced relation)对应的 Collection
### `association`
sequelize 中的与当前关联对应的 association 对象
### `associationField`
collection 中的与当前关联对应的字段
### `sourceKeyValue`
参照关系中对应的 key 值
@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
# Repository
## 构造函数
通常不会直接由开发者调用,主要通过 `db.registerRepositories()` 注册类型以后,在 `db.colletion()` 的参数中指定对应已注册的仓库类型,并完成实例化。
* `constructor(collection: Collection)`
import { Repository } from '@nocobase/database';
class MyRepository extends Repository {
async myQuery(sql) {
return this.database.sequelize.query(sql);
books: MyRepository
name: 'books',
// here link to the registered repository
repository: 'books'
await db.sync();
const books = db.getRepository('books') as MyRepository;
await books.myQuery('SELECT * FROM books;');
## 实例成员
### `database`
### `collection`
### `model`
## 实例方法
### `find()`
从数据库查询特定条件的数据集。相当于 Sequelize 中的 `Model.findAll()`。
* `async find(options?: FindOptions): Promise<Model[]>`
type Filter = FilterWithOperator | FilterWithValue | FilterAnd | FilterOr;
type Appends = string[];
type Except = string[];
type Fields = string[];
type Sort = string[] | string;
interface SequelizeFindOptions {
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
interface FilterByTk {
filterByTk?: TargetKey;
interface CommonFindOptions extends Transactionable {
filter?: Filter;
fields?: Fields;
appends?: Appends;
except?: Except;
sort?: Sort;
type FindOptions = SequelizeFindOptions & CommonFindOptions & FilterByTk;
#### `filter: Filter`
查询条件,用于过滤数据结果。传入的查询参数中,`key` 为查询的字段名,`value` 可传要查询的值,
// 查询 name 为 foo,并且 age 大于 18 的记录
filter: {
name: "foo",
age: {
$gt: 18,
更多操作符请参考 [查询操作符](./。
#### `filterByTk: TargetKey`
通过 `TargetKey` 查询数据,为 `filter` 参数的便捷方法。`TargetKey` 具体是哪一个字段,
可在 `Collection` 中进行[配置](./,默认为 `primaryKey`。
// 默认情况下,查找 id 为 1 的记录
filterByTk: 1,
#### `fields: string[]`
#### `except: string[]`
#### `appends: string[]`
#### `sort: string[] | string`
指定查询结果排序方式,传入参数为字段名称,默认按照升序 `asc` 排序,若需按降序 `desc` 排序,
可在字段名称前加上 `-` 符号,如:`['-id', 'name']`,表示按 `id desc, name asc` 排序。
#### `limit: number`
限制结果数量,同 `SQL` 中的 `limit`
#### `offset: number`
查询偏移量,同 `SQL` 中的 `offset`
const posts = db.getRepository('posts');
const results = await posts.find({
filter: {
createdAt: {
$gt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
fields: ['title'],
appends: ['user'],
### `findOne()`
从数据库查询特定条件的单条数据。相当于 Sequelize 中的 `Model.findOne()`。
* `async findOne(options?: FindOneOptions): Promise<Model | null>`
<embed src="./shared/"></embed>
const posts = db.getRepository('posts');
const result = await posts.findOne({
filterByTk: 1,
### `count()`
从数据库查询特定条件的数据总数。相当于 Sequelize 中的 `Model.count()`。
* `count(options?: CountOptions): Promise<number>`
interface CountOptions extends Omit<SequelizeCountOptions, 'distinct' | 'where' | 'include'>, Transactionable {
filter?: Filter;
const books = db.getRepository('books');
const count = await books.count({
filter: {
title: '三字经'
### `findAndCount()`
从数据库查询特定条件的数据集和结果数。相当于 Sequelize 中的 `Model.findAndCountAll()`。
* `async findAndCount(options?: FindAndCountOptions): Promise<[Model[], number]>`
type FindAndCountOptions = Omit<SequelizeAndCountOptions, 'where' | 'include' | 'order'> & CommonFindOptions;
查询参数与 `find()` 相同。返回值为一个数组,第一个元素为查询结果,第二个元素为结果总数。
### `create()`
向数据表插入一条新创建的数据。相当于 Sequelize 中的 `Model.create()`。当要创建的数据对象携带关系字段的信息时,会一并创建或更新相应的关系数据记录。
* `async create<M extends Model>(options: CreateOptions): Promise<M>`
<embed src="./shared/"></embed>
const posts = db.getRepository('posts');
const result = await posts.create({
values: {
title: 'NocoBase 1.0 发布日志',
tags: [
// 有关系表主键值时为更新该条数据
{ id: 1 },
// 没有主键值时为创建新数据
{ name: 'NocoBase' },
### `createMany()`
向数据表插入多条新创建的数据。相当于多次调用 `create()` 方法。
* `createMany(options: CreateManyOptions): Promise<Model[]>`
interface CreateManyOptions extends BulkCreateOptions {
records: Values[];
* `records`:要创建的记录的数据对象数组。
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
const posts = db.getRepository('posts');
const results = await posts.createMany({
records: [
title: 'NocoBase 1.0 发布日志',
tags: [
// 有关系表主键值时为更新该条数据
{ id: 1 },
// 没有主键值时为创建新数据
{ name: 'NocoBase' },
title: 'NocoBase 1.1 发布日志',
tags: [
{ id: 1 }
### `update()`
更新数据表中的数据。相当于 Sequelize 中的 `Model.update()`。当要更新的数据对象携带关系字段的信息时,会一并创建或更新相应的关系数据记录。
* `async update<M extends Model>(options: UpdateOptions): Promise<M>`
<embed src="./shared/"></embed>
const posts = db.getRepository('posts');
const result = await posts.update({
filterByTk: 1,
values: {
title: 'NocoBase 1.0 发布日志',
tags: [
// 有关系表主键值时为更新该条数据
{ id: 1 },
// 没有主键值时为创建新数据
{ name: 'NocoBase' },
### `destory()`
删除数据表中的数据。相当于 Sequelize 中的 `Model.destroy()`。
* `async destory(options?: TargetKey | TargetKey[] | DestoryOptions): Promise<number>`
interface DestroyOptions extends SequelizeDestroyOptions {
filter?: Filter;
filterByTk?: TargetKey | TargetKey[];
truncate?: boolean;
context?: any;
* `filter`:指定要删除的记录的过滤条件。Filter 详细用法可参考 [`find()`](#find) 方法。
* `filterByTk`:按 TargetKey 指定要删除的记录的过滤条件。
* `truncate`: 是否清空表数据,在没有传入 `filter` 或 `filterByTk` 参数时有效。
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options.values` | `M` | `{}` | 插入的数据对象 |
| `options.whitelist?` | `string[]` | - | `values` 字段的白名单,只有名单内的字段会被存储 |
| `options.blacklist?` | `string[]` | - | `values` 字段的黑名单,名单内的字段不会被存储 |
| `options.transaction?` | `Transaction` | - | 事务 |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
type WhiteList = string[];
type BlackList = string[];
type AssociationKeysToBeUpdate = string[];
interface CreateOptions extends SequelizeCreateOptions {
values?: Values;
whitelist?: WhiteList;
blacklist?: BlackList;
updateAssociationValues?: AssociationKeysToBeUpdate;
context?: any;
* `values`:要创建的记录的数据对象。
* `whitelist`:指定要创建的记录的数据对象中,哪些字段**可以被写入**。若不传入此参数,则默认允许所有字段写入。
* `blacklist`:指定要创建的记录的数据对象中,哪些字段**不允许被写入**。若不传入此参数,则默认允许所有字段写入。
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
interface DestroyOptions extends SequelizeDestroyOptions {
filter?: Filter;
filterByTk?: TargetKey | TargetKey[];
truncate?: boolean;
context?: any;
* `filter`:指定要删除的记录的过滤条件。Filter 详细用法可参考 [`find()`](#find) 方法。
* `filterByTk`:按 TargetKey 指定要删除的记录的过滤条件。
* `truncate`: 是否清空表数据,在没有传入 `filter` 或 `filterByTk` 参数时有效。
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
type FindOneOptions = Omit<FindOptions, 'limit'>;
大部分参数与 `find()` 相同,不同之处在于 `findOne()` 只返回单条数据,所以不需要 `limit` 参数,且查询时始终为 `1`。
@ -1 +0,0 @@
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
interface UpdateOptions extends Omit<SequelizeUpdateOptions, 'where'> {
values: Values;
filter?: Filter;
filterByTk?: TargetKey;
whitelist?: WhiteList;
blacklist?: BlackList;
updateAssociationValues?: AssociationKeysToBeUpdate;
context?: any;
* `values`:要更新的记录的数据对象。
* `filter`:指定要更新的记录的过滤条件, Filter 详细用法可参考 [`find()`](#find) 方法。
* `filterByTk`:按 TargetKey 指定要更新的记录的过滤条件。
* `whitelist`: `values` 字段的白名单,只有名单内的字段会被写入。
* `blacklist`: `values` 字段的黑名单,名单内的字段不会被写入。
* `transaction`: 事务对象。如果没有传入事务参数,该方法会自动创建一个内部事务。
`filterByTk` 与 `filter` 至少要传其一。
@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
# 环境变量
## 全局环境变量
保存在 `.env` 文件里
应用环境,默认值 `development`,可选项包括:
- `production` 生产环境
- `development` 开发环境
应用主机,默认值 ``
应用端口,默认值 `13000`
秘钥,用于 jwt 等场景
NocoBase API 地址前缀,默认值 `/api/`
插件包前缀,默认值 `@nocobase/plugin-,@nocobase/preset-`
例如,有一名为 `my-nocobase-app` 的项目,新增了 `hello` 插件,包名为 `@my-nocobase-app/plugin-hello`。
- `users` 插件包名为 `@nocobase/plugin-users`
- `nocobase` 插件包名为 `@nocobase/preset-nocobase`
- `hello` 插件包名为 `@my-nocobase-app/plugin-hello`
数据库类型,默认值 `sqlite`,可选项包括:
- `sqlite`
- `mysql`
- `postgres`
数据库文件路径(使用 SQLite 数据库时配置)
# 相对路径
# 绝对路径
数据库主机(使用 mysql 或 postgres 数据库时需要配置)
默认值 `localhost`
数据库端口(使用 mysql 或 postgres 数据库时需要配置)
- MySQL 默认端口 3306
- PostgreSQL 默认端口 5432
数据库名(使用 mysql 或 postgres 数据库时需要配置)
数据库用户(使用 mysql 或 postgres 数据库时需要配置)
数据库密码(使用 mysql 或 postgres 数据库时需要配置)
数据库日志开关,默认值 `off`,可选项包括:
- `on` 打开
- `off` 关闭
## 临时环境变量
安装 NocoBase 时,可以通过设置临时的环境变量来辅助安装,如:
yarn cross-env \
|||||| \
nocobase install
# 等同于
yarn nocobase install \
--lang=zh-CN \
|||||| \
--root-password=admin123 \
--root-nickname="Super Admin"
# 等同于
yarn nocobase install -l zh-CN -e -p admin123 -n "Super Admin"
安装时的语言,默认值 `en-US`,可选项包括:
- `en-US`
- `zh-CN`
yarn cross-env \
nocobase install
Root 用户邮箱
yarn cross-env \
|||||| \
nocobase install
Root 用户密码
yarn cross-env \
|||||| \
nocobase install
Root 用户昵称
yarn cross-env \
|||||| \
nocobase install
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
# Action API
## Common
Collection and Association resources are common.
### `create`
POST /api/users:create?whitelist=a,b&blacklist=c,d
{} # Request Body
- Parameters
- whitelist White list
- blacklist Black list
- Request body: JSON data to be inserted
- Response body data: Created data JSON
#### Add a User
POST /api/users:create
Request Body
"email": "",
"name": "Admin"
Response 200 (application/json)
"data": {},
#### Add a user's article
POST /api/users/1/posts:create
Request Body
"title": "My first post"
Response 200 (application/json)
"data": {},
#### Association in Request Body
POST /api/posts:create
Request Body
"title": "My first post",
"user": 1
Response 200 (application/json)
"data": {
"id": 1,
"title": "My first post",
"userId": 1,
"user": {
"id": 1
### `update`
POST /api/users:create?filterByTk=1&whitelist=a,b&blacklist=c,d
{} # Request Body
- Parameters
- whitelist White list
- blacklist Black list
- filterByTk Filter by tk field, by default tk is the primary key of the data table
- filter Filter,support json string
- Request body: JSON data to be updated
#### Association in Request Body
POST /api/posts:update/1
Request Body
"title": "My first post 2",
"user": 2
Response 200 (application/json)
"data": [
"id": 1,
"title": "My first post 2",
"userId": 2,
"user": {
"id": 2
### `list`
### `get`
### `destroy`
### `move`
## Association
### `add`
### `set`
### `remove`
### `toggle`
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# Filter operators
## Common
- $eq
- $ne
- $gte
- $gt
- $lte
- $lt
- $not
- $is
- $in
- $notIn
- $like
- $notLike
- $iLike
- $notILike
- $and
- $or
- $empty
- $notEmpty
## array
- $match
- $notMatch
- $anyOf
- $noneOf
- $arrayEmpty
- $arrayNotEmpty
## association
- $exists
- $notExists
## boolean
- $isTruthy
- $isFalsy
## date
- $dateOn
- $dateNotOn
- $dateBefore
- $dateNotBefore
- $dateAfter
- $dateNotAfter
## string
- $includes
- $notIncludes
- $startsWith
- $notStartsWith
- $endWith
- $notEndWith
@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
# Overview
NocoBase HTTP API is designed based on Resource & Action, it is a superset of REST API. The operation is not limited to add, delete, change, and check, Resource Action can be extended arbitrarily in NocoBase.
## Resource
Resource has two expressions in NocoBase.
- `<collection>`
- `<collection>.<association>`
- collection is the set of all abstract data
- association is the association data for the collection
- resource includes both collection and collection.association
### Example
- `posts` Post
- `posts.user` Post user
- `posts.tags` Post tags
## Action
Representing resource operations as `:<action>`
- `<collection>:<action>`
- `<collection>.<association>:<action>`
Built-in global operations for collection or association
- `create`
- `get`
- `list`
- `update`
- `destroy`
- `move`
Built-in association operation for association only
- `set`
- `add`
- `remove`
- `toggle`
### Example
- `posts:create` Create posts
- `posts.user:get` View posts user
- `posts.tags:add` Attach post tags (associate existing tags with post)
## Request URL
<GET|POST> /api/<collection>:<action>
<GET|POST> /api/<collection>:<action>/<collectionIndex>
<GET|POST> /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:<action>
<GET|POST> /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:<action>/<associationIndex>
### Example
posts resource
POST /api/posts:create
GET /api/posts:list
GET /api/posts:get/1
POST /api/posts:update/1
POST /api/posts:destroy/1
posts.comments resource
POST /api/posts/1/comments:create
GET /api/posts/1/comments:list
GET /api/posts/1/comments:get/1
POST /api/posts/1/comments:update/1
POST /api/posts/1/comments:destroy/1
posts.tags resource
POST /api/posts/1/tags:create
GET /api/posts/1/tags:get
GET /api/posts/1/tags:list
POST /api/posts/1/tags:update
POST /api/posts/1/tags:destroy
POST /api/posts/1/tags:add
GET /api/posts/1/tags:remove
## Resource location
- collection resource, locates the data to be processed by `collectionIndex`, `collectionIndex` must be unique
- association resource, locates the data to be processed by `collectionIndex` and `associationIndex` jointly, `associationIndex` may not be unique, but `collectionIndex` and `associationIndex`'s association indexes must be unique
When viewing association resource details, the requested URL needs to provide both `<collectionIndex>` and `<associationIndex>`, `<collectionIndex>` is not redundant because `<associationIndex>` may not be unique.
For example, `tables.fields` indicates the fields of a data table
GET /api/tables/table1/fields/title
GET /api/tables/table2/fields/title
Both table1 and table2 have a title field. The title is unique in table1, but other tables may also have a title field
## Request parameters
Request parameters can be placed in the request's headers, parameters (query string), and body (GET requests do not have a body).
A few special request parameters
- `filter` Data filtering, used in query-related operations.
- `filterByTk` filter by tk field, used in operations that specify details of the data.
- `sort` Sorting, used in query-related operations.
- `fields` which data to output, for use in query-related operations.
- `appends` additional relationship fields for use in query-related operations.
- `except` which fields to exclude (no output), used in query-related operations.
- `whitelist` fields whitelist, used in data creation and update related operations.
- `blacklist` fields blacklist, used in data creation and update related operations.
### filter
Data filter
# simple
GET /api/posts?filter[status]=publish
# Recommend using the json string format, which requires encodeURIComponent encoding
GET /api/posts?filter={"status":"published"}
# filter operators
GET /api/posts?filter[status.$eq]=publish
GET /api/posts?filter={"status.$eq":"published"}
# $and
GET /api/posts?filter={"$and": [{"status.$eq":"published"}, {"title.$includes":"a"}]}
# $or
GET /api/posts?filter={"$or": [{"status.$eq":"pending"}, {"status.$eq":"draft"}]}
# association field
GET /api/posts?filter[$includes]=gmail
GET /api/posts?filter={"$includes":"gmail"}
[Click here for more information about filter operators](http-api/filter-operators)
### filterByTk
Filter by tk field. By default
- collection resource, tk is the primary key of the data table.
- association resource, tk is the targetKey field of the association.
GET /api/posts:get?filterByTk=1&fields=name,title&appends=tags
### sort
Sorting. When sorting in descending order, the fields are preceded by the minus sign `-`.
# createAt field in ascending order
GET /api/posts:get?sort=createdAt
# createAt field descending
GET /api/posts:get?sort=-createdAt
# Multiple fields sorted jointly, createAt field descending, title A-Z ascending
GET /api/posts:get?sort=-createdAt,title
### fields
Which fields to output
GET /api/posts:list?fields=name,title
Response 200 (application/json)
"data": [
"name": "",
"title": ""
"meta": {}
### appends
Appends a relationship field
### except
Which fields to exclude (not output) for use in query-related operations.
### whitelist
POST /api/posts:create?whitelist=title
"title": "My first post",
"date": "2022-05-19" # The date field will be filtered out and will not be written to the database
### blacklist
POST /api/posts:create?blacklist=date
"title": "My first post",
"date": "2022-05-19" # The date field will be filtered out and will not be written to the database
## Request Response
Format of the response
type ResponseResult = {
data?: any; // Master data
meta?: any; // Additional Data
errors?: ResponseError[]; // Errors
type ResponseError = {
code?: string;
message: string;
### Example
View list
GET /api/posts:list
Response 200 (application/json)
data: [
id: 1
meta: {
count: 1
page: 1,
pageSize: 1,
totalPage: 1
View details
GET /api/posts:get/1
Response 200 (application/json)
data: {
id: 1
POST /api/posts:create
Response 400 (application/json)
errors: [
message: 'name must be required',
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
# JavaScript SDK
## APIClient
class APIClient {
// axios instance
axios: AxiosInstance;
// constructors
constructor(instance?: AxiosInstance | AxiosRequestConfig);
// Client-side requests, support for AxiosRequestConfig and ResourceActionOptions
request<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>, D = any>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<D> | ResourceActionOptions): Promise<R>;
// Get Resources
resource<R = IResource>(name: string, of?: any): R;
Initialize instance
import axios from 'axios';
import { APIClient } from '@nocobase/sdk';
// Provide AxiosRequestConfig configuration parameters
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
// Provide AxiosInstance
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
const api = new APIClient(instance);
## Mock
import { APIClient } from '@nocobase/sdk';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
const mock = new MockAdapter(api.axios);
mock.onGet('users:get').reply(200, {
data: { id: 1, name: 'John Smith' },
await api.request({ url: 'users:get' });
## Storage
APIClient uses localStorage by default, you can also custom storage.
import { Storage } from '@nocobase/sdk';
class MemoryStorage extends Storage {
items = new Map();
clear() {
getItem(key: string) {
return this.items.get(key);
setItem(key: string, value: string) {
return this.items.set(key, value);
removeItem(key: string) {
return this.items.delete(key);
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
storageClass: CustomStorage,
## Auth
// sign in and remember the current token
api.auth.signIn({ email, password });
// sign out and delete the token
// set the token
// set the role (multiple roles)
// set the locale (multiple languages)
Custom Auth
import { Auth } from '@nocobase/sdk';
class CustomAuth extends Auth {
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
authClass: CustomAuth,
## Request
// url
await api.request({
url: 'users:list',
// request params
params: {
filter: {
'email.$includes': 'noco',
// request body
// resource & action
await api.request({
resource: 'users',
action: 'list',
// action params
params: {
filter: {
'email.$includes': 'noco',
page: 1,
## Resource action
await api.resource('collection')[action]();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId)[action]();
## Action API
await api.resource('collection').create();
await api.resource('collection').get();
await api.resource('collection').list();
await api.resource('collection').update();
await api.resource('collection').destroy();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).create();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).get();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).list();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).update();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).destroy();
### `get`
interface Resource {
get: (options?: GetActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface GetActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
fields?: string || string[];
appends?: string || string[];
expect?: string || string[];
sort?: string[];
### `list`
interface Resource {
list: (options?: ListActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface ListActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
fields?: string || string[];
appends?: string || string[];
expect?: string || string[];
sort?: string[];
page?: number;
pageSize?: number;
paginate?: boolean;
### `create`
interface Resource {
create: (options?: CreateActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface CreateActionOptions {
whitelist?: string[];
blacklist?: string[];
values?: {[key: sting]: any};
### `update`
interface Resource {
update: (options?: UpdateActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface UpdateActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
whitelist?: string[];
blacklist?: string[];
values?: {[key: sting]: any};
### `destroy`
interface Resource {
destroy: (options?: DestroyActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface DestroyActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
### `move`
interface Resource {
move: (options?: MoveActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface MoveActionOptions {
sourceId: any;
targetId?: any;
/** @default 'sort' */
sortField?: any;
targetScope?: {[key: string]: any};
sticky?: boolean;
method?: 'insertAfter' | 'prepend';
### `<custom>`
interface AttachmentResource {
interface UploadActionOptions {
@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
NocoBase's HTTP API is a superset of the REST API, and the standard CRUD API also supports the RESTful style.
## Collection resources
### Create collection
POST /api/<collection>:create
{} # JSON body
POST /api/<collection>
{} # JSON body
### List collection
GET /api/<collection>:list
GET /api/<collection>
### View collection details
GET /api/<collection>:get?filterByTk=<collectionIndex>
GET /api/<collection>:get/<collectionIndex>
GET /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>
### Update collection
POST /api/<collection>:update?filterByTk=<collectionIndex>
{} # JSON body
# Or
POST /api/<collection>:update/<collectionIndex>
{} # JSON body
PUT /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>
{} # JSON body
### Delete collection
POST /api/<collection>:destroy?filterByTk=<collectionIndex>
# Or
POST /api/<collection>:destroy/<collectionIndex>
DELETE /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>
## Association resources
### Create Association
POST /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:create
{} # JSON body
POST /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>
{} # JSON body
### List Association
GET /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:list
GET /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>
### View Association details
GET /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:get?filterByTk=<associationIndex>
# Or
GET /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:get/<associationIndex>
GET /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:get/<associationIndex>
### Update Association
POST /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:update?filterByTk=<associationIndex>
{} # JSON body
# Or
POST /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:update/<associationIndex>
{} # JSON body
PUT /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:update/<associationIndex>
{} # JSON
### Delete Association
POST /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:destroy?filterByTk=<associationIndex>
# Or
POST /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>:destroy/<associationIndex>
DELETE /api/<collection>/<collectionIndex>/<association>/<associationIndex>
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# 概览
| 模块 | 包名 | 描述 |
| --------------------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- |
| [Server](/api/server) | `@nocobase/server` | 服务端应用 |
| [Database](/api/database) | `@nocobase/database` | 数据库访问层 |
| [Resourcer](/api/resourcer) | `@nocobase/resourcer` | 资源与路由映射 |
| [ACL](/api/acl) | `@nocobase/acl` | 访问控制表 |
| [Client](/api/client/application) | `@nocobase/client` | 客户端应用 |
| [CLI](/api/cli) | `@nocobase/cli` | NocoBase 命令行工具 |
| [SDK](/api/sdk) | `@nocobase/sdk` | NocoBase SDK |
| [Actions](/api/actions) | `@nocobase/actions` | 内置常用资源操作 |
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
# Action
Action 是对资源的操作过程的描述,通常包含数据库处理等,类似其他框架中的 service 层,最简化的实现可以是一个 Koa 的中间件函数。在资源管理器里,针对特定资源定义的普通操作函数会被包装成 Action 类型的实例,当请求匹配对应资源的操作时,执行对应的操作过程。
## 构造函数
通常不需要直接实例化 Action,而是由资源管理器自动调用 `Action` 的静态方法 `toInstanceMap()` 进行实例化。
### `constructor(options: ActionOptions)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `handler` | `Function` | - | 操作函数 |
| `middlewares?` | `Middleware \| Middleware[]` | - | 针对操作的中间件 |
| `values?` | `Object` | - | 默认的操作数据 |
| `fields?` | `string[]` | - | 默认针对的字段组 |
| `appends?` | `string[]` | - | 默认附加的关联字段组 |
| `except?` | `string[]` | - | 默认排除的字段组 |
| `filter` | `FilterOptions` | - | 默认的过滤参数 |
| `sort` | `string[]` | - | 默认的排序参数 |
| `page` | `number` | - | 默认的页码 |
| `pageSize` | `number` | - | 默认的每页数量 |
| `maxPageSize` | `number` | - | 默认最大每页数量 |
## 实例成员
### `actionName`
### `resourceName`
### `resourceOf`
### `readonly middlewares`
### `params`
操作参数。包含对应操作的所有相关参数,实例化时根据定义的 action 参数初始化,之后请求中解析前端传入的参数并根据对应参数的合并策略合并。如果有其他中间件的处理,也会有类似的合并过程。直到 handler 处理时,访问 params 得到的是经过多次合并的最终参数。
预设的参数可以参考 [/api/actions] 中不同操作的参数。
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `resourceName` | `string` | - | 资源名称 |
| `resourceIndex` | `string \| number` | - | 资源的主键值 |
| `associatedName` | `string` | - | 所属关系资源的名称 |
| `associatedIndex` | `string \| number` | - | 所属关系资源的主键值 |
| `associated` | `Object` | - | 所属关系资源的实例 |
| `actionName` | `string` | - | 操作名称 |
app.resourcer.define('books', {
actions: {
publish(ctx, next) {
ctx.body = ctx.action.params.values;
// {
// id: 1234567890
// publishedAt: '2019-01-01',
// }
middlewares: [
async (ctx, next) => {
values: {
id: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10),
publishedAt: new Date(),
await next();
## 实例方法
### `mergeParams()`
* `mergeParams(params: ActionParams, strategies: MergeStrategies = {})`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `params` | `ActionParams` | - | 额外的参数集 |
| `strategies` | `MergeStrategies` | - | 针对每个参数的合并策略 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 合并策略 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `filterByTk` | `number \| string` | - | SQL `and` | 查询主键值 |
| `filter` | `FilterOptions` | - | SQL `and` | 查询过滤参数 |
| `fields` | `string[]` | - | 取并集 | 字段组 |
| `appends` | `string[]` | `[]` | 取并集 | 附加的关联字段组 |
| `except` | `string[]` | `[]` | 取并集 | 排除的字段组 |
| `whitelist` | `string[]` | `[]` | 取交集 | 可处理字段的白名单 |
| `blacklist` | `string[]` | `[]` | 取并集 | 可处理字段的黑名单 |
| `sort` | `string[]` | - | SQL `order by` | 查询排序参数 |
| `page` | `number` | - | 覆盖 | 页码 |
| `pageSize` | `number` | - | 覆盖 | 每页数量 |
| `values` | `Object` | - | 深度合并 | 操作提交的数据 |
filter: {
name: 'foo',
fields: ['id', 'name'],
except: ['name'],
sort: ['id'],
page: 1,
pageSize: 10,
values: {
name: 'foo',
}, {
filter: 'and',
fields: 'union',
except: 'union',
sort: 'overwrite',
page: 'overwrite',
pageSize: 'overwrite',
values: 'deepMerge',
@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
# Resourcer
Resourcer 主要用于管理 API 资源与路由,也是 NocoBase 的内置模块,app 默认会自动创建一个 Resourcer 实例,大部分情况你可以通过 `app.resourcer` 访问。
资源路由管理器主要通过 [资源](/api/server/resourcer/resource) + [操作](/api/server/resourcer/action) 的概念定义服务端 API 接口,与 RESTful 的概念相似。大部分资源通过映射数据库表生成,包含常规的 CRUD 操作,以覆盖常见场景。但如果有额外需求,也可以在此基础上扩展更多的资源类型和操作类型。
## 包结构
import Resourcer, {
} from '@nocobase/resourcer';
## 构造函数
用于创建 Resourcer 管理器实例。由于 app 默认创建一个内置实例,所以通常不会直接使用构造函数。
* `constructor(options: ResourcerOptions)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `prefix` | `string` | - | 路由路径前缀 |
| `accessors` | `Object` | _以下成员值_ | 默认操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.list` | `string` | `'list'` | 列举操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.get` | `string` | `'get'` | 获取操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.create` | `string` | `'create'` | 创建操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.update` | `string` | `'update'` | 更新操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.delete` | `string` | `'destroy'` | 删除操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.add` | `string` | `'add'` | 增加关联操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.remove` | `string` | `'remove'` | 移除关联操作方法名称标识 |
| `accessors.set` | `string` | `'set'` | 全量设置关联操作方法名称标识 |
在创建 app 时件时,可以通过 `resourcer` 选项传入:
const app = new Application({
// 对应默认 resourcer 实例的配置项
resourcer: {
prefix: process.env.API_BASE_PATH
## 实例方法
### `define()`
定义并向资源管理器注册一个资源对象。通常代替 `Resource` 类的构造函数使用。
* `define(options: ResourceOptions): Resource`
详见 [Resource 构造函数](/api/server/resourcer/resource#构造函数)。
name: 'books',
actions: {
// 扩展的 action
publish(ctx, next) {
ctx.body = 'ok';
### `isDefined()`
* `isDefined(name: string): boolean`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 资源名称 |
app.resourcer.isDefined('books'); // true
### `registerAction()`
* `registerAction(name: string, handler: HandlerType): void`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 操作名称 |
| `handler` | `HandlerType` | - | 操作处理函数 |
`name` 的值如果以 `<resourceName>:` 开头则代表仅针对 `<resourceName>` 资源可访问,否则认为是全局操作。
// 注册后任意资源都可以进行 upload 操作
app.resourcer.registerAction('upload', async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = 'ok';
// 仅针对 attachments 资源注册 upload 操作
app.resourcer.registerAction('attachments:upload', async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = 'ok';
### `registerActions()`
* `registerActions(actions: { [name: string]: HandlerType }): void`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `actions` | `{ [name: string]: HandlerType }` | - | 操作集合 |
upload: async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = 'ok';
'attachments:upload': async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = 'ok';
### `getResource()`
* `getResource(name: string): Resource`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 资源名称 |
### `getAction()`
* `getAction(name: string): HandlerType`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 操作名称 |
`name` 的值如果以 `<resourceName>:` 开头则代表仅针对 `<resourceName>` 资源的操作,否则认为是全局操作。
### `use()`
以 Koa 的形式注册一个中间件,中间件形成一个队列,并排在所有资源的操作处理函数之前执行。
* `use(middleware: Middleware | Middleware[]): void`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `middleware` | `Middleware \| Middleware[]` | - | 中间件 |
app.resourcer.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
### `middleware()`
生成一个兼容 Koa 的中间件,用于将资源的路由处理注入到应用中。
* `middleware(options: KoaMiddlewareOptions): KoaMiddleware`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options.prefix?` | `string` | `''` | 路径前缀。 |
| `options.accessors?` | `Object` | `{}` | 常用方法的名称映射,与构造函数的 `accessors` 参数结构相同。 |
const koa = new Koa();
const resourcer = new Resourcer();
// 生成兼容 Koa 的中间件
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
# Middleware
与 Koa 的中间件类似,但提供了更多增强的功能,可以方便的进行更多的扩展。
## 构造函数
* `constructor(options: Function)`
* `constructor(options: MiddlewareOptions)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options` | `Function` | - | 中间件处理函数 |
| `options` | `MiddlewareOptions ` | - | 中间件配置项 |
| `options.only` | `string[]` | - | 仅允许指定的操作 |
| `options.except` | `string[]` | - | 排除指定的操作 |
| `options.handler` | `Function` | - | 处理函数 |
const middleware = new Middleware((ctx, next) => {
await next();
const middleware = new Middleware({
only: ['create', 'update'],
async handler(ctx, next) {
await next();
## 实例方法
### `getHandler()`
以下中间件在请求时会先输出 `1`,再输出 `2`。
const middleware = new Middleware((ctx, next) => {
await next();
middleware.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
### `use()`
对当前中间件添加中间件函数。用于提供中间件的扩展点。示例见 `getHandler()`。
* `use(middleware: Function)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `middleware` | `Function` | - | 中间件处理函数 |
### `disuse()`
* `disuse(middleware: Function)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `middleware` | `Function` | - | 中间件处理函数 |
以下示例在请求处理是只输出 `1`,不执行 fn1 中的 `2` 输出。
const middleware = new Middleware((ctx, next) => {
await next();
async function fn1(ctx, next) {
await next();
### `canAccess()`
* `canAccess(name: string): boolean`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 操作名称 |
## 其他导出
### `branch()`
* `branch(map: { [key: string]: Function }, reducer: Function, options): Function`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `map` | `{ [key: string]: Function }` | - | 分支处理函数映射表,键名由后续计算函数在调用时给出 |
| `reducer` | `(ctx) => string` | - | 计算函数,用于基于上下文计算出分支的键名 |
| `options?` | `Object` | - | 分支配置项 |
| `options.keyNotFound?` | `Function` | `ctx.throw(404)` | 未找到键名时的处理函数 |
| `options.handlerNotSet?` | `Function` | `ctx.throw(404)` | 未定义处理函数时的处理 |
用户验证时,根据请求 URL 中 query 部分的 `authenticator` 参数的值决定后续需要如何处理:
'password': async (ctx, next) => {
// ...
'sms': async (ctx, next) => {
// ...
}, (ctx) => {
return ctx.action.params.authenticator ?? 'password';
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
# Resource
Resource 用于定义资源实例。被 Resourcer 管理的资源实例都可以通过 HTTP 请求访问。
## 构造函数
用于创建 Resource 实例。通常由 Resourcer 管理器的 `define()` 接口调用替代,不需要直接使用。
* `constructor(options: ResourceOptions, resourcer: Resourcer)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `` | `string` | - | 资源名称,对应 URL 路由中的资源地址部分。 |
| `options.type` | `string` | `'single'` | 资源类型,可选项为 `'single'`、`'hasOne'`、`'hasMany'`、`'belongsTo'`、`'belongsToMany'`。 |
| `options.actions` | `Object` | - | 对资源可进行的操作列表,详见示例部分。 |
| `options.middlewares` | `MiddlewareType \| MiddlewareType[]` | - | 对当前定义资源进行任意操作访问时的中间件列表,详见示例部分。 |
| `options.only` | `ActionName[]` | `[]` | 针对全局操作的白名单列表,当数组中有值时(`length > 0`),只有数组中的操作可被访问。 |
| `options.except` | `ActionName[]` | `[]` | 针对全局操作的黑名单列表,当数组中有值时(`length > 0`),除数组中的操作外,其他操作可被访问。 |
| `resourcer` | `Resourcer` | - | 所属资源管理器实例。 |
name: 'books',
actions: {
// 扩展的 action
publish(ctx, next) {
ctx.body = 'ok';
middleware: [
// 扩展的中间件
async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
## 实例成员
### `options`
### `resourcer`
### `middlewares`
### `actions`
### `except`
## 实例方法
### `getName()`
* `getName(): string`
const resource = app.resourcer.define({
name: 'books'
resource.getName(); // 'books'
### `getAction()`
* `getAction(name: string): Action`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `name` | `string` | - | 操作名称。 |
const resource = app.resourcer.define({
name: 'books',
actions: {
publish(ctx, next) {
ctx.body = 'ok';
resource.getAction('publish'); // [Function: publish]
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
# @nocobase/sdk
## APIClient
class APIClient {
// axios 实例
axios: AxiosInstance;
// 构造器
constructor(instance?: AxiosInstance | AxiosRequestConfig);
// 客户端请求,支持 AxiosRequestConfig 和 ResourceActionOptions
request<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>, D = any>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<D> | ResourceActionOptions): Promise<R>;
// 获取资源
resource<R = IResource>(name: string, of?: any): R;
import axios from 'axios';
import { APIClient } from '@nocobase/sdk';
// 提供 AxiosRequestConfig 配置参数
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
// 提供 AxiosInstance
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
const api = new APIClient(instance);
## Mock
import { APIClient } from '@nocobase/sdk';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
const mock = new MockAdapter(api.axios);
mock.onGet('users:get').reply(200, {
data: { id: 1, name: 'John Smith' },
await api.request({ url: 'users:get' });
## Storage
APIClient 默认使用的 localStorage,你也可以自定义 Storage,如:
import { Storage } from '@nocobase/sdk';
class MemoryStorage extends Storage {
items = new Map();
clear() {
getItem(key: string) {
return this.items.get(key);
setItem(key: string, value: string) {
return this.items.set(key, value);
removeItem(key: string) {
return this.items.delete(key);
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
storageClass: CustomStorage,
## Auth
// 登录并记录 token
api.auth.signIn({ email, password });
// 注销并删除 token
// 设置 token
// 设置 role(当需要多角色时)
// 设置 locale(当需要多语言时)
自定义 Auth
import { Auth } from '@nocobase/sdk';
class CustomAuth extends Auth {
const api = new APIClient({
baseURL: 'https://localhost:8000/api',
authClass: CustomAuth,
## Request
// url
await api.request({
url: 'users:list',
// request params
params: {
filter: {
'email.$includes': 'noco',
// request body
// resource & action
await api.request({
resource: 'users',
action: 'list',
// action params
params: {
filter: {
'email.$includes': 'noco',
page: 1,
## Resource action
await api.resource('collection')[action]();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId)[action]();
## Action API
await api.resource('collection').create();
await api.resource('collection').get();
await api.resource('collection').list();
await api.resource('collection').update();
await api.resource('collection').destroy();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).create();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).get();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).list();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).update();
await api.resource('collection.association', collectionId).destroy();
### `get`
interface Resource {
get: (options?: GetActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface GetActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
fields?: string || string[];
appends?: string || string[];
expect?: string || string[];
sort?: string[];
### `list`
interface Resource {
list: (options?: ListActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface ListActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
fields?: string || string[];
appends?: string || string[];
expect?: string || string[];
sort?: string[];
page?: number;
pageSize?: number;
paginate?: boolean;
### `create`
interface Resource {
create: (options?: CreateActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface CreateActionOptions {
whitelist?: string[];
blacklist?: string[];
values?: {[key: sting]: any};
### `update`
interface Resource {
update: (options?: UpdateActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface UpdateActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
whitelist?: string[];
blacklist?: string[];
values?: {[key: sting]: any};
### `destroy`
interface Resource {
destroy: (options?: DestroyActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface DestroyActionOptions {
filter?: any;
filterByTk?: any;
### `move`
interface Resource {
move: (options?: MoveActionOptions) => Promise<any>;
interface MoveActionOptions {
sourceId: any;
targetId?: any;
/** @default 'sort' */
sortField?: any;
targetScope?: {[key: string]: any};
sticky?: boolean;
method?: 'insertAfter' | 'prepend';
### `<custom>`
interface AttachmentResource {
interface UploadActionOptions {
@ -1 +0,0 @@
# AppManager
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
# Application
基于 [Koa]( 实现的 WEB 框架,兼容所有的 Koa 插件。
## 构造函数
### `constructor()`
* `constructor(options: ApplicationOptions)`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options.database` | `IDatabaseOptions` or `Database` | `{}` | 数据库配置 |
| `options.resourcer` | `ResourcerOptions` | `{}` | 资源路由配置 |
| `options.cors` | [`CorsOptions`]( | `{}` | 跨域配置,参考 [@koa/cors]( |
| `options.dataWrapping` | `boolean` | `true` | 是否包装响应数据,`true` 则将把通常的 `ctx.body` 包装为 `{ data, meta }` 的结构。 |
| `options.registerActions` | `boolean` | `true` | 是否注册默认的 [actions](#) |
| `options.i18n` | `I18nOptions` | `{}` | 国际化配置,参考 [i18next]( |
| `options.plugins` | `PluginConfiguration[]` | `[]` | 默认启用的插件配置 |
interface ApplicationOptions {
import Application from '@nocobase/server';
const app = new Application({
database: {
dialect: 'mysql',
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
username: 'root',
password: '123456',
database: 'test',
resourcer: {
prefix: '/api',
cors: {
origin: '*',
## 实例成员
### `cli`
命令行工具实例,参考 npm 包 [Commander](。
### `db`
数据库实例,相关 API 参考 [Database](/api/database)。
### `resourcer`
应用初始化自动创建的资源路由管理实例,相关 API 参考 [Resourcer](/api/resourcer)。
### `acl`
ACL 实例,相关 API 参考 [ACL](/api/acl)。
### `i18n`
I18next 实例,相关 API 参考 [I18next](。
### `pm`
插件管理器实例,相关 API 参考 [PluginManager](./plugin-manager)。
### `version`
应用版本实例,相关 API 参考 [ApplicationVersion](./application-version)。
### `middleware`
- i18next
- bodyParser
- cors
- dataWrapping
- collection2resource
- restApiMiddleware
### `context`
继承自 koa 的 context,可以通过 `app.context` 访问,用于向每个请求注入上下文可访问的内容。参考 [Koa Context](。
NocoBase 默认对 context 注入了以下成员,可以在请求处理函数中直接使用:
| 变量名 | 类型 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `` | `Application` | 应用实例 |
| `ctx.db` | `Database` | 数据库实例 |
| `ctx.resourcer` | `Resourcer` | 资源路由管理器实例 |
| `ctx.action` | `Action` | 资源操作相关对象实例 |
| `ctx.i18n` | `I18n` | 国际化实例 |
| `ctx.t` | `i18n.t` | 国际化翻译函数快捷方式 |
| `ctx.getBearerToken()` | `Function` | 获取请求头中的 bearer token |
## 实例方法
### `use()`
注册中间件,兼容所有 [Koa 插件](
### `on()`
订阅应用级事件,主要与生命周期相关,等同于 `eventEmitter.on()`。所有可订阅事件参考 [事件](#事件)。
### `command()`
自定义 command
### `findCommand()`
查找已定义 command
### `runAsCLI()`
以 CLI 的方式运行。
### `load()`
* `async load(): Promise<void>`
### `reload()`
### `install()`
### `upgrade()`
### `start()`
启动应用,如果配置了监听的端口,将启动监听,之后应用即可接受 HTTP 请求。
* `async start(options: StartOptions): Promise<void>`
| 参数名 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `options.listen?` | `ListenOptions` | `{}` | HTTP 监听参数对象 |
| `options.listen.port?` | `number` | 13000 | 端口 |
| `` | `string` | `'localhost'` | 域名 |
### `stop()`
停止应用,此方法会关闭数据库连接,关闭 HTTP 端口,不会删除数据。
### `destroy()`
## 事件
### `'beforeLoad'` / `'afterLoad'`
### `'beforeInstall'` / `'afterInstall'`
### `'beforeUpgrade'` / `'afterUpgrade'`
### `'beforeStart'` / `'afterStart'`
### `'beforeStop'` / `'afterStop'`
### `'beforeDestroy'` / `'afterDestroy'`
@ -1 +0,0 @@
# I18n
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# PluginManager
应用插件管理器的实例,由应用自动创建,可以通过 `` 访问。
## 实例方法
### `create()`
create(name, options): void;
### `addStatic()`
addStatic(plugin: any, options?: PluginOptions): Plugin;
### `add()`
async add(plugin: any, options?: PluginOptions): Promise<Plugin>;
async add(plugin: string[], options?: PluginOptions): Promise<Plugin[]>;
await pm.add(['test'], {
builtIn: true,
enabled: true,
### `get()`
### `enable()`
### `disable()`
### `remove()`
### `upgrade()`
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# Plugin
## 示例
const app = new Application();
class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
afterAdd() {}
beforeLoad() {}
load() {}
install() {}
afterEnable() {}
afterDisable() {}
remove() {}
app.plugin(MyPlugin, { name: 'my-plugin' });
## 属性
### `options`
### `name`
## 实例方法
### `afterAdd()`
插件 add/addStatic 之后
### `beforeLoad()`
### `load()`
### `install()`
### `afterEnable()`
### `afterDisable()`
### `remove()`
@ -1 +0,0 @@
# Components
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# App directory structure
Either [Git source](/welcome/getting-started/installation/git-clone) or [create-nocobase-app](/welcome/getting-started/installation/create-nocobase-app), the directory structure of the created NocoBase application is the same, with the following structure.
├── my-nocobase-app
├── packages # NocoBase uses the Monorepo approach to manage code, dividing different modules into different packages
├── app
├── client # client-side module
├── server # server-side modules
├─ plugins # plugin directory
├── storage # for database files, attachments, cache, etc.
├─ db
├── .env # environment variables
├── .buildrc.ts # package configuration for packages, supports cjs, esm and umd packages.
├── jest.config.js
├── jest.setup.ts
├── lerna.json
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.jest.json
├─ tsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.server.json
## Packages directory
├─ packages
├─ app
├── client
├─ public
├─ src
├─ pages
├─ index.tsx
├─ .umirc.ts
├─ package.json
├─ server
├─ src
├─ config
├─ index.ts
├─ package.json
├─ /plugins
├─ my-plugin
├─ src
├─ package.json
NocoBase uses the Monorepo approach to manage code, dividing different modules into different packages.
- `app/client` is the client module of the application, built on [umi](
- `app/server` is the server-side module of the application.
- The `plugins/*` directory can hold various plugins.
## storages directory
Store database files, attachments, cache, etc.
## .env files
Environment variables.
## .buildrc.ts file
Package configuration for packages, supporting cjs, esm and umd formats.
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
# Internationalization
Client-side internationalization for multiple languages is implemented based on the npm package [react-i18next](, which provides a wrapper for the `<I18nextProvider>` component at the top level of the application, allowing the relevant methods to be used directly at any location.
Adding language packages:
```tsx | pure
import { i18n } from '@nocobase/client';
i18n.addResources('zh-CN', 'test', {
Hello: '你好',
World: '世界',
Note: Here the second parameter filled in `'test'` is the language namespace, usually the plugin itself defines the language resources should create a specific namespace according to their own plugin package name, in order to avoid conflicts with other language resources. The default namespace in NocoBase is `'client'` and most common and basic language translations are placed in this namespace. When the required language is not provided, it can be defined by extension in the plugin's own namespace.
To call the translation function in the component:
```tsx | pure
import React from 'react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
export default function MyComponent() {
// Use the previously defined namespace
const { t } = useTranslation('test');
return (
The template method `'{{t(<languageKey>)}}'` can be used directly in the SchemaComponent component, and the translation functions in the template will automatically be executed.
```tsx | pure
import React from 'react';
import { SchemaComponent } from '@nocobase/client';
export default function MySchemaComponent() {
return (
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-component-props': {
value: '{{t("Hello", { ns: "test" })}}'
In some special cases where it is also necessary to define multilingualism as a template, the NocoBase built-in `compile()` method can be used to compile to multilingual results.
```tsx | pure
import React from 'react';
import { useCompile } from '@nocobase/client';
const title = '{{t("Hello", { ns: "test" })}}';
export default function MyComponent() {
const { compile } = useCompile();
return (
## Suggested configuration
With English text as the key and translation as the value, the benefit of this, even if multiple languages are missing, it will be displayed in English and will not cause reading barriers, e.g.
i18n.addResources('zh-CN', 'my-plugin', {
'Show dialog': '显示对话框',
'Hide dialog': '隐藏对话框'
To make it easier to manage multilingual files, it is recommended to create a `locale` folder in the plugin and place all the corresponding language files in it for easy management.
|- /my-plugin
|- /src
|- /client
|- locale # Multilingual folder
|- zh-CN.ts
|- en-US.ts
## Example
### Client-side components with multiple languages
For example, the order status component, with different text displays depending on the value.
```tsx | pure
import React from 'react';
import { Select } from 'antd';
import { i18n } from '@nocobase/client';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
i18n.addResources('zh-CN', 'sample-shop-i18n', {
Pending: '已下单',
Paid: '已支付',
Delivered: '已发货',
Received: '已签收'
{ value: -1, label: 'Canceled (untranslated)' },
{ value: 0, label: 'Pending' },
{ value: 1, label: 'Paid' },
{ value: 2, label: 'Delivered' },
{ value: 3, label: 'Received' },
function OrderStatusSelect() {
const { t } = useTranslation('sample-shop-i18n');
return (
<Select style={{ minWidth: '8em' }}>
{ => (
<Select.Option value={item.value}>{t(item.label)}</Select.Option>
export default function () {
return (
<OrderStatusSelect />
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# Overview
Most of the extensions for the NocoBase client are provided as Providers.
## Built-in Providers
- APIClientProvider
- I18nextProvider
- AntdConfigProvider
- SystemSettingsProvider
- PluginManagerProvider
- SchemaComponentProvider
- SchemaInitializerProvider
- BlockSchemaComponentProvider
- AntdSchemaComponentProvider
- DocumentTitleProvider
- ACLProvider
## Registration of client-side Provider modules
Static Providers are registered with app.use() and dynamic Providers are adapted with dynamicImport.
```tsx | pure
import React from 'react';
import { Application } from '@nocobase/client';
const app = new Application({
apiClient: {
baseURL: process.env.API_BASE_URL,
dynamicImport: (name: string) => {
return import(`... /plugins/${name}`);
// When visiting the /hello page, display Hello world!
const HelloProvider = React.memo((props) => {
const location = useLocation();
if (location.pathname === '/hello') {
return <div>Hello world!</div>
return <>{props.children}</>
## Client-side of plugins
Directory structure of the client-side of an empty plugin is as follows
|- /my-plugin
|- /src
|- /client
|- index.tsx
|- client.d.ts
|- client.js
``client/index.tsx`` reads as follows.
```tsx | pure
import React from 'react';
// This is an empty Provider, only children are passed, no custom Context is provided
export default React.memo((props) => {
return <>{props.children}</>;
After the plugin pm.add, it writes the `my-plugin.ts` file to the `packages/app/client/src/plugins` directory.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# Settings Center
<img src="./settings-center/settings-tab.jpg" style="max-width: 100%;"/>
## Example
```tsx | pure
import { SettingsCenterProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
const HelloTab => () => <div>Hello Tab</div>;
export default React.memo((props) => {
return (
'sample-hello': {
title: 'Hello',
icon: 'ApiOutlined',
tabs: {
tab1: {
title: 'Hello Tab',
component: HelloTab,
See [samples/hello]( for full examples.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# Testing
Testing is based on the [Jest]( testing framework. Also included are common React testing libraries such as [@testing-library/react](
## Example
```tsx | pure
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import React from 'react';
import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { RouteSwitch } from '../RouteSwitch';
import { RouteSwitchProvider } from '../RouteSwitchProvider';
const Home = () => <h1>Home</h1>;
const About = () => <h1>About</h1>;
describe('route-switch', () => {
it('case 1', () => {
const App = () => {
return (
<RouteSwitchProvider components={{ Home, About }}>
<MemoryRouter initialEntries={['/']}>
type: 'route',
path: '/',
component: 'Home',
const { container } = render(<App />);
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# UI Routing
NocoBase Client's Router is based on [React Router]( and can be configured via `app.router` to configure ui routes with the following example.
* defaultShowCode: true
import React from 'react';
import { Link, Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Application } from '@nocobase/client';
const Home = () => <h1>Home</h1>;
const About = () => <h1>About</h1>;
const Layout = () => {
return <div>
<div><Link to={'/'}>Home</Link>, <Link to={'/about'}>About</Link></div>
<Outlet />
const app = new Application({
router: {
type: 'memory',
initialEntries: ['/']
app.router.add('root', {
element: <Layout />
app.router.add('root.home', {
path: '/',
element: <Home />
app.router.add('root.about', {
path: '/about',
element: <About />
export default app.getRootComponent();
In a full NocoBase application, the Route can be extended in a similar way as follows.
```tsx | pure
import { Plugin } from '@nocobase/client';
class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
async load() {
// add
||||||'hello', {
path: '/hello',
element: <div>hello</div>,
// remove
See [packages/samples/custom-page]( for the full example
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# 区块
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
# Collection Manager
import React from 'react';
import { observer, ISchema, useForm } from '@formily/react';
import {
} from '@nocobase/client';
import { FormItem, Input } from '@formily/antd-v5';
export default observer(() => {
const collection = {
name: 'tests',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title1',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
title: 'Title1',
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input',
required: true,
description: 'description1',
} as ISchema,
type: 'string',
name: 'title2',
interface: 'input',
uiSchema: {
title: 'Title2',
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Input',
description: 'description',
default: 'ttt',
type: 'string',
name: 'title3',
const schema: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
form1: {
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Form',
properties: {
// 字段 title1 直接使用全局提供的 uiSchema
title1: {
'x-component': 'CollectionField',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
default: '111',
// 等同于
// title1: {
// type: 'string',
// title: 'Title',
// required: true,
// 'x-component': 'Input',
// 'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
// },
title2: {
'x-component': 'CollectionField',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
title: 'Title4', // 覆盖全局已定义的 Title2
required: true, // 扩展的配置参数
description: 'description4',
// 等同于
// title2: {
// type: 'string',
// title: 'Title22',
// required: true,
// 'x-component': 'Input',
// 'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
// },
// 字段 title3 没有提供 uiSchema,自行处理
title3: {
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
title: 'Title3',
required: true,
action1: {
// type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Action',
title: 'Submit',
'x-component-props': {
type: 'primary',
useAction: '{{ useSubmit }}',
const useSubmit = () => {
const form = useForm();
return {
async run() {
form.submit(() => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider scope={{ useSubmit }} components={{ Action, Form, CollectionField, Input, FormItem }}>
<CollectionProvider collection={collection}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
# Schema 组件库
## 包装器组件
- BlockItem
- FormItem
- CardItem
## 布局
- Page
- Grid
- Tabs
- Space
## 字段组件
- CollectionField:万能组件
- Cascader
- Checkbox
- ColorSelect
- DatePicker
- Filter
- Formula
- IconPicker
- Input
- InputNumber
- Markdown
- Password
- Percent
- Radio
- RecordPicker
- RichText
- Select
- TimePicker
- TreeSelect
- Upload
## 数据展示组件
- Calendar
- Form
- Kanban
- Table
- TableV2
## 操作(onClick 事件型组件)
- Action
- Action.Drawer
- Action.Modal
- ActionBar:用于操作布局
- Menu
## 其他
- G2plot
- Markdown.Void
## `x-designer` 和 `x-initializer` 的使用场景
`x-decorator` 或 `x-component` 是以下组件时,`x-designer` 生效:
- BlockItem
- CardItem
- FormItem
- Table.Column
- Tabs.TabPane
`x-decorator` 或 `x-component` 是以下组件时,`x-initializer` 生效:
- ActionBar
- BlockItem
- CardItem
- FormItem
- Grid
- Table
- Tabs
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
import { ArrayField } from '@formily/core';
import { connect, ISchema, observer, RecursionField, useField, useFieldSchema } from '@formily/react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
import { Table, TableColumnType } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const ArrayTable = observer(
(props: any) => {
const { rowKey } = props;
const field = useField<ArrayField>();
const schema = useFieldSchema();
const columnSchemas = schema.reduceProperties((buf, s) => {
if (s['x-component'] === 'ArrayTable.Column') {
return buf;
}, []);
const columns = => {
return {
render: (value, record) => {
return <RecursionField name={record.__path} schema={s} onlyRenderProperties />;
} as TableColumnType<any>;
return <Table rowKey={rowKey} columns={columns} dataSource={field.value} />;
{ displayName: 'ArrayTable' },
const Value = connect((props) => {
return <li>value: {props.value}</li>;
const schema: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
objArr: {
type: 'array',
default: [
{ __path: '0', id: 1, value: 't1' },
__path: '1',
id: 2,
value: 't2',
children: [
__path: '1.children.0',
id: 5,
value: 't5',
parentId: 2,
__path: '2',
id: 3,
value: 't3',
children: [
__path: '2.children.0',
id: 4,
value: 't4',
parentId: 3,
children: [
__path: '2.children.0.children.0',
id: 6,
value: 't6',
parentId: 4,
__path: '2.children.0.children.1',
id: 7,
value: 't7',
parentId: 4,
'x-component': 'ArrayTable',
'x-component-props': {
rowKey: 'id',
properties: {
c1: {
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'ArrayTable.Column',
properties: {
value: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Value',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ ArrayTable, Value }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
# Schema 的设计能力
Schema 的设计能力主要体现在
- 邻近位置插入,可用于
- 插入新的 schema 节点
- 现有 schema 节点的拖拽移动
- schema 参数修改
设计器核心 API 和参数有:
- 设计器 API:`createDesignable()` & `useDesignable()`
- Schema 参数:`x-designer`,用于适配设计器组件
## 设计器 API
### createDesignable()
import { Schema } from '@nocobase/client';
const current = new Schema({
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
const {
designable, // 是否可以配置
insertAdjacent, // 在某位置插入,四个位置:beforeBegin、afterBegin、beforeEnd、afterEnd
insertBeforeBegin, // 在当前节点的前面插入
insertAfterBegin, // 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
insertBeforeEnd, // 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
insertAfterEnd, // 在当前节点的后面
} = createDesignable({
const newSchema = {
type: 'void',
name: 'hello',
'x-component': 'Hello',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
properties: {
hello: {
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Hello',
### useDesignable()
React Hook 场景也可以用 `useDesignable()` 获取当前 schema 组件设计器的 API
const {
designable, // 是否可以配置
insertAdjacent, // 在某位置插入,四个位置:beforeBegin、afterBegin、beforeEnd、afterEnd
insertBeforeBegin, // 在当前节点的前面插入
insertAfterBegin, // 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
insertBeforeEnd, // 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
insertAfterEnd, // 在当前节点的后面
} = useDesignable();
const schema = {
name: uid(),
'x-component': 'Hello',
// 在当前节点的前面插入
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('beforeBegin', schema);
// 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('afterBegin', schema);
// 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('beforeEnd', schema);
// 在当前节点的后面
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('afterEnd', schema);
## 邻近位置插入
与 DOM 的 [insert adjacent]( 概念相似,Schema 也提供了 `insertAdjacent()` 方法用于解决邻近位置的插入问题。
properties: {
// beforeBegin 在当前节点的前面插入
node1: {
properties: {
// afterBegin 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
// ...
// beforeEnd 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
// afterEnd 在当前节点的后面
和 HTML 标签一样,Schema 组件库的组件也是可以相互组合,通过 insertAdjacent API 按实际需要插入在合理的邻近位置。
### 插入新的 schema 节点
在 Schema 组件里,可以直接通过 `useDesignable()` 在当前 Schema 的相邻位置插入新节点:
import React from 'react';
import { SchemaComponentProvider, SchemaComponent, useDesignable } from '@nocobase/client';
import { observer, Schema, useFieldSchema } from '@formily/react';
import { Button, Space } from 'antd';
import { uid } from '@formily/shared';
const Hello = observer((props) => {
const { insertAdjacent } = useDesignable();
const fieldSchema = useFieldSchema();
return (
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('beforeBegin', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
before begin
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('afterBegin', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
after begin
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('beforeEnd', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
before end
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('afterEnd', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
after end
<div style={{ margin: 50 }}>{props.children}</div>
}, { displayName: 'Hello' });
const Page = observer((props) => {
return <div>{props.children}</div>;
}, { displayName: 'Page' });
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ Page, Hello }}>
type: 'void',
name: 'page',
'x-component': 'Page',
properties: {
hello1: {
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Hello',
### 现有 schema 节点的拖拽移动
insertAdjacent 等方法也可用于节点的拖拽移动
import React from 'react';
import { uid } from '@formily/shared';
import { observer, useField, useFieldSchema } from '@formily/react';
import { DndContext, DragEndEvent, useDraggable, useDroppable } from '@dnd-kit/core';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider, createDesignable, useDesignable } from '@nocobase/client';
const useDragEnd = () => {
const { refresh } = useDesignable();
return ({ active, over }: DragEndEvent) => {
const activeSchema = active?.data?.current?.schema;
const overSchema = over?.data?.current?.schema;
if (!activeSchema || !overSchema) {
const dn = createDesignable({
current: overSchema,
dn.on('insertAdjacent', refresh);
const Page = observer((props) => {
return <DndContext onDragEnd={useDragEnd()}>{props.children}</DndContext>;
}, { displayName: 'Page' });
function Draggable(props) {
const { attributes, listeners, setNodeRef, transform } = useDraggable({
const style = transform
? {
transform: `translate3d(${transform.x}px, ${transform.y}px, 0)`,
: undefined;
return (
<button ref={setNodeRef} style={style} {...listeners} {...attributes}>
function Droppable(props) {
const { isOver, setNodeRef } = useDroppable({
const style = {
color: isOver ? 'green' : undefined,
return (
<div ref={setNodeRef} style={style}>
const Block = observer((props) => {
const field = useField();
const fieldSchema = useFieldSchema();
return (
<Droppable id={field.address.toString()} data={{ schema: fieldSchema }}>
<div style={{ marginBottom: 20, padding: '20px', background: '#f1f1f1' }}>
Block {}{' '}
<Draggable id={field.address.toString()} data={{ schema: fieldSchema }}>
}, { displayName: 'Block' });
export default function App() {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ Page, Block }}>
type: 'void',
name: 'page',
'x-component': 'Page',
properties: {
block1: {
'x-component': 'Block',
block2: {
'x-component': 'Block',
block3: {
'x-component': 'Block',
## `x-designer` 的应用
`x-designer` 通常只在 BlockItem、CardItem、FormItem 等包装器组件中使用。
type: 'object',
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
title: '标题',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-designer': 'FormItem.Designer',
status: {
type: 'string',
title: '状态',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
'x-component': 'Select',
'x-designer': 'FormItem.Designer',
说明:NocoBase 提供的 Schema 设计器是以工具栏形式直接嵌入于界面,当激活界面配置时(`designable = true`),`x-designer` 组件(设计器工具栏)会显示出来,就可以通过工具栏更新当前 schema 组件了,工具栏提供的设计能力包括:
- 拖拽移动:DndContext + DragHandler
- 插入新节点:SchemaInitializer
- 参数配置:SchemaSettings
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
# 扩展 Schema 组件
除了原生的 html 标签,开发也可以适配更多的自定义组件,用于丰富 Schema 组件库。
- [connect]( 无侵入接入第三方组件,一般用于适配字段组件,和 [mapProps]([、mapReadPretty]( 搭配使用
- [observer]( 当组件内部使用了 observable 对象,而你希望组件响应 observable 对象的变化时
## 最简单的扩展
直接将现成的 React 组件注册进来。
* defaultShowCode: true
import React from 'react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
const Hello = () => <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;
const schema = {
type: 'void',
name: 'hello',
'x-component': 'Hello',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ Hello }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
## 通过 connect 接入第三方组件
* defaultShowCode: true
import React from 'react';
import { Input } from 'antd'
import { connect, mapProps, mapReadPretty } from '@formily/react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
const ReadPretty = (props) => {
return <div>{props.value}</div>
const SingleText = connect(
mapProps((props, field) => {
return {
suffix: '后缀',
const schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
t1: {
type: 'string',
default: 'hello t1',
'x-component': 'SingleText',
t2: {
type: 'string',
default: 'hello t2',
'x-component': 'SingleText',
'x-pattern': 'readPretty',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ SingleText }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
## 使用 observer 响应数据
* defaultShowCode: true
import React from 'react';
import { Input } from 'antd';
import { connect, observer, useForm } from '@formily/react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
const SingleText = connect(Input);
const UsedObserver = observer((props) => {
const form = useForm();
return <div>UsedObserver: {form.values.t1}</div>
}, { displayName: 'UsedObserver' });
const NotUsedObserver = (props) => {
const form = useForm();
return <div>NotUsedObserver: {form.values.t1}</div>
const schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
t1: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'SingleText',
t2: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'UsedObserver',
t3: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'NotUsedObserver',
const components = {
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={components}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
## 嵌套的 Schema
- `props.children` 嵌套,适用于 void 和 object 类型的 properties,例子见 [void 和 object 类型 schema 的嵌套](#void-和-object-类型-schema-的嵌套)
- `<RecursionField />` 自定义嵌套,所有类型都适用,例子见 [array 类型 schema 的嵌套](#array-类型-schema-的嵌套)
- 除了 void 和 object 类型以外的 schema 的 `properties` 无法直接通过 `props.children` 渲染,但是可以使用 `<RecursionField />` 解决嵌套问题
- 仅 void 和 object 类型的 schema 可以与 onlyRenderProperties 使用
```tsx | pure
<RecursionField schema={schema} onlyRenderProperties />
### void 和 object 类型 schema 的嵌套
直接通过 props.children 就可以适配 properties 节点了
* defaultShowCode: true
import React from 'react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
// Hello 组件适配了 children,可以嵌套 properties 了
const Hello = (props) => <h1>Hello, {props.children}!</h1>;
const World = () => <span>world</span>;
const schema = {
type: 'object',
name: 'hello',
'x-component': 'Hello',
properties: {
world: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'World',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ Hello, World }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
各类型 properties 渲染结果对比
import React from 'react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
const Hello = (props) => <h1>Hello, {props.children}!</h1>;
const World = () => <span>world</span>;
const schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
title1: {
type: 'void',
'x-content': 'Void schema,渲染 properties',
void: {
type: 'void',
name: 'hello',
'x-component': 'Hello',
properties: {
world: {
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'World',
title2: {
type: 'void',
'x-content': 'Object schema,渲染 properties',
object: {
type: 'object',
name: 'hello',
'x-component': 'Hello',
properties: {
world: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'World',
title3: {
type: 'void',
'x-content': 'Array schema,不渲染 properties',
array: {
type: 'array',
name: 'hello',
'x-component': 'Hello',
properties: {
world: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'World',
title4: {
type: 'void',
'x-content': 'String schema,不渲染 properties',
string: {
type: 'string',
name: 'hello',
'x-component': 'Hello',
properties: {
world: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'World',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ Hello, World }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
### array 类型 schema 的嵌套
可以通过 `<RecursionField />` 解决自定义嵌套问题
#### Array 元素是 string 或 number 时
import React from 'react';
import { useFieldSchema, Schema, RecursionField, useField, observer, connect } from '@formily/react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
const useValueSchema = () => {
const schema = useFieldSchema();
return schema.reduceProperties((buf, s) => {
if (s['x-component'] === 'Value') {
return s;
return buf;
const ArrayList = observer((props) => {
const field = useField();
const schema = useValueSchema();
return (
String Array
{field.value?.map((item, index) => {
// 只有一个元素
return <RecursionField name={index} schema={schema} />
}, { displayName: 'ArrayList' });
const Value = connect((props) => {
return <li>value: {props.value}</li>
const schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
strArr: {
type: 'array',
default: [1, 2, 3],
'x-component': 'ArrayList',
properties: {
value: {
type: 'number',
'x-component': 'Value',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ ArrayList, Value }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
#### Array 元素是 Object 时
import React from 'react';
import { useFieldSchema, Schema, RecursionField, useField, observer, connect } from '@formily/react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
const ArrayList = observer((props) => {
const field = useField();
const schema = useFieldSchema();
// array 类型的 schema 无法 onlyRenderProperties,需要转化为 object 类型
const objSchema = new Schema({
type: 'object',
return (
{field.value?.map((item, index) => {
// array 元素是 object
return (
<RecursionField name={index} schema={objSchema} onlyRenderProperties />
}, { displayName: 'ArrayList' });
const Value = connect((props) => {
return <li>value: {props.value}</li>
const schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
objArr: {
type: 'array',
default: [
{ value: 't1' },
{ value: 't2' },
{ value: 't3' },
'x-component': 'ArrayList',
properties: {
value: {
type: 'number',
'x-component': 'Value',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ ArrayList, Value }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
#### Tree 结构数据
import { ArrayField } from '@formily/core';
import { connect, ISchema, observer, RecursionField, useField, useFieldSchema } from '@formily/react';
import { SchemaComponent, SchemaComponentProvider } from '@nocobase/client';
import { Table, TableColumnType } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
const ArrayTable = observer((props: any) => {
const { rowKey } = props;
const field = useField<ArrayField>();
const schema = useFieldSchema();
const columnSchemas = schema.reduceProperties((buf, s) => {
if (s['x-component'] === 'ArrayTable.Column') {
return buf;
}, []);
const columns = => {
return {
render: (value, record) => {
return <RecursionField name={record.__path} schema={s} onlyRenderProperties />;
} as TableColumnType<any>;
return <Table rowKey={rowKey} columns={columns} dataSource={field.value} />;
}, { displayName: 'ArrayTable' });
const Value = connect((props) => {
return <li>value: {props.value}</li>;
const schema: ISchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
objArr: {
type: 'array',
default: [
{ __path: '0', id: 1, value: 't1' },
__path: '1',
id: 2,
value: 't2',
children: [
__path: '1.children.0',
id: 5,
value: 't5',
parentId: 2,
__path: '2',
id: 3,
value: 't3',
children: [
__path: '2.children.0',
id: 4,
value: 't4',
parentId: 3,
children: [
__path: '2.children.0.children.0',
id: 6,
value: 't6',
parentId: 4,
__path: '2.children.0.children.1',
id: 7,
value: 't7',
parentId: 4,
'x-component': 'ArrayTable',
'x-component-props': {
rowKey: 'id',
properties: {
c1: {
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'ArrayTable.Column',
properties: {
value: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'Value',
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ ArrayTable, Value }}>
<SchemaComponent schema={schema} />
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Overview
<code src="./demo1.tsx"></code>
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
# 邻近位置插入
与 DOM 的 [insert adjacent]( 概念相似,Schema 也提供了 `dn.insertAdjacent()` 方法用于解决邻近位置的插入问题。
## 邻近位置
properties: {
// beforeBegin 在当前节点的前面插入
node1: {
properties: {
// afterBegin 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
// ...
// beforeEnd 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
// afterEnd 在当前节点的后面
## useDesignable()
获取当前 schema 节点设计器的 API
const {
designable, // 是否可以配置
insertAdjacent, // 在某位置插入,四个位置:beforeBegin、afterBegin、beforeEnd、afterEnd
insertBeforeBegin, // 在当前节点的前面插入
insertAfterBegin, // 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
insertBeforeEnd, // 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
insertAfterEnd, // 在当前节点的后面
} = useDesignable();
const schema = {
name: uid(),
'x-component': 'Hello',
// 在当前节点的前面插入
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('beforeBegin', schema);
// 在当前节点的第一个子节点前面插入
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('afterBegin', schema);
// 在当前节点的最后一个子节点后面
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('beforeEnd', schema);
// 在当前节点的后面
// 等同于
insertAdjacent('afterEnd', schema);
import React from 'react';
import { SchemaComponentProvider, SchemaComponent, useDesignable } from '@nocobase/client';
import { observer, Schema, useFieldSchema } from '@formily/react';
import { Button, Space } from 'antd';
import { uid } from '@formily/shared';
const Hello = observer((props) => {
const { insertAdjacent } = useDesignable();
const fieldSchema = useFieldSchema();
return (
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('beforeBegin', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
before begin
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('afterBegin', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
after begin
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('beforeEnd', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
before end
onClick={() => {
insertAdjacent('afterEnd', {
'x-component': 'Hello',
after end
<div style={{ margin: 50 }}>{props.children}</div>
}, { displayName: 'Hello' });
const Page = observer((props) => {
return <div>{props.children}</div>;
}, { displayName: 'Page' });
export default () => {
return (
<SchemaComponentProvider components={{ Page, Hello }}>
type: 'void',
name: 'page',
'x-component': 'Page',
properties: {
hello1: {
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'Hello',
@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
# What is UI Schema?
A protocol for describing front-end components, based on Formily Schema 2.0, JSON Schema-like style.
interface ISchema {
type: 'void' | 'string' | 'number' | 'object' | 'array';
name?: string;
title?: any;
// wrapper component
['x-decorator']? : string;
// Wrapper component properties
['x-decorator-props']? : any;
// component
['x-component']? : string;
// Component properties
['x-component-props']? : any;
// display state, default is 'visible'
['x-display']? : 'none' | 'hidden' | 'visible';
// child node of the component, simply use
['x-content']? : any;
// children node schema
properties?: Record<string, ISchema>;
// The following is used only for field components
// field linkage
['x-reactions']? : SchemaReactions;
// Field UI interaction mode, default is 'editable'
['x-pattern']? : 'editable' | 'disabled' | 'readPretty';
// Field validation
['x-validator']? : Validator;
// default data
default: ? :any;
// Designer related
// Designer component (toolbar), including: drag and drop to move, insert new nodes, modify parameters, remove, etc.
['x-designer']? : any;
// Initializer component (toolbar), determines what can be inserted inside the current schema
['x-initializer']? : any;
## The simplest component
All native html tags can be converted to schema writing. For example
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'h1',
'x-content': 'Hello, world!
JSX examples
```tsx | pure
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
## children components can be written in properties
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' },
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'input',
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<div className={'form-item'}>
<input name={'title'} />
## The clever use of Decorator
The combination of decorator + component allows you to put two components in a single schema node, reducing the complexity of the schema structure and increasing the reusability of the components.
For example, in a form scenario, you can combine a FormItem component with any field component, where the FormItem is the Decorator.
type: 'void',
['x-component']: 'div',
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
'x-component': 'Input',
content: {
type: 'string',
'x-decorator': 'FormItem',
'x-component': 'Input.TextArea',
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<Input name={'title'} />
<Input.TextArea name={'content'} />
It is also possible to provide a CardItem component that wraps all blocks, so that all blocks are Card wrapped.
type: 'void',
['x-component']: 'div',
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
'x-decorator': 'CardItem',
'x-component': 'Table',
content: {
type: 'string',
'x-decorator': 'CardItem',
'x-component': 'Kanban',
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<Table />
<Kanban />
## Display state of the component
- `'x-display': 'visible'`: the component is displayed
- `'x-display': 'hidden'`: component is hidden, data is not hidden
- `'x-display': 'none'`: component is hidden, data is also hidden
### `'x-display': 'visible'`
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' },
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'input',
'x-display': 'visible'
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<div className={'form-item'}>
<input name={'title'} />
### `'x-display': 'hidden'`
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' },
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'input',
'x-display': 'hidden'
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<div className={'form-item'}>
{/* The input component is not output here, the corresponding field model with name=title still exists */}
### `'x-display': 'none'`
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' },
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
'x-component': 'input',
'x-display': 'none'
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<div className={'form-item'}>
{/* The input component is not output here, and the corresponding field model with name=title does not exist anymore */}
## Display modes for components
For field components, there are three display modes:
- `'x-pattern': 'editable'` Editable
- `'x-pattern': 'disabled'` Non-editable
- `'x-pattern': 'readPretty'` Friendly reading
As in the case of the `<SingleText />` component, the editable and disabled modes are `<input />` and the readPretty mode is `<div />`.
### `'x-pattern': 'editable'`
const schema = {
name: 'test',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' },
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
default: 'Hello',
'x-component': 'SingleText',
'x-pattern': 'editable'
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<div className={'form-item'}>
<input name={'title'} value={'Hello'} />
### `'x-pattern': 'disabled'`
const schema = {
name: 'test',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' },
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
default: 'Hello',
'x-component': 'SingleText',
'x-pattern': 'disabled'
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<div className={'form-item'}>
<input name={'title'} value={'Hello'} disabled />
### `'x-pattern': 'readPretty'`
const schema = {
name: 'test',
type: 'void',
'x-component': 'div',
'x-component-props': { className: 'form-item' },
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
default: 'Hello',
'x-component': 'SingleText',
'x-pattern': 'readPretty',
JSX is equivalent to
```tsx | pure
<div className={'form-item'}>
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# x-designer 组件
## 内置 x-designer 组件
- Action.Designer
- Calendar.Designer
- Filter.Action.Designer
- Form.Designer
- FormItem.Designer
- FormV2.Designer
- FormV2.ReadPrettyDesigner
- DetailsDesigner
- G2Plot.Designer
- Kanban.Designer
- Kanban.Card.Designer
- Markdown.Void.Designer
- Menu.Designer
- TableV2.Column.Designer
- TableV2.ActionColumnDesigner
- TableBlockDesigner
- TableSelectorDesigner
- Tabs.Designer
## 替换
```tsx | pure
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { useFieldSchema } from '@formily/react';
import {
} from '@nocobase/client';
import React from 'react';
const CustomActionDesigner = () => {
const { name, title } = useCollection();
const fieldSchema = useFieldSchema();
return (
<GeneralSchemaDesigner title={title || name}>
'x-component': 'Grid',
export default React.memo((props) => {
return (
'Action.Designer': CustomActionDesigner,
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# x-initializer 组件
## 内置 x-initializer 组件
- BlockInitializers
- CalendarActionInitializers
- CreateFormBlockInitializers
- CustomFormItemInitializers
- DetailsActionInitializers
- FormActionInitializers
- FormItemInitializers
- KanbanActionInitializers
- ReadPrettyFormActionInitializers
- ReadPrettyFormItemInitializers
- RecordBlockInitializers
- RecordFormBlockInitializers
- SubTableActionInitializers
- TableActionColumnInitializers
- TableActionInitializers
- TableColumnInitializers
- TableSelectorInitializers
- TabPaneInitializers
## 替换
```tsx |pure
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { SchemaInitializerContext } from '@nocobase/client';
export default React.memo((props) => {
const items = useContext(SchemaInitializerContext);
const BlockInitializers = {};
return (
<SchemaInitializerContext.Provider value={{ ...items, BlockInitializers }}>
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# Dependency management
The dependencies of the plugin are divided into its own dependencies and global dependencies. Global dependencies are provided by `@nocobase/server` and `@nocobase/client`, and will not be packaged into the plugin product. Its own dependencies will be packaged into the product.
Because the dependencies of the plugin itself will be packaged into the product (including the npm packages that the server depends on, which will also be packaged into `dist/node_modules`), when developing the plugin, all dependencies should be placed in `devDependencies`.
<Alert type="warning">
When installing the following dependencies, pay attention to the **version** and keep consistent with `@nocobase/server` and `@nocobase/client`.
// nocobase
// @nocobase/auth
// @nocobase/cache
// @nocobase/database
// @nocobase/evaluators
// @nocobase/logger
// koa
// react
// react-router
// antd
// i18next
// dnd-kit
// formily
// utils
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# Introduction
NocoBase adopts microkernel architecture, functions are extended in the form of plugins. Front and back ends are separated. Various plugin interfaces are provided, and plugins are divided by functional modules with pluggable features.
<img src="" style="max-width: 800px;" >
The pluggable design reduces the coupling between modules and increases the reuse rate. As the plugin library continues to expand, common scenarios require only a combination of plugins to complete the base build. NocoBase's no-code platform, for example, is a combination of various plugins.
<img src="./index/pm-built-in.jpg" style="max-width: 800px;" />
## Plugin Manager
NocoBase provides a powerful plugin manager for managing plugins. The flow of the plugin manager is as follows
<img src="./index/pm-flow.svg" style="max-width: 580px;" />
No-code Users can manage the activation and deactivation of local plugins through the interface at
<img src="./index/pm-ui.jpg" style="max-width: 800px;" />
Developers can also manage the complete plugin process by way of the CLI:
# Create the plugin
yarn pm create hello
# Register the plugin
yarn pm add hello
# Activate the plugin
yarn pm enable hello
# Disable the plugin
yarn pm disable hello
# Remove the plugin
yarn pm remove hello
For more plugin examples, see [packages/samples](
## Extensibility
Whether it is generic functionality or personalization, it is recommended to write it as a plugin. NocoBase is extensible in all aspects.
- It can be user-intuitive interface-related page modules, block types, action types, field types, etc.
- Filters, validators, access restrictions, etc. for enhancing or restricting the HTTP API
- It can also be enhancements to underlying data tables, migrations, events, command lines, etc.
Distribution of modules.
- Server
- Collections & Fields: mainly used for system table configuration. Business tables are recommended to be configured in "Settings Center - Collection manager".
- Resources & Actions: Mainly used to extend the Action API
- Middleware: Middleware
- Events: Events
- I18n: server-side internationalization
- Commands: Custom command lines
- Migrations: Migration scripts
- Client
- UI Schema Designer: Page Designer
- UI Router: When there is a need for custom pages
- Settings Center: Provides configuration pages for plugins
- I18n: Client side internationalization
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 17 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 26 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
# 学习路线指南
## 1. 从安装运行 NocoBase 开始
**相关文档:<a href="/welcome/getting-started/installation" target="_blank">快速开始</a>**
yarn create/git clone
yarn install
yarn nocobase install
# for development
yarn dev
# for production
yarn build
yarn start
## 2. 了解 NocoBase 平台提供的核心功能
**相关文档:<a href="/manual" target="_blank">使用手册</a>**
- UI 设计器:主要包括区块、字段和操作
- 插件管理器:功能需求扩展
- 配置中心:已激活插件提供的配置功能
## 3. 进一步了解插件管理器的使用
**相关文档:<a href="/development" target="_blank">插件开发</a>**
NocoBase 提供了简易的插件管理器界面,但是在界面上只能处理本地插件的 enable、disable 和 remove,完整的操作需要通过 CLI
# 创建插件
yarn pm create hello
# 注册插件
yarn pm add hello
# 激活插件
yarn pm enable hello
# 禁用插件
yarn pm disable hello
# 删除插件
yarn pm remove hello
更多插件示例,查看 packages/samples,通过 samples 插件能够了解插件的基本用法,就可以进一步开发插件了。
## 4. 开发新插件,了解模块分布
**相关文档:<a href="/development/guide" target="_blank">扩展指南</a>**
[编写第一个插件](/development/your-fisrt-plugin) 章节,虽然简单的讲述了插件的主要开发流程,但是为了更快速的介入插件细节,你可能需要进一步了解 NocoBase 框架的模块分布:
- Server
- Collections & Fields:主要用于系统表配置,业务表建议在「配置中心 - 数据表配置」里配置
- Resources & Actions:主要用于扩展 Action API
- Middleware:中间件
- Events:事件
- I18n:服务端国际化
- Client
- UI Schema Designer:页面设计器
- UI Router:有自定义页面需求时
- Settings Center:为插件提供配置页面
- I18n:客户端国际化
- Devtools
- Commands:自定义命令行
- Migrations:迁移脚本
## 5. 查阅各模块主要 API
**相关文档:<a href="/api" target="_blank">API 参考</a>**
查看各模块的 packages/samples,进一步了解模块主要 API 的用法
- Server
- Collections & Fields
- db.collection
- db.import
- Resources & Actions
- app.resourcer.define
- app.resourcer.registerActions
- Middleware
- app.use
- app.acl.use
- app.resourcer.use
- Events
- app.on
- app.db.on
- I18n
- app.i18n
- ctx.i18n
- Client
- UI Schema Designer
- SchemaComponent
- SchemaInitializer
- SchemaSettings
- UI Router
- RouteSwitchProvider
- RouteSwitch
- Settings Center
- SettingsCenterProvider
- I18n
- app.i18n
- useTranslation
- Devtools
- Commands
- app.command
- app.findCommand
- Migrations
- app.db.addMigration
- app.db.addMigrations
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# Life cycle
## Lifecycle of applications
<img src="./index/app-flow.svg" style="max-width: 380px;" />
## Lifecycle of plugins
<img src="./index/pm-flow.svg" style="max-width: 600px;" />
## Lifecycle methods for plugins
import { InstallOptions, Plugin } from '@nocobase/server';
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
afterAdd() {
// After the plugin pm.add is registered. Mainly used to place the app.beforeLoad event.
beforeLoad() { }
beforeLoad() {
// Before all plugins are loaded. Generally used for registering classes and event listeners
async load() {
// Load configuration
async install(options?: InstallOptions) {
// Logic for installing
async afterEnable() {
// After activation
async afterDisable() {
// After disable
async remove() {
// Logic for removing
export default MyPlugin;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
# Building
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
# 单元测试
## 介绍
NocoBase 的测试基于 [Jest]( 测试框架。同时,为了方便的编写测试,我们提供了两个工具类,在测试环境模拟正常的数据库和应用的服务端。
### MockDatabase
模拟数据库类继承自 [`Database`](/api/database) 类,大部分内容没有区别,主要在构造函数默认内置了随机表前缀,在每个测试用例初始化数据库时相关数据表都通过前缀名称与其他用例进行隔离,在运行测试用例时互不影响。
import { MockDatabase } from '@nocobase/test';
describe('my suite', () => {
let db;
beforeEach(async () => {
db = new MockDatabase();
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
await db.sync();
test('my case', async () => {
const postRepository = db.getRepository('posts');
const p1 = await postRepository.create({
values: {
title: 'hello'
### MockServer
模拟服务器也继承自 [Application](/api/server/application) 类,除了内置的数据库实例是通过模拟数据库类生成的以外,还提供了比较方便的生成基于 [superagent]( 请求代理功能,针对从发送请求到获取响应的写法也集成了 `.resource('posts').create()`,比较简化。
import { mockServer } from '@nocobase/test';
describe('my suite', () => {
let app;
let agent;
let db;
beforeEach(async () => {
app = mockServer();
agent = app.agent();
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
await db.sync();
await app.load();
test('my case', async () => {
const { body } = await agent.resource('posts').create({
values: {
title: 'hello'
## 示例
我们以之前在 [资源与操作](development/guide/resources-actions) 章节的功能为例,来写一个插件的测试:
import { mockServer } from '@nocobase/test';
import Plugin from '../../src/server';
describe('shop actions', () => {
let app;
let agent;
let db;
beforeEach(async () => {
app = mockServer();
agent = app.agent();
db = app.db;
await app.load();
await db.sync();
afterEach(async () => {
await app.destroy();
test('product order case', async () => {
const { body: product } = await agent.resource('products').create({
values: {
title: 'iPhone 14 Pro',
price: 7999,
enabled: true,
inventory: 1
const { body: order } = await agent.resource('orders').create({
values: {
const { body: deliveredOrder } = await agent.resource('orders').deliver({
values: {
provider: 'SF',
trackingNumber: '123456789'
yarn test packages/samples/shop-actions
1. 商品可以创建成功;
2. 订单可以创建成功;
3. 订单可以发货成功;
## 小结
本章涉及的示例代码整合在对应的包 [packages/samples/shop-actions]( 中,可以直接在本地运行,查看效果。
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# Plugin directory structure
An empty plugin can be created quickly with `yarn pm create my-plugin`, with the following directory structure.
|- /my-plugin
|- /src
|- /client # client-side of the plugin
|- /server # server-side of the plugin
|- client.d.ts
|- client.js
|- package.json # plugin package information
|- server.d.ts
|- server.js
The tutorial for `/src/server` refers to the [server](./server) section, and the tutorial for `/src/client` refers to the [client](./client) section.
@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
## Collections and Fields
## Basic Concepts
Data modeling is the lowest level foundation of an application. In NocoBase applications we model data through data tables (Collection) and fields (Field), and the modeling is also mapped to database tables for persistence.
### Collection
Collection is a collection of all similar data, which corresponds to the concept of database tables in NocoBase. Such as orders, products, users, comments, etc. can form a collection definition. Different collections are distinguished by name and contain fields defined by `fields`, such as
name: 'posts',
fields: [
{ name: 'title', type: 'string' }
{ name: 'content', type: 'text' },
// ...
The collection is only in memory after the definition, you need to call the [``db.sync()`'' (/api/database#sync) method to synchronize it to the database.
### Field
Corresponding to the concept of database table "fields", each data table (Collection) can have a number of Fields, for example.
name: 'users',
fields: [
{ type: 'string', name: 'name' }
{ type: 'integer', name: 'age' }
// Other fields
The field name (`name`) and field type (`type`) are required, and different fields are distinguished by the field name (`name`). All field types and their configurations are described in the [List of built-in field types](/api/database/field#List of built-in field types) section of the API reference.
## Example
For developers, we usually build functional collections that are different from normal collections and solidify these collections as part of the plugin and combine them with other data processing processes to form a complete functionality.
Let's take a simple online store plugin as an example to show how to model and manage the collections of the plugin. Assuming you have already learned about [Develop your first plugin](/development/your-first-plugin), we continue to build on the previous plugin code, except that the name of the plugin is changed from `hello` to `shop-modeling`.
### Define and create collections in the plugin
For a store, you first need to create a collection of products, named `products`. Instead of calling [`db.collection()`](/api/database#collection) directly, in the plugin we will use a more convenient method to import multiple files of defined data tables at once. So let's start by creating a file for the product collection definition named ``collections/products.ts`` and fill it with the following content.
export default {
name: 'products',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title'
type: 'integer',
name: 'price'
type: 'boolean',
name: 'enabled'
type: 'integer',
name: 'inventory'
As you can see, the collections structure definition can be used directly in standard JSON format, where `name` and `fields` are required representing the collection's name and the field definitions in the collection. Field definitions similar to Sequelize create system fields such as primary key (`id`), data creation time (`createdAt`) and data update time (`updatedAt`) by default, which can be overridden by a configuration with the same name if there is a special need.
The data table defined in this file we can introduce and complete the definition in the `load()` cycle of the main plugin class using `db.import()`. This is shown below.
import path from 'path';
import { Plugin } from '@nocobase/server';
export default class ShopPlugin extends Plugin {
async load() {
await this.db.import({
directory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'collections'),
||||||'products', '*');
||||||'categories', '*');
||||||'orders', '*');
In the meantime, for testing purposes, we will temporarily allow all access permissions for the data in these collections, and later we will detail how to manage data permissions in [Permissions Management](/development/guide/acl).
This way, when the plugin is loaded by the main application, the `products` collection we defined is also loaded into the memory of the database management instance. At the same time, the NocoBase constraint-based resource mapping of the collections automatically generates the corresponding CRUD HTTP API after the application's service is started.
When the following URLs are requested from the client, the corresponding responses are obtained.
* `GET /api/products:list`: Get a list of all product data
* `GET /api/products:get?filterByTk=<id>`: Get the product data for the specified ID
* `POST /api/products`: Create a new product data
* `PUT /api/products:update?filterByTk=<id>`: Update a product data
* `DELETE /api/products:destroy?filterByTk=<id>`: Delete a product data
### Defining associated collections and fields
In the above example, we only defined a product collection, but in reality a product also needs to be associated to a category, a brand, a supplier, etc. For example, we can define a `categories` collection to store the categories, and then add a `category` field to the product collection to associate it with the category collection.
Add a new file `collections/categories.ts` and fill in the content.
export default {
name: 'categories',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title'
type: 'hasMany',
name: 'products',
We have defined two fields for the `categories` collection, one for the title and another one-to-many field for all the products associated under that category, which will be described later. Since we have already used the `db.import()` method in the plugin's main class to import all the data table definitions under the `collections` directory, the new `categories` collection added here will also be automatically imported into the database management instance.
Modify the file `collections/products.ts`` to add a `category` field to the `fields`.
name: 'products',
fields: [
// ...
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'category',
target: 'categories',
As you can see, the `category` field we added to the `products` collection is a `belongsTo` type field, and its `target` property points to the `categories` collection, thus defining a many-to-one relationship between the `products` collection and the `categories` collection. Combined with the `hasMany` field defined in the `categories` collection, we can achieve a relationship where one product can be associated to multiple categories and multiple products under one category. Usually `belongsTo` and `hasMany` can appear in pairs, defined in two separate collections.
Once the relationship between the two collections is defined, we can also request the associated data directly through the HTTP API
* `GET /api/products:list?appends=category`: Get all products data, including the associated categories data
* `GET /api/products:get?filterByTk=<id>&appends=category`: Get the product data for the specified ID, including the associated category data.
* `GET /api/categories/<categoryId>/products:list`: Get all the products under the specified category
* `POST /api/categories/<categoryId>/products`: Create a new product under the specified category
Similar to the general ORM framework, NocoBase has four built-in relational field types, for more information you can refer to the section about API field types.
* [`belongsTo` type](/api/database/field#belongsto)
* [`belongsToMany` type](/api/database/field#belongstomany)
* [`hasMany` type](/api/database/field#hasmany)
* [`hasOne` type](/api/database/field#hasone)
### Extend an existing collection
In the above example, we already have a product collection and a category collection, in order to provide the sales process we also need an order collection. We can add a new `orders.ts` file to the `collections` directory and define an `orders` collection as follows
export default {
name: 'orders',
fields: [
type: 'uuid',
name: 'id',
primaryKey: true
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'product'
type: 'integer',
name: 'quantity'
type: 'integer',
name: 'totalPrice'
type: 'integer',
name: 'status'
type: 'string',
name: 'address'
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'user'
For the sake of simplicity, the association between the order collection and the product collection we simply define as a many-to-one relationship, while in the actual business may be used in a complex modeling approach such as many-to-many or snapshot. As you can see, an order in addition to corresponding to a commodity, we also added a relationship definition corresponding to the users, which is a collection managed by the NocoBase built-in plugins (refer to [code for users plugin]( for details plugins/users)). If we want to extend the definition of the "multiple orders owned by a user" relationship for the existing users collection, we can continue to add a new collection file `collections/users.ts` inside the current shop-modeling plugin, which is different from exporting the JSON collection directly. Unlike the direct export of a JSON, the `@nocobase/database` package's `extend()` method is used here to extend the definition of an existing collection: ``ts
import { extend } from '@nocobase/database';
export extend({
name: 'users',
fields: [
type: 'hasMany',
name: 'orders'
This way, the existing users table also has an `orders` associated field, and we can retrieve all the order data for a given user via `GET /api/users/<userId>/orders:list`.
This method is very useful when extending collections already defined by other plugins, so that other existing plugins do not depend on the new plugin in reverse, but only form one-way dependencies, facilitating a certain degree of decoupling at the extension level.
### Extend field types
We use `uuid` type for `id` field when we define order table, which is a built-in field type. Sometimes we may feel that UUID looks too long and waste space, and the query performance is not good, we want to use a more suitable field type, such as a complex numbering logic with date information, or Snowflake algorithm, we need to extend a custom field type.
Suppose we need to apply the Snowflake ID generation algorithm directly to extend a ``snowflake`` field type, we can create a ``fields/snowflake.ts`` file.
// Import the algorithm toolkit
import { Snowflake } from 'nodejs-snowflake';
// Import field type base class
import { DataTypes, Field, BaseColumnFieldOptions } from '@nocobase/database';
export interface SnowflakeFieldOptions extends BaseColumnFieldOptions {
type: 'snowflake';
epoch: number;
instanceId: number;
export class SnowflakeField extends Field {
get dataType() {
return DataTypes.BIGINT;
constructor(options: SnowflakeFieldOptions, context) {
super(options, context);
const {
epoch: custom_epoch,
instanceId: instance_id = process.env.INSTANCE_ID ? Number.parseInt(process.env.INSTANCE_ID) : 0,
} = options;
this.generator = new Snowflake({ custom_epoch, instance_id });
setValue = (instance) => {
const { name } = this.options;
instance.set(name, this.generator.getUniqueID());
bind() {
this.on('beforeCreate', this.setValue);
unbind() {
||||||'beforeCreate', this.setValue);
export default SnowflakeField;
Afterwards, register the new field type into the collection in the main plugin file.
import SnowflakeField from '. /fields/snowflake';
export default class ShopPlugin extends Plugin {
initialize() {
// ...
snowflake: SnowflakeField
// ...
This allows us to use the `snowflake` field type in the order table:
export default {
name: 'orders',
fields: [
type: 'snowflake'
name: 'id',
primaryKey: true
// ... . other fields
## Summary
With the above example, we basically understand how to model data in a plugin, including.
* Defining collections and common fields
* Defining association collections and fields relationships
* Extending fields of an existing collections
* Extending new field types
We have put the code covered in this chapter into a complete sample package [packages/samples/shop-modeling](, which can be run directly locally to see the results.
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
# Association Fields
In a relational database, the standard way to build a table relationship is to add a foreign key field followed by a foreign key constraint. For example, Knex builds a table with the following example.
knex.schema.table('posts', function (table) {
This procedure creates a userId field in the posts table and sets the foreign key constraint posts.userId to refer to In NocoBase's Collection, such a relational constraint is created by configuring the relational field, e.g.
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'user',
target: 'users',
foreignKey: 'userId',
## Relationship parameters
### BelongsTo
interface BelongsTo {
type: 'belongsTo';
name: string;
// defaults to name's plural
target?: string;
// The default value is the primary key of the target model, usually 'id'
targetKey?: any;
// defaults to target + 'Id'
foreignKey?: any;
// The authors table's primary key id is concatenated with the books table's foreign key authorId
name: 'books',
fields: [
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'author',
target: 'authors',
targetKey: 'id', // authors table's primary key
foreignKey: 'authorId', // foreign key in books table
### HasOne
interface HasOne {
type: 'hasOne';
name: string;
// defaults to name's plural
target?: string;
// The default value is the primary key of the source model, usually 'id'
sourceKey?: string;
// default value is the singular form of source collection name + 'Id'
foreignKey?: string;
// The users table's primary key id is concatenated with the profiles' foreign key userId
name: 'users',
fields: [
type: 'hasOne',
name: 'profile',
target: 'profiles',
sourceKey: 'id', // users table's primary key
foreignKey: 'userId', // foreign key in profiles table
### HasMany
interface HasMany {
type: 'hasMany';
name: string;
// defaults to name
target?: string;
// The default value is the primary key of the source model, usually 'id'
sourceKey?: string;
// the default value is the singular form of the source collection name + 'Id'
foreignKey?: string;
// The posts table's primary key id is concatenated with the comments table's postId
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'hasMany',
name: 'comments',
target: 'comments',
sourceKey: 'id', // posts table's primary key
foreignKey: 'postId', // foreign key in the comments table
### BelongsToMany
interface BelongsToMany {
type: 'belongsToMany';
name: string;
// default value is name
target?: string;
// defaults to the source collection name and target in the natural order of the first letter of the string
through?: string;
// defaults to the singular form of source collection name + 'Id'
foreignKey?: string;
// The default value is the primary key of the source model, usually id
sourceKey?: string;
// the default value is the singular form of target + 'Id'
otherKey?: string;
// the default value is the primary key of the target model, usually id
targetKey?: string;
// tags table's primary key, posts table's primary key and posts_tags two foreign keys are linked
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'believesToMany',
name: 'tags',
target: 'tags',
through: 'posts_tags', // intermediate table
foreignKey: 'tagId', // foreign key 1, in posts_tags table
otherKey: 'postId', // foreignKey2, in posts_tags table
targetKey: 'id', // tags table's primary key
sourceKey: 'id', // posts table's primary key
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# Collection templates
📢 Collection templates are scheduled to be available in Q4 2022.
In real business scenarios, different collections may have their own initialization rules and business logic, and NocoBase addresses such issues by providing collection templates.
## General collections
name: 'posts',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'title',
## Tree structure collections
name: 'categories',
tree: 'adjacency-list',
fields: [
type: 'string',
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
name: 'description',
type: 'belongsTo',
name: 'parent',
target: 'categories',
foreignKey: 'parentId',
type: 'hasMany',
name: 'children',
target: 'categories',
foreignKey: 'parentId',
## Parent-child inheritance collections
name: 'a',
fields: [
name: 'b',
inherits: 'a',
fields: [
## More templates
As in the case of calendar collections, each initialized collection needs to be initialized with special cron and exclude fields, and the definition of such fields is done by the template
name: 'events',
template: 'calendar',
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
# How to configure collections?
NocoBase has three ways to configure collections.
<img src="./cm.svg" style="max-width: 800px;" />
## Configuring collections through the interface
Business data is generally recommended to be configured using the interface, and the NocoBase platform provides two interfaces to configure collections.
### Regular table interface
<img src="./table.jpg" style="max-width: 800px;" />
### Graphical configuration interface
<img src="./graph.jpg" style="max-width: 800px;" />
## Defined in the plugin code
Generally used to configure plugin functions or system configuration tables where users can read and write data, but cannot modify the data structure.
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
load() {
Related API Reference
- [db.collection()](/api/database#collection)
- [db.import()](/api/database#import)
The collection configured in the plugin is automatically synchronized with the database when the plugin is activated, giving birth to the corresponding data tables and fields.
## Managing data tables via REST API
Third parties can also manage data tables via the HTTP interface (permissions required)
### Collections
GET /api/collections
POST /api/collections
GET /api/collections/<collectionName>
PUT /api/collections/<collectionName>
DELETE /api/collections/<collectionName>
### Collection fields
GET /api/collections/<collectionName>/fields
POST /api/collections/<collectionName>/fields
GET /api/collections/<collectionName>/fields/<fieldName>
PUT /api/collections/<collectionName>/fields/<fieldName>
DELETE /api/collections/<collectionName>/fields/<fieldName>
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# How to extend fields
The composition of a Collection Field in NocoBase consists of
<img src="./collection-field.svg" />
## Extend Field Type
For example, to extend the password type field ``type: 'password'`
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
beforeLoad() {
password: PasswordField
export class PasswordField extends Field {
get dataType() {
return DataTypes.STRING;
- [More implementations of the built-in field types can be found here](
- Also see the full samples plugin [packages/samples/shop-modeling](
## Extend Field Component
Related extension documentation can be found at
- [Extending Schema Components](/development/client/ui-schema-designer/extending-schema-components)
- [Schema component library](/development/client/ui-schema-designer/component-library)
## Extend Field Interface
- [Built-in field interfaces view here](
Binary file not shown.
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# Core concepts
## Collection
Collection is a collection of all kinds of data, such as orders, products, users, comments, etc. Different collections are distinguished by name, e.g.
// Orders
name: 'orders',
// Products
name: 'products',
// Users
name: 'users',
// Comments
name: 'comments',
## Collection Field
Each Collection has a number of Fields.
// Collection configuration
name: 'users',
fields: [
{ type: 'string', name: 'name' },
{ type: 'integer', name: 'age' },
// Other fields
// sample data
name: 'Jason',
age: 20,
{ {
name: 'Li Si',
age: 18,
The composition of a Collection Field in NocoBase consists of
<img src="./collection-field.svg" />
### Field Type
Different fields are distinguished by name, and type indicates the data type of the field, which is divided into Attribute Type and Association Type, e.g.
**Attribute - Attribute Type**
- string
- text
- date
- boolean
- time
- float
- json
- location
- password
- virtual
- ...
**Relationship - Association Type**
- hasOne
- hasMany
- belongsTo
- belongsToMany
- ...
### Field Component
The field has a data type, the IO of the field value is fine, but it is not enough, if you need to display the field on the interface, you need another dimension of configuration -- `uiSchema`, e.g.
```tsx | pure
// Email field, displayed with Input component, using email validation rules
type: 'string',
name: 'email',
uiSchema: {
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-component-props': { size: 'large' },
'x-validator': 'email',
'x-pattern': 'editable', // editable state, and readonly state, read-pretty state
// Example data
email: '',
// Component example
<Input name={'email'} size={'large'} value={''} />
The uiSchema is used to configure the components of the field to be displayed on the interface, each field component will correspond to a value and includes several maintained configurations:
- The component of the field
- The parameters of the component
- The field's validation rules
- The mode of the field (editable, readonly, read-pretty)
- The default value of the field
- Other
[see the UI Schema chapter for more information](/development/client/ui-schema-designer/what-is-ui-schema).
The built-in field components of NocoBase are
- Input
- InputNumber
- Select
- Radio
- Checkbox
- ...
### Field Interface
With Field Type and Field Component you can freely combine several fields, we call this combined template Field Interface, e.g.
// email field, string + input, email validation rules
type: 'string',
name: 'email',
uiSchema: {
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-component-props': {},
'x-validator': 'email',
// phone field, string + input, phone validation rules
type: 'string',
name: 'phone',
uiSchema: {
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-component-props': {},
'x-validator': 'phone',
The above email and phone require a full uiSchema to be configured each time which is very tedious. To simplify the configuration, another concept Field interface is introduced, which can template some parameters, e.g.
// Template for the email field
interface email {
type: 'string';
uiSchema: {
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-component-props': {},
'x-validator': 'email',
// Template for the phone field
interface phone {
type: 'string';
uiSchema: {
'x-component': 'Input',
'x-component-props': {},
'x-validator': 'phone',
// Simplified field configuration
// email
interface: 'email',
name: 'email',
// phone
interface: 'phone',
name: 'phone',
[More Field Interface here](
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
# Collection protocol
Collection is the backbone of NocoBase, a protocol for describing data structures (collections and fields), very close to the concept of a relational database, but not limited to relational databases, but can also be a data source for NoSQL databases, HTTP APIs, etc.
<img src="./schema.svg" style="max-width: 800px;" >
At this stage, the Collection protocol is based on the relational database interface (db.collections), and data sources such as NoSQL databases and HTTP APIs will be implemented gradually in the future.
Collection protocol mainly includes two parts: CollectionOptions and FieldOptions. Because Field is extensible, the parameters of FieldOptions are very flexible.
## CollectionOptions
interface CollectionOptions {
name: string;
title?: string;
// Tree structure table, TreeRepository
tree?: 'adjacency-list' | 'closure-table' | 'materialized-path' | 'nested-set';
// parent-child inheritance
inherits?: string | string[];
fields?: FieldOptions[];
timestamps?: boolean;
paranoid?: boolean;
sortable?: CollectionSortable;
model?: string;
repository?: string;
[key: string]: any;
type CollectionSortable = string | boolean | { name?: string; scopeKey?: string };
## FieldOptions
Generic field parameters
interface FieldOptions {
name: string;
type: string;
hidden?: boolean;
index?: boolean;
interface?: string;
uiSchema?: ISchema;
[Introduction to UI Schema here](/development/client/ui-schema-designer/what-is-ui-schema)
### Field Type
Field Type includes Attribute Type and Association Type.
**Attribute Type**
- 'boolean'
- 'integer'
- 'bigInt'
- 'double'
- 'real'
- 'decimal'
- 'string'
- 'text'
- 'password'
- 'date'
- 'time'
- 'array'
- 'json'
- 'jsonb'
- 'uuid'
- 'uid'
- 'formula'
- 'radio'
- 'sort'
- 'virtual'
**Association Type**
- 'belongsTo'
- 'hasOne'
- 'hasMany'
- 'belongsToMany'
### Field Interface
- input
- textarea
- phone
- email
- integer
- number
- percent
- password
- icon
- checkbox
- select
- multipleSelect
- radioGroup
- checkboxGroup
- chinaRegion
- attachment
- markdown
- richText
**Date & Time**
- datetime
- time
- linkTo - `type: 'believesToMany'`
- oho - `type: 'hasOne'`
- obo - `type: 'believesTo'`
- o2m - `type: 'hasMany'`
- m2o - `type: 'believesTo'`
- m2m - `type: 'believesToMany'`
- formula
- sequence
**System info**
- id
- createdAt
- createdBy
- updatedAt
- updatedBy
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# Commands
NocoBase Server Application is a powerful and extensible CLI tool in addition to being used as a WEB server.
Create a new `app.js` file with the following code.
const Application = require('@nocobase/server');
// omit the specific configuration here
const app = new Application({/*... */});
app.js run as ``runAsCLI()`` is a CLI, it will work like this in the command line tool.
node app.js install # install
node app.js start # start
To better develop, build and deploy NocoBase applications, NocoBase has many built-in commands, see the [NocoBase CLI](/api/cli) section for details.
## How to customize Command?
NocoBase CLI is designed to be very similar to [Laravel Artisan](, both are extensible. NocoBase CLI is based on [commander]( package/commander) implementation, which extends Command like this
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
load() {
.option('--v, --version');
.action(async ([options]) => {
console.log('Hello World!');
if (options.version) {
console.log('Current version:', app.getVersion());
This method defines the following command.
yarn nocobase echo
# Hello World!
yarn nocobase echo -v
# Hello World!
# Current version: 0.8.0-alpha.1
More API details can be found in the [Application.command()](/api/server/application#command) section.
## Example
### Defining a command for exporting collections
If we want to export the data in the application's collections to a JSON file, we can define a subcommand as follows.
import path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs/promises';
class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
load() {
.option('-o, --output-dir')
.action(async (options, . .collections) => {
const { outputDir = path.join(process.env.PWD, 'storage') } = options;
await collections.reduce((promise, collection) => promise.then(async () => {
if (!this.db.hasCollection(collection)) {
console.warn('No such collection:', collection);
const repo = this.db.getRepository(collection);
const data = repo.find();
await fs.writeFile(path.join(outputDir, `${collection}.json`), JSON.stringify(data), { mode: 0o644 });
}), Promise.resolve());
After registering and activating the plugin call from the command line.
mkdir -p . /storage/backups
yarn nocobase export -o . /storage/backups users
After execution, it will generate `. /storage/backups/users.json` file containing the data from the collections.
## Summary
The sample code covered in this chapter is integrated in the [packages/samples/command]( package and can be run directly locally to see the results.
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
# Events
NocoBase provides a very large number of event listeners in the lifecycle of applications, plugins, and database, and these methods will only be executed when an event is triggered.
## How to add event listeners?
The registration of events is usually placed in afterAdd or beforeLoad
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
// After the plugin is added, afterAdd() is executed with or without activation
afterAdd() {
// beforeLoad() will only be executed after the plugin is activated
beforeLoad() {
### `db.on`
Database related events are related to Collection configuration, CRUD of Repository, including:
- 'beforeSync' / 'afterSync'
- 'beforeValidate' / 'afterValidate'
- 'beforeCreate' / 'afterCreate'
- 'beforeUpdate' / 'afterUpdate'
- 'beforeSave' / 'afterSave'
- 'beforeDestroy' / 'afterDestroy'
- 'afterCreateWithAssociations'
- 'afterUpdateWithAssociations'
- 'afterSaveWithAssociations'
- 'beforeDefineCollection'
- 'afterDefineCollection'
- 'beforeRemoveCollection' / 'afterRemoveCollection'
See [Database API](/api/database) for more details.
### `app.on()`
The app's events are related to the application's lifecycle, and the relevant events are:
- 'beforeLoad' / 'afterLoad'
- 'beforeInstall' / 'afterInstall'
- 'beforeUpgrade' / 'afterUpgrade'
- 'beforeStart' / 'afterStart'
- 'beforeStop' / 'afterStop'
- 'beforeDestroy' / 'afterDestroy'
Refer to [Application API](/api/server/application#Events) for more details.
## Example
Let's continue with a simple online store as an example, the related collections modeling can be reviewed in the [Collections and Fields](/development/) section for examples.
### Deducting product inventory after creating an order
Usually we have different collections for products and orders. The problem of overselling can be solved by subtracting the inventory of the item after the customer has placed the order. At this point we can define the corresponding event for the action of Creating Order and solve the inventory modification problem at this time together with:
class ShopPlugin extends Plugin {
beforeLoad() {
this.db.on('orders.afterCreate', async (order, options) => {
const product = await order.getProduct({
transaction: options.transaction
await product.update({
inventory: product.inventory - order.quantity
}, {
transaction: options.transaction
Since the default Sequelize event carries information about the transaction, we can use transaction directly to ensure that both data actions are performed in the same transaction.
Similarly, you can change the order status to shipped after creating the shipping record: ```ts
class ShopPlugin extends Plugin {
load() {
this.db.on('deliveries.afterCreate', async (delivery, options) => {
const orderRepo = this.db.getRepository('orders');
await orderRepo.update({
filterByTk: delivery.orderId,
value: {
status: 2
transaction: options.transaction
### Timed tasks that exist alongside the application
Without considering complex cases such as using workflow plugins, we can also implement a simple timed task mechanism via application-level events, and it can be bound to the application's process and stop when it exits. For example, if we want to scan all orders at regular intervals and automatically sign them after the sign-off time.
class ShopPlugin extends Plugin {
timer = null;
orderReceiveExpires = 86400 * 7;
checkOrder = async () => {
const expiredDate = new Date( - this.orderReceiveExpires);
const deliveryRepo = this.db.getRepository('deliveries');
const expiredDeliveries = await deliveryRepo.find({
fields: ['id', 'orderId'],
filter: {
status: 0,
createdAt: {
$lt: expiredDate
await deliveryRepo.update({
filter: {
id: => item.get('id')),
values: {
status: 1
const orderRepo = this.db.getRepository('orders');
const [updated] = await orderRepo.update({
filter: {
status: 2,
id: => item.get('orderId'))
values: {
status: 3
console.log('%d orders expired', updated);
load() {
||||||'beforeStart', () => {
// execute every minute
this.timer = setInterval(this.checkOrder, 1000 * 60);
||||||'beforeStop', () => {
this.timer = null;
## Summary
The above example gives us a basic understanding of what events do and the ways they can be used to extend.
* Database related events
* Application related events
The sample code covered in this chapter is integrated in the corresponding package [packages/samples/shop-events](, which can be run directly in run locally to see the results.
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
# Internationalization
Internationalization in NocoBase is implemented based on [i18next](
## How to register a multilingual package?
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
load() {
||||||'zh-CN', 'test', {
Hello: '你好',
World: '世界',
||||||'en-US', 'test', {
Hello: 'Hello',
World: 'World',
## Two i18n instances
### app.i18n
Global i18n instance, typically used in the CLI.
app.i18n.t('World') // "世界" or "World"
### ctx.i18n
CloneInstance of global i18n with a completely independent context for each request, typically used to respond to multilingual messages based on the client language.
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = `${ctx.i18n.t('Hello')} ${ctx.i18n.t('World')}`;
await next();
The client request parameters can be placed in the query string
GET /?locale=en-US HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:13000
or in the request headers
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:13000
X-Locale: en-US
## Suggested configuration
With English text as the key and translation as the value, this has the advantage that even if multiple languages are missing, it will be displayed in English and will not cause reading barriers, e.g.
i18n.addResources('zh-CN', 'your-namespace', {
'Show dialog': '显示对话框',
'Hide dialog': '隐藏对话框'
To make it easier to manage multilingual files, it is recommended to create a `locale` folder in the plugin and place all the corresponding language files in it:
|- /my-plugin
|- /src
|- /server
|- locale # Multi-language folder
|- en-cn.ts
|- en-US.ts
## Example
### Server-side error alert
For example, when a user places an order for a product in the store, if the product is not in stock, or not on the shelf, then the order interface should return the appropriate error when it is called.
const namespace = 'shop';
export default class ShopPlugin extends Plugin {
async load() {
||||||'zh-CN', namespace, {
'No such product': '商品不存在',
'Product not on sale': '商品已下架',
'Out of stock': '库存不足',
name: 'orders',
actions: {
async create(ctx, next) {
const productRepo = ctx.db.getRepository('products');
const product = await productRepo.findOne({
filterByTk: ctx.action.params.values.productId
productId });
if (!product) {
return ctx.throw(404, ctx.t('No such product'));
if (!product.enabled) {
return ctx.throw(400, ctx.t('Product not on sale'));
if (!product.inventory) {
return ctx.throw(400, ctx.t('Out of stock'));
const orderRepo = ctx.db.getRepository('orders');
ctx.body = await orderRepo.create({
values: {
quantity: 1,
totalPrice: product.price,
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# Overview
The server-side for an initialized, empty plugin has the following directory structure.
|- /my-plugin
|- /src
|- /server # Server-side code of the plugin
|- plugin.ts # Classes of the plugin
|- index.ts # server-side entry
|- server.d.ts
|- server.js
`plugin.ts` provides calls to various methods of the plugin lifecycle
import { InstallOptions, Plugin } from '@nocobase/server';
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
afterAdd() {
// After the plugin pm.add is registered. This is mainly used to place a listener for the app beforeLoad event
beforeLoad() {
// Custom classes or methods
// Event Listening
async load() {
// Define collection
// Import collection
// Define resource
// resource action
// Register middleware
// Customize the multilingual package
// Customize command line
async install(options?: InstallOptions) {
// Logic for installing
async afterEnable() {
// After activation
async afterDisable() {
// After disable
async remove() {
// Logic for removing
export default MyPlugin;
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
# Middleware
## How to register middleware?
The registration method for middleware is usually written in the load method
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
load() {
1. `app.acl.use()` Add a resource-permission-level middleware to be executed before permission determination
2. `app.resourcer.use()` Adds a resource-level middleware that is executed only when a defined resource is requested
3. `app.use()` Add an application-level middleware to be executed on every request
## Onion Circle Model
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
Visit http://localhost:13000/api/hello to see that the browser responds with the following data
{"data": [1,3,4,2]}
## Built-in middlewares and execution order
1. `cors`
2. `bodyParser`
3. `i18n`
4. `dataWrapping`
5. `db2resource` 6.
6. `restApi` 1.
1. `parseToken` 2.
2. `checkRole`
3. `acl` 1.
1. `acl.use()` Additional middleware added
4. `resourcer.use()` Additional middleware added
5. `action handler`
7. `app.use()` Additional middleware added
You can also use `before` or `after` to insert the middleware into the location of one of the preceding `tag`, e.g.
app.use(m1, { tag: 'restApi' });
app.resourcer.use(m2, { tag: 'parseToken' });
app.resourcer.use(m3, { tag: 'checkRole' });
// m4 will come before m1
app.use(m4, { before: 'restApi' });
// m5 will be inserted between m2 and m3
app.resourcer.use(m5, { after: 'parseToken', before: 'checkRole' });
If no location is specifically specified, the order of execution of the added middlewares is
1. middlewares added by `acl.use` will be executed first
2. then the ones added by `resourcer.use`, including the middleware handler and action handler
3. and finally the ones added by `app.use`
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
app.resourcer.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
app.acl.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
name: 'test',
actions: {
async list(ctx, next) {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
Visit http://localhost:13000/api/hello to see that the browser responds with the data
{"data": [1,2]}
Visiting http://localhost:13000/api/test:list to see, the browser responds with the following data
{"data": [5,3,7,1,2,8,4,6]}
### Resource undefined, middlewares added by resourcer.use() will not be executed
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
app.resourcer.use(async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = ctx.body || [];
await next();
Visit http://localhost:13000/api/hello to see that the browser responds with the following data
{"data": [1,2]}
In the above example, the hello resource is not defined and will not enter the resourcer, so the middleware in the resourcer will not be executed
## Middleware Usage
## Example
- [samples/ratelimit]( IP rate-limiting
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# Database Migration
There may be some incompatible changes during the plugin update iteration, these incompatible upgrade scripts can be handled by writing migration files.
## How to add a migration file?
export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
load() {
// Load a single Migration file
// Load multiple Migration files
API reference.
- [db.addMigration()](/api/database#addmigration)
- [db.addMigrations()](/api/database#addmigrations)
## When to execute?
## When the app is upgraded, migrator.up() and db.sync() are executed
yarn nocobase upgrade
# Trigger migration separately
yarn nocobase migrator up
## When do I need to write a migration file?
It is usually used to update the system configuration stored in the database during the upgrade process. If it is just a collection configuration change, you don't need to configure migration, just execute ``yarn nocobase db:sync`` to synchronize to the database.
## Migration file
import { Migration } from '@nocobase/server';
export default class CustomMigration extends Migration {
async up() {
async down() {
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