"If not set, all roles can see this action":"如果不设置,所有角色都可以看到这个自定义请求",
"HTTP method":"HTTP 方法",
"Add request header":"添加请求头",
"Add parameter":"添加参数",
"Enter description info":"输入描述信息",
"Use variable":"使用变量",
"Timeout config":"超时设置",
"Input request data":"输入请求数据",
"Only support standard JSON data":"仅支持标准 JSON 数据",
"\"Content-Type\" only support \"application/json\", and no need to specify":"\"Content-Type\" 请求头仅支持 \"application/json\",无需填写",
"When the HTTP method is Post, Put or Patch, and this custom request inside the form, the request body will be automatically filled in with the form data":"当请求方法为 Post、Put 或 Patch 时,且此自定义请求在表单内,请求体将自动填充表单数据",
"Please configure the request settings first":"请先配置请求设置"