2022-01-10 19:22:21 +08:00
"Display <1><0>10</0><1>20</1><2>50</2><3>100</3></1> items per page": "每页显示 <1><0>10</0><1>20</1><2>50</2><3>100</3></1> 条",
"Meet <1><0>All</0><1>Any</1></1> conditions in the group": "满足组内 <1><0>全部</0><1>任意</1></1> 条件",
"Open in<1><0>Modal</0><1>Drawer</1><2>Window</2></1>": "在 <1><0>对话框</0><1>抽屉</1><2>窗口</2></1> 内打开",
"{{count}} filter items": "{{count}} 个筛选项",
"{{count}} more items": "还有 {{count}} 项",
"Today": "今天",
"Month": "月",
"Week": "周",
"Work week": "工作日",
"Day": "天",
"Agenda": "列表",
"Date": "日期",
"Time": "时间",
"Event": "事件",
"None": "无",
"System settings": "系统设置",
"System title": "系统名称",
"Logo": "Logo",
"Add menu item": "添加菜单项",
"Page": "页面",
"Name": "名称",
"Icon": "图标",
"Group": "分组",
"Link": "链接",
"Edit menu item": "编辑菜单项",
"Move to": "移动到",
"Insert left": "在左边插入",
"Insert right": "在右边插入",
"Insert inner": "在里面插入",
"Delete": "删除",
"UI editor": "界面配置",
"Collections & Fields": "数据表配置",
"Roles & Permissions": "角色和权限",
"Edit profile": "个人资料",
"Change password": "修改密码",
"Old password": "旧密码",
"New password": "新密码",
"Switch role": "切换角色",
"Super admin": "超级管理员",
"Language": "语言设置",
"Allow sign up": "允许注册",
"Sign out": "注销",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Submit": "提交",
"Set the data scope": "设置数据范围",
"Data blocks": "数据区块",
"Table": "表格",
"Form": "表单",
"Select data source": "选择数据源",
"Calendar": "日历",
"Kanban": "看板",
"Select group field": "选择分组字段",
"Media": "多媒体",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Wysiwyg": "富文本",
"Charts": "图表",
"Column chart": "柱状图",
"Bar chart": "条形图",
"Line chart": "折线图",
"Pie chart": "饼图",
"Templates": "模板",
"Select template": "选择模板",
"Action logs": "操作日志",
"Create template": "创建模板",
"Edit markdown": "编辑 Markdown",
"Add block": "创建区块",
"Add new": "添加",
"Add record": "添加数据",
"Custom field display name": "自定义字段名称",
"Display fields": "显示字段",
"Edit record": "编辑数据",
"Delete menu item": "删除菜单项",
"Add page": "添加页面",
"Add group": "添加分组",
"Add link": "添加链接",
"Insert above": "在上面插入",
"Insert below": "在下面插入",
"Save": "保存",
"Delete block": "删除区块",
"Are you sure you want to delete it?": "你确定要删除吗?",
"This is a demo text, **supports Markdown syntax**.": "这是一段演示文本,**支持 Markdown 语法**。",
"Filter": "筛选",
"Action type": "操作类型",
"Actions": "操作",
"Insert": "新增",
"Update": "更新",
"View": "查看",
"View record": "查看数据",
"Data changes": "数据变更",
"Field name": "字段标识",
"Before change": "变更前",
"After change": "变更后",
"Delete record": "删除数据",
"Create collection": "创建数据表",
"Collection display name": "数据表名称",
"Collection name": "数据表标识",
"Randomly generated and can be modified. Support letters, numbers and underscores, must start with a letter.": "随机生成,可修改。支持英文、数字和下划线,必须以英文字母开头。",
"Storage type": "存储类型",
"Edit": "编辑",
"Edit collection": "编辑数据表",
"Configure fields": "配置字段",
2022-02-25 00:08:32 +08:00
"Configure columns": "配置字段",
2022-01-10 19:22:21 +08:00
"Edit field": "编辑字段",
"Configure fields of {{title}}": "「{{title}}」的字段配置",
"Basic": "基本类型",
"Single line text": "单行文本",
"Long text": "多行文本",
"Phone": "手机号码",
"Email": "电子邮箱",
"Number": "数字",
"Percent": "百分比",
"Password": "密码",
"Choices": "选择类型",
"Checkbox": "勾选",
"Single select": "下拉菜单(单选)",
"Multiple select": "下拉菜单(多选)",
"Radio group": "单选框",
"Checkbox group": "复选框",
"China region": "中国行政区",
"Attachment": "附件",
"Date & Time": "日期 & 时间",
"Datetime": "日期",
"Relation": "关系类型",
"Link to": "关联",
"Sub-table": "子表格",
"System info": "系统信息",
"Created at": "创建日期",
"Last updated at": "最后修改日期",
"Created by": "创建人",
2022-02-23 18:22:37 +08:00
"Last updated by": "最后修改人",
2022-01-10 19:22:21 +08:00
"Add field": "添加字段",
"Field display name": "字段名称",
"Field type": "字段类型",
"Date format": "日期格式",
"Year/Month/Day": "年/月/日",
"Year-Month-Day": "年-月-日",
"Day/Month/Year": "日/月/年",
"Show time": "显示时间",
"Time format": "时间格式",
"12 hour": "12 小时制",
"24 hour": "24 小时制",
"Add filter": "添加筛选条件",
"Add filter group": "添加筛选分组",
"is": "等于",
"is not": "不等于",
"contains": "包含",
"does not contain": "不包含",
"is empty": "为空",
"is not empty": "不为空",
"Edit chart": "编辑图表",
"Add text": "添加文本",
"Filterable fields": "可筛选字段",
"Edit button": "编辑按钮",
"Hide": "隐藏",
"Enable actions": "启用操作",
"Export": "导出",
"Customize": "自定义",
"Function": "Function",
"Popup form": "Popup form",
"Flexible popup": "Flexible popup",
"Configure actions": "配置操作",
"Display order number": "显示序号",
"Enable drag and drop sorting": "启用拖拽排序",
"Triggered when the row is clicked": "点击表格行时触发",
"Add tab": "添加标签页",
"Disable tabs": "禁用标签页",
"Details": "详情",
"Edit tab": "编辑标签页",
"Relationship blocks": "关系数据区块",
"Select record": "选择数据",
"Display name": "显示名称",
"Select icon": "选择图标",
"Custom column name": "自定义列名称",
"Edit description": "编辑描述",
"Required": "必填",
"Label field": "标签字段",
"Default is the ID field": "默认为 ID 字段",
"Set default sorting rules": "设置排序规则",
"is before": "早于",
"is after": "晚于",
"is on or after": "不早于",
"is on or before": "不晚于",
"Upload": "上传",
"Select level": "选择层级",
"Province": "省",
"City": "市",
"Area": "区/县",
"Street": "乡镇/街道",
"Village": "村/居委会",
"Must select to the last level": "必须选到最后一级",
"Move {{title}} to": "将 {{title}} 移动到",
"Target position": "目标位置",
"After": "之后",
"Before": "之前",
"Add {{type}} before \"{{title}}\"": "在 \"{{title}}\" 前插入{{type}}",
"Add {{type}} after \"{{title}}\"": "在 \"{{title}}\" 前插入{{type}}",
"Add {{type}} in \"{{title}}\"": "在 \"{{title}}\" 里插入{{type}}",
"Original name": "原名称",
"Custom name": "自定义名称",
"Custom Title": "自定义标题",
"Options": "选项",
"Option value": "选项值",
"Option label": "选项",
"Color": "颜色",
"Add option": "添加选项",
"Related collection": "关系表",
"Allow linking to multiple records": "允许关联多条记录",
"Allow uploading multiple files": "允许上传多个文件",
"Configure calendar": "配置日历",
"Title field": "标题字段",
"Start date field": "开始日期字段",
"End date field": "结束日期字段",
"Navigate": "分页",
"Title": "标题",
"Select view": "切换视图",
"Reset": "重置",
"Export fields": "导出字段",
"Saved successfully": "保存成功",
"Nickname": "昵称",
"Sign in": "登录",
"Create an account": "注册账号",
"Sign up": "注册",
"Confirm password": "确认密码",
"Log in with an existing account": "使用已有账号登录",
"Signed up successfully. It will jump to the login page.": "注册成功,将跳转登录页。",
"Password mismatch": "确认密码不匹配",
"Users": "用户",
"Roles": "角色",
"Add role": "添加角色",
"Role name": "角色名称",
"Configure": "配置",
"Configure permissions": "配置权限",
"Edit role": "编辑角色",
"Action permissions": "数据表操作权限",
"Menu permissions": "菜单访问权限",
"Menu item name": "菜单名称",
"Allow access": "允许访问",
"Action name": "操作名称",
"Allow action": "允许操作",
"Action scope": "可操作数据范围",
"Operate on new data": "对新增数据操作",
"Operate on existing data": "对已有数据操作",
"Yes": "是",
"No": "否",
"Red": "薄暮",
"Magenta": "法式洋红",
"Volcano": "火山",
"Orange": "日暮",
"Gold": "金盏花",
"Lime": "青柠",
"Green": "极光绿",
"Cyan": "明青",
"Blue": "拂晓蓝",
"Geek Blue": "极客蓝",
"Purple": "酱紫",
"Default": "默认",
"Add card": "添加卡片",
2022-02-21 15:31:31 +08:00
"edit title": "修改标题",
"turn page": "翻页"
2022-01-10 19:22:21 +08:00