- const [pagination, setPagination] = usePagination();
- const { selectedRowKeys, setSelectedRowKeys } = useSelectedRowKeys();
- console.log('props.useSelectedRowKeys', selectedRowKeys);
- const [, refresh] = useState(uid());
- const { resource } = useResource();
- const { sortableField } = useCollectionContext();
- const dragSort = props.dragSort;
- const collectionFields = useCollectionFields(schema);
- // console.log({ collectionFields, pagination });
- const getDefaultParams = () => {
- const defaultParams = { ...pagination };
- if (dragSort) {
- defaultParams['sort'] = [sortableField || 'sort'];
- } else {
- defaultParams['sort'] = (props.defaultSort || []).join(',');
- }
- defaultParams['defaultAppends'] = [
- ...(props.defaultAppends || []),
- ...collectionFields,
- ];
- if (props.defaultFilter) {
- defaultParams['defaultFilter'] = props.defaultFilter;
- }
- console.log({ defaultParams });
- return defaultParams;
- };
- const service = useRequest(
- (params?: any) => {
- if (!resource) {
- return Promise.resolve({
- list: field.value,
- total: field?.value?.length,
- });
- }
- return resource.list(params).then((res) => {
- return {
- list: res?.data || [],
- total: res?.meta?.count || res?.data?.length,
- };
- });
- },
- {
- onSuccess(data: any) {
- field.setValue(data?.list || []);
- },
- manual: true,
- // defaultParams: [getDefaultParams()],
- },
- );
- useDeepCompareEffectNoCheck(() => {
- service.run(getDefaultParams());
- }, [
- pagination?.pageSize,
- pagination?.page,
- props.dragSort,
- props.defaultSort,
- props.defaultFilter,
- ]);
- return (
- {
- const { page = 1, pageSize } = pagination;
- const total = props.clientSidePagination
- ? field?.value?.length
- : service?.data?.total;
- const maxPage = Math.ceil(total / pageSize);
- if (page > maxPage) {
- setPagination({ page: maxPage });
- } else {
- refresh(uid());
- }
- },
- selectedRowKeys,
- setSelectedRowKeys,
- pagination,
- setPagination,
- service,
- field,
- schema,
- props: { ...others, rowKey, dataRequest },
- }}
- >
- );
+import { useActionLogsResource } from './hooks/useActionLogsResource';
+import { useTableDestroyAction } from './hooks/useTableDestroyAction';
+import { useActionLogDetailsResource } from './hooks/useActionLogDetailsResource';
+import { TableActionBar } from './TableActionBar';
+import { TablePagination } from './TablePagination';
+import { TableFilter } from './TableFilter';
+import { TableFilterDesignableBar } from './TableFilterDesignableBar';
+import { TableExportActionDesignableBar } from './TableExportActionDesignableBar';
+import { useResource } from './hooks/useResource';
+import { TableDesignableBar } from './TableDesignableBar';
+import { useTableFilterAction } from './hooks/useTableFilterAction';
+import { useTableCreateAction } from './hooks/useTableCreateAction';
+import { useTableUpdateAction } from './hooks/useTableUpdateAction';
+import { useTableExportAction } from './hooks/useTableExportAction';
+import { useTableIndex } from './hooks/useTableIndex';
+import { useTableRowRecord } from './hooks/useTableRowRecord';
+import { TableSortHandle } from './TableSortHandle';
+import { TableOperation } from './TableOperation';
+import { TableOperationCell } from './TableOperationCell';
+import { TableCell } from './TableCell';
+import { TableColumn } from './TableColumn';
+import { TableActionDesignableBar } from './TableActionDesignableBar';
+import { TableOperationDesignableBar } from './TableOperationDesignableBar';
+import { TableProvider } from './TableProvider';
export const Table: any = observer((props: any) => {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
@@ -957,1703 +38,24 @@ export const Table: any = observer((props: any) => {
-const useTotal = () => {
- const {
- field,
- service,
- props: { clientSidePagination },
- } = useTable();
- return clientSidePagination ? field?.value?.length : service?.data?.total;
-Table.Pagination = observer(() => {
- const { service, pagination, setPagination, props } = useTable();
- if (!pagination || Object.keys(pagination).length === 0) {
- return null;
- }
- const { clientSidePagination } = props;
- const total = useTotal();
- const { page = 1 } = pagination;
- return (
- const page = pagination.pageSize !== pageSize ? 1 : current;
- setPagination({
- page,
- pageSize,
- });
- // if (clientSidePagination) {
- // return;
- // }
- // service.run({
- // ...service.params[0],
- // page,
- // pageSize,
- // });
- }}
- />
- );
-function generateActionSchema(type) {
- const actions: { [key: string]: ISchema } = {
- filter: {
- key: uid(),
- name: uid(),
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('Filter') }}",
- 'x-align': 'left',
- 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
- 'x-decorator-props': {
- displayName: 'filter',
- },
- 'x-component': 'Table.Filter',
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Filter.DesignableBar',
- 'x-component-props': {
- fieldNames: [],
- },
- },
- export: {
- key: uid(),
- type: 'void',
- name: uid(),
- title: "{{ t('Export') }}",
- 'x-align': 'right',
- 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
- 'x-decorator-props': {
- displayName: 'export',
- },
- 'x-action-type': 'export',
- 'x-component': 'Action',
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.ExportActionDesignableBar',
- 'x-component-props': {
- fieldNames: [],
- icon: 'ExportOutlined',
- useAction: '{{ Table.useTableExportAction }}',
- },
- },
- create: {
- key: uid(),
- type: 'void',
- name: uid(),
- title: "{{ t('Add new') }}",
- 'x-align': 'right',
- 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
- 'x-decorator-props': {
- displayName: 'create',
- },
- 'x-component': 'Action',
- 'x-component-props': {
- type: 'primary',
- icon: 'PlusOutlined',
- },
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Action.DesignableBar',
- properties: {
- modal: {
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('Add record') }}",
- 'x-decorator': 'Form',
- 'x-component': 'Action.Drawer',
- 'x-component-props': {
- useOkAction: '{{ Table.useTableCreateAction }}',
- },
- properties: {
- [uid()]: {
- type: 'void',
- 'x-component': 'Grid',
- 'x-component-props': {
- addNewComponent: 'AddNew.FormItem',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- destroy: {
- key: uid(),
- type: 'void',
- name: uid(),
- title: "{{ t('Delete') }}",
- 'x-align': 'right',
- 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
- 'x-decorator-props': {
- displayName: 'destroy',
- },
- 'x-action-type': 'destroy',
- 'x-component': 'Action',
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Action.DesignableBar',
- 'x-component-props': {
- confirm: {
- title: "{{ t('Delete record') }}",
- content: "{{ t('Are you sure you want to delete it?') }}",
- },
- useAction: '{{ Table.useTableDestroyAction }}',
- },
- },
- view: {},
- update: {},
- };
- return actions[type];
-function generateMenuActionSchema(type) {
- const actions: { [key: string]: ISchema } = {
- view: {
- key: uid(),
- name: uid(),
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('View') }}",
- 'x-component': 'Action',
- 'x-component-props': {
- type: 'link',
- },
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Action.DesignableBar',
- 'x-action-type': 'view',
- properties: {
- [uid()]: {
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('View record') }}",
- 'x-component': 'Action.Drawer',
- 'x-component-props': {
- bodyStyle: {
- background: '#f0f2f5',
- // paddingTop: 0,
- },
- },
- properties: {
- [uid()]: {
- type: 'void',
- 'x-component': 'Tabs',
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Tabs.DesignableBar',
- properties: {
- [uid()]: {
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('Details') }}",
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Tabs.TabPane.DesignableBar',
- 'x-component': 'Tabs.TabPane',
- 'x-component-props': {},
- properties: {
- [uid()]: {
- type: 'void',
- 'x-component': 'Grid',
- 'x-component-props': {
- addNewComponent: 'AddNew.PaneItem',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- update: {
- key: uid(),
- name: uid(),
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('Edit') }}",
- 'x-component': 'Action',
- 'x-component-props': {
- type: 'link',
- },
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Action.DesignableBar',
- 'x-action-type': 'update',
- properties: {
- [uid()]: {
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('Edit record') }}",
- 'x-decorator': 'Form',
- 'x-decorator-props': {
- useResource: '{{ Table.useResource }}',
- useValues: '{{ Table.useTableRowRecord }}',
- },
- 'x-component': 'Action.Drawer',
- 'x-component-props': {
- useOkAction: '{{ Table.useTableUpdateAction }}',
- },
- properties: {
- [uid()]: {
- type: 'void',
- 'x-component': 'Grid',
- 'x-component-props': {
- addNewComponent: 'AddNew.FormItem',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- destroy: {
- key: uid(),
- name: uid(),
- type: 'void',
- title: "{{ t('Delete') }}",
- 'x-component': 'Action',
- 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Action.DesignableBar',
- 'x-action-type': 'destroy',
- 'x-component-props': {
- useAction: '{{ Table.useTableDestroyAction }}',
- type: 'link',
- confirm: {
- title: "{{ t('Delete record') }}",
- content: "{{ t('Are you sure you want to delete it?') }}",
- },
- },
- },
- };
- return actions[type];
-function AddActionButton() {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const displayed = useDisplayedMapContext();
- const { appendChild, remove } = useDesignable();
- const { schema, designable } = useDesignable();
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- if (!designable || !schema['x-designable-bar']) {
- return null;
- }
- return (
- {[
- { title: t('Filter'), name: 'filter' },
- { title: t('Export'), name: 'export' },
- { title: t('Add new'), name: 'create' },
- { title: t('Delete'), name: 'destroy' },
- ].map((item) => (
- {
- if (!checked) {
- const s = displayed.get(item.name) as Schema;
- const path = getSchemaPath(s);
- displayed.remove(item.name);
- const removed = remove(path);
- await removeSchema(removed);
- } else {
- const s = generateActionSchema(item.name);
- const data = appendChild(s);
- await createSchema(data);
- }
- }}
- />
- ))}
- {t('Function')}
- {t('Popup form')}
- {t('Flexible popup')}
- }
- >
- }
- >
- {t('Configure actions')}
- );
-function Actions(props: any) {
- const { align = 'left' } = props;
- const { schema, designable } = useDesignable();
- return (
- {schema.mapProperties((s) => {
- const currentAlign = s['x-align'] || 'left';
- if (currentAlign !== align) {
- return null;
- }
- return (
- );
- })}
- );
-Table.ActionBar = observer((props: any) => {
- const { align = 'top' } = props;
- // const { schema, designable } = useDesignable();
- const { root, schema, insertAfter, remove, appendChild } = useDesignable();
- const moveToAfter = (path1, path2, extra = {}) => {
- if (!path1 || !path2) {
- return;
- }
- if (path1.join('.') === path2.join('.')) {
- return;
- }
- const data = findPropertyByPath(root, path1);
- if (!data) {
- return;
- }
- remove(path1);
- return insertAfter(
- {
- ...data.toJSON(),
- ...extra,
- },
- path2,
- );
- };
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- const [dragOverlayContent, setDragOverlayContent] = useState('');
- return (
- {
- setDragOverlayContent(event.active.data?.current?.title || '');
- // const previewRef = event.active.data?.current?.previewRef;
- // if (previewRef) {
- // setDragOverlayContent(previewRef?.current?.innerHTML);
- // } else {
- // setDragOverlayContent('');
- // }
- }}
- onDragEnd={async (event) => {
- const path1 = event.active?.data?.current?.path;
- const path2 = event.over?.data?.current?.path;
- const align = event.over?.data?.current?.align;
- const draggable = event.over?.data?.current?.draggable;
- if (!path1 || !path2) {
- return;
- }
- if (path1.join('.') === path2.join('.')) {
- return;
- }
- if (!draggable) {
- console.log('alignalignalignalign', align);
- const p = findPropertyByPath(root, path1);
- if (!p) {
- return;
- }
- remove(path1);
- const data = appendChild(
- {
- ...p.toJSON(),
- 'x-align': align,
- },
- path2,
- );
- await updateSchema(data);
- } else {
- const data = moveToAfter(path1, path2, {
- 'x-align': align,
- });
- await updateSchema(data);
- }
- }}
- >
- {dragOverlayContent}
- {/* */}
- );
-const fieldsToFilterColumns = (fields: any[], options: any = {}) => {
- const { fieldNames = [] } = options;
- const properties = {};
- fields.forEach((field, index) => {
- if (fieldNames?.length && !fieldNames.includes(field.name)) {
- return;
- }
- const fieldOption = interfaces.get(field.interface);
- if (!fieldOption?.operations) {
- return;
- }
- properties[`column${index}`] = {
- type: 'void',
- title: field?.uiSchema?.title,
- 'x-component': 'Filter.Column',
- 'x-component-props': {
- operations: fieldOption.operations,
- },
- properties: {
- [field.name]: {
- ...field.uiSchema,
- 'x-decorator': 'FormilyFormItem',
- title: null,
- },
- },
- };
- });
- return properties;
-const fieldsToSortColumns = (fields: any[]) => {
- const dataSource = [];
- fields.forEach((field) => {
- const fieldOption = interfaces.get(field.interface);
- if (!fieldOption?.sortable) {
- return;
- }
- dataSource.push({
- value: field.name,
- label: field?.uiSchema?.title,
- });
- });
- return dataSource;
-Table.Filter = observer((props: any) => {
- const { service } = useTable();
- const { fieldNames = [] } = props;
- const compile = useCompile();
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { schema, DesignableBar } = useDesignable();
- const form = useMemo(() => createForm(), []);
- const { fields = [] } = useCollectionContext();
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const obj = flatten(form.values.filter || {});
- console.log('flatten', obj, Object.values(obj));
- const count = Object.values(obj).filter((i) =>
- Array.isArray(i) ? i.length : i,
- ).length;
- const icon = props.icon || 'FilterOutlined';
- const properties = fieldsToFilterColumns(fields, { fieldNames });
- schema.mapProperties((p) => {
- properties[p.name] = p;
- });
- return (
- {
- const { filter } = form.values;
- console.log('Table.Filter', form.values);
- setVisible(false);
- return service.run({
- ...service.params[0],
- filter,
- });
- }}
- >
- {t('Submit')}
- }
- >
- }>
- {count > 0 ? t('{{count}} filter items', { count }) : compile(schema.title)}
- );
-Table.Filter.DesignableBar = () => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { schema, remove, refresh, insertAfter } = useDesignable();
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const displayed = useDisplayedMapContext();
- const { fields } = useCollectionContext();
- const field = useField();
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- let fieldNames = field.componentProps.fieldNames || [];
- if (fieldNames.length === 0) {
- fieldNames = fields.map((field) => field.name);
- }
- return (
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }}
- className={cls('designable-bar-actions', { active: visible })}
- >
- {
- setVisible(visible);
- }}
- overlay={
- }
- >
- );
-Table.ExportActionDesignableBar = () => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { schema, remove, refresh, insertAfter } = useDesignable();
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const displayed = useDisplayedMapContext();
- const { fields } = useCollectionContext();
- const field = useField();
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- let fieldNames = field.componentProps.fieldNames || [];
- if (fieldNames.length === 0) {
- fieldNames = fields.map((field) => field.name);
- }
- return (
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }}
- className={cls('designable-bar-actions', { active: visible })}
- >
- {
- setVisible(visible);
- }}
- overlay={
- }
- >
- );
-Table.Operation = observer((props: any) => {
- const { designable, schema } = useDesignable();
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- return (
- );
-Table.Operation.Cell = observer((props: any) => {
- const ctx = useContext(TableRowContext);
- const schema = props.schema;
- return (
- );
-Table.Operation.DesignableBar = () => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { schema: columnSchema } = useDesignable();
- const groupSchema = Object.values(columnSchema.properties || {}).shift();
- const groupPath = getSchemaPath(groupSchema);
- const { schema, remove, refresh, appendChild } = useDesignable(groupPath);
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- const map = new Map();
- schema.mapProperties((s) => {
- if (!s['x-action-type']) {
- return;
- }
- map.set(s['x-action-type'], s.name);
- });
- const path = getSchemaPath(schema);
- return (
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }}
- className={cls('designable-bar-actions', { active: visible })}
- >
- {
- setVisible(visible);
- }}
- overlay={
- }
- >
- );
+Table.Pagination = TablePagination;
+Table.ActionBar = TableActionBar;
+Table.Filter = TableFilter;
+Table.Filter.DesignableBar = TableFilterDesignableBar;
+Table.ExportActionDesignableBar = TableExportActionDesignableBar;
+Table.Operation = TableOperation;
+Table.Operation.Cell = TableOperationCell;
+Table.Operation.DesignableBar = TableOperationDesignableBar;
Table.Action = () => null;
+Table.Action.DesignableBar = TableActionDesignableBar;
+Table.Cell = TableCell;
+Table.Column = TableColumn;
+Table.SortHandle = TableSortHandle;
+Table.DesignableBar = TableDesignableBar;
+Table.SimpleDesignableBar = SimpleDesignableBar;
-Table.Action.DesignableBar = () => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { schema, remove, refresh, insertAfter } = useDesignable();
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const isPopup = Object.keys(schema.properties || {}).length > 0;
- const popupSchema = Object.values(schema.properties || {}).shift();
- const inActionBar = schema.parent['x-component'] === 'Table.ActionBar';
- const displayed = useDisplayedMapContext();
- const field = useField();
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- const popupComponent = popupSchema?.['x-component'] || 'Action.Drawer';
- return (
- {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }}
- className={cls('designable-bar-actions', { active: visible })}
- >
- {
- setVisible(visible);
- }}
- overlay={
- }
- >
- );
-Table.Cell = observer((props: any) => {
- const ctx = useContext(TableRowContext);
- const schema = props.schema;
- const collectionField = useContext(CollectionFieldContext);
- if (schema['x-component'] === 'Table.Operation') {
- return ;
- }
- let uiSchema = collectionField?.uiSchema as Schema;
- if (uiSchema?.['x-component'] === 'Upload.Attachment') {
- uiSchema = cloneDeepWith(uiSchema);
- set(uiSchema, 'x-component-props.size', 'small');
- }
- const componentProps = merge(
- uiSchema?.['x-component-props'] || {},
- schema?.['x-component-props'] || {},
- {
- arrayMerge: (t, s) => s,
- },
- );
- console.log('Table.Cell', collectionField?.interface, componentProps);
- return (
- );
-Table.Column = observer((props: any) => {
- const collectionField = useContext(CollectionFieldContext);
- const { schema, DesignableBar } = useDesignable();
- const compile = useCompile();
- const displayed = useDisplayedMapContext();
- useEffect(() => {
- if (collectionField?.name) {
- displayed.set(collectionField.name, schema);
- }
- }, [collectionField, schema]);
- return (
- {compile(schema.title || collectionField?.uiSchema?.title)}
- );
-Table.Column.DesignableBar = () => {
- const field = useField();
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const compile = useCompile();
- const { service, refresh: refreshTable } = useTable();
- // const fieldSchema = useFieldSchema();
- const { schema, remove, refresh, insertAfter } = useDesignable();
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const displayed = useDisplayedMapContext();
- const { getFieldsByCollection } = useCollectionsContext();
- const collectionField = useContext(CollectionFieldContext);
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- console.log('displayed.map', displayed.map);
- return (
- e.stopPropagation();
- }}
- className={cls('designable-bar-actions', { active: visible })}
- >
- {
- setVisible(visible);
- }}
- overlay={
- }
- >
- );
-Table.Index = observer(() => {
- const index = useTableIndex();
- return {index + 1};
-Table.SortHandle = observer((props: any) => {
- return ;
-Table.DesignableBar = observer((props) => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const compile = useCompile();
- const field = useField();
- const { schema, refresh, deepRemove } = useDesignable();
- const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
- const { dragRef } = useContext(DraggableBlockContext);
- const defaultPageSize =
- field?.componentProps?.pagination?.defaultPageSize || 10;
- const collectionName = field?.componentProps?.collectionName;
- const { collection, fields } = useCollection({ collectionName });
- const { createSchema, removeSchema, updateSchema } = useClient();
- console.log({ collectionName });
- return (
- {compile(collection?.title || collection?.name)}
- e.stopPropagation();
- }}
- className={cls('designable-bar-actions', { active: visible })}
- >
- {
- setVisible(visible);
- }}
- overlay={
- }
- >
- );
-Table.useResource = ({ onSuccess, manual = true }) => {
- const { props } = useTable();
- const { collection } = useCollectionContext();
- const ctx = useContext(TableRowContext);
- const resource = useResourceRequest({
- resourceName: collection?.name || props.collectionName,
- resourceKey: ctx.record[props.rowKey],
- });
- const { schema } = useDesignable();
- const fieldFields = (schema: Schema) => {
- const names = [];
- schema.reduceProperties((buf, current) => {
- if (current['x-component'] === 'Form.Field') {
- const fieldName = current['x-component-props']?.['fieldName'];
- if (fieldName) {
- buf.push(fieldName);
- }
- } else {
- const fieldNames = fieldFields(current);
- buf.push(...fieldNames);
- }
- return buf;
- }, names);
- return names;
- };
- console.log(
- 'collection?.name || props.collectionName',
- collection?.name || props.collectionName,
- // fieldFields(schema),
- );
- const service = useRequest(
- (params?: any) => {
- console.log('Table.useResource', params);
- return resource.get({ ...params, appends: fieldFields(schema) });
- },
- {
- formatResult: (result) => result?.data,
- onSuccess,
- manual,
- },
- );
- return { resource, service, initialValues: service.data, ...service };
-Table.useActionLogDetailsResource = ({ onSuccess }) => {
- const { props } = useTable();
- const { collection } = useCollectionContext();
- const ctx = useContext(TableRowContext);
- const resource = useResourceRequest({
- resourceName: 'action_logs',
- resourceKey: ctx.record[props.rowKey],
- });
- const service = useRequest(
- (params?: any) => {
- return resource.get({
- ...params,
- appends: ['changes', 'user', 'collection'],
- });
- },
- {
- formatResult: (result) => result?.data,
- onSuccess,
- manual: true,
- },
- );
- const [visible] = useContext(VisibleContext);
- useEffect(() => {
- if (visible) {
- service.run({});
- }
- }, [visible]);
- return { resource, service, initialValues: service.data, ...service };
-const useActionLogsResource = (options: any = {}) => {
- const { props } = useTable();
- const ctx = useContext(TableRowContext);
- class ActionLogoResource extends Resource {
- list(options?: ListOptions) {
- console.log({ options });
- let defaultFilter = options?.defaultFilter;
- if (ctx?.record) {
- const extra = {
- index: ctx?.record?.id,
- collection_name: props.collectionName,
- };
- if (defaultFilter) {
- defaultFilter = { and: [defaultFilter, extra] };
- } else {
- defaultFilter = extra;
- }
- }
- return super.list({ ...options, defaultFilter });
- }
- }
- const resource = useResourceRequest('action_logs', ActionLogoResource);
- return {
- resource,
- };
+Table.useResource = useResource;
+Table.useActionLogDetailsResource = useActionLogDetailsResource;
Table.useActionLogsResource = useActionLogsResource;
Table.useTableFilterAction = useTableFilterAction;
Table.useTableCreateAction = useTableCreateAction;
@@ -2662,4 +64,3 @@ Table.useTableDestroyAction = useTableDestroyAction;
Table.useTableExportAction = useTableExportAction;
Table.useTableIndex = useTableIndex;
Table.useTableRowRecord = useTableRowRecord;
-Table.SimpleDesignableBar = SimpleDesignableBar;
diff --git a/packages/client/src/schemas/table/types.ts b/packages/client/src/schemas/table/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e14abd146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/client/src/schemas/table/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { ArrayField } from '@formily/core';
+import { FormProvider, observer, RecursionField, Schema, useField, useForm } from '@formily/react';
+import { BaseResult } from '@ahooksjs/use-request/lib/types';
+import { ListOptions, Resource } from '../../resource';
+export interface ITableContext {
+ props: any;
+ field: ArrayField;
+ schema: Schema;
+ service: BaseResult;
+ selectedRowKeys?: any;
+ setSelectedRowKeys?: any;
+ pagination?: any;
+ setPagination?: any;
+ refresh?: any;
+ resource?: Resource;
+export interface ITableRowContext {
+ index: number;
+ record: any;
diff --git a/packages/client/src/schemas/table/utils.ts b/packages/client/src/schemas/table/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b59e8f10e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/client/src/schemas/table/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import { Schema } from '@formily/react';
+import { uid } from '@formily/shared';
+import { interfaces } from '../database-field/interfaces';
+import { ISchema } from '..';
+export const fieldsToSortColumns = (fields: any[]) => {
+ const dataSource = [];
+ fields.forEach((field) => {
+ const fieldOption = interfaces.get(field.interface);
+ if (!fieldOption?.sortable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ dataSource.push({
+ value: field.name,
+ label: field?.uiSchema?.title,
+ });
+ });
+ return dataSource;
+export const fieldsToFilterColumns = (fields: any[], options: any = {}) => {
+ const { fieldNames = [] } = options;
+ const properties = {};
+ fields.forEach((field, index) => {
+ if (fieldNames?.length && !fieldNames.includes(field.name)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const fieldOption = interfaces.get(field.interface);
+ if (!fieldOption?.operations) {
+ return;
+ }
+ properties[`column${index}`] = {
+ type: 'void',
+ title: field?.uiSchema?.title,
+ 'x-component': 'Filter.Column',
+ 'x-component-props': {
+ operations: fieldOption.operations,
+ },
+ properties: {
+ [field.name]: {
+ ...field.uiSchema,
+ 'x-decorator': 'FormilyFormItem',
+ title: null,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ return properties;
+export const generateActionSchema = (type) => {
+ const actions: { [key: string]: ISchema } = {
+ filter: {
+ key: uid(),
+ name: uid(),
+ type: 'void',
+ title: "{{ t('Filter') }}",
+ 'x-align': 'left',
+ 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
+ 'x-decorator-props': {
+ displayName: 'filter',
+ },
+ 'x-component': 'Table.Filter',
+ 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Filter.DesignableBar',
+ 'x-component-props': {
+ fieldNames: [],
+ },
+ },
+ export: {
+ key: uid(),
+ type: 'void',
+ name: uid(),
+ title: "{{ t('Export') }}",
+ 'x-align': 'right',
+ 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
+ 'x-decorator-props': {
+ displayName: 'export',
+ },
+ 'x-action-type': 'export',
+ 'x-component': 'Action',
+ 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.ExportActionDesignableBar',
+ 'x-component-props': {
+ fieldNames: [],
+ icon: 'ExportOutlined',
+ useAction: '{{ Table.useTableExportAction }}',
+ },
+ },
+ create: {
+ key: uid(),
+ type: 'void',
+ name: uid(),
+ title: "{{ t('Add new') }}",
+ 'x-align': 'right',
+ 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
+ 'x-decorator-props': {
+ displayName: 'create',
+ },
+ 'x-component': 'Action',
+ 'x-component-props': {
+ type: 'primary',
+ icon: 'PlusOutlined',
+ },
+ 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Action.DesignableBar',
+ properties: {
+ modal: {
+ type: 'void',
+ title: "{{ t('Add record') }}",
+ 'x-decorator': 'Form',
+ 'x-component': 'Action.Drawer',
+ 'x-component-props': {
+ useOkAction: '{{ Table.useTableCreateAction }}',
+ },
+ properties: {
+ [uid()]: {
+ type: 'void',
+ 'x-component': 'Grid',
+ 'x-component-props': {
+ addNewComponent: 'AddNew.FormItem',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ destroy: {
+ key: uid(),
+ type: 'void',
+ name: uid(),
+ title: "{{ t('Delete') }}",
+ 'x-align': 'right',
+ 'x-decorator': 'AddNew.Displayed',
+ 'x-decorator-props': {
+ displayName: 'destroy',
+ },
+ 'x-action-type': 'destroy',
+ 'x-component': 'Action',
+ 'x-designable-bar': 'Table.Action.DesignableBar',
+ 'x-component-props': {
+ confirm: {
+ title: "{{ t('Delete record') }}",
+ content: "{{ t('Are you sure you want to delete it?') }}",
+ },
+ useAction: '{{ Table.useTableDestroyAction }}',
+ },
+ },
+ view: {},
+ update: {},
+ };
+ return actions[type];
+export function isColumn(schema: Schema) {
+ return ['Table.Column'].includes(schema['x-component']);
+export function isColumnComponent(component: string) {
+ return ['Table.Operation', 'Table.Column'].includes(component);
+export function isOperationColumn(schema: Schema) {
+ return ['Table.Operation'].includes(schema['x-component']);