"Check if NocoBase is running on HTTP protocol":"NocoBase 应用为HTTP协议时勾选",
"The port number of the NocoBase service if it is not 80 or 443":"NocoBase 应用端口,默认 443/80",
"Pass parameters in the authorization code grant exchange":"使用 code 交换 token 时需要传递的参数",
"Method to call the user info endpoint":"访问获取用户信息的 API 的 HTTP 方法",
"Where to put the access token when calling the user info endpoint":"访问获取用户信息的 API 时 access_token 的传递方式",
"Header":"请求头 (Header, 默认)",
"Body (Use with POST method)":"请求体(Body, 配合 POST 方法使用)",
"Query parameters (Use with GET method)":"请求 URL 参数(Query, 配合 GET 方法使用)",
"Parameter name":"参数名",
"The state token helps prevent CSRF attacks. It's recommended to leave it blank for automatic random generation.":"state token 用于防止 CSRF 攻击,建议留空使用自动生成的随机值。"